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open 1st Alicorn Party hosted by Death

Anon In Equestria

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(This is Discord)


(Ok, nonono Flutter, WAIT WHAT!)


(*Discord looked around and spots Night*)


Oh well look you did it you spawned Discord, want a cookie?


(Night how are-Wait what! Can someone please do tell me what's happening)


Oh Discord, if you only knew. *I spawn a drink of milk, but drink the glass and throws the milk behind me, with a BOOM*


(HI! That's my thing!)

Edited by Wolf Smith

Chaos: A condition or place of great disorder or confusion. Yep, that's me. Night Wolfe son of Discord and Nightmare, nice to meet you. Don't worry I won't bite...Hard

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Glancing sideways "Appreciate the assist but luna will do nothing her heart does not wish. Her heart is pure and she has those who care about her to make sure it stays that way." I warned.


@wolf smith


"Welcome to the party lord of chaos. Here's the sitch; your boy brought his mom back, and is now losing it on some energy he got from a powerful mystical weapon. We summoned you to see if you could maybe talk some sense into the colt, maybe even do the cleansing yourself, or at least un-stone twi." I explained. "We're asking for your cooperation nicely, or do I have to bring back those insane memories of that out of control mess of a match I brought you to the first time we met?" I threatened."Oh how you couldn't stop laughing as hard as you were.". I remembered laughing.

Edited by Cimarronboy
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@@Cimarronboy,(Wait what happen to Night...) (*Discord turns back*) (Night what happen to you?)


My name is not Night, it's Darken Soul.


(Night what happen to my poor son) (Discord shockingly breaks down...crying)


(Can't believe my own son hates me) (*He stands back up)


(Oh you are fucking dead)


Please what can you do?

Chaos: A condition or place of great disorder or confusion. Yep, that's me. Night Wolfe son of Discord and Nightmare, nice to meet you. Don't worry I won't bite...Hard

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@wolf smith


"Yo d-cord dyewde before ya go all out could I put a bubble around you two so the universe doesn't get destroyed and us along with it?" I offered. "It'll take everything I've got at the moment but it'll at least keep everything and everyone safe as well as let you too go all out." I explained. "All we ask is that you either turn him, force him to turn, or make it so we can do whatever we can without him struggling too much, all without killing him." I reminded prepping to use the bubble spell. 

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The overlord sighs and leans against a wall


"I think we could take his soul and store it in a gem and keep a hold of it until he reforms"


He then pulls his sword out and sticks it into the floor


"Or another option we could just cut his heart out and give it to a demon lord"

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(Oh we might need a new world *!* wait hold on)


(*sparks of chaotic magic flows from Discord's claw and paw*)




(Taking the evil out of you)


*A jar spawns in front of me*


LET ME GO! You will pay the price.


(The price of what, losing my only son?)




(I don't want to have a son that just pure evil...guys need your help!)

Chaos: A condition or place of great disorder or confusion. Yep, that's me. Night Wolfe son of Discord and Nightmare, nice to meet you. Don't worry I won't bite...Hard

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"Good tia dude you're bloodthirstier than I am. I like the gem idea though but that'd be a waste of a perfectly good energy storage device." 


@wolf smith


"Hold on I think I have a possim grade idea. Gimme that bottle." "Let's see a little ugly ought to do the trick. Night mother you'd love this tune, it's right up you're alley." I said selecting a tune that helped me in the past with a similar situation. "It may usually be a love song but as I've learned it does good as a heart changer. Hey darken you know you can't fight the moonlight!" I said setting the song to autoplay and enchanting the bottle with it. "First time i tried that s let's see if it works." I laughed.

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@@Cimarronboy, (*After a few more minutes Discord gets done and I fall to the ground*)


(There, he should be freed. Hi Night, wake up!) (Discord walks over and nudges me)




(Wake up.)


What....happen.....Discord....what are you doing here, Hero and a human....what did I drink. *I look over to where Nightmare and Luna are*


Uh is that breaking space law?

Chaos: A condition or place of great disorder or confusion. Yep, that's me. Night Wolfe son of Discord and Nightmare, nice to meet you. Don't worry I won't bite...Hard

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The overlord sighs and kicks a stray rock


"I don't think so kid as long as I'm even here your world shouldn't crumble to the space time continuum and its laws although if I do leave we are gonna have to get rid of one of them""


The overlord then turnt to face hero


"What do we do with the little runt now that we got him"

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* Nightmare run over to Overlord* Don't hurt him it's my fault. Blame me for everything.


Nightmare....*I pass out* *I'm in my mind thinking about what happen.*


*Nightmare runs over to me* please don't hurt him. Do what ever to me just don't touch Night. Discord please take him some where safe

Chaos: A condition or place of great disorder or confusion. Yep, that's me. Night Wolfe son of Discord and Nightmare, nice to meet you. Don't worry I won't bite...Hard

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@ lonewolf1735


"Now that he's back to normal we leave him be." I said sighing. "In fact  since he is no longer a threat we should be welcoming him and keeping him calm. Experience has taught me events like this can be traumatic on the host body." I explained. 'Though as for you, it all depends on how you answer this question; Will you become good once again or will you remain dark?" I looked into the overlord's eyes. 


@Wolf smith


"You can only be at fault if it was an intentional thing, which despite your alignment I believe it was not." I said calming the dark mare. "Though as for the ridding part I think I know how to deal with things. We shall send nightmare and night back to their plane this way his family can be together."."If discord doesn't exist there we'll find a way to clone him and send one with them.:.

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The overlord steps over to look hero in the eyes


"I'm sorry hero but I am not a good guy so I'm staying evil its quite fun as well some times burning towns killing knights and even disturbing order in general"


The overlord looks over to the others


"I'm also gonna need payment for not crushing this universe"

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@@Cimarronboy,@, *I wake up*


Can someone please tell me what the fuck happen? 


*Nightmare hugs me* What did I do?


(You turned full evil)


You're joking right?


(sadly no)


Who's the human? *I turn to overlord*


(He's the overlord)OK then *I look behind her and notice the other alicorns* Was it that bad, Hero?

Chaos: A condition or place of great disorder or confusion. Yep, that's me. Night Wolfe son of Discord and Nightmare, nice to meet you. Don't worry I won't bite...Hard

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"I can give you a ton of gems but only if you agree to remain peaceful as long as you are in this plane and that when you leave this plane you do so peacefully. I'm fine with chaos as long as nopony gets hurt and nothing gets destroyed but so help me if you chose to not agree I have ways of making you leave whether you like it or not."


@wolf smith


"Well if you father hadn't drained the dark outta ya we might have been forced to do otherwise and if it came to it even destroy you. These ladies were gonna be part of a strategy I was planning on enacting if I had to. Speaking of royalty anypony know if the latest to ascend the throne is un-petrfied?"

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@@Cimarronboy, Should be...wait I turned her to stone!


[Yep, nice wor- I mean you should be ashamed]


(At least I have my son back, now what was this about a party. If we still have may I join) (*Luna looks at Nightmare and shacks her head*)


(Ah come on I am an alicorn remember.)


She does have a point, so were's Death? I haven't seen him in a long time.

Chaos: A condition or place of great disorder or confusion. Yep, that's me. Night Wolfe son of Discord and Nightmare, nice to meet you. Don't worry I won't bite...Hard

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The overlord shakes his head


"I don't deal in gems hero only souls and rare weapons and armor"


The overlord turns to face nightmare moon and pointed at her


"Did you guys forget she robbed death when he gets his scythe back he is gonna kill all of you and clean his ass with your souls"

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 Ah..crap *Me and Nightmare stood there looking dumbfounded* Oh we are so dead. Maybe he'll for give me *I shrug*


(He shouldn't hurt Night, I put him up to this)


Again, she does have a point.


Discord what do- Discord? Must have ran before twilight could get here. *I look up to Nightmare and smile*

Chaos: A condition or place of great disorder or confusion. Yep, that's me. Night Wolfe son of Discord and Nightmare, nice to meet you. Don't worry I won't bite...Hard

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@wolf smith


"Everyone relax. We'll deal with this calmly and clearly. This way everyone goes home happy."




"What about spirits. I have the spirit of the adopted son of a world famous mustang. I have no use for it anymore as that is no longer a plane I belong too and that family is one I'll never see again.It is a one of a kind item." I offered. "In fact take it not just as payment but also as my bargaining chip to save nights family. They know what they did was wrong and are deeply sorry for their actions. I can't blame them though as they did not do it for selfish reasons but for reasons of the heart. Surely you can understand that."

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@@Cimarronboy, (problem is can I stay?) (*Nightmare asks*)


I hope so, I would love to have a normal life, or at least some way to talk to her anytime I want.


(Yea that would work and then maybe I could be a ghost and follow Night) 


*Twilight flies in*


Oh hi Twi- *I get slapped* He what was that- oh right sorry

Chaos: A condition or place of great disorder or confusion. Yep, that's me. Night Wolfe son of Discord and Nightmare, nice to meet you. Don't worry I won't bite...Hard

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The overlord adjusts his mask and sighs


"I only deal in souls and rare items not spirits they are just a pain in the arse"


The overlord looks over to night wolfe


"And that slap is nothing compared to what death is going to do to the both of you once he recovers"

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"I don't mean ghosts I mean as in one's will but ok, let's see what I can think of....what about a necklace/ring combo that can harness energy in music and turn it to useful effects in any situation with the right song playing, there's only set in equestria and I'm wearing it. I could build you a set from scratch and personalize it. Besides it is I who suggested taking death's scythe as a precaution in case death was unfriendly.".


@wolf smith


"If you go to night's home plane and there isn't already an existing nightmare moon.". "Otherwise I think death and I or maybe mr overlord, if he's powerful enough, could create a place for you three a place to live.' I said.


"Hey there crashy, welcome to the party. Might wanna save the temper losing to me k? anywho We could use your diplomacy skills." I said getting her attention. I'll explain everything  in a sec don't interrupt.".

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@@Cimarronboy, Well Luna's dead were i cam from


*Luna walks over and uppercuts me* 




(I would love to go back home with my son)


*Twilight laughs* HI, that's not funny! I wonder what Death is doing anyways, I hope he forgives us.


And if Nightmare can't stay, she can stay in my necklace.


*Luna yells at me for it being hers*


Chill i didn't steal.

Chaos: A condition or place of great disorder or confusion. Yep, that's me. Night Wolfe son of Discord and Nightmare, nice to meet you. Don't worry I won't bite...Hard

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@wolf smith


"Everyone CHILL! The necklace idea could work but you'd all have to behave yourselves if you stay. Twi again save your anger for later, you and I'll work it off, if my gem does not disagree. Lulu you must realize that this is nightmare moon, she's you but she's different. She's what you became, kinda like a twin with a different personality. She has some of the same stuff.  Let's just all figure out how we are going to prevent this plane from collapsing while keeping this family together.

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The overlord sighs yet again and starts to walk away


"Does it look like I'm the sort of person that uses music as a weapon hero that necklace and ring would fit with a bard not a champion of chaos"


he then turns around and throws a ring to hero


"Once you've found something of worth contact me using that ring and I would hurry up about it cause if you don't get it to me by tonight then the armies of chaos shall bring war and they will burn equestria to the ground and no one will survive"

Edited by lonewolf1735
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"Fine I have one soul I might  be able to part with. He has to agree with it though and I want to spend some time with him first, he has to be alive if able or able to interact with living things." I bargained. "If death was here he could call him out right away but since he's not I'm thinking I can find him in death's castle. This is only base on theory and assumption though because we know death has a vault for evil souls, so I'm assuming there's a vault for good souls and maybe one for those unaligned." I explained. "Also with the right songs chaos can be increased, created, etc. Sounds to me like something that could come in handy for someone in your position.".

Edited by Cimarronboy
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