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open Firestorm, the RP

Cerise Hood

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The air felt still and silence deafened their ears. After a few minutes, Whisper stretched out her neck and brushed her cheek against his lightly and snorted gently into his ear to tickle it. It was kind of like her signature, something she did to ones close to her. She raised her head and looked down at Wanderlust, blinking slowly.

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There was some scratching and shuffling from deeper in the cave, "I didn't think anyone else survived... Ponyville was just on fire and, and all the ponies, all the ponies started turning to ash all around me and T-twilight..." The voice didn't finish or rather couldn't as it burst into sobs and a young purple and green dragon ran forward to Sapphire and clutched at her. He was holding a jar of ashes.

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Sapphire took a step back, she held onto the green dragon as he clutched at her "It..Its OK...I think, I think a few of them might have survived, would you like to go look for them with me?" At this point, sapphire had already droped her knife and was using all of her power to hold him up


(I have NO idea where your going with this, keep it up xD)

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Spike buried himself in Sapphire's mane, not wanting to let go, he nodded into it, "uh huh, is there really other survivors? Are, are the other elements of harmony okay? Celestia won't answer my letters, all they do is burn up... And Twilight... There has to be a way to help Twilight." He was looking down at the jar of ashes.


North Wind had now landed in front of the cave, and cold flowed down into it.


Spike shivered against Sapphire's mane, but looked toward the cave entrance "is it really that cold outside now?"


Deep malevolent laughter began to echo of the walls, "oh yes, it is so very cold, this world is cold now because this world belongs to me..." North Wind entered the cave and started toward Sapphire and Spike.

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Sapphire took a step back from northwind, she held spike and grabbed her knife. She knew it would do almost nothing, but at least she might be able to save spike. Sapphire glared at north wind "Not if grell and the others can do anything about it, they have already stoped you once!"

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Wanderlust had to restrain a laugh at the tickle in his ear, when she pulled away from the greeting he was smiling at her, but tears filled his eyes. He rushed forward closing the distance between them, hugging her tightly and whispered, "Whisper, I'm so sorry..." He squeezed here a little tighter, remembering once that she had said no deer seemed to be able to hug quite as fiercely as an earth pony and when he had apologized she had laughed and said that it wasn't a bad thing that she actually liked how he hugged...



North Wind looked confused but it was over exaggerated and his tone was mocking, "Grell? Stopped me? Who?" He faked coming to a realization, "Ooohhhhh, you're from that nuisance herd that is so evil and wants to stop me from rebuilding Equestria! Spike step away from her! Bring me those ashes, I can bring Twilight back for you, but she'll want to stop me..."


Spike took a step away from Sapphire and toward North Wind, "You can do that?"


North Wind's grin was full of teeth more suited for a sharks mouth, "of course I can and after we'll go find the other elements of harmony and bring them back. They'll all help me rebuild Equestria..."

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Sapphire slumt back, falling to the floor. "Well, go on then spike, good luck with twilight..." She said as she glared up at north "We will stop you, you will NEVER be able to take over the world, whether or not im still alive, if you want to kill me, so be it. but we will stop you!"

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"Ack!!!" Whisper stuck out her tongue in mock strangulation and pulled away, eyes wet. She motioned for Wanderlust to follow her, to walk and talk so as not to waste anymore time. When he did ((if he did)), Whisper began to walk in the direction she had heard the group discuss before and for awhile she was quiet. His apology had not fallen on deaf ears and she was radiating a somewhat pleasant aura. "Wanderlust" her voice no longer held the brightness it once did "I can accept your apology...somewhat. I won't fully until you tell me why you left."

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Spike looks unsure between Sapphire and North Wind; the pony that had found him seemed nice but was she trying to stop him from bringing Twilight back? She said that this new stallion was trying to take over the world but he said he was rebuilding Equestria and he was going to bring Twilight back, bringing Twilight back couldn't be evil. He walked the rest of the way to North Wind.


North Wind's eyes twinkled with delight, this filly was making it too easy, "my dear, I won't kill you... I'm the good guy, and once I rebuild Equestria even your belligerent herd can live in my Equestria." He turned walking with spike back out of the cave, at the exit spike turned and waved at her, spike said "I'm sorry you're on the wrong side once I get Twilight back I'll make sure she helps you..." He gave sapphire a sad smile and left.


Once spike was out of sight North Wind turned back, looking at Sapphire in disgust, but spoke loud enough so spike could hear, "take this message back to your herd, little mare." He then turned away but sent a blast of Absolute Zero wind down the cave at her, she froze solid in an instant and the force of the wind shattered her into a million pieces.



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Steel pulled out his daggers and walked into the house cautiously incase there was any hostile ponies or any other creatures in there he looked around and seeing nothing slid his dagger away "it's clear guys" steel said

Grell nodded and walked in missing sapphire

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Willow stopped. "Something is here. I can feel it." Wisps of aura lazily floated around the crumbled city. Much of it was grey, lifeless. But a few small clouds retained their color, indicating life. They flared with knowledge, as if they came from a beast that was many millennia old and had seen the passing of ancient tribes and civilizations, the era of Discord and the era of The Royal Sisters. "Mom, something old is here." 《What if its a monster?》


(I think it should be really foggy, as a result of water from the ocean evaporating then condensing into fog when it got hot, then cold.)

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Wanderlust was happier than he had been in a long time, there was a deep comfort in him and just walking quietly in the woods with her was a joy. Then she asked him the question, it made him hang his head and turned turn the joy to guilt, "I had to leave Whisper... You know it's in my nature, it's who I am. I can't stay in place, I just have to get up and go sometimes... I just had to get up and go; I couldn't stay..." He didn't know how to put this, how to explain what made him do things like that; nobody else seemed to understand it and it had left him alone in the end and in his travels, always alone, except when Galena had joined him and after how he had failed her he had sworn he'd never break that loneliness again.




Luna looked at Willow and Melody, "I'm sorry girls my magics not what it was before when I was an alicorn, I can't sense anything. But we have Steel and all these other ponies I'm sure we'll be safe." Luna paused still thinking though, she trusted her daughters, "does it feel mean or dark? Sad? Or just old? Keep trying to feel it and let me know anything and everything about it, okay?"

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"It is really, really smart." 《Wait! Its sad! Maybe its a smart pony!》"But it knows so much about... ancient languages and stuff! It has to be at least thousands of years old!" Melody slumped, defeated. 《Yes, it does know a lot about that stuff. Maybe its a sad pony who is thousands of years old?》 Willow sighed.

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Luna relaxed a little, "at least it doesn't feel mean or dark, I was afraid that ice spirit had followed us but he had no sadness about him. So you sense old knowledge... That is a powerful thing to sense but there are very few ponies that old, does it feel fiery at all? An elder Dragon may have come to check Equestria's conditions..." She wasn't sure what it could be that the Fillies were sensing, the lack of darkness eliminated most possible options, and they did not mention the strange changing that would have signaled it was discord...


(I can only assume they sense Alice :P but of course Luna doesn't understand that. Also it probably wouldn't be a mist or fog, the bay will be frozen completely by now but tons of tiny ice crystals hanging in the air to make a glimmering fog sounds cool, no science to it. Weather in Equestria is weird and with no Pegasus to change it we have an ice fog all across Baltimare. SO THE GM HAS DECLARED IT SO IT SHALL BE :) )

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"Ancient... languages?" Candela rushed to Winter Willow and Melody, and wrapped her hooves around them both. "Thank you so much for finding Alice!" Candela searched the town, looking for signs of life. "Alice?" She called out. Tears of joy and relief streaked down Candela's cheeks, and as she lifted debris using magic, not only her horn, but her whole body shimmered with green light.

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"What about me then? You knew how badly I wanted to leave? Not only did you leave but you left me!" she retorted painfully. Her chest was full of pain, her eyes fighting her tears back. "I helped you. I fed you and I stopped them from killing you. I told you what I dreamed of and I thought you would take me with you!"


"Is that what you do? Travel around breaking hearts?!" she blurted.

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"Breaking hearts?" Wanderlust couldn't help himself from saying it, he didn't understand what she meant by it at first and then suddenly he did. His eyes went wide, he was stuck stuttering, "Whisper, I, uh, you, me." His mind raced, she felt that way about him? Had he missed that? How had he missed that?!


Things were clicking into place in his head now, little things that suddenly meant much, much more. Signals in their friendship that he should have picked up on, if only he hadn't been so blind. He had blinded himself, and with all these realizations came an ache deep in his heart like it was tearing in two directions. He had blocked her out, had not let him think of her that way because of how he had lost Galena and half his heart still wanted to never love anyone else ever again... But the other half that had been blind until now looked at this strong deer in front of him, his best friend who had saved his life and had brought him back from despair and that half wanted to love her.


All he could manage was a shocked, "you felt that way about me?" and he felt his two sides screaming at him inside, one yelling he should tell her off, end this before he got hurt again, before she got hurt, before he forgot his love for Galena and the other wishing he would say something more, return the sentiment, let her know how he felt, to finally let himself heal...

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Embers looked around and poked lightwing, as she seemed to be away, somewere else. He yawned as he looked around him, he was glad he had the sun shard, it looked like ice everywere else


Sapphire could see the spell coming, but she did nothing there exept sit there and stare at north wind. Her last words to him were "You wont be able to stop us..." Before the world of black consumed her

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She was like sleeping while standing,when she suddenly woke up

"Oh...where am i"

She looked at Embers,and remembered what were they doing,and what happened last time she slept near to him

"I...I wasn't sleeping!!!And if you tell me again that you drew me while sleeping...i would feel proud :):blush: "

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Embers smiled "No no, I wont draw you sleeping 2 times, just once...Even though..." He looked down at the ground "Even though I most likely shouldnt of..." He blushed as he thought that she looked cute, so he looked up at the sky, not meeting her gaze. He smiled and looked back over at her

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She blushed a bit with that commentary

Well...he's cute...but no!

She looked again at him

"And i wanted to ask you something.How are we going to fix this mess?Because you should have an idea to travel around the world,or..."


(Let's see if you can get my OC before the story ends ;) )

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Embers looked over at his sun shard, runedawn was holding it "Well, luna sent us on this quest to go get the "sunshards." So once we put them all together, we should be able to make a new sun or somthin" He said as he looked down at his bandanna, he was wondering if he should put it on or not


(Ill try my best xD)

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Suddenly,she remembered that flash of light that she saw when she left the cave

"Those...Sunshards...those things are bright and emits light?"

She started to think...

What if that flash of light was actually one of those...sunshards?Maybe it could help to fix the sun...

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Embers nodded "If you look up there, runedawn has my sun shard, he should be making it into a sword here soon" He said with a smile as he looked down at the ground. He was thinking about his mom, and how all of his work had been destroyed when mad dog had burned his jacket. He shrugged and put his bandanna around his face

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The fog of ice glimmered with a soft green light. It would have been beautiful, but Candela's eyes were blurred with tears. "Alice? Alice?" She called out, stumbling over pieces of debris. She was completely focused on her task. The outside world did not exist anymore. It was just Candela and Alice. It was just her and the mare she wanted more than anything else in this universe to be with. Alice did not hear the cries. She did not see the light.


Alice was somewhere else, far away. She sat on the coast, looking out onto the ocean. She was praying for her family. For Butterscotch and his mother. For Equestria. All around her were the voices of the long dead. The ambient whispers of the world. They told her such wonderful tales of paradise. She had grown accustomed to this whispering, as it came with her ability. They were the voices of thousands of years ago. <Alice... come join us, Alice. We will show you such a wonderful world.>


As Candela became closer. She was aware of another sound. A sound much like a crying filly, calling for her mother. She looked to the left of her and saw a faint green light. It shifted and churned, like a spirit coming to take her. It was rather mundane; the green light stood in one place. But then, somepony emerged from the fog. It was Candela. Her little sister.


Her beloved little sister.


"C- Candela?" Alice choked. Time froze. The world stopped. Candela stopped shimmering. Her knees felt weak. "A- Alice?" She choked back. Candela broke into tears. Alice held out her arms, and Candela ran into Alice's embrace. "Oh, Candela. My beloved little sister. Thank the stars you are alright."

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