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open fallout the return

Anon In Equestria

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The year is 2281 and the ncr and legion are getting ready to battle it out over new vegas however a new threat emerges from the shadows ready to take new vegas for its own purposes the enclave have returned and want revenge against the ncr for the death of there comrades at California and the enclave is ready to burn the wasteland to get it cause war never changes




New vegas what a shitstorm the ncr and the legion are battling it out for control and now I'm sending my men to take new vegas we already set up base at vault 3 after we cleared those deranged junkies we didn't suffer any losses as the junkies did not have strong enough weapons so we have cleared out the corpses and have set up base here in vault 3 it is close to the strip and close to our vertibird outpost up near jacobs town I think its called I my self am about to head to the strip by myself to talk to the ncr ambassador and make my demands

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Slava is sitting in his office waiting for a client to walk in"man its slow and boring maybe i should go to one of the casino's and through gamble my caps away again,all there is in this town is drunks gamblers NCR and that's pretty much it nothing good ever happens and i would like to go out in the wase,going out alone is a bad idea" Slava says to him self. 


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I made my way to the strip I've paid the robot out front to let me in and I'm making my way to the ncr embassy to talk to crocker about the ncr pulling out of the wasteland there are a lot of ncr on the strip best keep a low profile maybe I should of worn something over than my officer outfit oh well I enter the ncr embassy

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(i god i cant get Sargent Dronan voice out of my head now XD)

On the way to the casino Slava walks to the casino with his head down until he bumped into an Enclave solider and Slava stood back"i...i'm e..very s..orry s...sir" Slava shatters in fear thinking he might do something to him


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Slava shatters"i...im n...name i...is S...Slave Me....dik" Slava takes a deeps breath"and i'm a doctor here in the strip and if you dont mind me asking, why are you here?" Slava then think"h...he might kill me or take me to there prison,smart move Slava smart move" Slava bangs his head with his hands

Edited by Lighting Split


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This man seemed truly frightened well at least some people still fear us "Nice to meet you slava medik I'm commander corrigan of the enclave forces dc division and why I'm here is classified only me and a select few know the reason for the enclave being here so slava your a doctor how good are you a doctor what kind of injuries do you treat"

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"I was wondering if I could count on you If say I or one of my men was wounded nearby if we could come to you" I reached into my pocket and pulled out a bag and handed it to slava "consider this 1000 caps as a early payment for your services" I looked around then talked again "may we head somewhere else more private to continue this convasation"

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"well i have nothing better and all i get is drunks thinking there hurt so yeah i will help and mind you i pack heat just in case if some crazy person try to kill me"Slava takes the bag orf caps"yes it would be for the or poeple might think the Enclave is getting soft" Slava follows Commander Corrigan.


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We head towards the vault 21 hotel and we enter I talk to the woman at the counter "ma'am I need to commandeer this building it official enclave business I promise the premises will not be damaged ok here is 5000 caps please leave ok bye ma'am" she leaves in a state "ok slava follow me" we head down into the vault and head into a office room I sit behind the desk and pull out a radio "units 2 and 3 proceed to vault 21 to set up a outpost" I put the radio away and turn to slava "so doctor do you have any questions you would like to ask me"

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"Well slava I can't tell you much however I can tell you this the enclave is here to take new vegas from the ncr the legion and mister house now we are gonna try doing this peacefully but we will use force if we need to also this outpost is just here so we can have a few men posted at the strip in case of an emergency any more questions slava"

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"so once the NCR and Legion are all dead your going to take over New Vegas,if i was brave i would hurt you but the fact your wearing power armor and have troops at your command i know well enough not to touch you,what happens to the poeple of New Vegas? and i would need help if alot of your troopers get hurt because i wont be able to fix them all by myself" Slava stares at Corrgian.


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(first off moonlight should be called carliah or karliah whatever you prefer in this rp a human called moonlight is kinda stupid)


carliah just entered the ncr embassy. i saw connor corrigan i walked towards him. to try not get bored


(gosh why are introductions soo awkward for me).


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I open my canteen and took a swig and offered it to slava "slava look I'm not gonna go to war unless the ncr provoke us the enclaves job is to rebuild america not add more craters to it also the civilians of new vegas are gonna be looked after once we establish control over new vegas we will provide medical and food to the people of vegas on another note all our personnel have basic first aid training so you only have to deal with serious wounds we also have a fair amount of doctors and nurses on call"

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@, @,

Slava points at another Enclave"who is this i through this was private talk,why is there another person here! the trust is going down so you better have a good explanation for this or you can keep your caps and i wont help you and you think killing the NCR wont make war,the NCR all over will hear about it nd it will spark a war"


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"This my second in command carliah she is just here to talk to me also I haven't had any ncr personnel killed so what are you talking about" I turned to carliah" carliah so nice of you to drop by so how have you been I haven't seen you since the other day back at base

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"@, @,

sorry sometimes i just say dumb thing when i get mad,anyway i know you have a reason for this but why aren't you doing what the other Enclave did,blood shed and and make the people scared of you well they still are but aren't you also scared that the brotherhood would found out and come over here to kill you all?, oh and sorry Second in command sir"


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i spoke. "yea its nice to see you again too and its alright sir " i smiled though the rest of his words about the enclave did made just a little angry but i kept that for myself not wanting to be in fighrs or anything.


(heres some gibberish minimium character limit awuhauwdhaiwdioawhawg).


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"One reason is that blood shed gets us no where I learnt that at dc and the brotherhood down here is weak and the brotherhood down east is cut off from the rest so they are no threat" I sighed "besides all starting a war would do is cost me men and caps plus the people would hate us even more than they do now" I turned to carliah and smiled "we should catch up over a bottle later how about it carliah"

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"that sounds good corigan always wanted to catch up with some stuff with you" i smiled back 


(more gibberish because whats else to say about quhwufq qhwfuqi qhfquwfh qwufhqwui qfhqwuf qufwqhu qwfh qwuf qwufh quw qufwhquf qwfh uqw qwfuqhfuwqh quwf).


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Jaeger trotted down the strip, heading in the direction of her friend's, Slava's, clinic. When she arrived she knocked on the door and waited a moment before entering. "Hey Slava?! I'm here!......Slava!" She called out before looking at his empty chair. "Uggghhh where is that dolt?" She groaned as she looked around the clinic before walking back outside. "Well....guess I'll go find his ass." She smirked as she continued to walk down the strip.

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"No all is good here take this" I handed him a radio "I'll use mine to contact you if the need arises ok I'll see you later slava your always welcome here" I turned to carliah "so drinks later commander I'll buy the drinks and dinner if your up for it" I said smiling

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