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OG Blaze

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Moonlight finaly arrived at new appleoosa's town hall she has restock ammo for her guns she still has a bit of medical supplies she has a rather intimidating expression on her face she then spoke "so what the buck is this job you want us to do mayor" she asked.


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"As I told the rest of the pony's and griffon here....This is not just a supply run....I'm not asking you for supplies just for a week or two....I'm talking about years........One of our technicians was out a few days ago scavenging with some soldiers. They found a stable that used to be there......they weren't able to open the stable though....it wasn't like normal stables...it hadn't different locks and passcodes....we're not even sure if they're still people in there....the point is we're thinking we could really score big in this stable." The mayor looked to Blue Optyx, "Wetger you choose to accept or not this will be a team effort...And a team requires a leader...Optyx you will run the operations....there's been multiple sightings of raiders and some other things we're not sure about.....Unless anyone else thinks they could lead better?"


Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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Moonlight smirked "i can lead better really plus i came here for a fucking supply run? we aren't gonna find shit for you in places that can possibly kill us you guys sound like greedy assholes ever heard of trading? but oh wait that's too sane for you ponies to know".


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Moonlight smirked "i can lead better really plus i came here for a fucking supply run? we aren't gonna find shit for you in places that can possibly kill us you guys sound like greedy assholes ever heard of trading? but oh wait that's too sane for you ponies to know".

"Listen here you two-faced arrogant fuck-tard....We've got a lead on something and unless you know somewhere else to find supplies We're pretty much screwed here" the mayor hoped that would shut the pony up, "Look you don't have to sign up if yah don't like the job...I'm are Optyx here could do the mission by himself" Optyx smiled under his helmet, the mayor probably hoped that would get the arrogant pony to join the mission.


Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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Moonlight rolled her eyes and smirk "well fuck face why the fuck did you have to block out DJ-Pon3's broadcast for a shitty supply run " she get closes and stared the mayor right in the eye "look retard i'm here for the caps not for new appleoosa got that"


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The mayor shot her a blank expression, "That's fine I honestly couldn't care if you got pulled in two by unicorns. We need those supplies here, so if you want the caps than you gotta get the supplies, like it or not I know Optyx, he'll keep your pansy ass in check" the major threw a map at Optyx and Optyx caught it with his magic. "That red X is where the stable is along the way you can collect some supplies....You all can leave when your ready and if your still taking the job"


The mayor left the City hall without saying another word


Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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Vincent glanced at the door as each pony arrived, wondering what sort of job would require this many mercenaries. Something like this would be expensive for a small town like this, so it had to be something worthwhile. He saw the first pony walk in, a yellow pony with a rather odd cutie mark. A glass gear in crosshairs? What, was he really good at snipeing robots? Were they going to raid some old pre-war military base? Next was an earth pony with a strange... line cutie mark? What did that even mean? He seemed to quickly busy himself in writeing in a book, while the other pony, a unicorn, tinkered with his guns. Getting tired of standing there, Vincent pulled out a pack of ' Dragon-Shy Cigarretes' (Enough smoke to cover all of Equestria!), lighting it and slowly starting to smoke it in his beak, glancing around as he waited for his job. Finally, the last loud mouth pony came around, and started immediatly cursing and shouting. If he had just encountered this pony in the wasteland, he'd have assumed they were a raider by his span of profanity. 


He finally heard what the job was and it was... a supply run. Well, he wouldnt lie, he was a little miffed. After everything, he'd been expecting something abit bigger. And with all these mercs being hired, he thought the little town was going to war with Old Appleossa. Still, it didnt matter to him what the job was. They could be hiring him to guard a bucket of piss and he wouldnt have minded, as long as the pay was good. He was about to ask the mayor what exactly the pay was... when he just walked. Vincent sighed, stomping out his cigarrette with his talon, and walked over near the others. "Alright, well, unless the loudmouth here has anything else to say..." he said, glancing at what he realized was an alicorn...okay.... well, she wasnt talking in 'wes' and 'us' and 'all hail the goddesses fecal matter' so he supposed it didnt matter. "... Im Vincent. Where exactly are we going?" He said to the pony with the map. 

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"As I told the rest of the pony's and griffon here....This is not just a supply run....I'm not asking you for supplies just for a week or two....I'm talking about years........One of our technicians was out a few days ago scavenging with some soldiers. They found a stable that used to be there......they weren't able to open the stable though....it wasn't like normal stables...it hadn't different locks and passcodes....we're not even sure if they're still people in there....the point is we're thinking we could really score big in this stable." The mayor looked to Blue Optyx, "Wetger you choose to accept or not this will be a team effort...And a team requires a leader...Optyx you will run the operations....there's been multiple sightings of raiders and some other things we're not sure about.....Unless anyone else thinks they could lead better?"


Secant slowly slumped down. At first, he thought they were scavenging for supplies. He was actually fine by that, though Secant wanted the mayor to at least notify him of the job. But it seemed a bit unreasonable when some of the team were composed of mercenaries; even one of them was a Talon. Plus, they were the only few that acquired the notes. If this was just a supply run, the Appleloosa mayor would have simply picked ponies at random. 


One of the ponies was in agreement with him. It was way too easy, too simple, to be true. When the mayor specified, however, Secant realized why he was supposed to be here; he may be the only one that can break the terminal passcodes. He was inarguably an expert hacker and scientist, though he wondered how the mayor knew about his exploits. Secant didn't believe he had that much of a reputation in the Wasteland.


Later, an pony stood up and complained to the mayor. Secant crossed his hooves and watched. Typical mercenary. Doing it only for the money. Secant then intervened, "Trading is not always efficient. I have heard news about convoys out in the West; most of them get plundered until every single piece of scrap is gone. Corpses piled upon each other, unfortunate victims of raiders and the like."


He leaned back at his chair. "Today, if you want to ensure you don't lose your supplies and don't get a bullet shot right through your hand, you hire caravan bodyguards, and they certainly don't work for free. So far, the Stable plan seems conceivable. It's one of the few places where we might get luxurious supplies for a while. I don't think anyone likes eating radscorpions and possibly radiated dirty water, anyway."

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He let out a sigh of relief. At least it was no old supply run. Raiding an abandoned Stable does sound wrong though, being in a Stable once, but it was abandoned. At least someone will benefit from it.


"Well, I can lend my services to this," he said, putting on his battle saddle again. "The name's Straightshot Knight, but you can call me Knight. So, when do we head there? I've already marked the location on my Pipbuck."

Edited by Guardian Braveheart
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"The name's Secant," Secant replied, holding out his hoof to shake with Knight. "Just...Secant, mind you. And like the most of the group, I was called upon here to run some errands. My PipBuck's marker is pointing towards Stable 37. Seems a bit logical, since that the second closest Stable here, and Stable 24 is active."


Secant proceeded to open up his PipBuck's menu, sorting through his backpack supplies, until he found a forty-five caliber pistol. Holstering it, Secant added, "There's only one problem. The radiation outside of here and to the east can be a problem. I'm estimating point zero six grey the environment; that's six rads, if you're asking. Never mind about the raiders and the wildlife, we're not going to last long with the radiation we're going to experience. Even though I can probably access the Stable door, we still have to account the time we're going to stay in there.


"That's why I propose something else. Since entering directly would be hazardous, I was thinking of entering through a hypothetical second opening. Chances are, it might be as locked as the main Stable door, but it's safer. Again, it's hypothetical, but if there was some kind of cavern that leads to the Stable, we should start searching there. Abundans cautela non nocet, right?"

Edited by Grand Master Suri
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The Griffion sighed inwardly as he introduced himself... and was promptly ignored. The earthpony offered a hoof to the stallion in a battle saddle, but neither payed him any mind. Oh well. He was use to it. People either stared, glared,or ignored him. At the mention of the closer Stable, Vincent simply shrugged "Maybe they already checked it, and its been ransacked. Or there's something there that would require more than us to get in. Who knows." Vincent listened to the pony speak, and although the math confused him, he got the general gist. The main entrance was highly irradiated (a fact the mayor failed to mention), and that there were sets of caverns that possible lead to a safer way in. He wasn't surprised the pony was confident in his ability to open either door, but the idea of running through a radiation field, when, unlike the ponies with pip-buck's, he couldn't tell exactly how irradiated he was, wasnt a pleasant idea.  At least he carried a gieger counter. 


"Raiders and wildlife shouldn't be a problem. Most dangerous raider hot-spot is Ponyville..." he paused, "Unless that's the way we're going..." he mumbled. Lacking a pip-buck, he didnt have the liverity of having locations magically shown on a map when they were mentioned to him. And their 'leader' wasn't exactly passing around the map. "Wildlife around here is also fairly subdued. Radigators in some spots, but aside from that, mostly just bloatflies..." He suddenly heard the latin saying, and without missing a beat, spoke out. "'abundant caution does no harm...'" he said simply, as if without thinking "I agree. Besides, there arent any radiation suits around here in my size..." he half joked, although it was true. 

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Secant turned to the griffon, raising his eyes. "I am certainly surprised...Vincent," he returned. "It isn't every day that you see a Talon learn the Roaman Latin language. It's an ancient language many centuries before the war. It's nice seeing that some ponies – and griffons – are preserving the old language."


"...And I don't think we'll be going through Ponyville. It's only a few miles from here, though the trip could take a few hours," Secant commented. "I'm not sure about the wildlife, however. Not experienced with this kind of terrain; I'm a mathematician, not a ethologist or biologist, but I have heard of cazador activity. We should still be careful; a cazador's sting can kill. As for the raiders...thankfully I haven't heard of raider organizations that far in the West. The raider groups here, if they even exist, are most likely disorganized."


Secant bit his lip when he thought of another possibility. "The only real trouble here is the Steel Rangers. They have more of a presence here than the Pegasus Enclave. And they can be fearsome with their superior weaponry. And why we should worry about them is that they're armed, dangerous, and most of all, have the proper ability to reason. If we spot them, we should try to escape before they catch up."


Secant now glanced at the alicorn, this time in subtle shock. Was the mayor that desperate to hire a living experiment? he thought, grimacing all the while. If anything, he found the fact of the existence of non-deity alicorns disgusting. It was dehumanizing, immoral, and greedy. He was uncertain if he should cooperate with such an abomination, and kept his distance from the pony.

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He shook hooves with Secant.


"Nice to meet you two Secant," he said.


"Well, the wildlife shouldn't be a problem," he said. "Just keep distance, and they won't hurt you. As for the raiders, they're completely disorganized anyways. They're pretty much easy to take down. Their firearms and armor, if I still know them, are in pretty bad shape. As for the Steel Rangers and the Enclave, I used to kill just a handful of them. But the problem is, we need Anti-matrix grenades or Armor piercing round if we want to take them down."


He looked up to the Talon, Vincent.


"Um... Vincent," he asked. "When we're going to travel, you wouldn't mind being aerial Recon, right? It will deem useful in case of hostiles in the area."


He turned back his attention to Secant.


"I've only heard rumors of caverns in each Stable. I should know, I was from Stable 15. But It never popped out in my Auto-map. So how can you be sure that there is a second entrance?"

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Vincent blinked as the stallion spoke to him, only now seeming to realize he'd translated the Roamen Latin phrase. It seems he had done so without any thought. Well, the pony wasn't talking down to him at least. Even seemed to find a touch of respect for his knowledge of it. Vincent shrugged "Well, I mean, it isnt like I can speak it fluently. I just know some phrases." He said. He was a little proud of his knowledge of the language, but also a little ashamed. The reason he bothered to learn those phrases was because, well, he was abit of a history nut. I griffon that was interested in reading about the past would have been oddity before the war, and now, in the Wasteland, it would definitely make him a laughing stock in the talons. 


He nodded as he was told they wouldnt be going through Ponyville. If they passed the surrounding area, they may get jumped by a raiding party or something, but nothing he couldn't handle alone, let alone with the others around. Cazadors would be a bigger threat... he'd been stung by one before, and even though only the barest tip managed to get through his armor and his flesh, he had been in burning agony. If it had gotten it's stinger in deeper, he would've been dead. "Oh, Raider groups exist," Vincent added as the stalllion seemed skeptical of them "But they're just roaming bands. Nothing like the Half-Hearts, or the Flash Fillies or the rest. Honestly, unless you're unprepared, they can be more of a nuisance than anything..." 


"The Enclave?" He said, pausing a moment. He wondered if a Griffion would be allowed up above that cloud layer... he'd never tried it himself. A few of his friends did and said they'd come get everyone once they knew it was safe up there. They never came back. "The Enclave don't show their faces down here. They think that it's an irradiated death trap that kills you the second you hit the ground..." he paused, smirking a little "Luckily, the Wasteland is more likely to give you a week than a second. As for the Steel Rangers, well, unless they knew where we were going and what we were getting, they'd have no real reason to. Not like we have any complex technology..." he glanced, looking at the pip-buck's most of the ponies wore. "Oh. Right..." he said, realizeing they could find reason to attack to get those... well, dont' worry. Ol' Raging bull here can punch a hole in even that armor... if I get a good shot." He said, gestureing to his revolver. 


When asked to scout, he glanced at the other stallion and nodded. "Yeah, sure. Im the most logical choice." He said. For obvious reasons, he could fly, but what made him better over the Alicorn (atleast in his mind), is the fact that, well, as a Griffion, he was a natural hunter. He was half eagle, half lion after all. His eyes were incredible with these two creatures hunting talents imbued in his very being. He'd see things long before any pony would. 

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Secant crossed his hooves, glancing at the stallion and the Talon. "Well...can you do me a favor and not open fire at them? This may be hard to take in, but...my Stable has a trade partnership with the Steel Rangers.


"Basically, we trade our secrets obtained from the lab to the Rangers for supplies. I don't want to endanger the ponies from my Stable. Just knock them unconscious if we do meet up with some conflict; do not kill any of them." Secant explained in the best way he believe was possible. "Plus, I don't think we can acquire these kind of weapons here. It seems like a relatively peaceful town for me."


He looked at the other mercenaries in his group in a serious manner; his generally upbeat attitude gone from his face. "Look, I know most of you have occupations that may require some extent of violence, but I don't like murdering any pony here. Steel Ranger, Enclave, and what not, they are still ponies."

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"Well, I'm not saying I'd like to kill ponies, if that's what you're implying," he said in defense. "Well, maybe raiders since they killed every pony in my Stable, but I always check my E.F.S. before I go guns blazing. I'd rather save my ammo than shoot on sight. So, if we ever go upon Steel Rangers, they're very hard to knock out. Don't they have like Magical pony Armor? I know there's this part of the Armor that we can shoot in order to disable the whole thing. If they don't move, they won't attack. But I keep forgetting where that is. The only safe way for us not to kill them is Either that or we acquire ourselves those types of grenades. But I doubt will cross paths with them. They might just be protecting their hideout or something. But if we do, you go talk to them first. If they ever start firing... we'll just see who wins."


He prompt up. He tried to get the attention of everyone in the room.


"So, what are you all good at?" he asked. "Since our 'leader' ain't talking much, I'd like to optimize our abilities to minimize casualties. If you ask me, I'm more of a Sniping pony than a full frontal assault one. So, I'll just be laying back as cover fire until I run out of ammo. But in desperate times, Miniguns and my revolvers are my thing, it's just, I'd rather kill out of sight than in front."

Edited by Guardian Braveheart
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"Fighting is not really my forte," Secant answered. "But I do have experienced with physics, chemistry, and computer science. I can play the doctor if I need to, and I can fix some stuff as long as its in my 'technology range'. I might be of some help if you need something extremely boring and unexciting you want me to do."


Secant drew his plasma defender, showing it to the group. "If you want to know my combat abilities, however...I can decently use some energy-cell based weapons..." His voice trailed off when he realized what that meant. "Damn it. I'm probably holding something the Rangers might want...I should really consider leaving or hiding it somewhere."


Sighing at the remark, Secant placed his plasma defender down. "They won't fire at us. You're forgetting about me. If they do threaten to fire at us, I can give them my weapon and PipBuck. For the 'weak spot'...I'll say it could be the respiration system on the muzzle, the regenerative talisman for armor repairs, or the joint areas. They're significantly less dense in material in contrast to the metallic armor that cover the most of their body, so it will be easy to penetrate these areas if a bullet manages to get through them. Disarming the machine guns built near the saddle area can work as well, though it won't stop them from moving.


"The alternative is to use a Zebra Rifle," Secant added, hesitating for a few seconds before continuing, "...but I won't recommend that. It's near impossible to acquire, uses incendiary ammo, and mercilessly kills armored ponies, which I don't want to see. I don't know if it exists in the Wasteland, anyway; the only time I ever saw a Zebra Rifle was from a pre-war book. Cross that one out."

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Vincent paused as he was told that killing the Steel Rangers was not prefered... that would be a problem. There werent exactly alot of way to effectively take down a squad of Steel Rangers without killing them... but he understood. he wouldnt want to cause problems for a whole Stable by killing them... but he also wasnt exactly willing to sit there and get shot. He tried to find a good comrpomise and stated simply "If they open fire on us, or threaten the mission, Im shooting. If it helps, ill try and aim for incapacitating shots, but with how those suits heal them and all the combat drugs, im not sure how effective that will be. As things turned to fighting style, Vincent felt a little sheepish... with one weapon snapped in half, and the other with no ammo, he felt abit more useless than usual.


"I use my revolver here mostly. Like I said, can punch a hole through magical steel armor, so imagine what it does to a raider. I... had a rifle that id fire while I manuvered in the air, but it broke. I also use my grenade launcher to shoot enemies that are dug in my flying above and firing down.... but that's out of ammo. Basically, im stuck with my revolver right now and not much else.I have my claws though, which are always an asset."

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He was amazed on what weapon he had. He had never seen an energy weapon since the last time he got attacked by the Enclave. He broke his weapon for just because he was messing up their 'research'. Up to this day, he still didn't know what that meant.


"I missed using those," he said. "So, what type of ammo does it use? Gem Pack(SEC)? Micro-Sparkle Cell(MFC)? Spell-Flux Pack(ECP)? Either way, finding ammo for that will be difficult."


He turned serious again, trying to assess what he can do.


"So in particular, you're a medic and a hacker. You should stay back, out of the line of fire also. You could be useful in this mission. But since you have those guns, you can go front line, but just a little while. I doubt you can hold out if they had automatic weapons. And about the Steel Rangers... Yeah, you should go first. Try to reason with them."


He shifted his attention to the others.


"So, how about all of you?" he asked. "What are your strengths?"

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Optyx walked to the group of ponies gathering around talking amongst themselves, "We leave in an hour...if you're ready or not". Optyx walked away from the group and to his house to gather some last minute supplies now that he knew what the actual mission was now. Not just a supply run anymore, something more dangerous.


Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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"Really," he said, "That's all you have to say about this?" 


Wow, what supreme leadership skills, he thought. I can do a much better job than him.


@,@, @@TheLineTrotter,  


He shifted his attention to his group mates.


"Well, I guess we're heading out soon," he said. "If you haven't got your supplies ready yet, do it now. We can all meet at the edge of the town in the direction of the objective."


He started walking out of the door, and at the edge of town, waiting for them to start. He, in fact, was eager to start. But since it was a team effort, he needed to wait for them to start.

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"I believe I don't really have a choice," Secant noted, "since I already am carrying all my essential possessions. I am technically a 'stable dweller', so except for my home at Stable 65, I am mostly of a 'nomadic' state, and as a result, I basically have to carry everything I have on my back. It's a bit tiresome, though if you pack light and try to lighten the load occasionally, it's not that big of a burden."


"About the plasma defender, this one is a different model," Secant pointed out, revealing the reloading sequence. "It uses the Micro-Sparkle Cell like the original. It's the Plasma Modulation System 86-B, or PMS-86B, for short. The only difference is that the gun has less stopping power and fire rate in contrast to the A model, but it is far more durable than the A model and has relatively low recoil, in my opinion.


"Micro-Sparkle Cells are indeed a bit hard to find. I only have fifty or so of these cells, which isn't necessarily a lot, since the weapon uses two cells as once. And they weigh like a dictionary, just to clarify my point," Secant further added in detail. "Now, for the objective...I'm guessing it could take a few hours to get there, so the risk of meeting up with anypony would be kind of minimal. We should still be alert, and remember the task at our hooves."

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Moonlight rolled her eyes at Secant then said aloud "NEEERRRD Stable dwellers don't know nothin your not the only one who can hack terminals and unlock locked stuff you ponies are boring but honestly it would be worth the caps traveling with all of you". she then snorted "why the hell did that mayor choose that Optyx guy whatever he's not even bucking talking".


some reason if i mention someone if wont let me post


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Secant decided to simply acknowledge the alicorn and use it to his advantage. "That was ridiculously uncouth and snide, coming from a 'special' pony like you. Contradictory as well, since one specific nerd that is standing in front of you is possibly one of the few ponies who have actually worked with pre-war technology."


He strolled towards the door, leaving the near empty room. The only pony, or rather, griffon remaining was the Talon mercenary. "If you want to try hacking the Stable terminal lock yourself, I won't stop you, though you would be placing all our lives at risk. Be aware of what we are doing here, this is far more than petty caps."


Secant went on, addressing the remaining crowd. His regular crystal gleam had disappeared with his more serious expression. "And while I am technically born in a Stable, I have been in contact with the outside world for quite some time now. Been exploring the wasteland for almost a year, in fact. Note that I am not some fresh out-of-the-Stable dweller, I do know how to adequately survive."

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Optyx waited at the gate for what he thought was his teammates. Optyx grabbed his sword from the side of his bed. Optyx had already had Raritys Grace holstered in the side. He wondered who was actually going to join him at all on his mission. Optyx may have came across as the type that didn't care about his teammates, but that wasn't the case. His teammates was the only priority during a mission.


Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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