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open What are we fighting for? RP


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It had now been fifty years since Equestria had a ruler. Discord had risen up again and overthrown the Kingdom. Eventually the Elements of Harmony had found a way to beat him, but they couldn't combat the aftermath. Discord's magic was gone, but it had left the world in chaos. Without the Royal Pony Sisters, there was nopony to keep the land in peace. Everywhere ponies lived by their own rules. There were some places where ponies thrived and prospered as they tried to keep the peace, while in other places, ponies were left poor and defenseless, causing them to slowly turn into savages. Then there were places where the rich and successful oppressed the poor and weak. Where ponies made their fortune through the misfortune of others. One such place was a giant metropolis known as New World City. Here the rich aristocrats ruled the city, and maintaned the organized chaos through the criminal underground. Anyone the rich ponies didn't like were punished bybeing forced to fight for entertainment, and for their freedom. In this city, the crime is professional and organized led by big shot crime bosses. All they care about is the money. They keep there work secret so as to avoid trouble with the peacekeepers: The only form of law enforcement left in the country. This is the setting of our story.

Edited by WhiteGuardian

You can either despair that a rosebush has thorns, or rejoice that a thornbush has roses.


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Blaze sat in a chair listening to his commanding officers talk to him about battle strategies, he didn't care what any of them had to say, his plans were flawless, he had won almost all of his battles, and the ones that had been lost, we're only lost because the enemy retreated, he didn't see it as a retreat or win, he wanted to clear the enemy out before they had a chance to even stumble over there fallen comrades, Blaze might have been taught by Celestial and Luna, but there was one thing he learned on his travels, being on the winning team felt so good.


Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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Firelight sat in his cold dark cell staring vacantly at the wall. He listened to the cold steady drip of water. He heard hoofsteps and his light brown eyes lit up a little bit as he listened. He looked up as a pony with a scarred eye stopped before the cell door. Other than the scar, he was clean cut with a neat haircut. He might have even been good looking if it weren't for the sneer he had plastered on his face. "Hey scum, it's chow time." he growled as he opened the cell door and shoved a plate of food across the floor. He closed the door and chuckled as he walked away.

You can either despair that a rosebush has thorns, or rejoice that a thornbush has roses.


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Dead Eye climbed up some scaffolding near a building currently under construction. With him is a black suitcase. When he got to the top, he opened it and pulled out the pieces to a Barrett .50 Cal. rifle with a silencer. He calmly assembled the rifle and took his position, prone on the floor. In the crosshair, he saw a pony around 40 years old, slight graying of the mane, and a cigar in his mouth. he looked like the typical gangster.


"I've got you now" Dead Eye said as he narrowed his robotic eye and squeezed the trigger. As soon as he saw the body go slump, Dead Eye calmly packed the rifle away like nothing happened and left the building. Once he was about a block away he pulled out his cell phone and dialed a number.


"Dex, contact the client and tell them he leader of the Fortelli crime family is no more." He spoke calmly. "Well you don't waste time, do you?" he heard from the phone, "I'll make sure the money is wired to your account" said the now named Dex, "And as always, nicely done"


My OCs - Dead EyeWhite Shade, Last Shadow, Zen                Credit for my Signature goes to DJ Aeron Q.

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The meeting ended and Blaze walked out of the room, he was satisfied to here that the weak would be purged of this land soon if plans went at current speed, if not then it could take the next few years to rid this land of the scum who infested it, he had to hurry or he was going to miss the next gladiator brawl, this battle was special. One of the gladiators escaped in the battle of frost forge, he was found later on in a cave, Blaze captured him and was sentenced to the pit, Blaze desperately wanted to see this stallion fight for his life


Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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Traveller limped back to his shed. What little food he had was stolen, and he was beaten up. He got into his small square shed and sat down in his creaky wooden bench. He sighed as he opened his sack and took out the last of his medical supplies. He cleaned it up with a rag and applied the bandage to his wing. He wouldn't be flying for a while. He later back. He heard a sudden crack and recognized it as gunfire. Alarmed, he poked his head out of the shed to see a pony bleeding on the ground. It was a gang leader.


'Typical...' He mumbled as he later down on the bench and tried to sleep.

I only love you platonically.

As in plate tectonics.

As in two bodies sliding against each other.



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Firelight rolled his eyes and got up to his feet. He lazily walked over to the food and began to eat mindlessly. He had learned long ago how to choke down the miserable food he was served everyday. He finished and wiped his mouth. Then he moved to the corner and began doing pushups. He reached fifty, after barely breaking a sweat. He sat down for a minute before starting another set. He had a battle today, and he wanted to be in top shape. He rolled over and started doing situps, grunting as his abs burned. He was sweating now and starting to breath a little heavily. He got to one hundred and stood up to stretch. He sat against the wall and for the thousandth time he thought of his life.

You can either despair that a rosebush has thorns, or rejoice that a thornbush has roses.


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Blaze was so very eager to see if this stallion was up to the fight, a fight for his life none the less, he chuckled thinking about a world without rats like them, scurrying around scavenging what they could all the while refusing the inevitable. He looked at himself in the mirror, there was a scar on his cheek, one of which was left by an idiot who dared challenge Blaze to a sword fight, Blaze sacrificed being sliced once by his foeto get up close to him and stab him straight through his heart. Blaze loved fighting, and his skill was unmatched with a sword, he dressed and marched down the stairs ready to continue his day.

Edited by Fiery WillPower


Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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Shadow walked out of the ring whipping the blood off of his swords. The last fight was a easy one, the fourth seed holder wasn't much of a challenge. Luckily Shadow had one last fight to contend with and this one was in the pit. "So let's see here my last opponent is somepony named frost forge. Hmph sounds like a challenge." Shadow made his way into the arena taking a seat but making sure his cloak covered him. He would enter the ring once the current match was finished.


(currently at work. will post when able.)

Edited by Ninetails

#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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Blaze made his was into the arena, he was glad to see that he was right on time on time to see his friend from the battle of Frost Forge, he hadn't seem him since, he was eager to see if the jail time in the cells treated him well. The gates opened and released a Blazes friend, he glared at him, the person seemed to see him and grimace right back at him. The name echoed throughout the stadium, "Firelight" Blaze repeated, Blaze doubted that this person was fit to fight his challenger, but nonetheless Blaze was going to see scum blood today.


Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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Firelight's eyes glazed over as the memories came flooding to his mind. He had been here for almost a year now. He had been trying to lead a normal life as a techie. He had been dating the most beautiful girl. Unfortunately, her father was one of the richest ponies in the city. And he didn't like Firelight very much. So he found the first excuse he could to get rid of him. He got him slammed with the underground gladiator sentence. He had to kill other ponies with medieval weapons to survive. If he survived he could be free. Firelight guessed the rich stallion hadn't expected him to last very long. But Firelight was tougher than he looked. But the battles kept coming. They seemed endless. He figured he would be doing this the rest of his life. The only thing that kept him going was the love of his life. The only reason her father allowed her to continue to see him was because he figured Firelight would die. She came to see him constantly, supporting him, waiting for the day when he got out. Then they had plans to run away and start a new life somewhere peaceful.

You can either despair that a rosebush has thorns, or rejoice that a thornbush has roses.


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Equinox watched from afar in the shadows as the fight was going on. "Interesting...A fight happening...seems like an arena but why" He said as he kept to the shadows and watched what was going on for he didn't need to get into a fight. Besides he was more orientated to stealth then get into main combat.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Blaze sat in the VIP section front row to see all the fighting, he was excited to see what would happen, both would die in the end, no one survived the Pit, the Pit Master never let anyone leave unless it was a truly exhilarating fight, and to the Pit master it never was. Blaze expected rudimentary combat from Firelight nothing special, he's never seen him fight, during Frost Forge he let his troops do all the fighting. He was ready to see some bloodshed


Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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Firelight shook his head as a knocking sound roused him from his thoughts. The mob stallion from earlier was back. "Hey scum, you pretty girl is here for you." He had a nasty smile that Firelight didn't like. He put as much loathing as he could into his expression and sneered at the guard. He got up and walked to the door. The mare of his life came into view with an expression that killed him. It was filled woth such longing. She rushed forward and stuck her hooves through the doors to grab his own calloused ones. "Sky Flower." he mumbled soflty as he smiled. She looked at him wih those gorgeous eyes that made him melt inside. She started tearing up as they held each other through the bars. She knew he had a fight today. They sat there silently for a long while. After some time she said "I love you." "I love you too. More than anything." he replied. "Prove it. Win for me." She always said thes words. And she always meant it. And he always promised he would. And he ALWAYS kept his word. "I promise. We'll be together one day. And thennwe can run away." She nodded and was about to say something when the guard came up and said "That's enough loverboy, your up." He unlocked the door and cuffed Firelight. He waited patiently through this until Sky could find the oppurtunity to plant a passionate kiss on his lips. After another round of 'I love you' he followed the guard toward the pit.

You can either despair that a rosebush has thorns, or rejoice that a thornbush has roses.


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Blaze saw Firelight come face to face with his opponent, Blaze took it upon himself to bring up Firelights profile, "Hmm a lover, Sky Flower, I bet she won't be too happy to see her lover get massacred" Blaze shifted a small grin to his face, Blaze loved seeing un-happy endings, for he shared many, he wanted to see the tears streaming down her face, he would love to have her to witness her sadness first hand "Pit Master I want someone up here to witness this firsthand, Sky Flower" he spoke the request and the Pit Master sent it through the speakers directing her towards the VIP wether she liked it or not.

Edited by Fiery WillPower


Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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Equinox felt like he should stop this. "All this seems like is senseless killing" He said to himself as he kept watching. "If it gets too out of hand...should I risk showing my self just to stop it all" He asked himself as he placed a hood on to cover his face and blend into the darkness

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Shadow watched with intent this was also a scouting mission for him. He was meant to free this current pony from the cell by any means necessary. "So this is Firelight huh not a bad scrapper but he's looked better I'd presume. Shadow mothioned for a server and gave her a pouch filled with bits and gems. Shadow whispered something into her ear and she ran off in a hurry. Shadow needed to get down there and see if this pony needed to be rescued first though and there was only one way a double battle for Firelight.

#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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Firelight rolled his eyes as he heard Sky get called to the VIP box. He wasn't worried about her. Her father was one of the most powerful stallions in the city. If anything happened to her there would be hell to pay. And he wasn't worried about her watching him. He would win. There was no way he would ever allow himself to break a promise to her, especially in front of her. But this was the pit. He would have to make it good. He was guided up to the arena gate and the mob pony uncuffed him. The gate opened and he walked into the circular pit. He quickly ran his gaze over all the primitive weapons mounted on the walls. He looked up. More mob ponies surrounded the area above the pit, holding M16 assault rifles. Firelight wished he was lucky enough to fight with guns. But the gladiators were only allowed to fight with swords and other similar weapons.

You can either despair that a rosebush has thorns, or rejoice that a thornbush has roses.


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Blaze was excited to get this underway, and he didn't want anyone to interrupt this, he knew many a rebels that would object to gladiator battles, he then personally asked the Pit Master to lower the shields early and increase defenses. If anyone tried to be a hero he would mutilate them right there at the Pit with his fire sword Clarent, with the shields lowering and the guards engaging all entrances, Blaze was satisfied no pony was going to ruin this and he meant no pony.


Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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Equinox got closer to the fight and stayed in the shadows making sure not to be caught as he held the handle of his katana with his magic. "If it gets too crazy I'll stop it...after all, they won't see my face at all" He silently said



((His aura is black and makes no hum whatsoever))

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Firelight continued looking around. He had a bored expression on his face. Finally he spotted her. Sky was walking into the VIP box. She looked upset but determined. In fact, she looked kind of pissed. He smiled as he though of what must be going through her head. She caught his eye and smiled back. Then he looked ahead of him as the gate on the other side of the arena opened and his opponent walked in.

You can either despair that a rosebush has thorns, or rejoice that a thornbush has roses.


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Sky Flower sat down and asked what the meaning was for bringing her up here "I wanted you to be able to witness this first hand" she glared at him and notified Blaze that if anything happened to her he'd here from her father "Your father does not intimidate me.... I'm a commander he's nothing but a business man" the horns sounded signaling the start of the gladiator battle.


Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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Sky looked at Blaze in disgust and said "In case you have forgotten, my father runs the gladiator underground and he is the biggest mob boss in New World City." She harrumphed and turned up her nose, looking away.


Firelight stood several feet away from his opponent. He was a little bigger and was covered in scars. He looked mean. He didn't move as the gates closed. The horn blew, signaling the match to start. The bigger stallion rushed forward with a battlecry. Firelight waited till the last second and dove down, scooping the stallions hooves from underneath him. Then in one fluid motion he stood up and bucked the stallion in the flank, sending him sliding. Then he calmy walked over to the wall and grabbed a dagger in his mouth. His opponent got up and grabbed a flail. With another roar he rushed Firelight, swinging his weapon.

You can either despair that a rosebush has thorns, or rejoice that a thornbush has roses.


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Blaze wasn't wrong Firelight didn't know more than rudimentary combat skills, it was dirty fighting, but what could Blaze expect from a Stallion who was fighting for his life. Blaze spat at the Pit in disgust. Though it entertained Blaze slightly, the Pit Master looked unimpressed, Blaze was sure neither would leave alive, Blaze could see the hopeful expression on Sky's face, he hated it, he would love to put her hopes down but he waited till the end to truly crush her hopes along with her heart

Edited by Fiery WillPower


Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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Firelight smiled as the stallion charged again. Some ponies just didn't learn. He gripped the dagger in his mouth harder. He dodged the first swing of the flail, and then kicked out with lightning speed. His hoof connected with the pony's left elbow and the large stallion buckled. Whirling around Firelight slashed his shoulder and jumped back. His enemy growled, he knew Firelight was playing with him. The red earth pony extended his hoof and beckoned him in a taunting way. The big pony got up and started circling Firelight, gaging his next attack. 'Excellent. Now it gets fun.' Firelight thought.

You can either despair that a rosebush has thorns, or rejoice that a thornbush has roses.


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