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private The Light of Darkness


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Charcoal looked at Ender in surprise. "Really, that's Steve? But... It just..." Though... I do suppose he does look a bit similar. And what was it he said, aposable thumbs? Charcoal looked down at her hooves, or at least what used to be her hooves, and began to examine them. They looked very strange to her. She had never seen anything like them in her life.They were odd and new to her. But, for some reason, she didn't really mind them in the slightest. Charcoal looked back up at Ender before looking over at Steve again. She studdied how he stood up and braced herself to try it herself. She was probably going to completely fail at this, but... She pushed herself up and onto her knees. She began thinking about how she should do this. This was not something she every thought she was every going to try. But despite her gut telling her it was wrong, she placed her used to be hooves on the ground and pushed up. She wobbled a bit for a second, but eventually got her ballance and stood up on two legs. She smiled and looked down at what used to be her hind hooves. Then she noticed something else. It was like two sacs of flesh hanging from her chest. She turned to Steve. "Hey Steve, what are these?" Charcoal asked as she pointed to the two sacs on her chest.

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Caiesm did as he was directed reluctantly, not exactly taking too kindly to his new name from the girl. He knew it was all in fun though, with Teya hardly ever knowing it. As she led him further on to her 'home,' Caiesm chuckled at her aura of proud feeling that came about her. It almost saddened him in the pity he felt towards her. Doubtfully had anypony else been there for her to show off her creations to and simply be a normal creature. Sporting her on, Caiesm would simply nod and follow her with his eyes, even if he didn't take interest. Through and through, Teya's abilities were strangely powerful unlike the magic of unicorns. She could bend climates simply by her own mood or behavior...strange she would become an oracle. Caiesm was chilled from the icy structures after already being soaked by her apparent rain storm, but didn't wish to complain simply to add to Teya's already rainy mood. He normally could guess her feelings through the weather around. As the curious being set up a small place for him to plop his flanks to a sit and a warming fire, Caiesm began removing his attire to become more comfortable. It wasn't always a hassle to get them off but when they were soaking wet...

Caiesm managed a small smirk as he looked to the eagerly awaiting Teya. "I think I'll tell you of the most recent one on my travels...I know you like hearing of my time before I was 'inclined' to do...what's her name? Yata's will, but I don't know if I feel up to it this time. I'm kind of tired Teya," he affirmed, hoping she wouldn't press to hard...but she was normally a stubborn type.

"You have to establish the horizon. You have to mark the white. A simple enough act, you might say, but any act that re-makes the world is heroic. Or so I've come to believe."

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Teya folded her arms and pouted childishly. "Caisem" She whined.

"You know I don't much care for her, and her name is not spoken HERE!" She screamed slamming her fists in the snow. 

'Hush child, you are making a fool out of yourself, calm do' "NO! NO!" Teya screamed gripping her ears!


"GET OUT! LEAVE NOW!" Teya rocked herself back and forth shrieking.


Tears rolled down her pale face leaving behind an icy trail. Teya was consumed with emotion and prior memories. She sat trembeling and sobbing, rocking back and forth. Visions filled her head filling her mind with grief. And then what she dreaded most, a new vsion. The sun was shining and it was beautifful, two birds flew past. A crow and a dove. Teya stood for a moment and revelled in their beauty.'That is quite odd. I have never seen birds like those flying together." Her thoughts were interupted when all of a sudden one stopped flying and began to fall. The other dove chased after his fallen partner. The birds fell out of sight and all grew silent. Saddened and alone Teya stood. There was a certain hush that spread across the land, it was as if it were a normal day, and then it all collapsed in and fell into darkness.


Teya came to in the same spot on the floor rocking back and forth, "Leave, leave now." Her yelling had turned to a whimper.

She sat pleading and trembeling gripping her ears Her tears lay like diamonds on the snow white floor.

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Caiesm had seen instances like this before, being shocked the first couple of times until he became somewhat used to them. The black stallion simply moved forward and sat down next to Teya, picking her up and holding her gently in his hooves. "Calm down," he muttered as he tried to soften her up by nuzzling her delicately, "It'll be alright..." The stallion knew her "gift" was unfortunate and he did somewhat feel guilty for the girl...mainly because he could consider her his only friend in some manner. To all others, he was very untrusting and wary. Around Teya, he could actually put his guard down for a brief moment. It surprised him that the instrument of his near death experience would actually establish as his only friend, especially in the fact that she wasn't of pony kind. With a calming sigh as he held her, Caiesm pet her very slightly before setting her back down on the ice. "Tell you what, if you can promise to keep your chin up a little longer and stop causing all sorts of natural disasters," the stallion teased as he continued, "while I finish my duty to your mistress. I could look into taking you away from this place...for good."

"You have to establish the horizon. You have to mark the white. A simple enough act, you might say, but any act that re-makes the world is heroic. Or so I've come to believe."

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Charcoal looked at Ender in surprise. "Really, that's Steve? But... It just..." Though... I do suppose he does look a bit similar. And what was it he said, aposable thumbs? Charcoal looked down at her hooves, or at least what used to be her hooves, and began to examine them. They looked very strange to her. She had never seen anything like them in her life.They were odd and new to her. But, for some reason, she didn't really mind them in the slightest. Charcoal looked back up at Ender before looking over at Steve again. She studdied how he stood up and braced herself to try it herself. She was probably going to completely fail at this, but... She pushed herself up and onto her knees. She began thinking about how she should do this. This was not something she every thought she was every going to try. But despite her gut telling her it was wrong, she placed her used to be hooves on the ground and pushed up. She wobbled a bit for a second, but eventually got her ballance and stood up on two legs. She smiled and looked down at what used to be her hind hooves. Then she noticed something else. It was like two sacs of flesh hanging from her chest. She turned to Steve. "Hey Steve, what are these?" Charcoal asked as she pointed to the two sacs on her chest.

Steve looked her over again and coughed rather nervously. "Well, I'm no anatomist, in fact I've never encountered another human before, much less one of the opposite gender, but...um, well, *ahem* ah." He was interrupted by the arrival of a strange humanoid looking being. His appearance was hidden by a long brown robe that went from his chest to his feet, brushing the ground. His arms were folded together in two very large sleeves and leaving only his neck and head exposed. He was bald, and had a very large and droopy nose on the front of his face that all but obscured his mouth. He also had a large purple sash running from one shoulder to under his arm, showing that he was someone of importance. He walk straight up to Steve and started talking to him in a strange language. Steve, glad of the distraction, turned to face the strange being. While they conversed, Ender walked over to Charcoal, slithering serpentine like around her, crawling up her all the way up to her shoulder where he settled down, using his tail and long neck to balance there. He moved his head next to her ear to explain what was going on without being to loud so as not to interrupt Steve. "That is a Testificate. They're natives here. The one before you is a village leader." He sat for a moment, listening to Steve and the village leader converse. Finally Steve finished talking with leader and turned his attention back to Charcoal. "Right, where were we? Ah, yes. Why are you here? I know how you got here, but why did you come back to my shop? I thought I locked it up. And why did you enter my house?" He gave her a dazzling smile. "You didn't miss my sparkling personality did you?" Ender rolled his eyes at that comment, opened his wings, and jumped from Charcoal's shoulder muttering something about being hungry as he left.

Edited by Dante Confusa

Here is my ponysona Lee! An interesting character, by all accounts.

The split minded adventurer David Pocket is here with Poe to keep him company. (Both in need of very heavy editing :/ )


Also, here's my: Johari Window



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Charcoal fell back when Ender pushed himself off her and she hit the ground hard as she hit her butt on the ground. "Ow..." Charcoal sat up a but and rubbed her butt. "That hurt." It was weird feeling herself and not having any fur there to cussion anything or just be soft. She liked her fur and wanted it to come back. "Well..." She thought about how she should answer Steve. It wasn't that she was trying to hide anything it is just that she wasn't very good at using her words. "Basically, as I got to my house I noticed something as I felt around fo my keys. I was missing my bit purse. I searched and searched, but couldn't find it anywhere. I got worried for a minute until I just calmed down a bit and retraced my steps. After a second of thinking I realized I had just left it at the shop. So after walking back I noticed the door was shut, so I knocked, but the door just swung open when I hit it. I walk in and call for you, but you didn't answer back. I look on the counter and didn't see it. Then I look behind the counter and see if it is there, but once again didn't find it anywhere. So I walked upstairs to see if either you or Ender were there so I could ask you. But all I found was some sort of portal. I decide to explore it and you can guess what happened from there."

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Charcoal fell back when Ender pushed himself off her and she hit the ground hard as she hit her butt on the ground. "Ow..." Charcoal sat up a but and rubbed her butt. "That hurt." It was weird feeling herself and not having any fur there to cussion anything or just be soft. She liked her fur and wanted it to come back. "Well..." She thought about how she should answer Steve. It wasn't that she was trying to hide anything it is just that she wasn't very good at using her words. "Basically, as I got to my house I noticed something as I felt around fo my keys. I was missing my bit purse. I searched and searched, but couldn't find it anywhere. I got worried for a minute until I just calmed down a bit and retraced my steps. After a second of thinking I realized I had just left it at the shop. So after walking back I noticed the door was shut, so I knocked, but the door just swung open when I hit it. I walk in and call for you, but you didn't answer back. I look on the counter and didn't see it. Then I look behind the counter and see if it is there, but once again didn't find it anywhere. So I walked upstairs to see if either you or Ender were there so I could ask you. But all I found was some sort of portal. I decide to explore it and you can guess what happened from there."

Steve walked over to her, and offered his hand to help her up. "You lost your bit purse? Hmm. I think you might have left it on the counter. Or that's where I last saw it. Hmm." He paused, evidently deep in thought. "Alright. We can head back and find you bit purse, everything should be arlight for a while, though I'll need to be back here for the blood moon to help defend the villagers from an impeding apocalypse." Upon saying the word apocalypse, he rolls his eyes. "It's not really to serious, the monsters that live here just become a bit more active on that day. The villagers have warriors to guard them, but they like me to be around. My armor and weapons are better then the ones that their smiths make." He looks up, apologetically at Charcoal. a small blush still tinging his face. "Sirry, I have a bad habit of rambling sometimes...Let's head back, Ender can stay here and come back when he feels like it. I've got to grab a few things and I'll meet you at the portal ok? If you get lost here, just yell. Either Ender or I will find you and help you find the portal. Oh, and do be careful. This place isn't as safe as it looks, there's all sorts of secret tunnels and such I built in to here that still aren't totally stable, and there may be a few, how should I put this? Just be careful on your way back to the portal, alright?" Edited by Dante Confusa

Here is my ponysona Lee! An interesting character, by all accounts.

The split minded adventurer David Pocket is here with Poe to keep him company. (Both in need of very heavy editing :/ )


Also, here's my: Johari Window



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Teya shook violently. Trembling she muttered, "Leave, why don't you leave?"

She felt Caisem nuzzle her and pet her in attempts to calm her. Admittedly it did sooth her slightly. But Teya knew nothing could ever comfort her again. Happiness was a choice to be made and she didn't feel like she could ever be happy again.

She looked to Caisem's worried face snapping out of her fit. "There is no escape, there never will be. Will you please excuse me for a moment?" Teya got up and excused herself.


She strolled out into the moon lit forest. A single tear fell from her face leaving an icy trail. It would be the last she shed. The sadness she was consumed by was too great, and it had caused much pain. Looking up to the stars she whispered, "skjöldur minn vera, gildru það í klaki."

Her face changed, permanently mellowed. Teya had encased her essence in ice. No more emotions could be felt. Nothing would ever hurt again. Life would finally never hurt. Turning around Teya returned home and to Caisem. She returned to her seat not uttering a word. She looked to the black Stallion with a blank expression, "Alright, you may tell me your stories if you wish. I am better now." Teya spoke in a calming voice.

Edited by PurplePony
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Caiesm glanced a Teya questioningly look, reacting to how she had just spazzed out and took off before returning with a seemingly different aura all together. There was something off about her that he couldn't quite place his hoof on. Caiesm hesitated a moment, unsure of how to proceed with his inexperience in comforting others. Even with the two sisters back where he grew up never received much more than the encouraging nod and the occasional smile. "Better is a term less used with somepony of that facial expression. Perhaps another time. I have to make use of my short time away from my tasks," the pony nodded before standing to his hooves. "You'll see me in a few days when I return...You'll be okay won't you?" He knew the true answer to his question but he tried not to get too emotionally attached. There was nothing he could do yet to free Teya from her prison, but one day he would make it so. She was his only considered friend after all. Caiesm then turned in a firm manner, trying to reestablish his stature after being somewhat sentimental with Teya. With a deep sigh, he proceeded forwards, awaiting Teya to escort him out of the sacred garden. The stallion didn't take too kindly to being harassed by the guards even though they already knew who he was.

"You have to establish the horizon. You have to mark the white. A simple enough act, you might say, but any act that re-makes the world is heroic. Or so I've come to believe."

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Teya followed him out silently. She had nothing to say for it was his choice to leave and she no longer felt on way or the other. Once outside the garden, and past the guards she looked up at the pony, "Thank you for coming. I suppose I will see you in a few days. Take care until then." She said this all rather blandly.

Attempting what her muscles remember as a smile she realized she felt nothing and didn't even know if the expression on her face resembled one. 'Oh well.' She thought to herself.


Flying up towards his face Teya hugged Caisem's muzzle and then looked into his eyes and spoke, "I should be off now. Until we meet again, fare well."


With that said Teya flew off towards the City of Xaus. In a tree just outside of the city Teya found her fury companion. He was perched atop his branch. He greeted her with a couple friendly hoots, as Teya crawled onto his back. Nestling into his soft feathers she closed her eyes, "Good evening, Ebbi. I trust you are well." 

The owl hooted softly in response taking off into the night sky. Ebbi allowed his master to drift asleep atop his back.

Teya watched the stars pass as she succumbed to the momentary darkness.

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Charcoal sighed and looked around as she thought of her options on what she should do. She knew she should probably head back. That was where she was most comfortable and where she belonged, but... the sound of an apocalypse didn't sound good at all. And if the vilagers was in danger then just leaving and knowing they were in danger. That would just make her feel aweful. Also, this place is kind of interesting anyway. Maybe exploring for a bit wouldn't be so bad.  Charcoal thought to herself as she stood back up without really thinking and began to pace around as she thought. I should be heading back to Ponyville, but I don't think I have anything that important to do. And helping ponies out... or whatever it is that lives here, would definitly be the right thing to do. Charcoal continued to think for a bit until she finally came to a decition. she turned back to Steve and was about to speak when she suddenly lost ballance again and fell over. She hit her butt on the floor again and cried out in pain. "Ow... damit..." Charcoal mumbled to herself as she looked up at Steve again. "Alright... I ahve made a decition. I am going to help you out with this... "Blood Moon" thing you mentioned."

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As she approached the town walking trough the sunshine, Itiri could almost feel the energy flows radiating from that one statue she was looking for. She giggled softly as she thought about how she traveled all the way to this town. Funny how things have gone the way they did for her. Mostly she herself decided to get away from her birthplace, though different factors also forced her to take action.


Entering the town, she saw a multitude of ponies busy with their daily lives. They seemed happy and without too much cares in their lives for as far as she could see. But she also knew that a pony can never truly know how another pony feels, unless they completely know the personality of the other.


Suddenly she stopped moving noticing something was off. She didn't seem to see what exactly was bothering her right away but after looking at the crowd of ponies walking by she knew. "They aren't looking at me with their glares full of suspicion fear or hate." She thought to herself. So that meant that ponies like her weren't that much of a rare sight her in this town. At least less rare than in the other towns she visited on her way there, where she was indeed greeted with suspicion.


Ok, admittedly she kinda thought it was funny to look a bit mysterious as a mage. That's why she also wears her cloak full of runes, having different magical meanings, along with a staff on her back, which she actually rarely uses for magic at all, but more for other more practical applications.


Itiri decided to talk a bit to some other ponies or whatever else lives in this town. It was always good to make new friends, maybe she could even learn something from them she didn't knew already. She wondered if at times, she wasn't too full of herself but quickly discarded that thought not seeing any reason why, though deep inside, she knew she was fooling herself not being nearly as good as mage as she'd like to be.

  • Brohoof 2


Aaamazing signature made by the awesome Nectar! Thank you so much bud! :lol:
My OC page of NightStrike
other oc Itiri


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Caiesm wasn't entirely pleased with himself in leaving Teya alone in her strange predicament, looking away embarrassingly as she hugged his muzzle. He swore he could have heard a snicker from one of the guards but it died quickly as he shot a glance in their general direction. With a scuffle on the marble steps, Caiesm picked up his hooves and proceeded slowly through usually busy city. Strange they never used wagons or carts, most of the transportation being by means of hoof. It was his home, whether he liked it or not. At least he had a place to belong, per say. As the dark stallion continued with his majestic armor gleaming in the moon, he couldn't help but question his reasoning in taking time away. 'Who are you kidding Caiesm,' he thought without sympathy, 'Your life is based entirely around your task of retrieving the fragments. A regular life is impossible.'


Only a short time had passed before Caiesm reached his home in all it's miniscule integrity. It sufficed enough, carrying everything he could want: a bed, water, a table, and a pantry. The food in there was probably rotting. Sighing as he opened the wooden door, the stallion held his breath in recognition of the pungent smell. As quickly as possible, his horn began to glow as the cabinets opened and rotten veggies came out then out the window behind. Caiesm had done this too many times. "I should stop buying food," he mumbled, "I never get to stay that long to eat anyways."


Doing his best to dust his home before lighting a small candle, the stallion looked down beneath his bed in slight sadness. Moving softly against the hardwood floor, Caiesm took the object of question and revealed a beautiful violin upon it's opening. Sitting down on the bedside in the dim light of the candle, the sad stallion rosined up the bow and gracefully began to pull a crisp song from his heart, grim and dark as the color of his fur. His mellowing song carried sadly in the breeze that crept through the window and over the flickering flame. The violin seemed to be his only release, practicing much of his better life. Tomorrow, he would leave for his next assignment...that was the whole point of his existence anyways.

"You have to establish the horizon. You have to mark the white. A simple enough act, you might say, but any act that re-makes the world is heroic. Or so I've come to believe."

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A few days had passed and Teya found herself aimlessly wandering through town. It had been years since she had been able to walk through the town and not care what every being thought of her. The stares no longer bothered her. She walked in silence watching the peculiar beings pass. She noticed that the BlackSmith's shop had no activity. She thought it was peculiar, but paid little mind to it. Instead she sat beneath a statue that Stood proud in the center of town.  It was a beautiful day and the sun shone brightly. Teya watched beings as they passed. A few stopped to speak with the statue honoring it.


Teya sat and ignored them. It was a custum, part of their spiritual being. It would be wrong to point out the flaws in how they went about their business. "To each their own I suppose." She muttered in a low voice so only she could here.


She sat and watched pondering when she spotted a new pony wandering through town. It was odd but to see a new face here, but not unheard of. Teya continued to bask in the sun although she was unable to feel it's comfort she felt it's rays warm her body. 


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Itiri slowly progressed trough the town, making her way to the statute. Actually now she was thinking about it, she had no idea how to get some money here. She was practically broke when she arrived here. "Well I can always sell my magical skills to other ponies. it isn't extremely common here for as far as I know. And I bet some ponies would want to pay a few bits for enchanted tools."


And there it was, the statute she had been looking for. It stood there, majestic and proud, gleaming in the sun. Ponies stopped by to pay the statute their respect. She didn't knew how this statute ever came in this town, but somehow she doubted that it was made by ponykind. This statute was too powerful for that.


When she neared it, she spotted a small being, unlike any creature she had seen before. She immediately noticed that it seemed to walk on two legs instead of four. She saw that the creature spotted her too.


She approached it, she found that little creature quite intriguing, and she wondered if it was able to communicate with her. "Well hello there" She said smiling.


Aaamazing signature made by the awesome Nectar! Thank you so much bud! :lol:
My OC page of NightStrike
other oc Itiri


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(((Sorry, I'm on my phone, so I might be missing some things like color for dialogue.)))


Steve smiled and helped Charcoal up off the ground again. "Easy there, you're still getting used to your legs? I was the same way first time I ended up as a pony. Should'a seen me. Stumbling around like a drunk. Anyways, the blood moon ain't for another month. The only reason i brought it up is thatbtime here doesn't run the same as it does in the other place. Time here is actually faster here. I've gotten it all taken care of though. No need to worry. Let's head back. I'll just grab some ore for my shop then we can head back alright?" As he says this, he starts walking away from the entry way that they had been standing in this whole time. He quickly goes through a doorway in to an adjacent room and you can hear him rummaging through a what sounds like a large chest full of stones. He comes out of that took and immediately wanks into another room. This time you hear the sound of metal clinking and then what sounds like a flint and tinder clicking. He yells and you hear alarm in his voice and smell smoke followed by the sound of someone beating out a fire, the the hiss of water putting out a flame. Steve stumbles out of the room smelling like smoke. "Little accident, it's all taken care of now. Let's go." On saying this, he sets out for the portal room.

@@Charcoal Embers

Here is my ponysona Lee! An interesting character, by all accounts.

The split minded adventurer David Pocket is here with Poe to keep him company. (Both in need of very heavy editing :/ )


Also, here's my: Johari Window



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Teya looked up, towering above her was the unusual pony she had spotted moments prior, "Why, hello." She began.

She sat in thought for a moment, 'She couldn't know about me or my power, however I have gotten travelers seeking out advice before. I suppose it is not unheard of.'


Staring at the pony she looked at her questioningly and proceeded to inquire, "You don't look familiar. You are not from around here are you? What business do you have here? What are you hoping to aquire talking to me?"

Teya flapped her wings and stared up blankly at the pony. Her face was stone, not cold, but unfeeling and distant. Her eyes shon a brilliant blue in the sun and her hair glistened gold. against her fair skin. Outwardly she apeared warm, however she seemed to lack presence.


She noticed how the creature looked puzzled, obviously she had never seen a creature quite like her. it was a common expersion when any pony met her for the first time. They didn't seem to understand how there are other magical beings. The idea of them thinking they were special had once amused her,

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Itiri looked dazzled at the small creature, "well that's at least one question solved" she thought "It,... no she can talk." She started talking to the creature calmly "Well, I'm not from around here that's true yeah. I've come a long way here." she replied thinking back at the journeys she had made to get all the way here. Had it been so long?


She continued: "Well I might just as well tell you, I've came here for that very statute there. I've heard tales about it's magical powers." she looked into the creature her eyes "I'm an elemental mage you see, I harass the power of different elements for my own use. I've always been a rather curious pony. I like to research things, uncover secrets. And this particular statute seems to have lot's of it."


Sitting down and tilting her head she spoke softly: "What I want to acquire talking to you? Well I've never seen a creature like you before, like I said, I'm a curious pony and I'm interested in you. Also I hope you might know more about that statute. And of course, it's nice to get some people acquainted to you when you are new in time."

Edited by Wayzer


Aaamazing signature made by the awesome Nectar! Thank you so much bud! :lol:
My OC page of NightStrike
other oc Itiri


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@@Wayzer, @@PurplePony,


"The statue is Yata and the being of which you speak is the Oracle of Xaus...ma'am," interrupted Caiesm who began proceeding to the pair amid the everyday bustle of the city. He was well equipped this day, bearing his uniform and traveling bags upon his back with the usual bored expression casting down to Teya and the unusual mare. "Forgive my intrusion, but it seems not a day passes that your questioning isn't repeated," he stated in a proper of a manner as possible. Despite his annoyance of the system established by the enlistment corps of Xaus, Caiesm reluctantly took up the customs of speaking 'respectable' in the presence of the statue in public.


"I don't mean to interrupt your usual muse, Oracle Teya," the white muzzled stallion nodded as he proceeded closer to the two conversationalists, "Though I thought it best to tell you that I mean to leave the city shortly. I have no reason or attachment to this place that would encourage me stay. I am a slave to my burden of retrieving her fragments..." As saddening as his voice should have been, Caiesm cared little in his own fate. What more was there for him anyways? "I need Yata to show me where to go now; however for this journey, I would rather not have accompaniment like last time." Even though his last expedition had been a success by a small margin, Caiesm couldn't help but recognize the usual loss of nearly everypony that joined him in his travels...the last, of which, a tasty meal for a pride of ravaging chimeras. "They prove more of a hindrance than their life is worth," he added properly.


Caiesm hadn't forgotten the strange mare's presence throughout the matter, giving her somewhat curious glances on occasion as he inquired Teya.

"You have to establish the horizon. You have to mark the white. A simple enough act, you might say, but any act that re-makes the world is heroic. Or so I've come to believe."

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@Wayzer @Aerodynas


Sighing Teya stood up, looking to her friend she began, "I am sorry Caisem, but this pony was here first. She is also requesting aid from Yata. As you know I deal with every being as they arrive, Please wait your turn."


"I am an Oracle, I speak for Yata, however this power was given before birth. It was my destiny to be this. It is not something you can simply learn. Many have attempted to gain this wisdome, none have suceeded. For Yata's word is truth." As she spoke she looked down at her toes. 

It was never anything she wanted or could wish upon any thing. She knew that they could never understand what it was like, that was not their place. Their destiny could change. Looking back up at the new face Teya continued, "If your path is unclear and you find yourself in need of guidence you may find me and I will speak truth. For now I have nothing left to discuss with you. Until our paths cross once more." She turned sharply focusing her attention now to Caisem.



She held his stare momentarilly before murming "Fine."

Flying up into the air Teya hovered above the statue, focusing her energy she laid her hand upon a missing piece. Immages flew through her mind. The pictures created a map. She looked back down to Caisem and flew down perching herself atop his head.

"The way I see it is you have a few choices, I can create another summon to acompany you there, or you can wait for me to draw out a map." She whispered to him, "The choice is yours." 

Teya hovered in the air, "If there is nothing else I can acomplish here I must be off." She paused making sure there was nothing left for her to do.

Edited by PurplePony
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A few days ago. Apple Spice looked outside. "Great its raining outside!" She goes to the kitchen and grabs a apple fritter on her way out the door. "Another sunny day at Sweet Apple Acres!" she says sarcastically on her way to the orchard. She grabs a few baskets from the barn and gets too work bucking apples. After Apple Spice finished her chores she flung herself onto her bed. "Apple Spice..." a mysterious voice calls "Who are you?!" Apple Spice shouts. "Show yourself!" "Apple Spice..." it said again. "What do you want?!" Apple Spice screamed. "Beware... the forest.." it said. "Ahhhhhh!" Apple Spice screamed. She awoke startled from her bed. "It was just a dream. It was just a dream." she said as she walked up to her mirror. She gasped. She was wearing a necklace she had never seen before. It was a beautiful sapphire jewel surrounded by sterling silver and gold designs with some strange language inscribed into it. She brushed her mane and did her chores. After that she rushed to her great great great grandmother's book case. The forest kept calling to her. "Ah ha! I found it! Yata..."      

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Itiri looked around between the two conversing with each other. She actually didn't understand a single thing of what they where talking about. The mystical little creature spoke in a very dreamy way, while the other seemed more straight to the point. Seemingly they where talking about some a journey the pony was about to make. She hadn't heard anything about it, but it might just be the perfect opportunity to get to know this new world.


"Whoa whoa, hold it for a second" She said "What are you two talking about, shards? You both are going on some kind of journey?" She was excited and jumped into the air smiling widely, "So what's this journey then, is it somewhat interesting? Why are you acting so sad btw something happened to you?"


She calmed herself a bit down "But ehm, why don't you want any accompaniment then eh? Are you afraid somepony wild hold you up? Not suggesting anything or something, but I rarely hold up ponies. But ehm I don't think I know your name yet stranger, I'm Itiri." She nodded and extended her hoof to the pony

Edited by Wayzer


Aaamazing signature made by the awesome Nectar! Thank you so much bud! :lol:
My OC page of NightStrike
other oc Itiri


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Caiesm was slightly irate that Teya would rather address a common traveler than actual official business, though he didn't really care enough to say anything. Instead, he patiently awaited Teya to finish before she could inform him of where to go. Upon Teya's stare, seemingly glaring into his darkened soul, the wind tossed around in Caiesm mane lightly. The stallion blinked to a sigh as he felt the girl's small feet land atop his head. The formality she took towards him was somewhat uncomfortable as he noticed the curious mare staring wildly. "Er...um...The summon will do Oracle Teya," he stuttered before calming himself with another tired sigh. "As long as you are strong enough to conjure one at this moment.


Upon Itiri's interrupting onslaught of questions, Caiesm's eyes remained somewhat taken aback. Her curiosity was unbelievable...and slightly annoying. Being asked the same question over and over got very repetitive after even just the first week of his duty. He adjusted himself with a slight turn of the hoof so that he could answer her more directly. "Interesting...if you find defying death itself for just a small piece of metal to make a statue look better then yes, interesting," Caiesm said as though the concept left a bad taste in his mouth. Ignoring her direct question, he then sternly continued closer to the mare, eyeing her darkly and coldly as the remembrance of the dead ponies flashed through his mind. "I don't take accompaniment. Yes...they hold me up...but every last one of them never returns from my missions. These tasks were appointed for me to bear and for good reason," Caiesm continued, glancing back to Teya before glaring at Itiri and disregarding her friendly hoof. Getting attached to anything always proved to be a fatal mistake...


"I am Caiesm...and those who follow me die from the cruelty beyond these walls."

"You have to establish the horizon. You have to mark the white. A simple enough act, you might say, but any act that re-makes the world is heroic. Or so I've come to believe."

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She didn't knew why but suddenly Itiri felt that she was getting the pony in a really annoyed mood just by talking to him. Her eyes darkened as she shot the pony a dark look in return embarrassed by him not even accepting her kind hoof. She turned around not realizing her hooves left burned spots on the ground while she trotted away.


"Pffft so much for meeting some others and get acquainted to them it seems." She mumbled to herself. After a short while she finally noticed that she was getting a little hot headed or rather hoofed, and quickly cooled herself down. Thinking back about it, she didn't even knew why she got that upset just because he didn't accept her hoof. Normally she would think of it as rude but wouldn't take it that seriously.


Then she realized why he upset her. He exactly pointed out her biggest fear about herself, that she wouldn't be able to take care of herself and that she would never be useful to other ponies because she would continuously get in the way of them. She always acted cheerful on the outside but was doubting her own skills continuously.


Aaamazing signature made by the awesome Nectar! Thank you so much bud! :lol:
My OC page of NightStrike
other oc Itiri


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Apple Spice walked for had walked for three days strait when she finally made her way to the nearest town. She checked into a hotel and slept for an hour still having disturbing dreams. She got up and fixed her hair, she studied her necklace. She never took it off not knowing how she even got it. She then walked to the market to buy more supplies for her journey. After spending two miserable days in town Apple Spice started back on her way to Yata. After five more days of walking she ran out of food and there was no towns nearby. Then in the distance she saw a peach tree. She ran toward the tree and picked a piece of ripe fruit. After taking a bite she felt dizzy, tired, and weak and lowly sank into darkness. "Where am I?" Apple Spice wondered as she woke up in a deep dark forest. She heard a large scream. She ran towards the noise. The scream kept growing louder and louder and louder. Then Apple Spice found herself falling and looked up to see a pair of glowing eyes staring at her as she fell. A mysterious and evil voice came from the direction of the eyes it laughed and cackled as she fell deeper and deeper down into nothingness. Apple Spice woke up with a gasp. "Get ahold of your self it was just a dream Apple Spice." she told herself. Then she noticed a black vine sliding toward her and felt a feeling of dread creep down her spine. She bucked it hard and it shriveled up like it had never existed. She sighed with relief. Then she noticed she was surrounded by the black vines creeping toward her a feeling of fear swelled up in her chest and her heart started racing. The started to wrap around her and grab her as she helplessly screamed and kicked. "Help! Help! Help! Somepony! Anypony! Please help!" she screamed as she felt them tightening around her their sharp thorns starting to scrape her yellow skin and tangle in her red and purple mane. "Somepony please help." she whispered as she slowly started to get weaker and her struggling lessened.

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