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open The Ponyville Tavern


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She smiled warmly. The kind bartenter remembered something so silly.

She levitated the cup to her mouth, and swallowed.

A rush of awareness overtook her, and she smiled. She was wide awake now.

"Thank you. I don't even know you, bit I'm gonna miss you."

She holds her hoof out for a shake, and smiles again.


This sig was made by applegearrising  ~Love you <3 <3~

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Seth gave a quick frown. "Sorry for not telling you guys up front, but I literally got the letter." His smile frown vanished, his joy for all the found memories not keeping him suppressed. "About the beer challenge, I still need to think state tonight at the conference, so I will have to decline. Plus, I doubt I would stand a chance vs you two." Shuffling the box, Seth pulled out a stack of paper. "Now for that war song you promised, that I will take you up on." He handed over the papers.




Seth turned to the mare. He still had his joeys grin, however, it seemed to falter slightly.


"I'm sorry that this was the only thing I served you. Like most people in this tavern, I wish I got more time to know you. You seem like a nice mare." Seth shook her hoof and came close to whisper to her. "Although, Shammy seems to have an interest in getting to know you a little more. I suggest you letting her a bit. Although, I'm just a wolf, so I don't know anything about romance with equines." Seth returned to his normal posture and returned to his wine. 

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Tranq opens a can of root beer and slides it across the bar to Ambiance. "I'm the new barkeep, I guess. Sorry to disappoint. Root Beer for you." She walked out from behind the bar, a bit overwhelmed. Not often was one granted a business, let alone from a wolf, with no work done. She began to do a mental inventory of what needed to be done. Wobbly stool x7, wobbly table x2, reorder nuts, running low on Applejack Daniels.


I got an extra hour in the ballpit


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Runedawn had taken a fair while to fully consume his good drink, while listening to all the converstions around him. He had eventually finished the entire bottle. "Well seth, if you are going to be a diplomat againg, make sure you supply the tavern with enough of this stuff. It is amazing!" Runedawn stood up and banged his head agains't the roof. "OW!" He screamed, stumbling back onto a table, which broke in half when he hit it.


Runedawn looked around confused, and eventually realized what happened. "Oops, that drink was heavier than I thought." He exclaimed. He tried to stand up again, but decided to keep lying dowm for a few seconds instead. "Don't worry, I'll pay for this..." He said gruntingly.

How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Three percent of the population likes classical music, if only we could get it up to four percent we'd be back in business and all our problems would be over." How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Everybody loves classical music! They just haven't found out about it yet!" It's an entirely different world. It's what you make of it that counts.


I found an easy way to find out if you've inspired someone. If their eyes are shining, you know you're doing it!

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Shamrock gave Ambiance the same smile. "Of course, Ami. I was hopping I get to see you again." She says as she moves a little closer to her. "Oh, but first. I wanted to apologize for that kiss I gave you before I left the other day. Sometimes I do things without thinking."

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Tranq eyed Runedawn warily. Only owned the place 10 minutes, and there's already another table that needs fixing. She sighed. It might be smart to get herself a bouncer. As small a mare as she was, she might need help removing the patrons who'd had a few too many, and too much of a good time. "Don't worry about paying for it, I've already got a list of other stuff that needs to be repaired. I'll just add the table to it. Are you normally so clumsy, or just inebriated?  Should I be covering everything in bubble wrap?"


I got an extra hour in the ballpit


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Volt looked at Seth furiosly, his eyes become first anisocorla, them the other eye turned smal and small,  like a miosis, the rest of the pupil was filled with static electricty discharges, he holded the knife on the counter so tightly that it left the sign over it and over his hoof, he slowly got up without letting the eyes on Seth, then an evil grim appeared on his face... he said calmy:


"ehi Seth... i saw some nice sydrum barrel down there.. mind if i help you to bring one up to party for your new job? i'll pay for all eh eh..."


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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((OOC:SUP!!! I am here! Interact with me please i have noooo idea what to do exactly right now.))

@@arkman575, Terra was long overdue some rest and after training, and his work as the local blacksmith he was exhausted. The sweat was making him cold and he desperately needed something to burn him up. He was still wearing his own custom armor after his training. ((OOC:See avatar)) Something landed on his shoulder chirping, it had the colors of crimson, yellow, and white like a fire. Fenix chirped happily guessing his thoughts and pointed with his wing at the lights ahead in the city.

"What is it my boy? Oh... the tavern... seems like a good choice right now. I could really go for some heated honeywine. Don't shine too bright aye? We don't want to scare the others now do we?"

((OOC:I can edit the phoenix out if you guys mind.))

He slowly trotted towards the entrance, before entering he paused. He got his helmet out and shook his head running a hoof through his orange-red lion like mane refreshing himself. Then he opened the door and sat near the bench of the bar. He raised his hoof slightly until the bartender came to serve him.

"Can you give me some heated wine with honey? Otherwise i'll be fine with some Applejack Daniels."

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@Doc. Volt


Seth, knowing Tranq was having a hard enough with Rune, decided to serve one last drink in his life as a bartender. He got up and opened the basement door and gestured to the doctor.

"Well, I should have at least a few barrels left."



Seth turned to Trank, who was scolding Rune. "Hey T, I just need to make a run to the basement. I'll be up in a sec, but after that I should probably be heading out to the train station."


He walked into the basement, prepping to lift one of the heavy barrels.

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"eh eh all right.. let's do this punk.."


Volt walked slowly behind Seth


"you know... you shoul trow a big party here... it doesn't happen everday to get called back to your favourite and awesome work you know? eh eh.. i'm so... happy.. for you"


Volt was walking with his right hoof in his pocket..


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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Seth began lifting the berrol onto his back, grunting slightly from the weight. He changed his stance to help him compinsate for the new load.


"I don't know about a party. Tranq is already having issues with Rune. Plus, it's her first day on the job... I don't know. Probably not." Seth stumbled for a secound, causing the barrel to slip. "Volt, can you give me a hoof here, this thing is going."

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"eh eh no worries friend".. he raised the barrel and then released it on the the paw of the wolf, he then jumped on his body and opened his switch knife poiting it at the wolf's troath


"any last word words lucky 'friend' eh eh? not so lucky now eh?"



Volt turned around in the room to see where the voice came from


"where are you? you want to join the party eh?"

"i am here.."


Volt turned to his right only to see a mirror, on the mirror another Volt was looking toward him




"i am you.. let Seth go.. it's not his fault.."


"shut up!"


he bucked the mirror destroing it, he gathered a piece of glass and returned on Seth

"eh eh.. this way it will look like an incident.. pal.. ahaha! So... are you ready to meet the creator my furried friend?"


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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Seth gave some effort to lift the barrel as volt also lifter it. Without warning, the barrel landed on his right paw. Bones could be audibly hear broken. He gave a screen in pain as Volt ranted over his threat. Now asking him for his final words, the doomed wolf barked, "Go to wolven hell!"

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Volt looked at Seth, his eyes lighted up in a lighting as his right hoof  stuck the glass piece in his neck... in less then some seconds blood was flowing out from the carotid, wetting all the right face of Volt and his work jacket.. he staied in that position, looking at the life of Seth fling away from his eyes... when the vacuum filled it he then retracted the hoof leaving the glass piece on the neck, a sadistic smile on his face



"what have i done? i don't know..."





Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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"Don't worry about it... I guess I kinda let you on."

She chuckled to herself just a little.

"I mean.. I..."

@@Doc. Volt,

In the distance, a series of sounds caught her attention. "Hold on a second."

She wandered into the basement, wondering if something had dropped, or broken.

She looked to see the terrible scene. She stared blindly at the mad stallion with the piece of glass. The blood. The dead wolf.

She couldn't speak. Anger. Fear. Sadness. Tons of emotion filled her mind as her body moved her without her noticing.

Rage. Pure rage clouded her mind.

She saw herself levitating and tossing a barstool at Volt, knocking him to the ground.

She threw herself upon his recoiling body. With all the force of her front hooves, she stomped into his forehead.

Again. Again. She wouldn't stop.

Again. She kept going until she was certain he was out cold. And then some.

Some more.


Finally knowing he was certainly out, she regained control of her body. She no longer felt her rage.

She grasped what had happened, and began to cry, running back to the ground floor.

"Please... somepony help." Her voice was barely audible. She collapsed in tears.


This sig was made by applegearrising  ~Love you <3 <3~

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Volt hitted the wall very hard and lost coscience for a moment..


"uh what? what happen.." he then noticed Seth body..




he then flown over the pony out the door, he pushed away everything he encountered, and after having crack-open the door he flown away crying, his body still half covered in blood


"what... what have i done?"


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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@@Doc. Volt, @,

Tranq heard scuffling from downstairs. She was ready to buck someone up. What in Celestia's name are ponies doing down there anyways? She raced towards the sound and stopped cold. There was blood. A lot of it. Crap. Now not only is there a huge mess to clean up, and I'm going to have to explain this to the police, and I'm never going to be able to sell this place! She first had to figure out who was bleeding. She picked up a nearby empty, smashed it against the wall, and kept the broken end at the ready, just in case she had to defend herself.


I got an extra hour in the ballpit


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Pain. Pure pain. That was all the dying wolf felt. Not so much physical as much as emotional. A supposed friend his killer. A life he thought just begun, fleeing his grasp. He had seen meany deaths in his life, and nearly killed a few times as well. But this was it. His life was coming to a close. With one final breath, he prepared himself for the final and possibly most challenging task in life, moving on.


He released his final hold on air, passing from this world.

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Due to the dimness in the cellar, it was difficult to see who all was downstairs. She was able to make out that there were three individuals, and one had to be




Dropping the bottle, careless of her own safety, she dropped down beside him, feeling to see if he was still breathing.


"Oh no you don't. You are not about to dump this bar on me and then die! Wake up you asshole!" She rolled him over and pounded on his chest with her hoof. She couldn't tell how much of the blood was his, but if he was this far gone, it was probably a lot.


"I don't know who else is down here, but if you have any sense you will go upstairs, find me something to try and stop his bleeding, bring it to me and leave. GO! NOW!"


I got an extra hour in the ballpit


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When Ambiance left she started to a worry a little. Then she heard the noises and the shouting then she really started to get worried. When she came back and burst into tears her eyes go wide and she quickly  bolted out her seat and got to her. She pulls her arms. "Ambiance! Are you alright?" 

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She still stared vacantly, uttering the words, "Help..."

Her ears perked from hearing a familiar voice, and her senses returned to her..

"Shammy..." she was still barely audible, panicky.

She took an easily audible swallow.

"Don't worry about me." She pointed towards the brutally wounded wolf, and the mare that was desperately trying to save him.

"We need something to stop his blood loss. Now!" She took several deep breathes as she rushed upwards, pushing Shamrock aside as she rummaged through cabinets, shelves, and the like, searching for something, anything that could help.

"Don't just stand there! Help!"

She barely noticed the tears were once again flowing down her cheeks.


This sig was made by applegearrising  ~Love you <3 <3~

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With Shamrock being a boxer she's has some medical experience. After Ambiance said help she got into gear and quickly when to look anywhere there might be a first aid kit. She found one from behind the bar and got to work on the old wolf. "Ambiance, get me the strongest bottle of alcohol you can find so I can disinfect some of his wounds. And hurry!" 

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@@Gloomfury, @,

She continued to search, frantically, behind the counter.

"Don't panic. Just don't panic." She didn't realize she was thinking out loud. In the corner of her eye, she noticed a large bottle, it and the liquid inside were clear. The smiled lightly in relief, but immediately regained her composure.

She trotted as quickly as possible into the cellar. Turning to the two that stood there, she held the bottle in front of herself.

"Vodka." That was the only word she spoke. Hoping, praying that she had made the right choice.


This sig was made by applegearrising  ~Love you <3 <3~

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"Great!" She takes the bottles, opens it and pours  some of it on Seth's cuts. She then pulled out a needle and thread and starts stitching the large gash. When she was done she poured a little more of the vodka on it to clean it a bit. And she started wrapping bandage around Seth. When she was done she let out a sigh. "He'll be alright. Lucky for him his cuts worn't to deep." She got up and washed her hooves. Then she walked over to Ambiance and pulled her into a caring hug. "I'm so glad you're alright. I was so worried when I heard the noises." She pulls her closer. "For some reason I can't bear the thought of you getting hurt."

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