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private MACH: Sound Broken

Aurora Lights

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@@Commander Tangent,


"yes that virus! you showed me.. that... that.. powerful.. stuff... i am feeling... stra.."


Volt dropped on the gorund.. all the other pegasus couching and ppuking near their planes.. slowly falling and diing


"w..what happened...wh.."


the tower exploded, a holebehind Volt opened.. he was falling.. trough the hell





Volt jumped up hitting the hangar door with his hoof


"w..what the hell.. was... wa sit.. it a dream? "


he looked at the bootle


"who the buck sold me this stuf?!?"


he then noticed a plane apporaching..


"what is that? a su47? here?!?! ICARUS!"


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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@@Commander Tangent,


Drone blinked  and stared at the jet and rubbed his head,softly slapping himself to make sure it was real,he yawned and rubbed the sleep from his eyes before smiling at Flash,"Yeah...guess we did...say...did you have a weird dream too? About Volt being a super villain or whatever..."he yawned and started laughing.

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@@Aurora Lights,


Volt stared at him angrily


"buck you! i will have my war!!! "


Volt slowly stood up helping himself with a broomstick.. he found himself over th Harrier wing


"how the hell did i get there? ouch my back.. it hurts.... shit where is that Berkut now? i hope he didnìt crash into the runaway.."


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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Flash blinked in surprise. There was no way. Could it be? "Uhhh yeah. He attacked me and my friends. He was pretty dumb, pissing off an element of nature. Worst thing you can do." This was creepy. Did they all have the same dream. He looked over at Volt. He was a little unnerved at Volt's exclamation. Was the dream some kind of warning?

You can either despair that a rosebush has thorns, or rejoice that a thornbush has roses.


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Volt was looking sadly at the Berkut, he blocked the landin gear and helped his friend to get down


"yo buddy... still alive?"

he sighes


"i just made a beautifull dream... shit... i had my war back.. i was ready to finish it.. to revenge her death... my marefriend.. Solo Wing Pixy.. but.. it was all a dream.."


he said looking at his Eurofighter


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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Seth was right over the base in his nighthawk, prepping for his ejection. Noticing the ponies were stirring, he placed his paws over the lever. With the other limb, he tapped the autopilot and selected the landing field in the mountain after he bailed. Counting silently in his head, Seth pulled the lever, getting shot fifty feet above the jet. Once reaching the apex of his accent, the wolf cut the straps connecting  hm to the seat. Once free, he open his wings and began his stealth decent.

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@@Doc. Volt,


Icarus approached the hanger.


" So, I hope my landing was satisfactory, no major damage" Icarus said under his mask. The eyes glowed a sinister red as his HUD  scanned and identified all members standing around Doc. he walked over to Doc and held out a hoof.


"It had been quite some time, how are things?" 

Dr. Icarus http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dr-icarus-gold-icarus-r4796

"A face and a mask are one in the same, they're just another thing to hide behind"



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Seth approached the ground with increasing speed. reaching the half way point between him and his original altitude, Seth reached over with one paw and tapped a pad on his left gauntlet, activating the active camo screen. As his body faded into a slight shimmer, Seth engaged a optics display that grated him to be able to see his appendages through his helmet's HUD. Nearing his final hundred feet, the winged wolf spread his feathered appendages and began a sift landing a good distance away from the four equines. He landed and began hit trot to the base, trying to stay out of site of his target, he didn't know what that armor was capable of yet.

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Flash sat and watched Volt and the newcomer suspiciously. What had he said about a war? Flash's cutie mark was tingling. He could tell Volt needed something very badly, or at least he thought he did. And now Flash had spent enough time with him that he could pick up even more. And he didn't like what he was feeling.

You can either despair that a rosebush has thorns, or rejoice that a thornbush has roses.


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@@WhiteGuardian,@@arkman575, @@Commander Tangent,


Drone looked at all the actions happening around him,he felt something...off...like there was another being here but they couldn't see it,he looked at his hoof and put it back down as he slowly turned to his new best friend,Flash,"Hey...is it just me or...or do you feel someone watching us? Like someone we can't see?"he asked,raising his eyebrow as he looked around,he sniffed around a bit before adjusting his ears and he listened in a 360 area around him,he shook his head "Oh well...we are OP as hell,so I'm not scared."he said to his friend and sat beside him.

As the golden maned and tailed,grey-ish pegasus mare slowly flew around town with her mail satchel and hat,she dropped off packages and mail,she yawned softly and looked at a package,it was kind of big and heavy,sounded and felt like it was metal and was labeled "To Sentinel Drone,Pony Express" she shrugged and looked around "a moment before using her awesome thinking skills,sticking her tongue out to the side as her eyes crossed,she smiled,her golden mane swishing around as she said "HA!"she giggled slightly as she flew as quick as possible to the hangar,she smiled wide "HEYYYY!!!! I got a package for Droney!"she lands and looks around "Umm...who is Seni-...umm...Seniteeeelll...Sentinel Drone?"she asked,her face showing confusion on major scales.

Drone looked at her a moment and slowly walked up to her "I'm,uh...'Droney'...as you said."he said,looking at her a bit confused.

Derpy smiled and blushed lightly,he was pretty handsome..."UUhh...I got a package here,it says it's from...uhh...Pony Express."she says,very optimistically.

Sentinel's eyes widened slightly and he took the package quickly,he smiled kindly "Thank you Ditzy,I appreciate it...Oh  I have a tip for you."he said and reached in his backpack when he took it off,he pulled out a muffin wrapped up in normal foil,it was banana nut.

Derpy gasped loudly,"GASP!...Th-thank you..."she gingerly took the little treat in her hooves and smiled up at him,"And don't forget,Derpy Mailmare is the fastest mailer in town!"she spread her wings and flew out.

Drone chuckled slightly "That girl...Ok,let's see what we got here..."he says and opens the package with ease,he stares at the large metal piece for a moment before looking around and putting it in his pack.

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Flash looked at sentinel in alarm. He opened his mouth to speak but was interrupted when the mailmare showed up and delivered a package for drone. As his friend retrieved the package, Flash extended his cutie mark senses. His eyes widened. Yes, there it was. It was faint but it was there. The benefit to Flash's cutie mark was that everypony was always in need in one small way or another. And there was somepony close by. Somepony unseen. Sentinel came back with the box and Flash looked him square in the eye with an expression that said we are being watched. He hoped Drone understood.

You can either despair that a rosebush has thorns, or rejoice that a thornbush has roses.


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Seth was just a few yards away.There were four ponies, one was wearing a strange type of armor the wolf didn't recognize. He stayed still, letting his camo sing into the surroundings more, making him 99.99% undetectable, even to most optics used by modern teck. They seemed to be silently questioning each other. One party, the lightning pony and the pony with the backpack seemed to be questioning the other two military ponies approaching from the plane. Seth was unsure of the connection, but he had the strangest feeling that something was coming. Something...bad. A sudden movement of a pegasus swooping by and dropping off a package caught the wolf off guard. However, the look on the lightning pony seemed to surprise him more. One of pure shock and somewhat realization.

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Drone started to say something but when he was stared in the eyes by his friend,he narrowed his eyes a second before giving a very faint and discrete nod to him,he sighed softly before sitting beside his friend,ready at a moment's notice,he sighed again as he thought about that Derpy mail courier... 

Bright Eyes smiled as she unwrapped her muffin and smiled wide,she sniffed it a couple times and then licked it softly,she giggled as her wings fluttered "Banana nut...mmmmm~ That Drone guy sure knows how to hook a mare."she smiled and licked her lips,opening her mouth wide and making a "NOM"sound as she bit down on the muffin,she smiled as her wings flapped and she kept chewing,her cheeks a rosy red.

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Flash was relieved when Drone seemed to understand. He focused his mind and tried to get a better read. There it was. He stared at the spot he felt the presence trying to pinpoint the newcomer's purpose. His eyes opened a little wider and he sighed with relief. He relaxed quite noticeably as he felt that the creature intended them no harm. He looked at where the feeligs were coming from and nodded with a smile smile. Then he looked away trying not to draw attention.

You can either despair that a rosebush has thorns, or rejoice that a thornbush has roses.


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Sentinel noticed his smile at a random spot he looked at the spot and back to Flash,then back to the spot,he raised an eyebrow and shrugged before looking off into space,thinking about that Mailer again...wait...why was he thinking about her in the first place? He barley knew her,besides that she was...well...kinda cute...her eyes are so unique and funny...STOP IT!...

Derpy finished her muffin and smiled super wide as she looked around "Hey...my shift is over...YAAAAY!"she exclaimed and got out of her work uniform,she stretched out her body and tripped over her own hoof,landing flat on her belly with a thud and an "OOMPH!" she chuckled at herself slightly as he let her eyes go wall again,as soon ash she took off her cap,she shook out her mane and whipped it around "IT is so fun so be me!"she called out in her empty house.



Edited by Aurora Lights
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Seth didn't move a muscle. The lightning pony was staring right at him, then turned away. After a few second, he turned back, a light grin on his face, fallowed by the one with the backpack. Backpack seemed to not realize his presence, but Lightning couldn't be looking anywhere else than him. It felt like he was looking into the soul of Seth himself. He wanted to show himself and make peace, but that would compromise everything he had set up. He just needed to stay here and watch this unfold. 

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Drone blinked and sighed softly,he slowly walked out of the hangar and looked around a moment,he thought a moment and walked to the spot that Flash was staring at,he looked around and said to himself "I can feel it just around here...but...where?"he asked,the wolf hearing him.

Derpy thought a moment "Hmmmm...I think I'm gonna repay that nice Mr.Drone fro this muffin...but how?"she said,she started thinking again,her eyes going wall.

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'Ok, vary bad. VARY bad.' Seth thought, beginning to panic. The pony was literally a foot away. Seth did't dare to look at him, not wanting to risk letting the stealth shield render this close to the pony. There was always one option: deploy the outer flash-bangs and make a run for it. The only problem being that the camo would drop the second the bright light hit the sensors and fry them. After a second of thought, he decided to wait and see what to happen, hoping not to regret it.

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Flash became a little panicked as he watched his friend. He didn't know why but he wanted the creature to stay hidden. "Sentinel." he called out softly. He shook his head giving his friend a meaningful glance. He mouthed the words 'Don't. He's not a threat to us.' He just hoped his friend would back down, and do it subtley.

You can either despair that a rosebush has thorns, or rejoice that a thornbush has roses.


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Drone thought a minute before looking directly at the wolf,he saw a slight distortion in the spot where he stood,but he took the benefit of the doubt and he said to the wolf,not knowing who or what it was "I know you are there...just...be careful around here...and if you want to meet us,we won't bite..."he said it in a low voice,and he looked around in a bush before walking back with a shrug.

Derpy started shopping around,"Hmmm..."she smiled slightly as she bought some stuff to cook him a meal,she swung her mane around as she did so,smiling blissfully. 

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Seth sighed in relief, knowing he hadn't been fully detected. They still din't know it was him. He considered his options again: stay here and keep watching, or try for an escape and probably never get another chance to see what was going on. Then it hit him. 'We wouldn't bite.' Seth thought, thinking of the strange feeling of earlier. He had to show his true intentions to them. 


Using his audio limiters of the helmet, Seth whispered so only the backpack pony could here. "It's not you I am worried about."

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Flash sighed with relief as his friend trotted back. He nodded once more at the creature in hiding comfirming Drone's words. He was curious about this guy. He clearly had a goal he was desperately trying to achieve. He didn't feel anything bad though. Volt however was quickly rasing suspicion in Flash's mind.

You can either despair that a rosebush has thorns, or rejoice that a thornbush has roses.


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Drone stopped and blinked a moment before continuing on,he stopped beside his friend and yawned slightly,he looked at his friend and whispered to him in his ear,"I can't get that freaking mare outta my head...and I have no idea why! I just met her!"he said,he was showing quite a bit of confusion in his tone as well.

Derpy smiled and started cooking,making various mistakes,she finished...but she had flour and other things everywhere,she was covered in the powdery mess,she looked down at herself and blinked a few times "Well...huh...that escalated quickly..."she says and goes and takes a shower,getting out and drying off enough to fly again,she wrapped up the little meal for him and put it in her personal satchel and started flying to him at the hangar.

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"Haha! Sentinel it must be love!" Flash said in a mock lovey dovey tone as he fluttered his eyelashes. Then he closed his eyes and moved in close ashe made an exaggerated kissy face, making unnecessary kissing noises. He stopped and peeked one eye open as he kept his face the same.

You can either despair that a rosebush has thorns, or rejoice that a thornbush has roses.


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Volt watched the scene with pretty much disgust


"ah give me a break.. this is absurd!"

he said while loading a pair of aim-9x sidewinders to his plane, he then sighed


"umpf... where is she?"


he then proceded with the refuiling of the su-47 Berkut


"war.. is like love.. everything is permitted....:"


he smirked

Edited by Doc. Volt


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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