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Your thoughts sexism/sexist people.


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Forgive me if this topic is in the wrong section or already exist. I did try searching for it but, couldn't find a direct discussion about it.   


Anyway more so on the topic at hand, Iv seen that racism is a topic which has been discussed before but, Im curious to see what everybody's thoughts and opinions are on sexism and, sexist people.  


I mean this is something that obviously effects both our fandom and our community. If you'd ask me, sexism leads back to gender role idea.


Where its almost like a set of rules that society has made up for each sex follow. You know the idea of "guys cant do this and, girls aren't allowed to do that".


Its pretty dumb, especially for a modern society...  >_> 



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i agree that it's pretty stupid. but i also think atleast some sexism is good to some extend.

i believe the driving power that comes with the challenge to surpass those sexist throughts is really something that got humanity as far as we are now.

  • Brohoof 1


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There was a school in northern Europe (I wish I had saved this article...) that removed all instances of the words "boy" and "girl" and "he" and "she" and all of that from their books. Instead, they had gender-neutral terms like "friend" and "they." Their goal was to foster a place of gender-neutrality, where everyone was a "friend."


Kinda loopy, if you ask me. I'm all for equality as long as you work for it, i.e. don't get paid the same amount for doing a lackluster job simply because you're a man/woman in a woman/man's profession. But there are some circles that I believe should stay predominantly male/female simply because that is how they've been and that is how they always should be. Women are excellent homemakers: it is in their genes to care for offspring. Men are excellent builders: they're brawny and tough. Obviously, there are exceptions to each of these, but you get the idea.

  • Brohoof 3

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But isn't that gender discrimination? 


I'm not sure if he's trolling or not; in any case


Gender for me is defined as biological. Everything after that is what society has told you to like.


The issue with sexism is that we are not the same and never can be. While I agree that there should be equal rights "ie equal pay" on some level there is always going to be "differences" or "discrimination" because we are not the same.


I think one of the more interesting topics is female vs male drivers. Is it right that females get made to pay the same as men even when it's been proven that they have less accidents and deserve lower insurance premiums?


On the same level, why should anyone insurance be different? Why should anyone's pay be different? Are we not all equal in this society but just have different roles? 

  • Brohoof 1


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I believe this topic more of less belongs in the debate pit since this is a very subjectively debatable topic....


It also depends on what aspect you are looking at in terms of where you want this discussion to go.  Are you talking about sexism in regards to Western gender roles in general, or sexism as in the feminism that rose out of the 60/70's in regards to the Sexual Revolution, or sexism as in cultural, societal determinations on what each sex to be/dress/do (forcing the sexes to attempt to conform which is different than generalized gender roles), or historical sexism and how it's stayed so stagnant until recently regardless of culture?  These are all highly debatable topics on their own, and clashing them together as most people do (on either ends of the spectrum) won't get a very constructive discussion since people are coming at this topic from different angles that do not directly influence the other angles (but they very much do indirectly).


Personally I come at sexism from the SEX aspect, not gender roles at all...if it's XY- It's a boy, XX- it's a girl....fairly simple black and white, non debatable....


By my opinion, gender roles shouldn't even belong in the debate pit (i.e. shouldn't be debated at all online) since how can you debate the legitimacy of another culture when you are looking out the lenses of your own culture and thus cannot properly step into another culture without bias...and that explanation is just the icing on the cake....


As far as sexist people go in general, they are selfish people, who cannot put themselves into another person's  shoes.  This applies to any and all degradation of a group of people based on some aspect another may not like in order to make themselves the better people in the eyes of those outside the walls of the conflict.

Edited by Treble Bolt

"In fire iron is born, by fire it is tamed"



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I really dislike sexist people...especially guys who are very sexist and think they are superior to girls.


Or sexist girls.


Pffft. Please. -.-

Never underestimate the opposite gender...because that just makes you look stuck up at the most!

  • Brohoof 3

      ℓ٥ﻻ  ﻉ√٥υ

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I treat everyone the same, a real problem for me are the feminazis who whine about equality and then scream about men hitting women 5 minutes later. 


Then they praise a girl hitting a guy

Edited by Evil Dragon Master

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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Personally, I don't give a damn about sex or gender as long as you're a good person. I hold no expectations as to what kind of roles people choose to fill, so long as it's not destructive to themselves or others. (And why would it be otherwise, coming from a man who rejects the notion of "girly pony show = gay"?) Now, that doesn't mean I'm above making sexist jokes, or conversely, taking sexist jokes in stride. However, jokes are a completely different animal from actual sexism. Something that many a self-righteous SJW fails to comprehend.


And speaking of self-righteous SJWs, I can't stand anyone who stands up and speaks on behalf of an entire group of people. This is especially prevalent in new-wave feminism - it's not enough that many modern feminist views border on being despicably, unabashedly misandristic, but to claim that "X is setting all women back" or "all women should be offended by Y" or "any woman who participates in Z is not a REAL woman" is fucking moronic, and anyone who engages in such rhetoric deserves to be force-fed tripe in reciprocation of the symbolic tripe they're trying to force-feed society.

  • Brohoof 3
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if a brony is sexist then they are an Hippocratic, (sorry if spelt wrong) that is if they are a boy but most people are. They don't mean to be but they are same with racism. It is only that if the person that says it is. for example say a person is talking to a girl and said get in the kitchen where you belong. someone might see that as sexist but on the other hand the girl might not and see it as a joke and the person saying that it is sexis seems to look like the sexist one for thinking that.  

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That made my day!

I probably find that to be funnier than I should because Im a guy but still. lolz

  • Brohoof 1
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Why is this such a difficult concept for people? Treat people as individuals. Do not make judgments about them based on sex. Do not assume anything about them based on sex. Always appraise people individually, based on the content of their character. Yet - of course - this so rarely happens, and women in particular are treated with all kinds of gender discrimination, some of which endangers their very lives.


This is why I am an unabashed feminist. The culture I am a part of gives far too many privileges to men, and does not bestow the same privileges to women. I can plainly see that this is wrong, and I want to do whatever I can to stand against it.

  • Brohoof 2



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Why is this such a difficult concept for people? Treat people as individuals. Do not make judgments about them based on sex. Do not assume anything about them based on sex. Always appraise people individually, based on the content of their character. Yet - of course - this so rarely happens, and women in particular are treated with all kinds of gender discrimination, some of which endangers their very lives.


This is why I am an unabashed feminist. The culture I am a part of gives far too many privileges to men, and does not bestow the same privileges to women. I can plainly see that this is wrong, and I want to do whatever I can to stand against it.


No offense, but doesn't your second paragraph directly contradict your first one? Claiming that all males are privileged kind of spits in the face of not making any assumptions about one's character based on their sex, you know.

  • Brohoof 1
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No offense, but doesn't your second paragraph directly contradict your first one? Claiming that all males are privileged kind of spits in the face of not making any assumptions about one's character based on their sex, you know.

No it doesn't, because I am indicting society, not males.


I'm a male, and I know that society affords me certain advantages just for being male. I'm not blaming males for this privilege, but I am urging them to recognize they have it, and that women don't - and that this discrepancy is wrong. None of that is an assumption about anyone's character based on sex.

Edited by Dr. Mechano



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No it doesn't, because I am indicting society, not males.


I'm a male, and I know that society affords me certain advantages just for being male. I'm not blaming males for this privilege, but I am urging them to recognize they have it, and that women don't - and that this discrepancy is wrong. None of that is an assumption about anyone's character based on sex.


Yes, society does favor males in some regards, but it would be foolish to deny that it also favors females in other areas. To claim that males need to give up their privileges whilst allowing women to hang on to theirs is a little hypocritical, and something I, as an EGALITARIAN, refuse to do.

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I don't really care about it, I have met many people that are kind of sexist but most of them aren't serious about it and it's more just a joke. Have never really met an adult sexist most people that are sexist are just kids having fun. I think sexism is rather childish and if sexism was just correct then that would make most people rather boring. So yeah I don't really care about sexism but think it's rather childish.

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Yes, society does favor males in some regards, but it would be foolish to deny that it also favors females in other areas. To claim that males need to give up their privileges whilst allowing women to hang on to theirs is a little hypocritical, and something I, as an EGALITARIAN, refuse to do.

Please, don't put words in my mouth, friend. I never said that men should give up anything; My belief is that women simply deserve to have all the same privileges we already benefit from. My desire is to see women's rights and privileges increase, not for men's to decrease.


As for supposed "female privilege," this is generally due not to feminism, but rather society's regressive gender roles. "Men aren't nurturing like women, so they shouldn't get child custody," or "Men are tough, so they can't be abused" are due to patriarchal (i.e. promoted by men) gender norms, which - surprise - feminism actually wants to break down, not reinforce. Because of this, I think men and women alike stand to benefit from feminism. It's good for all of us.



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You spelled Hippocratic right, though I doubt you mean the oath doctors take.


I call myself a humanist, equality for all 

  • Brohoof 1

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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Please, don't put words in my mouth, friend. I never said that men should give up anything; My belief is that women simply deserve to have all the same privileges we already benefit from. My desire is to see women's rights and privileges increase, not for men's to decrease.


As for supposed "female privilege," this is generally due not to feminism, but rather society's regressive gender roles. "Men aren't nurturing like women, so they shouldn't get child custody," or "Men are tough, so they can't be abused" are due to patriarchal (i.e. promoted by men) gender norms, which - surprise - feminism actually wants to break down, not reinforce. Because of this, I think men and women alike stand to benefit from feminism. It's good for all of us.


"Put words in my mouth."


Always the cop-out response of someone who makes a heavy implication without actually saying it, so that they can easily backpedal when needed. Brilliant.


To your credit, I will say that the area you have backpedaled to is quite progressive and, dare I say, rather egalitarian as opposed to feministic. Good for you.

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"Put words in my mouth."


Always the cop-out response of someone who makes a heavy implication without actually saying it, so that they can easily backpedal when needed. Brilliant.


To your credit, I will say that the area you have backpedaled to is quite progressive and, dare I say, rather egalitarian as opposed to feministic. Good for you.

I've never backpedaled. This has always been my ideology, and I've always credited the rare examples of male disadvantage to patriarchal gender norms set by other males, not due to feminism or some supposed "female privilege." If you look through my older posts on this forum, you'll see me saying the exact same thing. Once again, you're making presumptions about me, and I'd appreciate it if you didn't. I've made no such presumptions about you, after all, and have stuck to the issues.

Edited by Dr. Mechano



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There are some obvious biological difference between men and women but the grand scheme of things is despite those differences people are still people and should stilll be treated as such male or female. Sexism is just as stupid and pointless as racism, and gender roles need seem to be based more on arbitrary expectations and stereotypes than actual reality.

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Men are generally more dominant, and women are generally more submissive.  This is just one necessary part of human attraction, so if affects your behavior in the real world to some extent.  Men tend to not react quite as strong to emotional stimulation as women, thus women are better at nurturing young, and men are better at, for lack of a better term, "Toughening them up".  Men and women are basically 95% the same.


The problem is that there are so many more variables that define someponies behavior, that a woman can easily take the role of a man, and a man can easily take the role of a woman.  I know men who are so wussy, insecure and timid, that you might mistake them for women, and I know women who act so masculine and confident that you might them for a man.  Because of the luxuries of modern society, our primitive roles and traits are becoming less and less necessary, but evolution has not come close to catching up, so we're at this really weird spot in limbo right now.  We're still running in the mind of somepony who lives in small tribes and the wild. 


This is one reason why sexism is such a huge issue, and will continue to be for a very long time.  Personally, I don't really care.  I treat both sexes equally, I won't put men or woman on a pedestal, whether they're famous, extremely attractive, ugly, or whatever.  At the same time, I won't take either of their abuse.  The most important thing for me is choosing who and where I spend my time.   

Edited by Deesinn
  • Brohoof 2
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