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open Sunset Resorts [Slice of Life/Romance RP]


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She was a wonder to watch, his eyes clung to her every movement and her voice was so pure and melodious it was as if the words where solid and caressing him. He'd never heard singing so lovely, he couldn't understand how she kept this to herself, how she could be shy about it. Earlier today she had just been another mare he had just met but she had become so much more. As she sang and moved through the water slowly toward him he took in every detail, the water shimmering in her mane, the way the she pulled herself from the infinity pool the ripples making it look as if she was sliding out of another world made of the sky in eternal magnificent sunset.


He was entranced by her shining violet eyes as they stayed locked with his, he felt for her like he had never felt for any mare before. Feelings flowing through him, making his heart race and putting butterfly's in his stomach. She stopped so close to him, her song ending and she spoke gently. He didn't reply, words kept failing him today, especially with her; he was supposed to be smooth and a profession gentlecolt but she made him feel like just a nervous colt. So he didn't let words spoil the moment, didn't let himself stay still like some nervous colt; he closed the last little distance between them and kissed her, his lips only gently brushing against hers.

She knew what was going to happen and panicked a little at first. Is this what she wanted? Is this what she needed? When his lips touched hers she realised that this had secretly been what she had hoped for. She gave in, closed her eyes and kissed back. Then she stepped back. It was a brief, little kiss. She sighed and opened her eyes. Her heart was nearly pouring over with the feelings she felt for him. The feeling in her stomach that tickled a little and made her smile, her pounding heart and rushing head. She felt light like a feather, as if she could float away on a cloud.


"You... I..." She wanted to say something, but then again, why ruin the moment. She stared at him with a smile so genuine and grand. And Heartbreaker was just beautiful in this light. She felt better than ever. She didn't feel restrained or oppressed. The way this stallion had opened up to her had showed her the light. She felt her heart flutter. She knew now that felt feelings for her as well. She stepped forward again until the tip of her muzzle touched his. She looked straight into his emerald eyes. They were so close to eachother now that she could see every little detail. She wanted to kiss him again. She wanted it so badly...


But then she doubted herself. Maybe they were going too fast. The moment had bespelled her to become something that she wasn't... Or perhaps it had made her into what she was supposed to be. She didn't recognize herself anymore. She was on the brink of panicking until she locked on to Heart's eyes again.


Heart had indeed given her exactly what she wanted in a stallion, and what she needed. And not some kind of act, or play. Not him trying to predict exactly what she wanted. No, Heartbreaker had given her himself, as true and genuine as he could be. She realized now how much that meant for the both of them. It pushed her over the edge of hesitation. She closed her eyes and kissed him again, and not a little kiss. It felt so natural and pure to be so close to him. She felt the air get colder around them as they got warmer. The sun had gone down, and it had left the sparkling eyes of the stars to watch the two ponies fall in love.

How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Three percent of the population likes classical music, if only we could get it up to four percent we'd be back in business and all our problems would be over." How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Everybody loves classical music! They just haven't found out about it yet!" It's an entirely different world. It's what you make of it that counts.


I found an easy way to find out if you've inspired someone. If their eyes are shining, you know you're doing it!

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She made a tear fall to the floor,but she was smiling...

You passed a break up...

She came to a mirror to see her state...it was awful.

What before was a blue mane,now it was a mess of trash and with an awful smelt

Too much weed...

Her body now has a greyish color,dur for the horrible conditions she lived during these weeks...

Ok.This taught me a lesson...i needee a break up. to notice how disbalanced my life was...

"That's not a stallion my problem...it was me...i don't have a stable life...

Edited by Lightwing
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Thunder went to the pool. He looked up at the sky and looked at the brightly shining sun. It was hot today, hotter than before. Oh, yeah. The pool pary was today. I'd better go there to see if anypony comes. Thunder went to poolbar 19 where the party was supposed to be. 

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"That was beautiful Felicity..." He said softly once the song ended. He remained silent for a while and enjoyed the sound of the sea for a while. It started to become a little cold though, and it was getting too dark to see properly.

"What now Felicity. We could go conquer the world together. We can go to a dance, to a bar, into town... Anything. We could go to my room, or perhaps the audio rooms. We could go to that pool party... Anything you want, I will follow you. I don't want to miss a single moment of being with you now!" He exclaimed. He knew it to be true. His heart was now hers, and there was nothing he could do about it.

(Sorry for the wait. According to everypony else, it is tommorow. I'll speed things up a bit.)


~The Night Before~

Felicity yawned. "It is really late. After all, during summer, the sun sets late. I'm sorry, but maybe we could meet tommorow? I'm in Suite 386, in case you want to come later." Felicity put her flute back in its case and invited Scribblegroove to walk back with her. And they did. That night, Felicity went to sleep knowing she had found that one stallion her mother always talked about.




~The Day After~

Felicity was silently talking to her flower when she noticed the letter. She had eaten breakfast in her suite. "Party? Pool? Oh no, I'm horrible at parties! Sure, I like making people happy, but not in that way! And I can't swim, either!" "Don't worry. Felicity. Lightwing will be there. Don't you want to tell her about you and Scribblegroove? She turned back to her lily. "You are right. The party is soon, anyways. I better leave."


Big thanks to the universe for giving me such awesome inspiration! (And pictures!)


Those harmless swirly clouds Americans call tornadoes.

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"Yes, I did." Thunder stated. He was telling the truth. When he landed, he did a quick flap of his wings, which touched the water's surface. He then put his hoof on Galena and let a slow electric healing current run through Galena's body. "Well...I guess that means..." Thunder stated. 

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Thhunder was already at the party, bringing to total number of ponies attending to 1. He sat at the bar with a drink. How could he enjoy a party if there was nopony there. I wish Lightwing was here, but she probably won't come today. Or any other time soon.

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She was on her suite,smoking his terapheutical weed,when he saw the pool party invitation...

Whenever is he there or not,i should go...after all,it's a party,and that means more ponies to talk

She brushed her mane and started to go to the pool.

What she saw didn't surprised her after all...nopony was there...then she shouted

"Oh come on!!!Nopony is here??"

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Thunder heard Lightwing shout. He could recognize that voice out of thousands. "Nope... We're all alone... Again." Thunder said, ordering two beer. One for him and one for Lightning. Thunder was rather surprised Lightwing decided to show up, but was at least happy she was still breathing.

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She saw Thunder ordering two beer

Well,is a bad behavior to reject an invitation,so...

She sat near him and picked up the beer

"I didn't said this the last time but...thank you,thank you for saving me...from myself..."

She started to drink from the beer,while watching the pool

"So...we ended here...alone...i'm not surprised after all..."

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"Can't say i'm either." Thunder looked around him. "I never throw good parties, nopony ever comes to them." Thunder finishes his beer. "I think i'm gonna go to my room or something. It's not like it's a lot better over here right now anyways." Thunder let out a deep sigh.

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She said without evven knewing it

"Oh no...I've done 1 horrible thing for him,and i'm not letting him pass for another"

She got up an said

"Wait 5 minutes,and i'll make a great party of this..."


She flew up, took a deep breath and then shouted




She flew down again,near Thunder

"I hope it works..."

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Thunder smiled. "Thanks." He gave Lightwing a small kiss on her nose and ordered another beer for himself. Right after the beer came he started sipping away at it. They had nice beer here. He didn't even have to ask because it said on the glasses. "Deadlander." Pretty strange name for beer...

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When Heart felt Streamsung return the kiss he felt like he might melt, even though it last only a second it was more electric than any kiss he had shared before.  He was a little sad when she broke the kiss and pulled away.  'How did this mare make me feel this way?  It's wonderful.'  he thought to himself.  He returned her smile as words seemed to fail her just like the had been failing him.  Then she leaned in and her muzzle touched his as if she was about to kiss him, but she paused and his heart skipped a beat.  He saw the fear and uncertainty in her eyes for second he thought she would pull back, turn away from him and run off; he mentally berated for having rushed things, for letting sudden emotions get the better of him and kissing her before she was ready for it.


Then her eyes closed and she pushed her lips to his and he was stunned, for a brief second to surprised to even return the kiss.  Then he felt his own eyes slowly close and leaned into the kiss, running magic through her mane caressing it lightly and subtly pulling her closer to make it deeper still.  His mind was clouded with bliss never had such a simple thing as a kiss effected him so much.  He wished it would never have to end and that this mare could steal his breath away and they could stay like this forever.


They couldn't though, he knew that, so eventually, reluctantly he broke the kiss; he moved to nuzzle her the second it ended not want to let the contact between them to end.  He leaned gently against her, feeling his heart beat in his chest and comforted by feeling hers beat against him as well.  "Amazing" was all he whispered not even sure what he meant to describe and deciding he meant all of it.  Though something tugged at the corner of his mind as some of the euphoria began to fade.

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She saw that nopony has come anyways after her shout out

"Well...it seems that we're going to be alone for a while..."

She ordered a beer,and then she saw that he was drinking a Deadlander

"Woah woah woah...be careful with that beer.That beer is very powerful even for an adult stallion.It can get you drunk in 10 seconds flat"

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"Yes, I did." Thunder stated. He was telling the truth. When he landed, he did a quick flap of his wings, which touched the water's surface. He then put his hoof on Galena and let a slow electric healing current run through Galena's body. "Well...I guess that means..." Thunder stated. 

"Good, I don't like losing but i like winning by default even less.  It kind of spoils the whole competition, ya know?"  she explained, while starting to puff out her feathers to clear the water.  She had hoped to win, had even thought that she would, but she wasn't sour about losing; she had never been to flight camp or any academy so losing to somepony who had was fine with her she had beaten plenty of others that had come to the resort before.


She let out an involuntary purr as the healing electricity went through her and blushed, "Thanks... That, that feels better."  She stretched her back and smiled at him, "And yeah, yeah, yeah, I know what it means, I'll be your tour guide tomorrow."  she smirked playing it off as no big deal, "BUT, for that to work, you'll have to talk to the front desk or call from your room and request me to do it for you."  She went over to the bar leaning against it, and gave some false exasperation, "I'm going to get so much shit from the rest of the staff for agreeing to show Mr. Horniless Alicorn around."  she grinned at him, "But a deaI's a deal and I guess you earned it Thunder."  She gave him a wink as she started back over the bar counter.

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"Thanks Galena." Thunder stated


(OOC: Starbond skipped to the next day. Since the race ended, I'm gonna go ahead and go with that too.)


The next day came. Thunder woke up in his room and dialed the front desk. The phone was ringing. "Who knows...maybe Galena could become my girlfriend..." Thunder thought to himself.



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"Yeah, so is weed but you didn't seem to care." Thunder said taking a drink of his beer. He rested his head on his hoofs. "I'm tired. I didn't sleep because of you." THunder yawned. I'm not gonna be able with putting up with Lightning al the time. Ponies better be coming quickly.

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"Yeah,but i precisely need it to stay alive,or i can suffer a heart attack"

She takes another sip of beer

"And about sleeping,i slept,but i ended breaking a door,throwing whisky,burning things...you know,the basic when you're sad.But now i'm better"

I can't stay with him alone forever.Hope somepony comes...

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This time it was Streamsung who was sad that the kiss had to end. She felt so good, pushed against his warm chest like that. She was so happy she wanted to scream, cry and sing at the same time. She wanted to say something, and at the same time be silent and stare in Hear Breaker's emerald eyes the rest of the night. Her head was no longer rushing, and her heart was not fluttering. She didn't feel the butterflies in her stomach anymore. It was not because the feeling of love had left, but because she was at peace now. It was an infinately better feeling to feel completed by the stallion.


"Amazing... That's just the right word for it." She said as she pushed herself against Heart a more. Heart's heartbeat was strong and powerful. "You have a very strong heart." She said, and she meant it literally and figuratively. The strength of love was immense, and it was something she had never felt before. It was magical like that. She felt that a seed of love had been planted in the two of them. With care and lots of affection it would grow into a beautiful flower. This moment was just the start of something big, she knew it. She nearly got afraid again that this would be the only night she got to spend with this wonderful stallion... Mostly regarding his job. She stepped back again. They both needed a little personal space. No matter how wonderful and euphoric all of this was, she wouldn't let it get to... that just yet, and she knew it would get to that if they kept going like that...


It was awkward and romantic at the same time. She didn't know what to do, because she just wanted to be with him there, so she just stood there, close but not touching anymore, staring at him. She was trying to think of something to do. She knew he mentioned a few things. Go swimming, watch a movie, singing... But it felt strange to go from kissing back to regular stuff like that. She knew she had to though. Relationships like these had to grow, and if they went too fast they would 'drown the seed', sort of speak.

How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Three percent of the population likes classical music, if only we could get it up to four percent we'd be back in business and all our problems would be over." How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Everybody loves classical music! They just haven't found out about it yet!" It's an entirely different world. It's what you make of it that counts.


I found an easy way to find out if you've inspired someone. If their eyes are shining, you know you're doing it!

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"Thanks Galena." Thunder stated


(OOC: Starbond skipped to the next day. Since the race ended, I'm gonna go ahead and go with that too.)


The next day came. Thunder woke up in his room and dialed the front desk. The phone was ringing. "Who knows...maybe Galena could become my girlfriend..." Thunder thought to himself.




The clerk at the front desk picked the phone up. She had been relaxing, because the hotel hadn't gotten any new check-ins for the past few hours. "Hello? This is Persephone, at the front desk."


(Yep, that random clerk that nopony cares about has a name. I'm tired of saying "the clerk at the front desk" so now, she has a name.)


Big thanks to the universe for giving me such awesome inspiration! (And pictures!)


Those harmless swirly clouds Americans call tornadoes.

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@,@@Scribblegroove,  @@Lightwing,


((Darnit, i hoped you two would get Felicity and Scribblegroove to the pool party. It's getting kinda unplayable there right now.))


Thunder got up. "I'm gonna go to my suite i think. It's kind of boring here right now." Thunder finished his beer in one big swig.

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Heart just beamed at her, he wanted to kiss her again for saying that, her lips had seemed like a drug to him, but still he knew that despite what he felt he needed to take things slow.  He stepped back away from her a little awkwardly, "We still have to order dessert right?  We can swim or go into the hot tub while we wait for it to show up... What do you think?"

Edited by Torrent505
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Streamsung was happy that he took the lead. She could take her mind off these feelings and 'get down to earth' again. "That would be a wonderful idea..." She said with a smile. "I don't care what we get, surprise me!" She said quickly after realising that he would probably ask her what she wanted. She looked around to see if she could find the tub already, but she couldn't spot it. So she just looked at Heart a bit coyly and walked backwards to the infinity pool. "You make the order, I will be waiting right here..." She said. She then graciously jumped into the pool. After all, besides singing, swimming was one of her favorite activities, so she had become quite good at that as well.

How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Three percent of the population likes classical music, if only we could get it up to four percent we'd be back in business and all our problems would be over." How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Everybody loves classical music! They just haven't found out about it yet!" It's an entirely different world. It's what you make of it that counts.


I found an easy way to find out if you've inspired someone. If their eyes are shining, you know you're doing it!

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Heart went inside and order dessert for them, one Brownie delight sundae and a cherry tart a la mode, he hope that she would like one of the two and figured they could always share or he could take whichever she didn't want.  When he finish he returned to the doorway and just watched her swim for a second, she was so graceful in the water and while he didn't feel like he had felt before when she was swimming and singing he felt the stirrings of something similar and longed to feel what he had felt before.  But he knew he liked her and that was enough for him.


He decided to just have fun and galloped forward at full speed a jump doing a cannonball, "Jeronimo!!!"  he yelled before crashing into the water and coming up laughing his mane matted to his face, he squirted a stream off water from his mouth before floating to his back still laughing.  He looked up at the starry night sky, "Wow, it's so clear here, we don't have a night sky like this in Manehattan." 

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"Hey it's Thunder Dash up in suite 133. Yesterday, I met that Griffon named Galena who works the bar...I was wondering if you would allow her to be my tour guide, if that's alright?" Thunder asked as he gathered some electricity and made a comb appear from the blue.  

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