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Hi I'm Flutterplex001 and please let me know of what you think about this...It's a little confusing at the start since I suck at organizing my ideas but please take time reading till the end. This might be pretty darn stupid to some you but here it goes..


Let me start off by saying that playing video games had been my life since I was kid and I was really not interested with the other hobbies I tried (sports, flute playing, and a bunch of other stuff). I remember the time when I used to play with my old Win 95 computer and my PS1(I was like one gen behind btw). But back then, I really did not think about it that much at all. Time goes by and I got to play on a ps2 (when the ps3 came out...I wan't really aware of these things back then, I was only having fun really) and eventually my cousin gave me a Wii (2 or 3 years before the WiiU came out..not really sure). Now, this is a cousin of mine who migrated to the U.S. when he was young and eventually grew up there. He was a medic in the U.S. navy btw when he gave me a Wii along with 10 or so original games (yes I pirated all my games back then except for RA 2, WC3, DMC, and C&C The First Decade...and i really didnt care or couldn't tell the difference between a bootlegged copy with the original one)with 2 other gaming magazines(I believe they were gameinformer ones). I was like mehhhhh I wonder what games are in this issue. BOY...I should not have read those magazines ( Ooh ooh and btw the first mag has Red Dead Redemption as the cover and the other, Portal 2...at that time, I was like wtf could these be?).  As soon as I've read the contents of the magazine, I was like holy shit these games are awesome. At that very moment I learned how the gaming industry works (or at least in the U.S.), how the community was like, and other fun stuff I'm missing. I started playing with my Wii and of all the games that I played, I enjoyed Okami (Zelda: SS comes second)the most and it is still by far my most favorite game ever. I had like a total 5 playthroughs and the first time I finished the game I almost cried. The story was just too darn awesome and that deepened my liking to video games. I mean how could a simple video game teach me a lot of life lessons and inflict certain emotions on me? After that I got into watching youtube videos of playthroughs of different games and the process of it helped me realize more what I was missing and boy I was missing a lot. A year later I got a computer ( a crappy one...I still didnt know back then ) and I played MOH (its an orig. copy) and my dad played Civ. 5 (also original) for like 12 hours straight everyday for like one week until we got mad at him XD. Anyway, Civ. 5 retail required us to install STEAM. WTF is STEAM? Downloaded it to play Civ. 5 and learned that it was a digital store where you buy games and get deals on original copies of games. At that very moment I was completely made aware of what I'm missing. Whenever I go to community pages one guy talk about like 5-10 games a month. All the good games are on steam so yeah.

So after a while, Iv'e been wanting a copy of Skyrim so I asked another one of my relatives in the U.S. for a copy since I bet he knows more about these things. As soon as I got Skyrim, I installed it and it said that it set the graphics settings to high. Mmmmkay then i guess. It lagged a lot yeah I wasnt really aware that minimum requirement  means reduce the graphics dramatically in order for it to be playable. As I said, I was an idiot about these things back then.



Ok so after that, I googled a lot about pc gaming in general and pc games and I knew that my comp. was crap the day that we bought it. I also learned that I was missing a lot of info and stuff all these years. I also learned that original copies of games are still better and less of a hassle than pirated ones even though theyre cheap. A year after I participated on steam deals ( steam still using U.S. prices but still a lot of good games have prices gone down dramatically). Currently, I mainly buy fairly old games and games that my comp could run and that are usually 5 bucks on flash deals. <Oh and feel free to add me on steam>  -_-


Huh what is this all about? Please continue on reading and thanks for the time.  :)






So I asked myself this: How come people could afford buying 5 20-40 games a month :huh: ?


After thinking about it, I realized that the economy of my country is not the same with the economy of the country of most people who play the latest games and all that. So yeah, this might sound really really stupid but the thought of my comp. prolly wouldnt really last that long and I'm missing a lot of good games really pains me.  :unsure:  Planning on getting a slightly low end gaming pc this year but I am still unsure about it. Again, this might sound stupid but that's just how I feel honestly...It's like the universe doesnt want me to play games.  :derp: makes me really depressed really...


Another thing that bothers me is that gaming is generally frowned upon here. Even my mom doesnt really fully acknowledge the whole idea of it. 


The most played game in here doesnt really seem to interest me that much and the other games that people play here are generic free to plays  :muffins: (keep in mind that I still prefer a five dollar game than most of the usual free to play games here...You might say that I should just stick to free to plays but I'm telling you I've played a lot of them and just got tired of them after a day since the day I opened those magazines and learned that better games exist. I just couldn't last a month at most with playing a usual f2p ( although there are a good number of them out there). Because of this I feel out of place from the gaming community here...and I also feel out of place from my steam friends. 


So yeah...I dont really know why but this has been bothering me for a while...dunno why  :huh: ...


Weird? yeah i think so too...sorry about that 




PS: Sorry I wouldn't be able to reply back quickly..im goin to bed















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If you could be more precise with the issue you're worrying over it'd probably help us understand P: (also clean up that typing! That's a few pages worth in 2 chunks and little formatting! )


Right anyway, from what I understand, you're saying that gaming is what you like to do but it's difficult under your circumstances. Well I guess my answer is that if you feel it's just a hobby, then it's just a hobby, right? Give it up for a while and pick it up later if you need to. However if you want to take it seriously and are aiming for the top then pursue it like crazy.


I've been gaming since I was a child, my whole family are gamers so it's what I do. But getting the latest games has never been a big thing for me, in fact I've not bought any games released in 2013 at all.


Actually thinking about it now my cousins are from a poor country, so what they do is just stay a whole generation behind in gaming.


So what I'd say is get the low end gaming PC, and just buy old classic games or just slightly old ones. Everybody who buys games new know they're getting ripped off :P don't get involved in that hype! There are too many amazing games you've missed out on, so there's no need to get the latest.


Don't just buy any old cheap game though! Make sure you do your research and get the greatest ones. You're reading magazines right? Check online if there's forums for that, you should easily be able to get someone to lend you a bunch of old issues. I know I want to chuck out all of my old issues, and there are always people who want to give it away despite having a great collection.


It's great to hear your passion in gaming :D


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So to sum things up, you want a low end gaming PC? If you say your economy is that bad, I don't recommend buying or building a PC there. I stay no different from your situation right now. If you're going to buy a PC where you stay with economic problems, you'll sure to be scammed in a heart beat. They'll probably sell you a computer that's outdated by 8 years. I learnt the hard way...


So yea. You feel out of place due to your unfortunate financial problem.


So if you are planning on getting a new PC, give me a price range on how much you'll spend.

Edited by Fragilistic

"It must really be a lonelier journey than anyone could imagine. Cutting through absolute darkness, encountering nothing but the occasional hydrogen atom. Flying blindly into the abyss, believing therein lie the answers to the mysteries of the universe."

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lol. My mom despises me playing video games too. It isn't about how new it is, it is about the parts inside of the PC. My dad is an IT guy so he always has spare processors/Motherboards/CPUs lying around at his work that he can just give me for free. My 13 year old PC can run brand new games at full speed. So maybe trying to assemble the computer yourself out of different parts may be cheaper than buying a new computer all together.

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yeah XD everything's out of place and other than financial probs,  most peeps hear cringe when they hear the word gaming. Majority of the older people hear treat it as if its drugs or crap like that


anyway thanks for reading...i just wanted to tell someone about this



So to sum things up, you want a low end gaming PC? If you say your economy is that bad, I don't recommend buying or building a PC there. I stay no different from your situation right now. If you're going to buy a PC where you stay with economic problems, you'll sure to be scammed in a heart beat. They'll probably sell you a computer that's outdated by 8 years. I learnt the hard way...


So yea. You feel out of place due to your unfortunate financial problem.


So if you are planning on getting a new PC, give me a price range on how much you'll spend.

yep the one i got was prebuilt plus the retailers put a markup plus taxes so XDDDD

If you could be more precise with the issue you're worrying over it'd probably help us understand P: (also clean up that typing! That's a few pages worth in 2 chunks and little formatting! )

Right anyway, from what I understand, you're saying that gaming is what you like to do but it's difficult under your circumstances. Well I guess my answer is that if you feel it's just a hobby, then it's just a hobby, right? Give it up for a while and pick it up later if you need to. However if you want to take it seriously and are aiming for the top then pursue it like crazy.

I've been gaming since I was a child, my whole family are gamers so it's what I do. But getting the latest games has never been a big thing for me, in fact I've not bought any games released in 2013 at all.

Actually thinking about it now my cousins are from a poor country, so what they do is just stay a whole generation behind in gaming.

So what I'd say is get the low end gaming PC, and just buy old classic games or just slightly old ones. Everybody who buys games new know they're getting ripped off :P don't get involved in that hype! There are too many amazing games you've missed out on, so there's no need to get the latest.

Don't just buy any old cheap game though! Make sure you do your research and get the greatest ones. You're reading magazines right? Check online if there's forums for that, you should easily be able to get someone to lend you a bunch of old issues. I know I want to chuck out all of my old issues, and there are always people who want to give it away despite having a great collection.

It's great to hear your passion in gaming :D

hmmm...the mags i got were not from here although i do read articles from reputable gaming websites


hmmm, I kinda feel a little inferior to people who game in these forums...sometimes I get a little afraid to communicate with them  ^_^


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So your issue is the fact you can't afford that? Heck I can't either. I only own a total of about 15 or 20 myself. Only 8 of them are on consoles I play still. The economy does suck, even here in the US. (Capitalism sucks, it has WAY TOO MANY faults. All involving businesses.)


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So your issue is the fact you can't afford that? Heck I can't either. I only own a total of about 15 or 20 myself. Only 8 of them are on consoles I play still. The economy does suck, even here in the US. (Capitalism sucks, it has WAY TOO MANY faults. All involving businesses.)

Im sorry to hear that. yes but no its not just that


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