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Taking Story Requests!


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Is everyone ok with moving the deadline up to Friday? Seems a bit long now to wait a whole week.

*pokes back*


As for my prompt...find a dice roller, and roll something up based on this chart:


Roll 5 times. there are 6 rows. Roll once for each column, then write something with those elements,



Thats pretty clever. I like it.


The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents... some day the piecing together of dissociated knowledge will open up such terrifying vistas of reality, and of our frightful position therein, that we shall either go mad from the revelation or flee from the light into the peace and safety of a new Dark Age.”


H.P. Lovecraft "The Call of Cthulhu" 

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Is everyone ok with moving the deadline up to Friday? Seems a bit long now to wait a whole week.

Thats pretty clever. I like it.


I got it from my writers class teacher.

I Perform Fanfiction Readings on YouTube, complete with sound effects, music, and an effort to instill emotion into the narration. Link below, if you're curious.

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Welp Skijarama the dice has chosen.


It will be a tale including.


Rainbow Dash- :wub:


Comedy-Double :wub: :wub:


Taking place at Sugarcube Corner in the winter.- ^_^


About Revenge- :okiedokielokie:


And Boots- >_>


Friday is ok with me also soren w/e you guys want.

Chase The Rainbow., Love The Rainbow!!

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Hehe...well I'm off to start this project talk to you guys later.


~Dashes off.~




Agreed. The time has come to unleash our creativity!


S̕͠h͏̴a̕͏l̸͟l̷̢ ̛̕̕we͠ ̕b̛è̕g̛i̶̵n͝҉?̧


Just for future reference, is there any sort of format for posting our stories? As in, do we attach a document file or post it on a website and throw in a link or what?

Edited by Skijarama

I Perform Fanfiction Readings on YouTube, complete with sound effects, music, and an effort to instill emotion into the narration. Link below, if you're curious.

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Agreed. The time has come to unleash our creativity!


S̕͠h͏̴a̕͏l̸͟l̷̢ ̛̕̕we͠ ̕b̛è̕g̛i̶̵n͝҉?̧


Just for future reference, is there any sort of format for posting our stories? As in, do we attach a document file or post it on a website and throw in a link or what?

I would just make it simple and post it to this thread, unless your story is ungodly long, then link to a different site.


The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents... some day the piecing together of dissociated knowledge will open up such terrifying vistas of reality, and of our frightful position therein, that we shall either go mad from the revelation or flee from the light into the peace and safety of a new Dark Age.”


H.P. Lovecraft "The Call of Cthulhu" 

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In THAT Case...


Skijarama Presents



For Soren Nightwing

FiMFiction Link


The singing. It was quiet, and barely audible within the heart of Equestria. The soft tones were beautiful enough to lull a foal to sleep, and enthralling enough to capture the attention of all of the heartland. Not a soul stirred, and not a pony made a sound as the beautiful singing waved across the land. Families came and openned their windows to better hear the rhythm. That is when they saw it.


The stars in the sky. They were quivering. The normal twinkle to go with them was heavily accented by the way they seemed to sway and move in time with the singing. The stars were dancing! To all, the beauty of this sight was unparalleled. Many wished they could capture this moment to hang upon their wall, or to review in later years.


The moon stayed still, as the stars themselves seemed to spiral around it, one leap, one step, and one bound at a time. The singing continued in it's soft and beautiful tune, beginning into a crescendo. The stars remained ever graceful in their midnight waltz, circling the moon. Finally, the stars slowly seemed to fall from the sky. For some, it was into their own city. For others, it was beyond the horizon. Soon, save for the moonlight, now seeming infinitely brighter, the sky went dark.




It was as if one were watching millions of particles of magic as they slowly danced around the alicorn of the night. Luna smiled as the stars slowly spun, spiraled and danced around her, her horn aglow with magic. Her singing slowly died down to a quiet hum as the stars slowly settled into the ground, becoming solid. The platform upon which Luna stood was raised high, and was large enough to house every star.


Luna smiled as her creation slowly took shape. The stars began to shift position, slowly forming into an image. First, it was a mountain, the stars changing color as needed. Then she made the image of a family of ponies, resting on a hill. The stars continued their dance, all the while her humming continued, soothing the ponies across Equestria.


Luna raised the stars once more into the air, before turning and letting the wind take them into the distance. She nodded as the stars blew away, across Equestria. “Go on, children. This night belongs to you. Worry not. I shall watch from above.”


And so they did. The stars began to slowly weave and fly through Equestria. A young filly in Canterlot squealed with delight as they seemed to swirl around her, before spiraling off into the distance. The singing began once more, the words no more than little wordless lullabies. Luna sang gently, but with passion.


In Ponyville, the stars entered into the room of a young foal, scaring her at first, but mystifying her with their dance. They spun and swirled, and finally fled out of her bedroom window and back into the night. The filly called to her parents, and she showed them the stars as they slowly made their way across the town.


In the city of Cloudsdale, a beginner athelete gasped for breath as he flew along, trying to beat his previous record. He hadn't seen the falling stars, but he had heard the song, and it had inspired him to come out here and work towards his goal. He felt himself faltering, and was about to begin a plummet to the hard and condensed cloudy surface below when his wings suddenly felt suspended, and soothed.


A glance in either direction showed him the stars themselves having suspended him in the air, allowing him to rest. He smiled and laughed as a solitary star came out from the crowd, and gently brushed by his nose. It was warm, incredibly so, but very comforting. It felt alive.




Lunas song gradually died down once more to a quiet hum. She openne dher eyes, having clsoed them in the peace. She turned slightly, her gaze resting on the now open door that openned onto the balcony. Standing in the open doorway, Celestia herself held a warm smile on her face. They said nothing as Celestia stepped up next to Luna, and seated herself. “I see you decided to do it.” Celestia said quietly.


“Yes. Their lonliness could not be ignored.” Luna replied, giving a slow nod.


“you know they must return before sunrise.” Celestia reminded carefully, looking over at her younger sister.


“I know, sister. Just let them have this night,” Luna said sadly, looking out over the snow sparkling land before them.


“I have no intention of robbing them of their time. Just remember to return them to the sky before sunrise.” Silence befell the alicorn sisters as they watched the land sparkle with millions of tiny stars.


“They are older than I, sister. And yet they are amazingly like children.” Luna smiled as one of the stars danced back curiously to the balcony. “They need care. they need company and nurture. Yet in all of the time they reside in the sky, they can never see us like we see them.”


“It is no dufferent with the Sun.” Celestia nodded.


“It has existed since eons before you or I. Same with the moon.”


“But they all belong in the sky.” Celestia said, resulting in a heavy sigh from Luna.


“I know, sister. But they are always so lonely. They can see our world from afar... but they never understand what it looks like up close.” Luna explained.


“You felt their sadness, then?” Celestia asked, shifting to better see her sister.


“Of course. Always so sad, and ever lonely. But also curious and inquisitive.” Luna said, resulting in a nod from Celestia. For several long hours they sat there, watching the stars dance and weave across Equestria. Finally, Celestia looked over at Luna.


“It's time.” She said simply. Luna nodded, and stood from her sitting position. A soft hum left her mouth, gradually turning once more into a beautiful lullaby. Slowly, but surely, the stars began to swirl and return to their positions in the night sky. She nodded sadly at them all.


“Rest now, children. Your dance has touched many. We shall not forget the wonder you have given to all of us tonight. When the day is right, we may yet have one more dance of the stars.”

Edited by Skijarama
  • Brohoof 1

I Perform Fanfiction Readings on YouTube, complete with sound effects, music, and an effort to instill emotion into the narration. Link below, if you're curious.

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That... was... heart touching. How you can put this much skill into your story, is... amazing.

Well I have the story done, and here it is, hope you enjoy it!

For Its_Rainbow_Dash


"At Midnight"


The sun shines overhead, casting a shadow on the ground. A drop of water falls, and with a splash, dissapears. Sadness, overtakes almost any emotion, and Viynal was feeling the sadness like it was the very esscance holding her heart togethor.
Octavia, was gone. Pushed away by her greed and selfishness.
Anger, bubbled up inside or her, and Viynal began walking again. She walked past Sweet Apple Acres, she walked through empty feilds. She walked till her hooves were sore and her legs were to tired to hold her anymore. So she sat.
And there on the edge of the Everfree, did she sit, and think. Music, was her life. But Octavia was her friend. Anger took hold again and she felt the urge to lash out like a white hot poker in her heart, she stood and with all her strength, punched a tree closest to her. The tree shook, and Viynals anger took over. 
Why did Octavia care that she had missed one stupid dinner. She was making music! She was making money to live on! But with a sigh, she thought again. 
No. I have no right to think like that. Octavia had been there for her entire life. Now, because of her, Octavia may never have that dinner again. If only I had been there sooner, Viynal thought. Maby she would have stayed longer. Mabey the colt that was running would have ran by with no problem. But Octavia had left. She had gone looking for Viynal. And she had got hit. Now Viynal was on the verge of losing it all. She stood and began to walk back. She decided to hold her head high, and feel no sorrow, not to the ones who knew her. But as soon as she began walking. She began to cry.
The tears flowed freely down her cheeks, and the tears hot and salty fell, like rain drops, they fell. I had caused this, Viynal thought, This was my fault and now Octy- was... the tears flowed faster now, and Viynal could hardly speak through the sobs. She knew what she had to do. 
Shoving ponys aside as she ran.
The door to the hospitle slammed open and she ran inside, the security started to chase her, but a nurse stopped her. She knew what was happening, and she knew that Viynal could not be inturruped. Viynal was stopped now. In front of a door, she could see Octavia. Her beautiful mane was clotted with blood and dirt, her head was wrapped in bandages. Her skull was cracked, and she was on the verge of death. Viynal wiped the last of the tears away and opened the door. 
Octavia didnt move, Viynal didnt expect her to, she was still alive, but she was asleep, and Viynal would not dare disturb the sleep. Quietly she walked over to the bed, the slow beep of the heart moniter an almost soothing sound. Now beside the bed, the tears began to flow again. Then through the tears, she saw a twitch of movement. Octavia was turning her head!
Octavia was awake, and Viynals tears began to flow faster as she realized the pain Octavia was in.The pain that would be the last thing she would remember, and the pain that Viynal could have stopped. But Octavia stopped the thought. 
"You...came..." She said, her voice almost like a gurgle of water, and her heavy breathing showed that even those two words were a struggle for her.
Viynal let the tears flow their fastest now, with nothing held back, she reached out a hoof and held it out on Octavia hoof.
Then, the beeping began to slow, and Viynals eyes began to close.
With her last ounce of strength, she changed a life.
A life that had been spent on personal joys, learned to realize the needs of her friends. A life that hed been spent in regret, could now be lived to the fullest. With four simple words, everything changed.
"Thank..... you...... for......everything....."
The beeping flat lined and almost immediately doctors rushed into the room, using the paddles to try to restart her heart, but Viynal noticed none of it.
She was still holding Octaivas hoof, and for several hours stayed there, convinced that if she just believed hard enough, then Octavia would live. But even Viynal knew when it was too late. But the sadness was gone. The regret washed away like the tears that had fallen down her cheeks, now there was hope, hope for tomorrow, for happiness, hope to change the way she was. For if her friend who had died looking at her, could be glad, for just their friendship, not being angry at the times shed blown her off, then Viynal could try at the least to be a better pony. 
At midnight, a kiss was planted on a friend. 
At midnight, a door opened and closed.
At midnight, a friend was left alone.
At midnight, the world changed.


The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents... some day the piecing together of dissociated knowledge will open up such terrifying vistas of reality, and of our frightful position therein, that we shall either go mad from the revelation or flee from the light into the peace and safety of a new Dark Age.”


H.P. Lovecraft "The Call of Cthulhu" 

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That... was... heart touching. How you can put this much skill into your story, is... amazing.


Thanks. I'm honestly not always sure of myself when it comes to my writing. I wrote this rather quickly and did almost no revisions, so I was worried others might not like it.

I Perform Fanfiction Readings on YouTube, complete with sound effects, music, and an effort to instill emotion into the narration. Link below, if you're curious.

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Thanks. I'm honestly not always sure of myself when it comes to my writing. I wrote this rather quickly and did almost no revisions, so I was worried others might not like it.

I do have to ask, where did you make the Title picture? That looks amazing


The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents... some day the piecing together of dissociated knowledge will open up such terrifying vistas of reality, and of our frightful position therein, that we shall either go mad from the revelation or flee from the light into the peace and safety of a new Dark Age.”


H.P. Lovecraft "The Call of Cthulhu" 

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Awwww....I loved it Soren it was really sad though but that in all was very touching and close to home. thanx.



My story is about Half-way through prob be posted during late night hours here or maybe tomorrow lol.


Humor with me takes a bit I'm always coming up with new wise cracks but I think Skijar will like it.

Chase The Rainbow., Love The Rainbow!!

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Awwww....I loved it Soren it was really sad though but that in all was very touching and close to home. thanx.



My story is about Half-way through prob be posted during late night hours here or maybe tomorrow lol.


Humor with me takes a bit I'm always coming up with new wise cracks but I think Skijar will like it.


Skijar? That's new. Although my preferred Nickname is SJ.

I Perform Fanfiction Readings on YouTube, complete with sound effects, music, and an effort to instill emotion into the narration. Link below, if you're curious.

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Awwww....I loved it Soren it was really sad though but that in all was very touching and close to home. thanx.



My story is about Half-way through prob be posted during late night hours here or maybe tomorrow lol.


Humor with me takes a bit I'm always coming up with new wise cracks but I think Skijar will like it.

Glad you liked it, always had an idea to do a story like that, but didnt want to do a normal blood and gore story for this.


The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents... some day the piecing together of dissociated knowledge will open up such terrifying vistas of reality, and of our frightful position therein, that we shall either go mad from the revelation or flee from the light into the peace and safety of a new Dark Age.”


H.P. Lovecraft "The Call of Cthulhu" 

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Glad you liked it, always had an idea to do a story like that, but didnt want to do a normal blood and gore story for this.


Aaawww, but blood, death and vengeance are wonderful! Everypony should have more blood, death and vengeance in their lives.




Lol, j/k. Just me being weird. Don't mind me.

I Perform Fanfiction Readings on YouTube, complete with sound effects, music, and an effort to instill emotion into the narration. Link below, if you're curious.

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Hehe sorry SJ but I liked Skijar you could say it sounds 20% cooler. B):wub:


Eh. call me what you wish, as long as I can identify it as being me that your talking to, and not the crazy bunny with the chainsaw over there...



I Perform Fanfiction Readings on YouTube, complete with sound effects, music, and an effort to instill emotion into the narration. Link below, if you're curious.

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Umm... Can I request you a story?

I mean this topic is called so, duh. But maybe you a little bit tiny busy here?


I would like a story with cannon characters. And I define it as sad.


And if you are okay to take the request I must ask how big can you make it, and if I can take a part in it's creation or you will do by our own?


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Umm... Can I request you a story?
I mean this topic is called so, duh. But maybe you a little bit tiny busy here?
I would like a story with cannon characters. And I define it as sad.
And if you are okay to take the request I must ask how big can you make it, and if I can take a part in it's creation or you will do by our own?



If it's a sad story, I'm the guy to talk to. First, I have a few questions:

  1. Can I get some more specifics on what you'd like me to write about? Or do you want to be surprised? If you have a vague idea, but no set rules, just give me a sentence as a prompt.
  2. Which main characters, or do you care?
  3. How long do you want it? (I have bigger projects I'm working on, so my limit is 3 of my standard chapters [9000 words]. Just remember, the longer it is, the longer it will be before I get it to you.)
  4. What sort of role would you want in the creation process? It doesn't really matter to me if you take part or not, but if you do want to take part, I need to know how big of a role you want.

Answering these will give me a much better idea of what to do.

Thanks for dropping in, btw!

I Perform Fanfiction Readings on YouTube, complete with sound effects, music, and an effort to instill emotion into the narration. Link below, if you're curious.

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I just sent you a message.


I saw that. Very specific request, I must say. I'll give it a whirl though. 



This is gonna take me a while, Soren, so mark me as unavailible until I finish it, ok?

I Perform Fanfiction Readings on YouTube, complete with sound effects, music, and an effort to instill emotion into the narration. Link below, if you're curious.

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I saw that. Very specific request, I must say. I'll give it a whirl though. 



This is gonna take me a while, Soren, so mark me as unavailible until I finish it, ok?

Got it. Gool luck on the story


The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents... some day the piecing together of dissociated knowledge will open up such terrifying vistas of reality, and of our frightful position therein, that we shall either go mad from the revelation or flee from the light into the peace and safety of a new Dark Age.”


H.P. Lovecraft "The Call of Cthulhu" 

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