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open (reboot) WWII Russian Bio Experiment-RP

Celestial Panzerhund

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"Now that is what I would have to say is creativity commander," Architectural Dream spoke as he watched in amusement. Now this is something that he had never seen before and had to applaud the tank commander to do such a thing. Now the question remains how much worth is the fuel. A vehicle like that couldn't honestly have enough fuel to fund this heavy vehicle. Then he continued, "How much can the fuel move the tank?"


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@@Demirari, @,

they could be reciting the death scene from 'Ponio and Juliet' and Seth is getting into character

(OCC: ok.. iaughted so fucking hard that i woke up the entire neighborhood! XD ahahah XD awesome!.. anyway.. time to ruin you plans XD if you don't belive me look up on wikipedia XD)


"ahem.." VOlt cleared his troath looking at the agitated pony and the wolf


"hiw much will it move? like.. zero millimeters? ... sigh... comaraten... german tanks runs on Benzin.... they have no other type of fuel... they converted the only combustible thing they have.. coal... into Benzin... thanks chemistry... russians engines.. runs on gasoline... diesel... do you understand what i am saying? you will just ruin the engine for nothing.... i suggest we go on our hooves.. well.."


he opened his wings taking off


"or i can go scout to find some proper fuel somewhere..."

Edited by Doc. Volt


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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Seth looked to volt as he packed up the med equipment. "So... now we have no ride. Brilliant." Seth said as he walked back to his armored car. He looked around for anything else that might be useful. He pulled out the radio. Since it was battery powered, it would be better than nothing. He then turned to Alloy. "So, do you know anything of this area?" He asked.

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Arrow looks at volt. "Well gee, thanksnfor ruining my plan."


Alloy shakes her head. "I don't know about your pony culture and this so called 'fuel'. But I do know there's a place called… Tankstelle?(gas station)" She informs the group.

Her paw stretches out to show where it was. "It is about…… forty eight miles away from here."

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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@@arkman575, @,


"miles?? what are miles?? fancy american measures! meters! kilometers! miles buah... so.. are we going there, take the Benzin, and get back in the middle of a war, or will we move all togheter covering each other to a safe place? listen, i am not used to use my own brain but for fix things, tell me what the hell i have to do and i will do it!" he yelled at the sky, he then sighed calming down


"i am sorry.. please excuse me.. you all.. i am just going nut... i am not used to all of this.. at least bullets and explosions keeps your mind filled with void.. i am not used to hear my voice.."


(occ) going away, i will return in 2 hours, arkman, you know what to do, bye!)

Edited by Doc. Volt


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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"Sixty four point three seven four kilo!enters away…" Alloy corrects herself.


"Well that's sure as hell a long way!" Arrow exclaims as he looks to where her paw was pointing.


Alloy rolls her eyes. Or, well, it didn't look like that to the ponies because of how dark they were. "I could get there in a good" She thinks for a moment. "… 12 minutes." She ends.

Edited by Wolframite

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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Seth looked up at the wolf. Running 48 miles and back in 12 minutes was an impressive feet, even for a wolf. Being a strategist, he didn't like the idea of one scout going on a supply run, but they didn't have many others to spare. If anything, they should be trying to get moving or fining other resources, like ammo and food.


"We should at least set up a camp for the night." Seth suggested. "I really don't want to be out here if the undead gets marching around here again."

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@@arkman575, @,


"undead?? whatt??? i thought we were escaping from that creature.. no offence... the hell??? nah you are kidding.. you simply going mad... yeah i am all right for the camp... but if you need  i can be there in five minutes... i am a pegasus remember... i may be weaker than all of you.. but i am surelly the fastest... "


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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"Non taken little pony…" The she-wplf spoke to Volt. "If you plan to camp here, then rest in the tank. These creatures are more…… 'active' at night." Alloy informs the group.


"Great," Arrow starts up. "Now how are they more active at night?" He questions.


Alloy responds simply, "I don't know."

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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"Hmmm," Architectural Dream looked around. Staying inside a tank? Very good and it is highly doubtful they could get in. The bastards aren't probably even smart enough to get into the tank. But that leads to a question. What if they surround a tank? That would be horrible. Then he voiced his opinion, "What if they surround us?"


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Seth had a cheeky smile. This is what he loved: traps. "Well, seeing as we have a bit of unusable fuel and a car that's basically open for hardware, we could just surround the tank with fuel and if any surround us, we just ignite it. Boom, fried pony." Seth said, a bit too happy in his plan. This brought him back in the days when he worked in the labs, always fining interesting ideas to fix a problem.

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"And what if more comes along?" Architectural Dream replied, "If a large horde gathers. Those traps won't last very long." Sure, they might work for the beginning, but what if more are drawn in? The more there are, the less the traps are going to be effective. Any trap can be overwhelmed over time.  


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Alloy steps up. "I can take care of you through the night. I don't need any rest." She points up to the building where the car crashed into. "Up their, I can watch over you." She puts her paw back down. She does have ammo herself that she can regenerate. She can let these pups of hers rest in peace as she watches over them.

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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@, @@arkman575, @@Demirari,


"Ich brauche Zeit, kein Heroin
kein Alkohol, kein Nikotin
Brauch keine Hilfe, kein Koffein
doch Dynamit und Terpentin
Ich brauche Öl für Gasolin
explosiv wie Kerosin
mit viel Oktan und frei von Blei
einen Kraftstoff wie Benzin!£


Volt started singing slowly at the idea of a fuel trap


"eh eh.. i can help with both issues i guess,,,, making a trap with an armored car and fuel? easy.. i have all the tools.. for being overhelmed? well.. i can fly.. they can't.. easy.. i can transport a pony at time away from the tank if they get too much,.,, but i am just at your orders..."


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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"We still need the fuel for the tank for when we plan to leave. If you could start with the fuel runs, then we can start scavenging for part of the BA-10. If I could access what remains of the fuel tank, it would make it easier to prep some sort of napalm weapon." Seth suggested. "Also, not to put a fine point on all of this, who is the leader of this little clan of ours?"

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"don't loo kat me, i am responsable only of my own life..."


he said taking with his mouth a wrench on his bag and letting it in equilibrium over his nose, h then launched it and took it on his theeth


"i'mpf readympf to startmpf  if youmpf wantp"


he mumbled with the wrench still in his mouth


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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Alloy sits off on the other side of the road. If she was being ignored like that, so be it,she'll still keep her promise.


Arrow dismounts his MG42 from the tank and holsters it on his back. "I'll go to the gastation." He says. "You guys stay here." He gets a small bag out from his tank. It held some food and half a canteen of water. "Try to find some supplies at least." He says before walking off.

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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"are you fucking retard?" VOlt shouted spitting the wrench and flying in front of the pony


"you are not going anywhere... you don't have wings, all alone you are just meat.. you stay here and protect all the group, if we need food or stuff,i go for it, can't you all bloody understand that here i am the bloody luckiest one? damn.. i just want to help and you all act like heroes and shit.. we need to bucking survive, drop that stuff and let's set a perimeter, Seth, you an the lovely strange creature here will stay on allert, i think you can smell them from long distance, you! "


he screamed to Dream " you are a marksmpony.. i know.. i saw how you handle your stg44.. you will stay on the top of the tank, and you my german comrade, you are the more armored one, i want you to cover up all of us, i will try to take down what i can from the car ok???"


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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Seth looked to Alloy, a slight interest in his eye. "Well, if we are on perimeter watch, wanna head to the top of one of these buildings and get a better view?" He asked. It seemed like a good idea for the recon team to be relatively high up, as it did provide a wide area of view.

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So that's their leader… this blue Pegasus named Volt. Already giving orders like a leader even though he just said, 'responsible for his own life'. Not one for caretaking. She hears and sees Seth walk up to her and spoke. She replies. "I'll stay here. One of has to in a close combat situation."


Arrow rolls his eyes. "Imma unicorn…" He mummbkes softly to himself.

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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"yeha esactely.. no wings.. just fancy magic... you can't escape from them that's why letting you go on recon is a suicide.. "


he then turned to the creature


"i am not giving orders.. i am just engineering a plan, all of you are free to do what you want, at least if it is not a stupid idea or a suicide" he said turning back to the pony carrying the MG


"so.. what is the plan? prepare a trap, wait for them, kill how many as possible while i go looking for the proprer fuel for the tank? and i just said i don't want suicides.. well.. anyway... that's my idea, i wash my hooves now, if you like et just tell me, i will be tearing apart that communist piece of metal crap meanwhile..."


Volt said approaching the armored car and leaning under it


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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Alloy didn't speak…… this Volt pony has mind powers!…… interesting. It was like he was reading something.


Arrow looks at the car. "Strip it down and use the parts for the barricade. He looks around more. Use building as a barricade. Take them apart and use the scrap as barricades." He thought for a moment. "Metal parts should be the barricade itself as wood, or anything else should be the reinforcing material." He ends.

Edited by Wolframite

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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Architectural Dream looked around. He felt his old architectural mid working. The tank would be very good as a defensive wall. Being steel and wall. Expand from the front to the building next to them. Create a half-circle and do what Arrow had said. And make sure the building is secure. That is good he thought to himself.


(There is a building next to the tank right? :3)


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"bene, the engine is a monoblock, it will resist as much as a Tiger's front panel.. will use it as the support for the mg, i will keep the chassis with wheels on, if we need it, we can make this crap roll down on an hill.. maybeas a diversive o some other fancy military book crap.. "


he turned grabbed a small propane torch from his bag, he turned it on and keeping it on his mouth he slowly started to cut the right part of the car, keeping his eyes closed and going trough a straight line


"I hate unicorns.. all that fancy magic and they can't even make a straight cut like us forcd to use hooves and theeth! bah buck me.. ain't time for shit now"


soon the green heavy metal piece felt on the ground with a "sbam"


"first piece out.. take it"


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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Seth, feeling a little denied by the she-wolf, called out "If anyone needs me, I'll be on watch." He said as he walked to the nearest (and conveniently the tallest) building. After a second of looking around, he noticed it was mostly striped down. There were a few interesting goodies, such as a bag of chips which he added to his med kit. He found the stares and began his assent of the five story building. When he got to the top, he opened the door to find a flat top roof with what looked to be an abandoned sniper's nest. Feeling a bit curious, he popped his head in the camouflaged tenting to see what there was.


He found more than he bargained for. A dead ponies body, head mauled off. the inside of the nest was covered in blood. What worried Seth more was that there wasn't a gun from the dead pony.

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