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open Firestorm, the RP

Cerise Hood

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"But before, you were evil! And that hoof-claw thing you did wasn't normal. And you had different magic earth stuff powers, abd then you tried to hurt Mom!" Melody hadn't really met this stallion before, all she knew is that he was evil and bad. She buried herself in Willow's mane. "Are you sure?"


Big thanks to the universe for giving me such awesome inspiration! (And pictures!)


Those harmless swirly clouds Americans call tornadoes.

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Luna looked at Steel raising an eyebrow but the rest of her face was unreadable, "I have been a diplomat for millennia Steel, let's just say if it wasn't an uncouth game for a princess my poker face would be unmatched." Her became softer and sweet as she kept looking at him, "you should smile more though, it looks good on you."

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Steel laughed "in my line of work there isn't much to smile about and what I could I had to hide" steel said

Grell stood and looked at runedawn "and who made you in charge last I checked you lead that sprite to Luna and you tried to kill her and you bought it best to go off on your own it all comes back to you leaving the group runedawn and that's not good leadership" grell said

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stained steel

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lawleit pronounced law le it

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Luna had heard Runedawn's speech and spoke up, "if you go to the Griffon Kingdom, I cannot in good conscious go with you... It would seem like an act of war, like I was leading a warband into their lands. Without a formal invitation from a Griffon Diplomat it could have dire consequences for me to be with you... Without me the group would seem like just a group of refugees, with me it's an invasion." She looked uncertain and rubbed her forehooves together, she had never expected to travel with the group at all so she hadn't thought of this problem.

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Steel thought "as an assassin I know how to disguise somepony and with some magical help you won't look or sound like you untill we are safe again"steel said he had heard runedawn trying to act as leader he hoped that he wasn't the only pony that thought it was a bad idea

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stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Embers walked around for a little, looking around. he smiled as he looked at his sword "Sorry for killing you...Eh, at least your fine now" He smiled "Thanks, your an amazing friend" He chuckled as he looked up at steel "Uh...Steel, if you have anytime...I would like to talk with out, eather you or wander"

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Embers took a step back "Jeeze, dont look at me like that, I only want your soul" He said, only half kidding "Really, I could help you get rid of your demon bane or whatever, Iv been working on something for a longggg time...Something like bringing a pony back from the dead, but I would need a soul. It just doesnt seem wright to take it from a living pony...but you have 2 souls...." He stared at the ground

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Steel looked at him "no I can only halfway control him and I've been doing It my whole life I can't trust that you would be able to control it talk to grell though he's deep I'm that stuff I'm sure he could he his hooves on a soul for you" steel said

((I almost asked why didn't you ask grell them I realized that only sapphire knows the true extent of his abilities))

  • Brohoof 1

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lawleit pronounced law le it

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Runedawn frowned at grell. "I am simply stating the most profitable course, and since it seems I am the only one taking the intiative in the first place, that makes me leader. What happened before was unfortunate, but before even that you all seemed to think I was a great leader...." He said bluntly. He then turned to luna.


"Are you suggesting that after everything that happened, including North Wind lowering the world's temperature, there is still a civilization there?" He said to her with an even deeper frown. "And even if there is, now that you are not a princess anymore you will be easier to hide. With that said it wond be hard to infiltrate a land that huge whilst in the chaos of eternal night..." He explained.


"Willow, not now please. I'd rather not talk of what happened..." He said to willow who was almost excitingly repeating traumatic events of earlier.

How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Three percent of the population likes classical music, if only we could get it up to four percent we'd be back in business and all our problems would be over." How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Everybody loves classical music! They just haven't found out about it yet!" It's an entirely different world. It's what you make of it that counts.


I found an easy way to find out if you've inspired someone. If their eyes are shining, you know you're doing it!

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Grell looked at him "I did till you decided the best course of action was to leave the group doing that was dumb and it lead to Luna's death I can't trust you won't make a dumb decision again" grell said "and we're waiting for Luna and the fillies need to deal with the sunshard here first"

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lawleit pronounced law le it

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Embers shook his head "Alright, thanks then" He said with a sigh. He put his head up and looked around for grell "Hey grell, when you have a second come talk to me, I have to ask you something" He said as he squinted at grell, then looked back down at his sword "I might be able to bring you back..." He then turned to runedawn, he tossed his sunshard "If you have time, you should make it into a real sword"

Edited by ForeverFrozen

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"It seems that you've forgotten that we are only collecting the shards, and wanderlust has just done exactly that..." Runedawn said cynically. "And you can say that my descision was stupid, but you wouldn't have said that if you had to go get that sunshard out of North Wind's grasp right now. Including all the disaster, I saved us a lot of trouble. I went through pure torture to make sure that that shar wouldn't fall in north wind's hooves..." He explained with a low toned voice.


When Embers tossed him the sunshard that already looked a little like a sword, he smiled. He actually smiled! He was looking forward to forge again... He picked it up and strapped it to his back. He shivered. Even though they had a few pieces of sun with them, it was still extremely cold.



(Don't forget guys, it's literally arctic weather without a sunshard around...)

Edited by Scribblegroove
  • Brohoof 1

How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Three percent of the population likes classical music, if only we could get it up to four percent we'd be back in business and all our problems would be over." How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Everybody loves classical music! They just haven't found out about it yet!" It's an entirely different world. It's what you make of it that counts.


I found an easy way to find out if you've inspired someone. If their eyes are shining, you know you're doing it!

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Grell nodded "i can now I've said my peace" grell did walking over to embers "what do you need" grell asked

Steel nodded and walked away heading over to Astrid who was sitting wary form the group watching everypony she looked rather sad and she was because no pony was talkin to her

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Embers looked over at grell "Hey...Steel said that you have something to do with souls" He scoffed and looked at the ground "Uh...Could you give it to me? I really need one for some stuff I have been doing...Bringing ponys back from the dead and what not, I really need one"

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Luna shook her head, "the Griffon kingdom will be different, most griffon settlements are built into mountainsides they'll have had more protection then most surface races. Their capital is in the heart of a mountain and probably survived the firestorm barely noticing the change in temperature... Though the drop in temperature may have left some of their towns uninhabitable... They'll be on a high alert because of it though, defending their borders keeping patrols as best they can..." She shakes her head, "I have a more formal alliance with the ruler of Tartarus, and the land of shifting fire will always be enemies of all outsiders... The griffon kingdom I don't know how they will respond to us, though if we can gain their support, it could change everything and I guess it is my duty to inform them of this dark winter spirit."

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Whisper laid behind her bush, thanking Grell for his warming spell before he left. She laid there, quite cozy with one ear twitching. Eyes heavily lidded she examined the ponies debating on thier course of actions. She had only seen the places they spoke of as territories on her maps, heard details from Wanderlusts stories. "We should go to the fire-y place...it's so cold." she mumbled to herself. Since Griffins were aviary creatures she assumed that they lived in a higher altitude...which meant colder. She sighed, thinking about these sun shards and if she could even help these adventurerers.

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Grell nodded "I'm sure I can find a soul for you but it'll be up to the soul if they help you or not but be carful sonics could go wrong while raising things from the dead you have to promise you will be very carful and if something doesn't seem right you'll stop" grell said

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stained steel

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lawleit pronounced law le it

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Embers laughed "Oh please, when have I ever been carfull? Im half expecting the thing to go and bloody kill me, like frankenpony" He smiled "I know what happens if it goes wrong, only gods can make life, but screw that, we have science" He said with another laugh as he looked around

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As the light who saw on the cave started to dissapear,the same happened with her hope of not being alone at all...

"Maybe...it was my imagination...huh?I sensed something..."



She flew down and she saw a few ponies grouped.

"More ponies?Who survived?..."

She tried to not to make any nose,to avoid unfortunate accidents,but she accidentally broke a branch,making enought noise to call the other ponies' attention

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"Y-y-you're a pret-t-ty strange pony you know that-t?" Famine the sword whispered in Embers head, she was half listening to all the conversations around her and mostly focused on what Embers was talking about, "I'd of-f-fer my soul for you to tinker with if you wanted but-t I don't-t think I'm even much of a soul-l-l anymore and being a sword's kinda fun."

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Embers looked at his sword, hoping grell wouldnt think he was to crazy "Eh...I was kinda hoping I could find something else, You were going to be the 1st pony I would bring back from the dead..." He looked up "If we had had more time, you could still be alive, heck, you could have joined us

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Grell sighed "I guess if you can't be careful then I can't help you" grell said" I'm sorry "

Astrid walked over to the deer "hi I'm Astrid what's your name" Astrid said wth a smile

Steel watched making sure Astrid was being good and not going into ponies minds with permission then he heard a branch brake he stood and walked I'm that direction his hoof on his dagger just in case

Edited by dashian500

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demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Embers sighed "Well, thanks anywa-" He stoped mid word as he heard something from behind him. This time, he would didnt pull his sword out. He turned around and slowly sunk away from the group. He looked over to where he had heard the sound and saw a pony there "UH.....Hi?" He said

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She was thinking that they would kill her,but then,a stallion greeted her...


She moved from behind the tree,and tried to talk with him

"Er...for any casuality...do you know...why all of this happened?"

She quickly moved to a deffensive position,covering her face,but then she noticed that they didn't wanted to harm her

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