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searching The Book of Elements (RP inside a RP)


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Deep in the lands of Valkyria...

The kingdoms that once leaved peacefully, are at war.

Many brave heroes have fallen and many great kings have been doomed.

But the kingdoms that still stand will do anything to get....

The Book of Elements

It is written, whoever has control over the Book has control over the land and the whole world.

But they don't realize, outside their little game, the Book is more important than they think... the fate of Equestria lies on it...



(Got the inspiration/idea from the South Park game.)





The good old ones that everybody knows. (If you don't, read them at the top of the OOC page.)

If you manage to get the book, don't ruin the experience with it for others. (Like not letting them move forever or something.)

No killing, unlike the South Park game, I really don't want little ponies to run around the town with flaming tomahawks, hacking eachothers faces off. Just wooden weapons and toys will do.

Yes, you can use toys as equipment, or anything else really.

Yes, you can recruit characters of the show into your factions, just leave some for others as well. (You can't recruit grown ups, but you can ask them for favors, like moving a raincloud over the enemies base or something.)

The Book starts out in the hooves of one of the kingdoms. I will pick one from the wanters with a dice or something. And even if you don't get the Book, don't worry, you can still get it by raiding the other kingdom.

This is an open world, so yes the Book could end up in the dragon's lair somehow...

You control the NPC soldiers that are a part of your faction.



The fun part: you can all create yourselves kingdoms with your own laws, beliefs etc.


Creating a Kingdom template:


Flag:(Colors, symbols, stuff like that)

Leader:(You DON'T have to be the leader. For example: you can take control of Sweetie Belle instead and have her run your kingdom while you are her general or not there at all.)

Location:(Please close or in Ponyville, you can always move later on.)

Strenght(s):(Don't have to be military based.)

Weakness(es):(Again, don't have to be military based.)

Backstory:(Just a few sentences to describe your kingdom.)

Beliefs:(Gods etc.)


Character template:


Age:(Not over ten years old.)

Looks:(Mane color, fur color, eye color, tail color, other details and so on...)

Type:(Pegasus, earth pony, unicorn...)

Title:(King, Queen, Count, etc.)

Cutie Mark:(If any)

Backstory:(Just a few sentences, describing him/her and how he/she got to be the leader/anything else.)




The Kinfolk

Redstorm (Leader)

Silver Wing (Second in command)


The Kingdom of Knowelge

Cassidy (Leader)



My templates:



Name: Redstorm


Looks: Light and dark blue colored, mohawk and a small tail, crimson red fur, light blue eyes and a small, nearly unnoticable freckles under his eyes.

Type: Pegasus:

Title: Jarl

Cutie Mark: None

Backstory: After moving into Ponyville, Red quickly found some friendly ponies to be friends with. He was one of the first to see the book and create a faction. Not many ponies joined at first, because he was new but soon many more came in, hearing of his great deeds and battles.



Name: The Kinfolk

Flag: A white howling wolf on a dark blue background.

Leader: Redstorm

Location: A bit inside the Everfree forest and near Fluttershy's cottage/house.

Strenghts: Lightly armored troops, small dogs (Warhounds to help them.)

Weaknesses: Though their base is well hidden, it is lacking walls, so it looks like more of a camp.

Backstory: The Kinfolk live in the woods, hunting their food and ambushing travellers. Some might call them savages, but inside they're highly organized, though most of their battle plans involve ambushes and flanking.

Beliefs: The Kinfolk believe in Fluttershy, who they call Kav. They thing she's the ultimate animal tamer and one day lead them to victory. They often come to her to seek help and information about animals.

Edited by RedStorm


Signature by LittleRawr! Well she doesn't do that kind of stuff anymore but if you really want one (which you do) PM her.

My main OC: Redstorm

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All the OC's you can bring. Just try not to make them all leaders.

(Also it might get a bit difficult trying to RP alot of different characters. Just saying.)


Signature by LittleRawr! Well she doesn't do that kind of stuff anymore but if you really want one (which you do) PM her.

My main OC: Redstorm

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Naw, don't worry, I can handle them all. I'll just do one leader, though.




Name: Cassidy

Age: 10

Looks: Green coat, brown mane and tail

Type: Unicorn

Title: Cassidy

Cutie Mark: A book

Backstory: He met his three best friends in a foster home, and that's how they became PFFs. Simple, I know.

OCs: RileyAnala

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What faction do you want him to be a part of?




Title: Cassidy


So others call her Cassidy Cassidy? :D

Edited by RedStorm


Signature by LittleRawr! Well she doesn't do that kind of stuff anymore but if you really want one (which you do) PM her.

My main OC: Redstorm

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Cassidy is a guy. And no, they just call him Cassidy. He's not puffed-up enough to give himself a title.

Ah, okay, I just got confused a bit there :D

And what faction is he a part of then?


Signature by LittleRawr! Well she doesn't do that kind of stuff anymore but if you really want one (which you do) PM her.

My main OC: Redstorm

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Ah, okay, I just got confused a bit there :D

And what faction is he a part of then?

Faction? Does that mean kingdom?



Kingdom template:

Name: Kingdom of Knowledge

Flag: A book

Leader: Cassidy

Location: Near the Everfree Forest

Strength(s): Has lots of smart and well-thought-out traps to deter intruders

Weakness(es): Is not very physically strong

Backstory: IDK LOL

OCs: RileyAnala

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Yeah, I used a different one, but I can't find it anymore :( I think it was the hub one.


Signature by LittleRawr! Well she doesn't do that kind of stuff anymore but if you really want one (which you do) PM her.

My main OC: Redstorm

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Of course! Just fill out the template(s) and you're good to go! :)

Edited by RedStorm


Signature by LittleRawr! Well she doesn't do that kind of stuff anymore but if you really want one (which you do) PM her.

My main OC: Redstorm

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Name:Silver Wing


Loyalty: The kinfolk

Looks:A smaller version of  the pony in my profile pic


Title: second in command(?) 

Cutie Mark:Blank flank

Backstory: Silver wing first joined the Kinfolk because he was bored and has remained a faithful member ever since.

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"Kyoshi is Oprah, but with med kits. You get a med kit! You get a med kit, everyone gets med kits!"-Metal

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