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Achievement Unlocked


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I used to play this game with my friends in text-form, and it was usually pretty fun. We were annoyed with the 'Achievements' feature on the Xbox 360 and Playstation 3, so we decided to poke fun at it by making up our own.


The game is easy; you just post a fake achievement for the pony above, but it has to be about something you can see on-screen. Here's a starter.


**Pony above F I R E F L Y - Achievement Unlocked: Not being a real pony**

I've got an idea! No..... No, wait; it's just a concussion....

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Achievement unlocked:


Only person with spaces in their name.


Achievement unlocked:


Fucking ninja.


lol sorry


Achievement Get!: I WAS NINJA'D

Edited by XxZomBloxxorxX
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lol sorry


Achievement Get!: I WAS NINJA'D


Achievement Unlocked: Admitting you were Ninja'd!

I've got an idea! No..... No, wait; it's just a concussion....

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Achievement unlocked! Replying to Achievement Unlocked!


Achievement unlocked! Replying with a horrible, facepalm worthy joke!


Achievement unlocked! I can't believe its not butter!

Edited by GuitarGuru007


Made by: Vex3d (This dude is a genius!)

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Achievement Unlocked: Surround somepony with 2 posts and at the same time start an achievement war


​ Achievement Unlocked: get ninja'd 3 times on one post

Edited by XxZomBloxxorxX
  • Brohoof 1
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Achievement Unlocked: Feeling Spacey?

only name with spaces between e a c h letter


I just realized that may have been already used, oh well

Edited by XxZomBloxxorxX
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