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private An Imperfect Situation: The RP


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Bella murmurs, stirs and fidgets. "help...me..." she whispers in a dream like tone, legs twitching slightly."Help me!" she thrashed on the floor, eyes still clamped. "Help me 'lix! Help me! ... Plea-*he-he*-hese!" Hue sobbs in her nightmare. She is coated in magnitudes of filth and muck.

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The question confused him... om one hoof, he felt that it was obvious that he was upset about scaring and making the poor mare fer for her life... on the other hoof, part of him wondered why exactly he was upset. He had acted appropriately, his mind roared, she had insulted his people and his culture! Strike her down! Make her see just how savage a Zebra warrior could be! But he took a breath... that voice wasn't him... it wasn't who he was... was it? He tried not to think about it, at the moment. "I have scared you." He said simply, raising his head to look at the mare, still keeping it slightly bowed. "You... did not intend to offend... and I overreacted... I... I acted like savage brute, as I said... and for that, I apologize..." he stood there a moment, before offering the mare a hoof in order to help her up from the jungle floor.


(OOC: internet won't work on PC but will on phone...)

At first, Honey Jars flinched at the movement of the zebra hoof, expect it to be a hit. It didn't take long however for her to realise he was simply offering a hoof, so she accepted. And made sure to thank him for it. She then brushed herself off a bit, she hadn't realised just how messy she was.

"B-but I hurt your feeling and normally ponies hate you forever when you hurt their feelings. Or that's how it should happen.... Isn't it?" Honey Jars had never actually hurt somepony feelings before. Well once before but that was different.

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He saw her flinch... he couldn't blame her... he was trained to kill, to fight, to die... he fought monsters, but perhaps he also was one. He thought back to home... his leader an old, traditionalist buck... a mare, a Pegasus, lost in the jungle alone... she stumbled across their village. It... it was his first time on guard alone... she had sprained her wing... she'd asked for help... he panicked... his father, and the tribe's leader, commended him for his respect for duty... 


"Perhaps..." he said simply, remembering the teachings of his tribe... if one harms or insults you or your tribe, you must bring upon them the full force and persecute them accordingly... "...But regardless, It was a... mistake. You did not mean anything of it." He said plainly, looking at her with his ears no longer drooped. 


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He saw her flinch... he couldn't blame her... he was trained to kill, to fight, to die... he fought monsters, but perhaps he also was one. He thought back to home... his leader an old, traditionalist buck... a mare, a Pegasus, lost in the jungle alone... she stumbled across their village. It... it was his first time on guard alone... she had sprained her wing... she'd asked for help... he panicked... his father, and the tribe's leader, commended him for his respect for duty...


"Perhaps..." he said simply, remembering the teachings of his tribe... if one harms or insults you or your tribe, you must bring upon them the full force and persecute them accordingly... "...But regardless, It was a... mistake. You did not mean anything of it." He said plainly, looking at her with his ears no longer drooped.


The fact that the Zebra respinded with a "perhaps" didn't make Honey Jars feel any better about what she had done. This combined with the fact he looked fairly strong only worried Honey Jars further. She simply replied with "Oh..." She had nothing else to say. What was she supposed to say? Something to lighten the mood? A compliment? Yeah. That was totally going to happen. Maybe she should just say her name...

"M-my name is Honey Jars. I'm good with bees... And stuff... What's yours?" This time, Honey Jars hadn't messed up. She was making progress.

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As she said her name and gave a... quick description of herself, Nassir nodded, decideing to respond in kind. "I`m Nassir. I`m..." he paused... he couldn't very well tell her that he was good with killing monsterious beast... that would surly terrify her. "I`m good with potions and brews." he said, saying the first thing that came to mind. It was not, after all, entirely untruthful. He paused a moment, awkwardly digging at the ground with a hoof, trying to think of something to say...perhaps they should just return to camp... they needed rest, after all. "So... bees...? I have... seen some...their honey is used in a few brews.I believe it helps a sore throat..." he said, trying to remember the exact potion. 



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As she said her name and gave a... quick description of herself, Nassir nodded, decideing to respond in kind. "I`m Nassir. I`m..." he paused... he couldn't very well tell her that he was good with killing monsterious beast... that would surly terrify her. "I`m good with potions and brews." he said, saying the first thing that came to mind. It was not, after all, entirely untruthful. He paused a moment, awkwardly digging at the ground with a hoof, trying to think of something to say...perhaps they should just return to camp... they needed rest, after all. "So... bees...? I have... seen some...their honey is used in a few brews.I believe it helps a sore throat..." he said, trying to remember the exact potion.



Even though she was still rather scared of the zebra, who she now had a name for, Honey Jars still couldn't help but explain the one thing she was best at.

"Oh! Yes. Bees are very versatile creatures. They're able to make many kinds of honey, so you can have some that's sweet, and some that's sour! You can even get different colours! My favourite is the blue colour, becouse you like you're underwater! Oh! And bees themselves are super nice! They always..." Honey Jars was interupted by a loud yawn, one of her own. She never reealised how late it was! They should be heading back.

"M-maybe we should just go back?"

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Nassir blinked, having not expected the mare to suddenly go on a tangent about the little insects. Regardless, he forced a polite smiled and nodded along to what she had to say. After everything he'd put her through, he could stand to listen to a discussion on bees. He blinked again as the mare nodded, his smile growing abit genuine as she heard her speak. "Yes, that would likely be best. I..." He paused... he had been about to mention the stars, and thier evil... remembering what the bubble-maned mare had said before about scaring ponies with that sort of talk... "I imagine we need all the rest we can get... if we are to live on this island until help can arrive, than there is work to be done..." he sad, turning and starting the walk back to the clearing. 


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Nassir blinked, having not expected the mare to suddenly go on a tangent about the little insects. Regardless, he forced a polite smiled and nodded along to what she had to say. After everything he'd put her through, he could stand to listen to a discussion on bees. He blinked again as the mare nodded, his smile growing abit genuine as she heard her speak. "Yes, that would likely be best. I..." He paused... he had been about to mention the stars, and thier evil... remembering what the bubble-maned mare had said before about scaring ponies with that sort of talk... "I imagine we need all the rest we can get... if we are to live on this island until help can arrive, than there is work to be done..." he sad, turning and starting the walk back to the clearing.


At first, honey Jars was confused as to the sudden pause in Nassir's words. It seemed as if he was going to say one thing, and decided not to. Maybe it was something about her! Honey Jars would have asked what he was going to say, but if it upset him then they would probably have a repeat of not so long ago. Honey Jars let out another big yawn and followed not so far behind nassir, but with enough distance not to be too personal.
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"I sure wish she had killed me when she tried to climb the tree. Or at least woke up now and clubbed me in the head repeatedly with the closest rock..."

Comet walks over to where Bella lay, and lightly shakes her to wake her up.

"Come on. You aren't safe with me, we need to get you with the others."

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Nassir walked in silence, not noticing the confusion on the mare's face... he was deep in thought, wondering if he should have warned the mare of the stars danger... but would that had just scared her? Was the mare correct, that he should not scare others with his talk? Or should he scream his warnings from the treetops, warn them of every possible danger he could name, and educate the poor ponies... he blinked, looking up at a tree and spotting a fruit he hadn;t expected to see. "A Pum-Pum fruit... very posionous, Hadn't expected to see that growing on this island..." he muttered, mostly to himself. The island seemed mostly safe, but he imagined even it had it's dangers. Oh well. They were almost to the clearing. @,

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"Help me 'lix! Help me!" She moans with her hooves clamped over her face, rocking back and forth, on her side. "please!" the Brown ball sniffles. Then Hue realises who is talking to her. She discontinues to cry and looks up at Comet. Her face is streaked with many tears, traumatised.


She bares her teeth and lunges on Comet, finding leverage around his collar. "See how safe I am after this!" she exclaims as she begins to apply sharp pressure around the front of his neck, strangling him. She laughes hysterically, rambling about her old friend (Elixir) into the ear of the surprised, suffocated changling.

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Nassir walked in silence, not noticing the confusion on the mare's face... he was deep in thought, wondering if he should have warned the mare of the stars danger... but would that had just scared her? Was the mare correct, that he should not scare others with his talk? Or should he scream his warnings from the treetops, warn them of every possible danger he could name, and educate the poor ponies... he blinked, looking up at a tree and spotting a fruit he hadn;t expected to see. "A Pum-Pum fruit... very posionous, Hadn't expected to see that growing on this island..." he muttered, mostly to himself. The island seemed mostly safe, but he imagined even it had it's dangers. Oh well. They were almost to the clearing. @,

Honey Jars was tired. Honey Jars was very tired. In fact, Honey Jars never noticed how tired she was until she almost fell asleep on the spot. That was probably her own fault, for running this late. She was tired, and exhausted from the running, and barely consious. Not as in she was about to die, but fall asleep. There was some vague muttering about pom-poms and fruit... Honey Jars liked pom-poms... They were soft.... And fluffy...

Honey jars toppled forward, face first into the sand. And fell asleep.

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Nassir blinked, suddenly hearing a 'thump' sound behind him, turning his head back. The mare had gone unconscious, seemingly from sheer exhaustion. He game a small smile, moving over to her and carefully working her onto his neck, and then along his back. She was drapped loosely there, but he walked carefully so that she would not fall. He still felt guilty over the days events, and his mind was still clouded with thoughts, but he needed rest... he reached the clearing, seeing the fire dieing. He went to the tent and, after a moment of consideration, set the mare down inside of it. He went to the treeline, grabbed something to keep the flames going abit longer, and then put himself under the coverage of the leaves... he had to hope it would hide him from the stars... he slowly closed his eyes, and allowed himself to drift off.

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"Aag! Go... Ahead... Do it... DO IT! KILL ME!!!" Comet shouted with the last amounts of air in his lungs. He truly meant it, he had hurt her, almost killed her. A tear ran down his cheek as he began to smile softly. He was happy, by now he wanted to go.


"Do it... Do... it....." He whispers finally.

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Bella hesitates killing him. She rolls onto her back beside Comet and stares at the overhead branches. The shadows reach for eachother longingly. "You care." She rasps, rotating to face away from him "you...really... do." Realising how out of hoof the situation had became, Hue racks her head on how it had escalated. "Elixir isn't here, is she?" She asks the barely conscious changling in a strangely calm way.

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"*cough cough* E-Elexir? N-no... *cough*" Comet just about manages to splutter out before going into a small coughing fit and gasps for air. He turns to the mare next to him and puts his hoof on her shoulder.

"Everything... Will be... Alright..." Comet says as he looks deep into Bella's eyes

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"No. It. Won't!" Bella cries as she swatts the comforting hoof away. After an apologetic sigh "... It's... I... I don't want to hurt anyone, Starflash, I'm just that way inclined." She makes an agitated inhalation and begins crying again. "I-I-I can't...*sniffle/whimper* A-and lix, I... She..." Hue trails off again to start wailing. "She's gone! A-and it's my fault!"


Hue covers her face yet again, to muffle her sorrowful mourning.

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"I know that she meant a lot to you. But trust me when I say that she was a bad influence. I don't care if you don't want to change, I'm too far gone to save, but I won't give up on you. I refuse to." Comet says as he shuffles closer and hugs Bella. He felt extremely awkward, but he did it to comfort her.

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Hue savors the hug. Strengthens it, even. "Thankyou." Bella says as she wipes her reddened eyes with her available hoof... Only to realise something. "Wait" She says "Where is my banglet?" Her silver jewelry must have fallen off without her noticing -earlier, before the fight-. 'where did I drop it?' she thinks, a little panicked "Decus, Filius, Vagus" she says it's Latin engravings aloud.

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"Svanoa ui coi zyak eschoup ekess hawg creolnali zyak rasv'kledul?" Comet mumbles in his language, meaning how is it so easy to lose something so valuable?

Maybe it was just him thinking this, but Bella seemed to lose that peice of jewellery a lot for something of great personal importance.

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"What was that?" Bella asks in the least intimidating way possible, still fearful of losing her beloved bangle of entwined snakes. "I've never heard of THAT before" she states before surveying the ground. It was dark. 'How in the hell did you find it earlier?'. "In fact, Forget the bracelet. I don't need it." She announces, unsure on her new decision.

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The moment that Mythos let go of her hoof Mirror snapped it back near her chest. That wasn't what she expected at all when she let him hold her hoof. What had she expected? She wasn't sure. This was more attention than she was used to from a stallion or any pony in general. Whether or not that was because she avoided most ponies like a plague she wasn't entirely sure. Her cheeks were brighter than they were before. Mirror took a step back from Mythos, only managing to meekly nod before waiting for him to lead on.

The stallion considers the mare for a moment before bow his head and saying, "my apologizes, it seems you may not have liked me kissing your hoof. It is how I commonly greet a mare that I meet in a more formal meeting, though I admit this isn't such a time."


Mythos would then wave his hoof in motion as to suggest for her to move forward and once they start walking he would fall in step next to her and lead the way to where the others would be so that the two may join with the main group. He still had that smile on his face, it being strangely calm despite the fact they were stranded on an island without possible means of help.

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"Sia daariv... It must not mean that much to you if you can leave it so easily. The last time I found it the reflection from the sun caught my eye. It's dark now, there's no way I can see it now. Even with these eyes. Sorry..." Comet stands up and apologizes again and again, really sorry that he couldn't help. 

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"Don't apologize!" The messy brown horse exclaims. "I don't want it anymore anyway... It's just a very bad reminder of the past..." she assures comet with her eversweet voice. Now fully forgiving, Bella gives a confirmatory nod - suggesting "it's all fine now" - at comets general direction.

'I've done something very wrong, I know, retaliating like so.' She gave a quick retrospective consideration. She was to blame. It wasn't comets fault, it's in his very nature... And most importantly, it was a love/hate relationship.

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"No, no. That other pony was right, I should try harder to suppress it. It's not fair for you to blame yourself... Ow..." Comet says, spitting a little green blood and gently rubbing his black eye. "I deserved that... I suppose we... You should get back to the group. It's dark and it will be getting cold quickly. You need to get to a fire, or shelter of some sort."

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