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open These are the Voyages...

Commander Tangent

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The Admiral stepped into the meeting room. It was time for the officers (You all) to be entering, to receive their new assignment. He sat at the end of the circular table across from the door were everyone would entered. While he waited he looked out the nearby window that made up the wall on his left. He looked out above the city of San Francisco's night time skyline, and to the stars. The stars that this group of brave men and women would be exploring, making the discoveries of a lifetime.


He opened up his communicator, and sent a message to all of the officers assigned to the meeting.


"The time has come ladies and gentlecolts, get up here to the meeting room ASAP. This will be the defining moment of your lives, do not miss it" He closed the communicator as it was sent to the group. 


The Admiral opened up a file of the ship, the USS Deviant, and displayed the Constitution class vessel using a hologram projected from the center of the table. It slowly spun, showing the interior of the ship in detail to all who would look. And with that, he sat back and waited for the officers to enter, and take their seats.



Edited by Commander Tangent
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Gold Rush looked down at his padd as he wrote his Ore survey report.  His busy schedule had left him little time to finish it up and his upcoming assignment made him eager.  His concentration was broken as communicator started beeping.  Peering down at the display he packs up his gear into his saddle bag and trots up to the turbolift.  AS he reached his destination his mind wonders back to his report.  Pulling out his padd once more he keeps writing.  He stops for a second as he stares at the busy traffic wiz by below. 

                Entering the briefing room he sits down.  He looks at the hologram for a second and then back to his padd finishing up the last of it.  He is so caught up in finishing the report he forgets to introduce himself.

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Hearing the recent message, Runner moved to leave his small room. Taking the lift down to the level of the conference room, he stepped out onto the floor. He moved to the nearest door and greeted some other Starfleet officers shuffling around . He made a stop at the replicator for a cup of water before moving into the door just feet away.


Runner walked down the sterile hall, carefully balancing the cup of water on his back he had picked up earlier. He contained his childish excitement like always. He hadn't been much for displaying emotions, and even this couldn't bring him to display them. That didn't stop him from feeling and thinking about them. Soaring the stars, huge adventures... it would be grand. Snapping back to the situation ahead of him, he walked to the door as it slid open in front of him.


Moving to the farthest chair he slid the cup of water into the table as it sloshed around. Taking his seat, he looked to the other pony sitting across from him behind the hologram. It took him a second to realize what the hologram was. A starship. His starship. Well, close enough to his. He awkwardly shuffled as he realized he was pretty much staring at the pony behind the hologram. 'Sorry,' he said 'I'm Runner. Comms and data officer... sir'

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Colt Revo was trying on his new captains uniform when the communicator went off, alerted by the noise he checked it out, upon seeing that a meeting was being called, he finished putting on his uniform and added finishing touches making sure he looked in top shape and presence, he then headed out of his room, taking his communicator with him.


he walked out of his room and down a hallway, he didnt walk very fast he didnt feel the need to, though not slow enough that it looked like he was slothing through, he moved at his own brisk pace, he didnt like rushing things, as long as he took things at his own pace he was in control, and if there was one thing he liked was being in control, he worked best when superiors let him handle problems his own way, he got stuff done faster and better, and now that he was a captain, he would have more freedoms, and of course more responsibility, but he felt like he could handle it


he entered the turbolift and headed up to the meeting room, once inside he found some ponies were already there, he walked in, looking at them "Hello all, captain Colt Revo at your service" he took a small bow and then preceded to take a seat

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@@Commander Tangent, (awkward intro in comming)


moonlight after hearing the message  trotted down to the meeting room she wasn't overly exited she was more looking forward to it she bumped into some other ponies but she appologize she was quite glad not everypony was judging her on what she looks and what she is. she arrived at the meeting room she takes a seat.


(yea i know blunt into but into's aren't easy to post )

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Taking another sip, News Runner picked up a nearby pencil and began tapping the end of it on the table. Annoyed, he spoke up to the ponies around him. He was considerably younger than the other around him. No surprise there. He took another sip if his water and looked again at the hologram. Constitution class vessel, pretty normal ship. He looked for the name. USS Deviant. Nice name. He took yet another nervous sip. He was getting impatient. It didn't take him *that* long to get here . Where was everypony else? He decided to let it go. They'll be here eventually.

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(This went after Applesacks)

After being awoken by the message, he got up quickly and tried his best to dress up as fast as he can. When he put on his new yellow uniform, he looked in to the mirror, and exclaimed "Not bad, not bad at all." He quickly replicated a small cup of cold goat milk. He drinked it and rushed out of his quarters. Sloboda was very curious. Which class will we get? A Discovery, a Constelation, an Istanbul? "Anything except the Istanbul, why would they make such a crappy ship anyway?" He asked himself "I'd rather retire then have to serve on a cargo ship of that sort!" He noticed that his running was futile, since he was not that late. He took the liberty of looking through one of the windows next to the meshall. And there he stood, looking at the window, identifying stars one by one, well, at least what could be seen in a bright city like this.He remembered that the admiral called, and he didn't want to arrive last, so he rushed to the turbolift like he never rushed before, hoping that he wouldn't be the last to arrive again. After finally ariving at the designated location he opened the door and shouted "Luitenant Sloboda Zlatna reporting for duty!... Sir" He sat next to Runner and looked at the table. "Constitution... Yes!!!" He wispeted to himself quietly. 

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@@, @, @@Skullbuster, @@BlinkZ,


"Greeting to all of you, I suppose you all know why you are here, so let us begin. " He motioned to the hologram. "This is your new home. The USS Deviant, a constitution class vessel fitted with the latest technology from scientific equipment, to military weaponry.She is capable of Warp 6 and and is also able to manage very nice impulse speeds. " He zoomed in onto to the ship, and gave it a cutaway view.


"It has a crew of 400 and has all the needed facilities for life, plus a few additions so you don't get bored." He looked around at the group.


"Now before I go on, does anypony have questions about the ship?"

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News Runner didn't have any questions. He was happy with the ship he had gotten. It seemed new and working, for one. It would be a nice change from the run down apartment he owned before Starfleet. Finishing his water, he pushed the cup away and shifted in his seat. He wondered how long he would be out to space for. He had heard of year long missions. He didn't even have family or loved ones to go to, but spending a year in space sounded lonely and exhausting. He turned back to the hologram and pony and listened to what he said next.

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@@Commander Tangent


moonlight placed a hoof under her chin then shook her head she didn't really have questions for it other than how are they not floating from zero gravity in space and their bones not weakening.  as long she won't get bored out of her mind and or make her clausterphobic she can live happily for the rest of her life in this ship.

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@@Commander Tangent


moonlight placed a hoof under her chin then shook her head she didn't really have questions for it other than how are they not floating from zero gravity in space and their bones not weakening.  as long she won't get bored out of her mind and or make her clausterphobic she can live happily for the rest of her life in this ship.

((You may wnat to look up stuff on the star trek wiki, there are things called gravity plating, internal dampeners))


Gold put his padd down as he watched the breifing.  he put up his hoof to ask "the roster said I am being assigned to head of Geology, so who my commanding officer"

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((Yeah, may want to do what BlinkZ said, there are tons of basics you may want to know like teleporters, phaser arrays and stuff like that.))

Edited by Artemis
Please just report posts people make prior to signing up in an RP.
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Light Streak stepped into the room. "Sorry I'm late." Apologized Light, taking his seat at the second in command chair. He looked around. It was indeed a beautiful ship. Light took it all in with wonder and awe filling ever particle in his body. He had been in ships before, but this was amazing.

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Sloboda did have a question. "Will we have the standard issue 14 phaser banks plus 2 photon torpedo launchers, or the 18 phaser banks 2 photon launchers version?" He asked. "Also I presume we'll have type 1 phasers and type 2 phaser pistols, but since we are going on a long term mission, will we get phaser rifles?" (Sloboda is thinking about the tos version, the one with a large orange prefiring chamber)

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"You will have the standard 14 phaser banks, basic crew armament, plus 60 phaser rifles "


He turned to the new arrival




"About time officer, take a seat, and if there are no more questions, I will start mission briefing" He tapped his data pad several times before looking up.

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"60 phaser rifles?" He exclaimed "That'll be enough to take over an entire starship! Thank you Sir!". Sloboda knew well how powerfull this weapon was, and he was happy we got them in such a great number. But this made him wonder what kind of assignment this will be, since the Admiral was so generous in equipping us properly.

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@@Commander Tangent

Light took a seat as he said one last, and peculiarly faint, "I apologize." Light looked around a while longer before focusing once again on the task at hand. The mission briefing. Let's hope this will be a great adventure.thought Light with glee. He liked being happy. It suited him.

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"You mission is unheard of, and is of utmost importance. You will be spending the next 5 years, exploring unknown and uncharted space. Your objective, to explore strange new worlds, to seek new life and new civilizations. To boldly go were no pony has ever gone before" Th Admiral said with excitement.

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@@Commander Tangent

YES! thought Light excitedly. "This is going to be stupendous!" Said Light with excitement in his voice. And to think that less than a year ago, he was living in a forest with no idea if he'd ever see new horizons or not. Now he knew that it was time to see what was unseen, and he was ready to do it.

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Oh dear Celestia.


5 years.


5 long years.


It would be a long time in space. Hopefully they would find some planets to land on. Shuffling uncomfortably at the thought of months at a time in space, he tried to relax. He wasn't sure what to do now.


OOC: Anyone get that reference?

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"Five years away from home?" He said to himself. "Piece of cake!" Sloboda wasn't expecting anything less, since the Admiral briefed us in person like this. He thought that it will be a pleasent and fruitful journey, plus he was always interested in stellar cartography, and it's the only course in the Academy he finnished that doesn't fit his job description.

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Gold feels eager at the chance for a long stage exploration assigment.  His papers about his transfer stated this clearly.  "Lets rock and roll"  he says.   After catching his exited self he looks at the admiral and says "Sorry, just the farthest i'v ever gone was pluto but man i'm pumped"

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