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Sig Hoovestrong

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@,@@Technicolor_Pony,  "Hey that advice is the basics of meeting a new pony not just for flirting. Why do you think I had you drink everclear in the first place. I may have been aggressive but look at us now. My hoof isn't lodged in your skull. proof that my advice is sound. As for me, I came here to drink. not date. And considering my job entitles me to go into situations around the world where ponies die, I'm not exactly available for more than a few days and there's the risk of one of those situations being my last, so no."

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"Well, that sounds horrible and all, but we ALL know what's on your mind. Although, I'm glad that we sorted that business out back there. And besides, I have another particular interest, anyways." He smiled and kept reading, and then began to laugh hysterically. "Hahaha, 42! All those years for NOTHING! BWHAHAHA!"

Quack. Totally a Ducklett.


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@, "Oh? do tell what is on my mind since you obviously know" He said with sarcasm. "I may be blunt, and an alcoholic, but I have quite the reputation that doesn't involve the likes of guerrilla warfare. Have you ever dined with the finest of Canterlot? traveled the world and seen its many wonders? Marveled with Equestria's top scientist on the universe and its extraordinary creations? Because let me tell you something, I am not just some testosterone induced brute with the smell of spewed booze on him. No I am one of a kind. I have the pleasure of being able to access practically anything I want in my free time, but I choose to spend this time in a tavern, with all of these lovely ponies and speak with you. A unicorn who came here with a book, and sat alone, laughing to himself about the number 42. How sad. not sad that you are nothing but a meager speck amid all that goes on around you but the fact that you can just like everypony here tonight, everypony that ever has, and ever will be, express your thoughts and life experiences and you don't. Admit it, that you have never had a more adventurous night tonight than in your whole life and go up to see that mare. Or read a book while I point out your flaws and force embarrassment upon you in a way that it presents itself to the whole tavern? what's it going to be?"

Edited by SharpWit
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Midnight put the book down, quietly. He looked SharpWit straight in the eye, and leaned over the table. "I have, in fact, dined with royalty, I have, in fact, marveled at the universe with Equestria's top astronomer, and I have, in fact, traveled to many places. Except, of course, I didn't have to kill anypony. I admit, I'm a nerd, I'm not awfully social, I have many, many flaws, and I'm certainly a bit of a loner. I am thankful for your company, but if you want to leave, leave! And if you want me to go, I'll go! I'm not going to get drunk and wake up in a bed, hung-over, with a mare that I don't even know the name of, thank you VERY much." He returned to his seat, and sat back down, glaring at SharpWit.

Quack. Totally a Ducklett.


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Technicolor cringed at the little bicker, not because of the two stallions, but she had felt guilty for starting it. She smiled nervously.
"sorry bout that guys... I shouldn't have joked around bout that.But you guys have dined with royaty? I did that once, but I almost spilled my cider," she said with a reminiscent look. "Good times."

"600 years of time and space, and I've never been slapped by someone's mother." -the Doctor

"and then Satan said, put the alphabet in math."

"GRAWRRRRRRRR!" -Chewbacca

Location: Takin' Out the Trash- At Night!

Sincerely, Technicolor Pony.

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@, SharpWit clapped his hooves and laughed. "That's the answer I was looking for. Now I know more about you and what you've done. I have a basic profile of your personality, and have confirmed that you have no idea what goes on in my head, and my expectations of what you should do with that mare." He glanced over at the bowl of pistachios he had practically forgotten about and popped a few in his mouth while beaming the whole time. "I wanted you drunk because I felt that you had the wrong idea of my drinking capabilities and felted challenged. So far I feel victorious in that ring. But now we're having,,, uh what's it called? heart to heart? something cheesy like that I don't know. What I do know, is that everypony has a story. And I think that that mare would enjoy hearing yours and not for the sake of sleeping with her. By the way. That comment of yours on one night stands." He shivered with a smile. "I actually found insulting. so congratulations for that. Put shame on you for thinking of me as anything lesser than a gentlemen." He ate a few more pistachios before waving an encouraging hoof. "Go on, go say hi to her."

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@, SharpWit sat there with a wide grin that looked like it needed a verbal slap to the face since a real one wouldn't be worth the end result. Pistachio after pistachio was eaten. He arranged the shells so they spelled "Go on. Do it". He raised his eyebrows twice indicating that now would be as good of a time as any.

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Technicolor tried to hide her laugh. "This amuses me." She stuffed another sugarcube in her mouth, and deliberately tripped somepony with her tail as they barged through.

"They had it comin', they stole my wallet paper," She said in a slur.

(twelve letters off. I HAD ONE JOB)

"600 years of time and space, and I've never been slapped by someone's mother." -the Doctor

"and then Satan said, put the alphabet in math."

"GRAWRRRRRRRR!" -Chewbacca

Location: Takin' Out the Trash- At Night!

Sincerely, Technicolor Pony.

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@@Technicolor_Pony,@, SharpWit turned to Technicolor. "Well I did say that I'd embarrass him in a way that presents it self to the whole tavern didn't I? and he gave the idea of getting tied up." He raised his hoof in the air with her wallet in it. "Or we could just invite her over. I'll let you decide while I do a little project.

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Technicolor saw her wallet being lifted in the air and watched it swing around, amused with it.

"We could invite her over... for tea." She went into a little rant about tea time and slowly drifted into a debate with herself on the fact of how nopony took the time for some good T-shirts these days.

"600 years of time and space, and I've never been slapped by someone's mother." -the Doctor

"and then Satan said, put the alphabet in math."

"GRAWRRRRRRRR!" -Chewbacca

Location: Takin' Out the Trash- At Night!

Sincerely, Technicolor Pony.

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Seeing how the white unicorn would not answer, Berry stepped away, closer to a group of ponies laughing loudly. She went as she could through the crowd of ponies, stepping on some hooves. When she finally made it to the other side, she was very  messy and just made her hair better with a hoof. 

"Hello, can I join you ?" She said with a little smile to one of them hopping for a positive answer. 

~ Chocolate kisses on the nose ~

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@@Technicolor_Pony,@@SharpWit,@@Berry Cupcake,


"Wait, what?! Tie me up?! Buck no!" He cast a shield around himself, and this time, let it stay. "I can't do anything while in here, but so be it. I'm NOT letting you get your hooves on me." He frowned. "This is not going to end well either way, but..." Midnight sighed and leaned on the table. Suddenly, Midnight looked up and saw a blue unicorn with somewhat messy hair. "Oh, um, hi there..." He swallowed. "Sure, sit..."

Edited by Ducksquack

Quack. Totally a Ducklett.


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Technicolor smiled at the new mare coming in. She waved. "Feel free to join us!" she used her tail to whip over an empty chair and elbowed Midnight subtly with a "You-Like-Krabby-Patties-Don't-You-Squidward" look and stuffed in another sugarcube for good measure.

(Filler: "dad, they're in the yard!"

"Who's in the yard, son?"

"The boys!"

"How many?"

"All of them..."


"600 years of time and space, and I've never been slapped by someone's mother." -the Doctor

"and then Satan said, put the alphabet in math."

"GRAWRRRRRRRR!" -Chewbacca

Location: Takin' Out the Trash- At Night!

Sincerely, Technicolor Pony.

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@@Technicolor_Pony, "So you invite her over to meet midnight while I reform my drunken self and stop attempting to make rope with what ever loose fur I can find on my coat, or I go over and you attempt to get over with your sugar rush and continue my rope?" He placed a very small bundle of twined fur on the table.

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Technicolor laughed. "We won't have to invite anypony, she's already over here," she said with a little laugh. "But we can still work on the rope." She started to make her horn glow and raised a troublemaker's eyebrow. "Why not," she said with a laugh, and resisted her sugarcube desire this time.

"600 years of time and space, and I've never been slapped by someone's mother." -the Doctor

"and then Satan said, put the alphabet in math."

"GRAWRRRRRRRR!" -Chewbacca

Location: Takin' Out the Trash- At Night!

Sincerely, Technicolor Pony.

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"Oh thank you !" Berry smiled at the mare with the rainbow colored mane noticing she was eating sugar. She looked at the two other ponies at the table : They seem normal, I mean one is in a protection spell and the other one in talking about a rope but.. A dialogue taken from the middle is always strange right ?   

She sat down. "So um, what are you guys laughing about ?"

~ Chocolate kisses on the nose ~

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Technicolor tried to say it, but it only made her giggle even harder, the sugarcubes not helping....

"Sorry," she said in a lughing fit, "My chemicals... don't do well.... with sugar.." she stuffed another sugarcube in her mouth. "Sharpwit, you explain. Tell her the story..."

"600 years of time and space, and I've never been slapped by someone's mother." -the Doctor

"and then Satan said, put the alphabet in math."

"GRAWRRRRRRRR!" -Chewbacca

Location: Takin' Out the Trash- At Night!

Sincerely, Technicolor Pony.

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@@Technicolor_Pony,@@Berry Cupcake,@@SharpWit,


Midnight concentrated and began to calm down. "Okay, okay. Midnight, let the alcohol pass." He thought. He took down the spell for a brief moment and took a sip of water, and then cast it back up. "Well... they're laughing at... well, um..." He cringed and facehoofed. "Well, uh..."

Quack. Totally a Ducklett.


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"Just certain deeds we took into consideration so that we may better,,, oh how do I put this, combine two parties as a means of friendliness and enjoy this swell evening we are all having." SharpWit stood up and gave a half bow. " Pardon my manners I haven't introduced myself or the others. This colorful mare of intriguing personality is Tech,,,Technicolor. I am Lieutenant SharpWit, server of our grand nation and protector of its interest in foreign affairs.  and this is my literate adversary,,, " SharpWit waits for midnight to introduce himself.

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Technicolor held her head up high. Nopony had ever called her intriguing before. Everypony always called her odd and weird. She was starting to like her new group of friends. She gave a warm smile as she offered the new mare a sugarcube. "They're a great pick-me-up!" she said.

"600 years of time and space, and I've never been slapped by someone's mother." -the Doctor

"and then Satan said, put the alphabet in math."

"GRAWRRRRRRRR!" -Chewbacca

Location: Takin' Out the Trash- At Night!

Sincerely, Technicolor Pony.

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"Pleased to meet you. I'm Strawberry Cupcake, Berry for short. I just opened a bakery near by, don't know lots of people yet." Berry smiled to everypony and took the sugar cube offered by Technicolor with a shy thanks. 

"So who wants a friend for the night ?" She said laughing

~ Chocolate kisses on the nose ~

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Technicolor raised a hoof. "Join us! We're always welcoming new members!" She realized that there had to be something that there were members for. "Members of... our table!" she said with a laugh. She thought for a moment. "Are you related to the cake family? I'm a regular there," she said with a laugh.

"600 years of time and space, and I've never been slapped by someone's mother." -the Doctor

"and then Satan said, put the alphabet in math."

"GRAWRRRRRRRR!" -Chewbacca

Location: Takin' Out the Trash- At Night!

Sincerely, Technicolor Pony.

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@@Berry Cupcake,@@Technicolor_Pony,@@SharpWit,


"Yes, yes...I'm, uh... I'm Midnight Comet. Pleasure..." Midnight shot a questioning glare at SharpWit. "Welcome to our little club!" He nervously took down the protection shield. He put his book on the table away, and stuck out a hoof. "Nice to meet you, Berry." He smiled warmly. "I'm rather new here, too."

Edited by Ducksquack

Quack. Totally a Ducklett.


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