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open Firestorm, the RP

Cerise Hood

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"But how was he stealing magic before if he wasn't even touching us? And the tree trunk looks like crystals are grown into it, that will be really, really hard to break. And eventually we are both going to get really tired, what can we do?"《1800 years? He must be angry. Eee!》Willow thought maybe she could burn the tree down. "Can it be burned?"


Big thanks to the universe for giving me such awesome inspiration! (And pictures!)


Those harmless swirly clouds Americans call tornadoes.

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(Kinda hoped Runedawn would have been here for this battle because he would have been able to see and identify all the different Runes the alpha and Seer are using but I can still give some insight :) glad you're asking the right questions haha)


Wanderlust sensed something, something deep down in the muck and he dived down working his way towards it. Through the sense of nature he saw it, a root, it was skinny and twisted in an intricate pattern. He recognized the pattern, he had seen it once before only briefly but he remembered it, it had been in the eye of the Seer Mad Dog and magic seemed to flow into it.


Wanderlust had no weapons but he knew he couldn't let that root continue, the longer it lasted the more powerful the Seer above would become. So he simply got to it and judging by how thin the root was deciding he could break it himself, he gripped it in his teeth and bit down as hard as he could severing the root and his mouth filled with terrible tasting liquids.


Luna looked at the fillies as she continued to march toward the tree trunk, "he is angry, but not as angry as I am, not as angry as you two should be. We locked him away but he wants to destroy everything and to hurt everything we love, as princesses we need to protect everything that we can so what he is and wants should make us very very angry." She paused letting this lesson sink into her daughters as a small flame lit on her horn, "and I don't know if it will burn but we'll find out..."

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Willow spread her wings and they burst into a giant flare, arcing over her body and wildly thrashing about. "I don't want to have to do this ro a poor tree, but I guess I have to." The fire was red, then yellow, then white, then blue, and then settled at a purple. Summoning fire this incredibly hot vastly ate up Willow's energy, but she just had to keep it up until she could make contact with the trunk


(Yes, really hot fire is purple, and if you get any hotter than that, the fire will become invisible. If you get to trillions of degrees, then you get radioactive fire.)


Big thanks to the universe for giving me such awesome inspiration! (And pictures!)


Those harmless swirly clouds Americans call tornadoes.

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Wanderlust had torn up the root, and it would not be draining the fillies magic anymore but now he needed to breath again and started to work his way up to the surface, his lungs seemed to be burning. When he burst through to the surface and took several deep breaths and realized the burning sensation didn't recede but seemed to be increasing and spreading. It came from his lungs and stomach, he realized he had made a terrible mistake, he had torn up the root but the foul liquids had poisoned him.


The Grand Seer howled, "Murderous little bastard tear up my root?! You'll die now, poisoned just like you poisoned the black mountain pack!" The face in the tree turned it's attention to Steel, "yes, go ahead give me fire! Give me another destructive force to wield! I am destruction incarnate!!" The vines would brush by Steel and steal magic from him only to be lit on fire and then whip around now flaming lashes to attack at Astrid or Luna and her fillies.


Where Astrid kept hitting the tree trunk with fire bolts the fire only lasted moments before going out again. What couldn't be seen would be the way the roots sucked up a great deal of water from the swamp each time the fire hit the trunk. "Fire is a weapon I can use! You will not burn me! I may be wood but I am wet and rotten your fire will sizzle and die on my skin!"

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Astrid sighed and began slicing taking care to cut around the gems and crystals

Steel was slowly losing control and he grew into a teenage dragon with razor sharp claws that he used to cut himself free if the vines he spread his wings and flew around the tree he seem Astrid and swooped in his claws racking across the trunk

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Embers sighed and shook his head, steping away from mad dog so that his axe hit the ground "Please just shaddup, reallly, we dont have to do this, DANG IT STEEL! WHAT THE BUCK R YA DOIN? YOU ARE SUPPOST TO BE FIGHIN THE THIS DOG!" He yelled at the tree before rasing his sword

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Shadow made a good decision hiding in the shadows, from there he could see everything, although his vision was still disoriented. "Let's hope this spell works."


The spell in question was perhaps the pinnacle of using light and dark in unison, it was also hard to perform even for a Unicorn well versed in magic without any enchantments, runes or other forms of assistance.


A few moments later the great tree that was Hexxus found a Black Stallion standing right in front of his vision,almost taunting him with his presence. "I'm right here, come and get me you cowardly mutt!" 

Edited by Blissful Chaos

"Q'sal, a singular, labyrinthine mind composed of a billion conflicting, paradoxical wills. Have you ever seen the swirling Aetherstorms in it's atmosphere? Smelled the shifting perfumes of intrigue upon it's people? Tasted the gluttonous banquets of ambition permeating from the Sorcerer-Technocrats? Heard the exquisite lies and thoughts of an unknowable population? No Slaaneshi pleasure I have indulged in comes close to that feeling, only in the embrace of Apotheosis could one aspire to find anything greater."

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Embers laughed at the alpha "No really though, eather gimmy a few hundred bits, or lemmy at your seer so HE can pay me" Embers said with a smirk. It seemed like so many new ponys had poped up to help them, even though embers knew that with willow, they did not need help

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@@Starbound @@dashian500 @ @@Scribblegroove @ @@Waterfall @ (sorry for the brief absence I had a long night last night but I'm free all of today)


The alpha paused before Embers, "oh you're only here for money? If you just want bits or wealth why didn't you say so?" He rumbled in a low voice his hand swirled over the murky water and the muck cleared it to crystal clean water and beneath was bits and gems galore. "you know diamond dogs gather and horde, take whatever you need to settle your debt and leave."


With that the alpha turned his back on Embers becoming a smoke blur and appearing behind Shadow, "Cowardly Mutt? You must be talking about me!" He swung his huge dilapidated axe down as he spoke looking to cleave down the middle the impudent pony in that insulted his master, he did not care that he used such a cowardly tactic, he actually took pride of such an action.


The grand seer glared at the teenage dragon clawing at him, "I'm going to use your body as fertilizer!" The gaping rends the attacks Astrid and Steel had opened up suddenly stretched wider and sprayed forth a storm of barbed splinters and fractured gem slivers all coated in poison, they were aimed directly at the two of them.

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"Mmmm" Embers laughed and looked around, he ducked away from one of the branches coming after him "Yeah, no, I came here for your seers life, because he owes me a custom jacket" Embers laughed as he slowly ducked and jumped forward, getting closer to the tree

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A rather small sickly looking female diamond dog stood in front of Embers blocking his path, she was so skinny she looked almost like a skeleton, "C-c-c-can't let you do that nu-t-t-t-tball." Her stutter was more like just her teeth were chattering and it made her whole body shake and her bones rattle. She held up a very skinny slim rapier waving it before him.

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Sapphire tilted his head "Cant let my do what? Cut down your nice tree that seemes to be smacking all my friends? Please, if you leave now, I will spare you" He looked at her "You dont look so well...What, did you not eat for a few years or somthing? Really, please leave now"

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The black stallion did not shy away from the attack, but instead turned to the approaching Alpha. He merely stood there, and grinned (the sort of grin that Vegeta always has.)


As the Alpha's attack came into contact, Shadow did not draw blood nor fall, but literally exploded into a brilliant light that dazed the attacker. "Was that all?" Shadow called down to the dumbfounded dog from his now elevated position.


Meanwhile, the real Shadow was in concentration. "Those mutts are too foolish to get it... My illusions may not be able to hurt them, but I'll be damned if I can't mess with them for a while."

Edited by Blissful Chaos

"Q'sal, a singular, labyrinthine mind composed of a billion conflicting, paradoxical wills. Have you ever seen the swirling Aetherstorms in it's atmosphere? Smelled the shifting perfumes of intrigue upon it's people? Tasted the gluttonous banquets of ambition permeating from the Sorcerer-Technocrats? Heard the exquisite lies and thoughts of an unknowable population? No Slaaneshi pleasure I have indulged in comes close to that feeling, only in the embrace of Apotheosis could one aspire to find anything greater."

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Luna refocused her magic instead of just focusing it on a shield around them she made a another shield around Willow both to protect them from the heat of her flames and to focus the heat through a small chimney in the shield which she waved about directing the heat to incinerate attacking roots. She had created her own miniature flamethrower while also protecting those around her, "Willow we're almost there keep it up that fire seem to be working we just need to reach the trunk."

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Embers tilted his head "Please leave, I have no want to cut you down." He sighed as she stood there and did nothing "You leave me no choce then, if you wont leave me alone, then I will be forced to kill you. But if you leave right now, we can give you food and send you on your way"

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Sapphire tilted his head "Cant let my do what? Cut down your nice tree that seemes to be smacking all my friends? Please, if you leave now, I will spare you" He looked at her "You dont look so well...What, did you not eat for a few years or somthing? Really, please leave now"

"I-I-I-I'm-m-m the gen-n-neral of this p-p-p-pack, names famine... w-w-weakness makes me st-t-trong and this is what I do." She suddenly lashed out with the rapier and in a wave that followed it the rapier withered flesh draining away energy and strength.




The alpha clenched his eyes shut and screamed scratching at his own face and eyes and releasing a stream of gases from his wounds, "stupid pony! You think I need eyes to find you?! I am the filth and fumes of this swamp!" A rune on the chest of his armor shined brightly and seemed to draw grime to it. All the gas and pollution in the air and water started to glow slightly, without his eyes he looked and saw instead through the dirtiness around them it was more like echo location he could see everything around him all at once.


(Blissful chaos I don't know if your illusions are solid or would collect grime so that's up to you. But yeah the alpha completely blinded himself to use this, so anything completely clean he can't see at all :) )

Edited by Torrent505
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Embers tryed to get out of the way intime, but the blade hit his left side. He stumbled and glared at the dog. He could feel something leaving his body and he fell. He pulled himself out fo the sludge and looked at famine "Well, famine, Guess you leave me no choce but to do this" He said as he lashed forward with his sword

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Embers tryed to get out of the way intime, but the blade hit his left side. He stumbled and glared at the dog. He could feel something leaving his body and he fell. He pulled himself out fo the sludge and looked at famine "Well, famine, Guess you leave me no choce but to do this" He said as he lashed forward with his sword

The small diamond dog was far to weak and light to block the attack, she could barely parry the sword to the side and it still sent her flying and off balance. He sword arm quivered a little as she hefted the blade again, but now she seem a little less skeletal as if she had somehow gained back some energy and muscle as the sword had stole some from Embers, "I-I-I don't-t-t want to kill-l-l you either! But-t-t if you attack the grand seer you leav-v-ve me no choice but-t-t to stop you!" She swung the sword about waving it all about, in feints that still seemed to drain energy depending how close they got to striking him.

Edited by Torrent505
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Embers ducked, it scaved his head and he started bleeding "Oh, But your seer owes me a coat, all seers owe me coats now" He said with a laugh as he attacked her yet another time "So im guessing that you dont eat much food or somthin" He said as he wiped the blood from his mane

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"I-I-I eat whenever or what-t-tever I want pony, my swo-r-rd makes me skinny. Drain-n-ns me but I also gain from it-t-t!" With another strike against Embers she had filled out even a little more, she no longer looked like she was on the edge of death but was far to skinny. "And-d if you kill our s-s-seer than you owe all of us-s-s a new Seer! T-t-that's a little more than t-than twelve coat-t-ts pony." She just stood grinning at him obviously liking the conversation, grinning like she was mad and that her argument was impossible to argue with.

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Embers grinned right back "True, I would much rather owe you more seers then have them owe me a new coat. DO YOU HAVE ANYIDEA HOW MUCH THAT COAT COST? Plus all the papers that were in is..." He sighed and looked up at her. He knew he could not let her hit him, and he took a step back

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(Well, they wouldn't gather grime but I'm sure he could find them. And another thing, the blindness was only temprorary, like a dazing flash of light.)


"You're better than I thought, I'll give you that." The illusion grinned an almost wicked grin. "But it still won't save you." It taunted, leaping down to match the Alpha's level.


"I won't be able to keep this up forever... My reserves can't handle this level of spell for prolonged periods." The real Shadow calmed himself once again, before coming to a decision. It was a good thing Shadow trained himself to split his attention between multiple spells. "If the illusions can hold him off for a few more minutes... This spell should be able to finish it."

"Q'sal, a singular, labyrinthine mind composed of a billion conflicting, paradoxical wills. Have you ever seen the swirling Aetherstorms in it's atmosphere? Smelled the shifting perfumes of intrigue upon it's people? Tasted the gluttonous banquets of ambition permeating from the Sorcerer-Technocrats? Heard the exquisite lies and thoughts of an unknowable population? No Slaaneshi pleasure I have indulged in comes close to that feeling, only in the embrace of Apotheosis could one aspire to find anything greater."

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"Uhhh-h-h-h, a coat-t-t wouldn't be too much, maybe t-two hundred and thirt-t-t-TEEN bits?" She seemed lost in thought as she deeply considered his question, "I-i-if it had a lot of papers in it, then maybe more e-e-expensive, but paper is cheap-p maybe another t-t-TWEENTY bit?!" She grinned happily at her guess not even paying attention to the fact that he was backing away from her and gaining a better position to fight her from.

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Embers knew if he could keep her talking, he could opend her up and cut her down before she could move away. He smiled and nodded "Thats a good guess, You are very good at this, you know that?" He chuckled "But those paper, they were old. Almost 1000 years old, they were from a friend" He tapped his chin "Can you guess how much OLD paper costs?"

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