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open Firestorm, the RP

Cerise Hood

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Chilly bones listen to the conversations around him while he kept his face in the ground "mfphhh mfphhhhones" he said trying to introduce himself to the new comer. Even though he didn't even look up to see who it was, but it sounded like a mare to him. But he could be wrong, wouldn't be the first.

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Sapphire looked at chilly "What? Sorry, i can hear you" Sapphire blinked and turned back to steel "What was he trying to say?"


Meanwhile embers had gotten up and started walking around, testing his blade, he looked at the new mare, but didnt really care that much about, He already had a somepony, and didnt know if she was still alive

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Sapphire looked at grell, then back to steel "Not much, just another boring life, i helped apple jack with the apples" Sapphire sighed and a single tear came to her eye "I..She..."Sapphire closed her eyes "She isnt with me anymore"


Embers looked at sapphire "Have you seen any of the other ponys, the ones called "elements of harmony""


Sapphire shrugged and said "no"

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Chilly bones took his head out of the ground, dirt rolling off his face "splaaaa" he spat dirt out from his mouth "I said, my name is chilly bones nice to meet you" said the sky blue Pegasus. He then shook his head getting the dirt off the stretching his wings a little bit.

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Sapphire smiled at chilly "Hello chilly, my name is sapphire" She looked down at her feet and rubbed the tear out of her eye, then turned around to look at embers "Why do you care if i saw any of the others"


Embers looked back, and with a cold tone said "Because they might know what happed, and help us"

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Runedawn had fallen asleep after he had made the sword. He opened his eyes and suddendly saw that the ponies accompanying him had changed. "OI, What happened, I slipped away for a teensy little while." Then he saw belle. "Oh geez, there you are. I already thought we lost you. Steel was supposed to lead you to us, guess you guys lost eachother on the way... Runedawn is the name, I think I haven't told you that short, long distance converstation we had back in manehattan."


Runedawn looked around. "WHAT, where'd wanderlust go NOW! I thought I told you ponies not ta leave on yer own!"

How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Three percent of the population likes classical music, if only we could get it up to four percent we'd be back in business and all our problems would be over." How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Everybody loves classical music! They just haven't found out about it yet!" It's an entirely different world. It's what you make of it that counts.


I found an easy way to find out if you've inspired someone. If their eyes are shining, you know you're doing it!

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Sapphire looked at rune "No idea" Then she looked back at steel "Thanks and all, but i can handle my self" She then looked at grell "Hello grell, my names sapphire" She smiled


Embers glared back at steel "Were in the fliping apocolips, we dont have time to be nice!"

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Steel moved fast ignoring runedawn he had his blade against embers neck "if you want to be rude and cruel then I'll end you " steel growled his his anger starting to rise

grell smiled at her "it's nice to meet you no offense but you would make an absolutely lovely corpse " grell said

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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"Actually embers, now that the so called APOCALYPSE is over, we have all the time in the world to be nice. We have food, there's water in the river over there and we have a fire. Calm down willye, everything is going to be as fine as it can be..." Runedawn tried to smile at him, but it turned into a forced grin. He then looked at sapphire. "Embers thought that too, but then he got this nasty little wound on his leg. Not little actually, it is quite big! I don't like losing anypony, so please, at least tell if yer leavin'."


Then steel jumped at embers. "HOLD ON THERE BOY, QUIT YER YAPPIN!" He shouted, and he stood between the two ponies, who were actually very small compared to the giant that runedawn was. "We need to work together, so be nice or get out, and that counts for both of you! I don't want to hear anythin' about this again, or I'll smack something else than steel!"

Edited by Scribblegroove

How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Three percent of the population likes classical music, if only we could get it up to four percent we'd be back in business and all our problems would be over." How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Everybody loves classical music! They just haven't found out about it yet!" It's an entirely different world. It's what you make of it that counts.


I found an easy way to find out if you've inspired someone. If their eyes are shining, you know you're doing it!

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After chilly getting himself rested up he got up and looked at embers "excuse me? Pardon me for interrupting but who the hell do you think you are, we are in a apocalypse right? Well guess what we don't need anymore stress by fighting with each other. So what ever you have to say, can it" he said promptly.

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Embers flipped steel onto the ground, and had his sword out as he stepped back and looked at steel "If you want to die, Your good frend grell would love you head" He then looked at the other ponys "Sorry, this kid wants to fight me"


Sapphire, compleatly obivis to what had just happed looked skeptically at grell "Uh....Thanks?" She tryed to smile "Nice to meet you" she then looked at rune "Heh, that sounds painful"

Edited by ForeverFrozen

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Stellar was quick he had his blades up in a flash "bring it " steel growled ignoring the others "im not a kid and I only fight those that deserve it" he'd fight runedawn to size didn't matter

Grell nodded "its a compliment I promise " grell said his horn had a burn mark on it from when he rolled into the fire he heard his name and what was said "his head is quite nice "

Edited by dashian500
  • Brohoof 1

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Embers charged at stellar, swinging the sword at stellars leg, but at the last second bringing it up to his face


Sapphire, meanwhile, was looking happaly at grell "Thanks, it sounds like you had a hard life, what did you do? I, helped apple jack buck apples, it was uhhh..Fun?"

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Embers flipped steel onto the ground, and had his sword out as he stepped back and looked at steel "If you want to die, Your good frend grell would love you head" He then looked at the other ponys "Sorry, this kid wants to fight me"


Sapphire, compleatly obivis to what had just happed looked skeptically at grell "Uh....Thanks?" She tryed to smile "Nice to meet you" she then looked at rune "Heh, that sounds painful"

"Ya well he's obsessed with himself, and your just falling into his hooves just cut it out, for Luna's sake we are supposed to be surviving and using teamwork, not trying to murder each other so stop provoking him!" Said chilly, he was reaching for his dagger, like it would do anything though with his current combat skills

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Embers ducked to the side, avoding one knife but the other hit him squire in the leg "Gah" He winced, but moved forward twords steel, slashing his sword at his side


Sapphire looked at grell "Not much, mostly helping ponys out, i helped applejack until...Well..You know" She said, pointing around

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Chilly jumped in and pushed steel away and stood between them both "STOP FOR CELESTIAS SAKE" he said opening his wings shielding each other so no one had a shot at the other open anypony. "We need to survive not murder each other with blades, we're always in enough pain already don't add to it"

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Embers fell, hitting the ground face 1st. He was loseing blood, fast. Everything was red, he slowly go up, but fell and went unconsus



Sapphire chuckled "Heh, That makes it sound alot happyer, I would not mind have you as a frend at all" She smiled, then looked at embers "What the..."

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Grell smiled "thanks " grell said he looked over at embers and cursed grabbing his bag he put a large flat piece of metal into the fire he went over to embers working quickly he began to fix uo embers insides where steels blade had cut them while the metal heated "pull that out if the fire when it's over 200 degrees " grell said

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Sapphire looked at the fire "Uhhh...Ok?" She slowly walked forward. When she tought i was 200ish degrees, she used her magic to take it out. She then placed it next to grell, thinking about how fast he had been to help this random pony who didnt seem that nice to anyone

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