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open The Ponyville Tavern


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Chugging down a second can, Thunder turned to his competition. "I didn't really get to know Octavia that well, but from what I could see, she didn't really look too happy about anypony knowing she was fillyfriends with Vinyl." Reaching out for the third can, the brown stallion once again spoke. "Well, I don't know if they still are fillyfriends, but buck are they fun, if you get what I mean here." He snickered at his own joke, taking a gulp from the third can.

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Volt opened the door with a slamn, he entered angry with a letter on his hoof, while blasting the floor marching toward the counter




he sitted on the nearest chair without looking at anypony




Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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Noticing the destressed pony, Seth premptivly porred a beer. Sliding the mug down he sat across from Volt.


"If I may ask, what's got you down, doc?"


He began to pore another beer just In case, however, a ball of blue flames interrupted him. A letter landed on the counter, addressed with the lunar crest.

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@@arkman575, @@Doc. Volt,

Tranq nodded. She finished sweeping both the front and back of the bar, then quickly wiped down all the tables. With the nuts being supplied, there was a lot of salt decorating everything. She smiled to herself in satisfaction, then went to sit at the bar to discuss her pay. She turned towards the counter, then jumped as one of the other patrons yelled. Her eyes opened wide with surprise. I can't do this. This isn't my scene. I should just resign. I can find better. She knew she couldn't. So she sighed to herself and continued toward the counter like nothing had happened.


I got an extra hour in the ballpit


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"BUCK!!! i just sent my curriclum back the the CLoudsdale weather corporation, and you know what doctor suck-my-cloud said? 'no thank you Volt, we don't need you back here, since the incident we don't want old workers back' BUCK THAT!! I LEFT MY SOUL, MY BUCKING SOUL IN THAT FACTORY!! AND NOW I MUST STAY HERE TO DIE IN A BLOODY FORGOTTEN TOWN?!?"


he launched his switchblade over the counter hitting a poster of Celestia right In her face




Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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@Troblems @Doc. Volt



Seth, slightly taken back from the rage, pulled the knife out of the wall. He folded it back up an slid it back to his associate.

"I feel for you man. I truly feel for you." Seth replied, sliding the next glass over to him. "Did they give you a potential for a credit for working at a government facility?"

Seth, looking towards the newly arrived letter, picked it up. It was most likely a government reminder of paperwork. Just noticing his new employee, Seth turned to her.

"About your pay, I looked up your history..."

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Tranqs eyes went wide. Was it the time I accidentally pushed my academic adviser into the lake? No, nobody would care about that. Nobody knows I lost my mom's treasured necklace. He wouldn't care about that either. The fire deemed not her fault. So what was it?

"I uhh...I can explain...." Explain what exactly?!


I got an extra hour in the ballpit


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Seth kept his stowic appearance, however, he was grinning within. He wanted to have a little fun with her. After letting the unicorn sweat bullets for a few seconds, he finally broke false expression. 


With a light grin, he began, "If you are going to explain how you graduated Vanhoover with high remarks, and still have time to be a novelist, then you can go ahead. I already read a report from the head dean of the university." Seth said with a hint of a laugh. "I don't just hire ponies of the street without knowing anything about them. You impressed me. My one question is how you found your way to my side of Equestria."


Fumbling with the fastener to the letter, Seth unfurled it and read it casually as he finished his explanation. 

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Tranq's face dropped. Oh man, if this is how he acts on my second time meeting him. Although, to be fair, I did beg desperately for a job.  "Turns out an Equinese degree doesn't get you far. As for writing, I got loads of time for that. Unfortunately, nobody is paying me for it, so it's not really very helpful. My first two books only had local releases, and even if they were well received, if nobody buys it, I don't get paid. The cost for my publishing fees hasn't even been covered yet." She shrugged. "I'll get there. I know my work is good, I just need that one big break, you know?"


I got an extra hour in the ballpit


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Looking away from the letter for a moment, he looked at Tranq's face. His usual half smirk-smile faded for a second. 


"I actually don't know the life of an author. Truthfully, I'm not even a diplomat at heart. My history is... scarred, however. I know what it feels to have life be turned upside down." Seth elaborated, looking to the bar counter. "That's why I hired you. When you walked into the bar I could tell you hated every square inch of this place, me included. However, I could tell that you were here because you didn't have a choice. You have determination, honor, loyalty, everything I respect in a wolf; in your case, pony. You have spent years of your time and effort in an attempt to gain a degree that you wanted. Now I'm sorry you fell from your place, but that's why I hired you: to get a second shot at what you have earned in life. I wish I could offer more, but at least I can help you out here." Seth finished.


After a second he returned to the letter. Reading through it, his expression changed from his sorrow to what looked like disbelief. He read it over again and again. Once he finished it for the third time, he placed it down, rebinding it.

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"I'm still surprised she didn't tell me..." Finishing his third can and heading for his forth. "Me and Tavi have been like family to each other since we were fillys." Stardust looked upset. "And she knows how much I adore Vinyl..." Stardust finished his forth can, but he wasn't drinking as fast as he was before, It was visible what his new drinking buddy said had hit him, hard.


"I want to live on mars so I'm closer to the stars." - Deltron3030

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Tranq nodded, and looked at Seth with appreciation. I don't know that he likes it here any better than I do. She eyed the letter he had, but decided against asking. They'd only recently met, and he seemed to have respect for her. It wouldn't do for her to lose that already. "So uh...This place could really use a paint job. I'm thinking pink."


I got an extra hour in the ballpit


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"give me a beer.. the buck you want Seth"


he said empting the glass


"stupid society.. i got graduated with the higher score... worked in that facility since i was a teenager.. an now... they don't want me back... i know that i have no momories of what happened.. THAT day here.... well... sigh.. at least i'm not the only one who lost a job... "


he said ooking sadly at Seth


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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After Shamrock dropped off Ambiance at her home, she head to the inn she'll be staying at for a while. After a long and pretty good sleep she woke up pretty late. She yawns and sits up. The first thing she reached for was her at on the bedside table. She smooths her mane back and put it on then got out of bed. She head down stairs to get some food in her. After she had something to eat she thought about what she could do. She felt like needed something to drink, so she got up and head for that bar again. @@arkman575, She walks into the bar and takes a seat at the counter again ."Evening there Seth. One pint if you'll please." Shammy looks around the bar hoping she wouldn't see Connor.@, Then she say that mare with the glasses she didn't get to talk to. She moves over to her with a friendly smile. "Howya, It's not often you see a pretty mare like yourself in a old pub like this one."

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After roughly thirty seconds of staring at the letter, Seth finally came to. His expression turned to one of pure joy (or the best one could imitate for being a wolf). He trotted over to the tap and pored the to rounds for the ponies. 


"You know what, a round on the house! For everypony!" Seth announced, lifting one beer in the air. He both down to the respective ponies and returned to Tranq. 




"Hey, I want to say something. How would you feel taking over the tavern, free of charge? I just got a letter from the throne to return to Canterlot, permanently. The princesses have requested me to assist them in a diplomatic mission with a fellow nation, and after that, I was to be made senior diplomatic adviser. Taking that role, I would have to live in Canterlot, so I couldn't tend the bar. Technically it is mine, so I was wondering if you wanted it. You could sell it for all I care, I just need it off my paws and I thought you as a pony who could use a promotion. This might seem a bit fast, but remember I hired you after thirty seconds of you begging me for that job. So, if you want the bar, it's yours. Maybe it can help out that book courier you wanted to start."

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Volt looked surprised at Seth


"ehi why are you so happy now? they finaly decide to let you put your ugly nose out of this place?"


he then slowly sipped his beer still reading the words on his letter, carving lightings with the knife over the wood of the counter


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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Tranq looked at him, bemused and bewildered. "You know, the pink thing was a joke. It does need paint, but any color will work." Drinks on him? What was in that letter?



"Just a culmination of strange, and slightly unlucky circumstances has brought me to this spot before you. And stranger by the minute, I suppose." She plunked a pint down in front of Shamrock.


I got an extra hour in the ballpit


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Shammy takes the pint with a smile. "Thank ya, darling." She takes a drink and sighs. "I think an olive green would make this place look pretty good. And that's a real sad to hear. But when life gets you down you gotta pick yourself up and keep moving. That's what me da use to say. And I'm sure you'll end up where you want to go. And sometimes you got to make your own luck. But if you want I can give you some of mine."

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Thunder turned to the DJ. "Wow. That's strange. She should have told you, but she didn't." Finishing his third and heading for his fourth in the same steady pace as before. "Well, that's mares for ya. I still don't understand them, don't think I ever will. Don't get me wrong though, I am into them."

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Seth looked down to the floor, a sheepish expression plastered across his face. Laughed nervously for a secound.


"Ya, sorry for the outberst. I got a letter from Luna saying that I was going to return to being a diplomat. Since you need some bits, I was going to give you the bar. You seem like you could use the bits, and you can sell it once I leave. I want you to have a secound chance at your future, so, here you go." Seth finished passing her a glass of wine he porred.


Turning to Volt, he commented, "well, you got your wish. I'm moving out, so you won't be bothered by my furry presence again."

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Tranq smiles at Shamrock. "You know, I suppose I don't actually believe in luck, but rather I made poor choices. It'll work out, I just have to work at it a bit harder. I honestly never expected to be working here, but here I am. I'll make the best of it for now. As for paint, I was thinking maybe a rich woody red color. Although then it may clash with my fur...Hmm..."




Tranq slides the wine glass back across to Seth, pours herself a beer, picks it up with her magic, and leans it forward for him to clink. "Well, cheers then. If you ever want it back, it's here. This seems like a profitable business, so I'll keep it for the income. Maybe I'll be a fancy business owner and author."

Edited by Troblems


I got an extra hour in the ballpit


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Seth picks up the wine glass and klincks Tranq's. He takes a sip at the cheer. Enjoying the aged taist of the red wine, Seth placed the glass down.

"Cheers to you and your business. May luck and favor be with you forever more. This place has been fun, but my calling is with diplomatically. Just save me a seat for when I stop by on vacation. Oh, and if you're ever in canterlot, look me up. Now if you don't mind, I need to gather a few belongings before this place is truly yours." Seth walked into his back room. He found a large box and began grabbing his belongings. Finishing his packing, he returned to the tavern proper.

Raising his voice so all could hear he announced, "well guys, I'm leaving the bar. So with a finall gift of gratitude for your survice here, one more round in me." Seth tossed a large pouch towards Tranq, and sat at the bar for one final drink.

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Ambiance walked into the bar. Her memory of the night before was rather blurry.  She trotted up to the bar, @@arkman575,

"Ummm... hi." She asked, "May I just get a mug of something without alcohol?"

She sighed, and turned to see a familiar mare next to her. Her cheeks turned to a crimson hugh.


"Oh, ummm..." Words escaped her grasp. "Um... H-how's it going, Shammy."


This sig was made by applegearrising  ~Love you <3 <3~

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Seth turned to the mare, his grin unchanging. "Hello again. About last night..." he said, reaching over the counter to the underside of the bar. He pulled out a small glass with a white powder with a red sauce over it. "I never got you your order. So, for compensation for my late arrive, it's on me. Oh, I'm not the bartender anymore. Tranq is." Seth replied, gesturing to the mare behind the counter.

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Thunder overheard the wolf mentioning his leave. "What? You're leaving?" He had a look of surprise on his face. "If you're leaving, then why don't you celebrate with us, join our little contest here." Smiling, Thunder had a thought: "Maybe I could play a song for you. If you could teach me a wolven war tune, then I will play one. Just for you. In honor of your leave, in honor of you being a great barkeep. What do you think?"

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