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open Firestorm, the RP

Cerise Hood

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Embers yawned and rolled back onto his face, using it as a plow as he wrote in his book. He yawned and got back up, pulling out his book and looking at them "Uh guys...What are we going to do?And steel, put your bloody demon away! We dont need to see him..." Embers lughed

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Wanderlust didn't respond he merely continued to lay there, saying "who?" Over and over again shaking his eyes glazed and staring far into the distance as tears ran down his face.


(Truthfully if you had kept fighting and he had been immersed in nature for one more post after that one with the Luna post he would be dead right now :/ I don't really hold back from letting my characters die but I tried to make it pretty clear on that post :P )

  • Brohoof 1
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Embers poked him "Uh...Wander? Are you there mate?" He sighed and sat next to him, he took out his book and sighed "Guys...We should stop fighting...We have alot of things to do...Anyways...Anypony have more paper? I ran out like....10 hours ago" He smiled and hugged wander


(Embers shouldnt have hard cider xD)

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Wanderlust let our yelp as soon as Embers touched him and bolted to his feet shooting away from Embers to run across the courtyard. He looked wild eyed and panicked; his eyes darted between Embers and the fillies. "Stay back!

Who are you?! Where am I?!" He brought a hoof to his face, confusion and anger in his tone "why have I been crying? How did I get here?" He looked at all the burned land and destroy castle, "what has happen?! What did you do to me?!!" He screamed this at them his body quivering.

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Embers stared at wander "Wander...Its us...Its me...Embers? Whats wrong?" A tear came to his eye as he said this "Dont worry, Nothings wrong...Exept you! What happend to you? Were not here to hurt you!" He looked at wander with huge eyes, a few tears coming out his \ eyes as he looked at wander

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As runedawn left the crystal empire's tower, and left icy, he could feel that it took him a lot of energy to remain flesh and blood, and he started to feel homesick and longing to go back to Crystal. He let his body turn to steel again, and he painfully felt himself die again. However, he didn't suffer the longing feeling as much anymore. Now he only felt determination to finish his task. He heated himself again. This time his entire body. He felt disgusted and tortured as he did it, but it was nescesary. His liquid body seeped through the ground, eventually reaching an iron vein in the ground. Instantly, once his body connected to the iron vein he let his body reappear miles away out of the iron vein and to the surface. At the surface it looked like a pool of magme came out of the ground, and formed a statue that then immediately became solid.


He grinned. He was exactly where he hoped to be. In the distance, he could see the group of former 'friends' that hadn't bothered to come look for him. He approached the group, that was currently having an argument on who should lead them. He laughed. He used to lead them, and now they were lost without him. "Petty fools..."


He watched them from a distance for a while, enjoyed the lightshow that wanderlust and steel put up and saw that they had eventually calmed down, though they were still not done arguing. He sighed, and after embers had tried to calm down wanderlust, he turned into his normal pony self, looking like he used to, with beard and everything, and his armor donned. He cursed the amount of energy it cost him and the suffering he had to go through to remain like this while not near his princess, but it was nescesary. He also cursed that he had forgotten to bring his hammer, which might seem suspiscious. He stepped from the shadows that he had been watching them from and showrd himself.


@@Torrent505, @@Starbound, @@dashian500, @.


"It is very funny to see that ye can't even handle yerself when I'm gone for a couple 'o days." He said loudly, addressing everyone. He sounded like he used to, and even produced a makeshift smile. "What would ye do without me? You all have already made a mess of this... Did ye find the sunshard that I sent yer way? Found anythin' else? Enlighten me, what has happened... Have ye seen Luna?" He said. He tried to act natural, as if he'd just been going for a walk.

How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Three percent of the population likes classical music, if only we could get it up to four percent we'd be back in business and all our problems would be over." How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Everybody loves classical music! They just haven't found out about it yet!" It's an entirely different world. It's what you make of it that counts.


I found an easy way to find out if you've inspired someone. If their eyes are shining, you know you're doing it!

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Embers rased his eye "Were the buck were you, then? Also...Could you make this into a sword for me?" He tossed the sunshard at his feet, then sighed and sat back down "If you would, also tell us where you have been for the last bloody few days, you just left...No idea where you went"

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Wanderlust was hyperventilating, he felt like his brain was full of cotton balls and his left ear was twitching wildly in annoyance and paranoia. He back further away from embers his flank at the castle wall and yelled at him, "Nothing's wrong but me?! I woke up surround by you in the burned out remains of some creepy castle and nothing is wrong?!" His eye twitched, "why did you bring me here?! How do you know my name!"


The new stallion came out and Wanderlust scooted along the wall away from the large earth pony, he was spouting nonsense but acted so familiarly with the others wanderlust assumed he was one of them, "what in all of the fiery Tartarus is he talking about? Who are you ponies?!"

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Embers ran over, "WANDER! WHAT HAPPEND? Snap out of it? Come on, Its me...embers...please remember me..." A few tears came out of his eyes "What....why cant you remember anything? Please, Remember us!" He sat down infront of wander, and put his hooves over his head


Sapphire yawned

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Grell looked at runedawn "no hammer that's very odd considering you are so fond of your runes and you use the hammer to use them" grell said being a death master he could see runedawns soul which was bearly clining to life

Steel seen runedawn and flew over to him "how nice of you to join us" steel said "anyways we ha-"steel was Interrupted by grell

"Don't say anything" grell Said as he grabbed the sunshard with his magic and gave it to embers he wondered if sapphire could see the soul he knew Auldin and auron did

Auldin leaned down to sapphire "something is wrong with his soul dear be carful" Auldin said

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Sapphire jumped up "Er rune....Whats wrong? Are you ok?" 


Embers glared at grell "Hey, I need that thing a bloody sword!" He picked it up and looked at them "Uh...Why are you looking at rune that way? He has been gone for a while....But I really need my sword....please guys?"l

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Grell looked at him "auron breach to embers tell him" grell whispered

Auldin looked to sapphire "be careful we don't know what's wrong with him" Auldin said

Auron breached the wall in front of embers "his so isn't right it's very weak something is wrong" auron said before slipping back and fixing the breach

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Embers walked into auron "What the buck? Is there a wall or something? Wh...What the heck? Gah....Im seeing things..." Embers yawned "Can you just make me a sword now?"


Sapphire looked at auldin "Yep....Something is off, and why have you been? We have missed you, there were dogs..."

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(It's a paranormal wall not a real wall))

Aroun sighed "grell you will have to explain it to him" auron said

Grell sighed and walked over to embers and whispered to him "I'm a death master I can see souls runedawns soul isn't right it's Weak almost non existent so for the time being we can't trust him we have to know what happened for his soul to be weak like it is we should see some major I injury that pus him close to death"

  • Brohoof 1

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stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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"Runedaaaaaaaaaaaawn! Where were you!? We found Mom and and two sun shards and more diamond dogs and my little sister! Flower, can you tell Runedawn your name?" 《*whimpers*》"Please?"《*squeaks*》"Please?"《*whispers*》"Aww, come on! Fine. She is REALLY shy, Runedawn. Her name is Crystal Flower, and she has all the powers I do, too. Also, she is 9 years old, 5 years younger than me."


Big thanks to the universe for giving me such awesome inspiration! (And pictures!)


Those harmless swirly clouds Americans call tornadoes.

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Grell sighed "well then thank you for listening" grell said as he walked over to the fillies "something is very wrong he doesn't have his hammer and his soul is very weak much weaker then when I last saw him" grell said "but now that you have told him everything and thrown caution to the wind all we can do is hope he is fine"

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Embers looked from grell to runedaw, then to the 2 fillys, then to wander, and back "Er....Hmmm.....I dont even....Guys, We need to get are act up, We could be attacked, And I dont see what is wrong with grell, He looks just fine to me, as long as he helps me with my sword and tells us where he was"

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Wanderlust stared at the scene unfolding in front of him and didn't understand it at all. It seemed like the stallion that had just arrived knew this group of ponies that wanderlust believed had captured him, but at the same time the group was suspicious of this Runedawn. More troubling than that the unicorn that was waving a strange blade like bit of metal had insisted that wanderlust had known him, but wanderlust was certain he had never met this pony before and one thing he knew for sure was when ponies wielded weapons trouble was close at hand. He wasn't comfortable staying here.


Still something bugged him, the insistence of the unicorn that Wanderlust didn't remember what was happening. He started to focus trying to cut through all the haziness in his brain and found he couldn't remember anything at all. He had a wealth of knowledge and facts but no idea where they came from. He knew griffon and diamond dog anatomy like his own hooves but he had never met one of either species, he knew facts and extraordinary details about lands he had never been to or even read about, he had knowledge of plants and medicine that he had never seen or practiced. He knew he had woken up here but had no memory of where he had been before or anything about his own past.


He was too disturbed by this to even cry out, so panicked and frightened he stayed frozen in place. Finally he forced all his emotions down, he'd deal with them later, he'd figure out his past later, right now he needed to escape these other ponies. Until he had a better idea of what had happened he wouldn't trust anyone. Luckily this other Earth pony that had arrived was the perfect distraction; he inched down the courtyard wall until he reach the point where it was cracked and slipped through into the castle. Once inside he galloped away as if his life depended on it.





North Wind whispered in Ironhearted's mind, "kill them my new 'brother'. They already suspect you, but you still have the advantage, their squabbling amongst theirselves has left them weakened and at odds with one another, you also still have some element of surprise. Strike now while you still can!" In the Crystal Empire palace North Wind grinned savagely seeing in front of him a moment that would solve his own problems without a need to raise a hoof.

Edited by Torrent505
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Ironhearted laughed. "Come now... My soul? Grell, you need to get some sleep 'cause there is nothing wrong with my soul... Unless." His face turned sad. "I have fought with North Wind... He took me hammer and most of me runes. He might 'ave done something to my soul as well... I only just escaped! But I feel fine." He said. He then turned to embers. "We'd have to go back and get my hammer if you want your sunshard to be made into a sword." Then he turned to all of them at once. "But I really want to talk to Luna now, I left you right before you got to her right? Can we go back ?" He said.


Ironharted spoke with North Wind in his mind. "I thought the knight of wind would have more sense of subtlety than the knight of earth... This is why you fail. You have no plan!" He said to him mentally.

How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Three percent of the population likes classical music, if only we could get it up to four percent we'd be back in business and all our problems would be over." How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Everybody loves classical music! They just haven't found out about it yet!" It's an entirely different world. It's what you make of it that counts.


I found an easy way to find out if you've inspired someone. If their eyes are shining, you know you're doing it!

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North Wind growled, "you may believe such if you wish, I have no reason to share my plots with you. Though do not lie to yourself and mistake subtlety for a lack of guts to do what you must. Mark my words 'Knight of the Earth' you shall not find a time more perfect than this to strike against these ponies and they are all a threat to our beloved princess." He withdrew, the last thing North Wind wanted was to distract Ironhearted, if the fool thought he knew best let him try. If he was exposed and killed North Wind would be happy but if Ironhearted did succeeded he would be delighted. Pride meant little to him compared to success.




Wanderlust wandered the many halls and corridors of the castle as he tried to remember his past. He couldn't recall a single thing other than his own name and that still terrified him. In time he found himself in the royal library, he felt like these books full of knowledge and understanding but lacking substance and experience. He laid down at the foot of a shelf and put his hooves over his eyes and just tried to think of who he really was.

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Embers sighed "Well, I think we should go back there, or find your bloody hammer, Im gunna go find fliping wander" He said as he ran off into the building, He heard wander down by the library and stoped. What had happend to wander...He asked himself this, then ran over to wander "WANDERRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!"

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Grell almost laughed "your soul is far from fine and the only thing able to weaken a soul that much is a fatal injury which you have none" grell steel sighed "I don't know much about souls but since you do I'll trust you in this" steel said stepping back

((Maybe since runedawn is technically dead he can see Auldin and auron))

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Grell almost laughed "your soul is far from fine and the only thing able to weaken a soul that much is a fatal injury which you have none" grell steel sighed "I don't know much about souls but since you do I'll trust you in this" steel said stepping back

((Maybe since runedawn is technically dead he can see Auldin and auron))

Ironhearted smiled at grell. "You don't have to worry about me grell, I can take care of myself. Let's just say that you need some time to heal from a fight with North Wind." He said. Then he turned towards the castle. "Now could any of you please lead me to Luna? I have to talk to her..." He said. He looked around for Willow.




When she mentioned Crystal he shivered. "Ice Crystal..." He thought. He turned to willow. "She looks nice, but I really need to talk to Luna. You know where she is right?" He asked her with a smile on his face. He wanted to get this done as quickly as possible.




Mentally he spoke to North Wind. "The princess only ordered me to kill Luna. Who are left to serve if I kill these ponies. Together we can freeze them entirely with ease once Luna is dead. Then our princess will have a 'people' to rule over..." He said. He wanted to make Crystal happy. She was so londly with just North Wind as company.

Edited by Scribblegroove

How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Three percent of the population likes classical music, if only we could get it up to four percent we'd be back in business and all our problems would be over." How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Everybody loves classical music! They just haven't found out about it yet!" It's an entirely different world. It's what you make of it that counts.


I found an easy way to find out if you've inspired someone. If their eyes are shining, you know you're doing it!

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