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open ESFU; Operation: Germane Revival

Nameless Knight

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Viper couldn't believe that Gear was really about to sacrifice himself for them but she obeyed. She picked up her gun as a tear rolled down her face. "Bye Gear" She said looking at him in the eyes before slowly turning around and followed Chetnik out of the room.  She would never forget that moment in her head. It was scorched into her memory now.

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As the crew boarded the escape boat, Chetnik hugged Viper to calm her down.


"Calm down lass, he'll be okay. He'll live on with us. I'm sure he'd come with us if he had a choice. He's our friend of course, we'll never forget him." he said letting a tear go and taking the paddle.


"Come on, if we don't paddle the fuck out of here our friend will die in vain."

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"Viper, whatever you do, don't morn over my death. Don't cry, don't beat yourself up, just live. Live on with the life I have givin you. Don't let my life's work fail because you died alone. Live, with the life of me." Gearhart had said into the radio. He looked at the engine, it was at the max pressure. He watched as it exploded.

Seven, The most lucky number, that is my sign, that is sigil.

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Viper hugged Chetnik back calming down as the furnace room exploded taking her a little off guard. "I know I'll never forget him ever" Viper grabbed an oar as gun fire could be heard on the ship. "Where's Spector?" She aimed her barrel towards the ship watching the GSG soldiers close in on the furnace room as her and Chetnik sat in the darkness floating on the boat. "May Celestial be with you Gear" She whispered wiping another tear rolling down her face.

Edited by DJ Spacer
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"I don't know! I haven't seen him for a long time. I'll go and check. Take my coat so you don't freeze." Chetnik said handing his coat to Viper and flying off.


He flew around the ship, but couldn't see or hear anything. He then flew back in the lifeboat


"He isn't there. Shit. I'll try calling him."


"SARGE, GET OVER HERE MAN!" he yelled into the radio. No response.


"Shit. He's not responding."


Chetnik took out his radio and called the Serbian army for help.


"Ovde General Četnik. Šaljite brzo pomoć, kod vojnog broda Vrabac smo."


In a few dozen minutes a Gazela helicopter came for Chetnik and Viper. They climbed on board.


"Men, we're looking for Sgt. Spectre. We need to neutralize remaining GSG agents and save Spectre. He may be wounded or even dead. But I haven't heard gunshots so I'll presume he's ok. Viper, you stay. We don't need any more casualties."


Chetnik flew down with two Serbian soldiers to find Spectre.

Edited by Chetnik

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Gearhart had been flung out to the deck, what was left of him. His hind legs had been torn off. Gear had looked at the soldiers on the deck. He had waved to the new soldiers. Gearhart was petrified that he lived, one question burning through his head, How?

Seven, The most lucky number, that is my sign, that is sigil.

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(sorry for not posting, having technical problems)

Specter was launched back from the blast but was able to create a magical shield around him. He was dazed but he had survive worse. Specter saw gear and ran over to him. "For the short time you were on my team.. you earned this." Specter took his own medal of honor out of his pocket and set it on Gear. Specter saluted to Gear and looked down at him. 'I can't save him now...' Specter thought to himself before walking in what he thought was the direction of the boat they had arrived on.

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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"Hey, I'm not dead yet!" He said to Specter. "I'm just a little immoblied over here." Gear had tryied to move over to him, but the lack of legs made it hard. He started to flap his wings. "Come on man, did you even check for my heartbeat?" Gear had heard the soilders rambling. "Let's go home."

Seven, The most lucky number, that is my sign, that is sigil.

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( :lol:  And so Gear was left behind with the metal of honor and broken legs, sorry but that made me chuckle. As for my character it might be the end for her)


Viper was still in the chopper watching the chaos from above. Her mind was in a trance "Gear's gone..." She was about to start killing every single GSG and terrorist she could aim her gun at but she obeyed the orders of the sarge. She laid back in the chopper thankful that the mission was over as they hovered over the ship awaiting Chetnik's return. Viper looked at her bullet wound which was still bleeding down her leg but she shrugged it off. All of a sudden the pilot of the helo yelled "RPG RPG!" as the chopper took a drastic move as a rocket flew past the tail of the chopper. In Viper's mind she was yelling all sorts of things "This is it, buck, your going to die, you didn't even get to find a stallion and your going to die in the ocean, your going to drown, buck buck buck" She held onto the side of the chopper as another rocket flew by the front.

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"Motherfucker!" Chetnik yelled, shooting the terrorist with the RPG

"Apparently there's still some motherfuckers on this boat, we need to set it on fire, Specter I think there's no time for Gear, but there's medics in the chopper." He signaled the heli and it landed, a medic rushing out to help Gear, and the pilot taking a pistol to cover them


He ran to the supply room, having a knife fight with a terrorist guarding it. He took a can of gas and made a trail of gas all the way to the chopper.


"Viper, you Spec and Gear board the heli. I'll light the fire, and any terrorists hiding in the lower deck will have to come out. I'll stay down and await them and finish them. I'll search the place before lighting the fire. If I'm not back in 5 minutes go on without me, you got it?"


Meanwhile the Serbian medics told him Gear was beyond saving, the blood loss was just too much

Edited by Chetnik

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"You're a moron Chetnik, but i'll respect you for your actions." Gearhart said, making it to the chopper. "So Viper, I guess I did make it out alive. I have no idea how, but I did." Gear looked at his legs, "I think i'll have to leave the force to make new adapters, sorry."

Seven, The most lucky number, that is my sign, that is sigil.

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(Moron? Why moron? For fucks sake how does a primitive medical crew with nothing but gauze save two blown off legs. Hell, we're in the middle of the sea, and hospitals are hours away, why the fuck does that make me the moron? I'm just being realistic)


Chetnik shrugged off the insult from Gear and headed towards the last deck, encountering a terrorist waking up. Startled, the terrorist took an AK and shot Chetnik in the leg. Chetnik threw a stick grenade and slammed the door, killing him.


"Light the fire! They're gone!" he yelled hopping on three legs yelling in the direction of the crew. A Serbian pilot lit the trail and took off. Chetnik grabbed on to the rope and yelled to the pilot "НАПРЕД!!!". The pilot put the engine on full throttle, quickly escaping the range of any RPG


"Слети нас код најближе базе мајсторе, снаћи ћемо се одатле" he said, falling on the floor in pain and fatigue, saying and grasping for air "I can't believe we fucking made it"

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Specter heard Gear and turned around and used his magic to clear out some smoke and saw the heli. "thank Celestia! Gear survived." Specter took off his goggles that was covered in ash. Specter ran to the heli and smiled. Specter removed his boonie cap and teleported on to the heli. "I thought you were really dead for a second there, Gear..."

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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(in the spoiler is the heli, if you wondered how it looked like. so beautiful *in Jontron voice*)






(Aren't Gear's legs blown off? Save him Spectre! :o )


As Chetnik started to relax he took a swig of the rakija sitting in the cargo bay near him. He took a roll of gauze, wrapped half on his wound and gave the other half to Viper.

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Seeing the helicopter fly away ghost decided it was time to head back "everyone ok that was one hell of an explosion back there just next time you get an airlift out of somewhere try to not forget about me ok because one of these days you are going to forget about me so next time just say hey ghost we are getting in the helicopter now"


Amazing signature by Lunia

lightning twirl: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/lightning-twirl-r5694

Sugar blossom: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sugar-blossom-r5952

I should really do my homework.... OH look a notification

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Specter looked at Gear and said "Hold on, this may sting.." Specter's horn began to glow and stopped the bleeding by closing up the veins at the end of his legs and numbing the nerves in Gear's legs. "Hold on Ghost..." Specter teleported Ghost onto the heli. "That was a close one... and Gear, keep the medal. You deserve it."

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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Viper eyes lit up when she saw Gear. "Gear you made it!" She went to hug him but she seen his legs were torn up. "Oh dang....I hope your okay Gear." She looked out at the now sinking ship. "We made it once again, cheated death" She said softly. She tended to her wounds as they went to there next destination.

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Specter looked at Viper and said "When your in my squad, you begin to get use to cheat death and escaping tight situations..." Specter looked back to Gear. "When we get back to the Unicorn, I will see if I can use my magic to completely heal you legs... A.K.A give you new organic legs if you want."

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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(Y u no postiiing)


After a swig of the rakija, Chetnik started to feel sleepy. He told the pilot to land at the Belgrade Military medicinal academy in Hoofgrade so he could get a proper operation and get a prosthetic leg. As he started to fall asleep he sat down on the floor and rested his head on Viper's body. He quickly fell asleep

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Viper was a bit shocked to see Chetnik rest his head on her but she went with it. They all went through a pretty tough mission leaving them all still together as a unit. She ran one of her hoofs through Chetnik's mane as he slept. "You tired too?" She asked not expecting a response but she was sure Chetnik and everyone else would agree. Viper leaned her head back against the wall inside the helo. "I sure hope death doesn't come to any of us for awhile" She said knowing that there squad had taken on 2 difficult situations as a team "Things can only get smoother from here right?" She questioned herself in her mind.

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As the heli landed at the hospital the medics rushed Gear out to get operated. Chetnik woke up "shit, sorry Viper. I must have gotten carried away..." he stuttered


As he came to from his nap he noticed Viper was struggling to keep her eyes open. "Go on, sleep..." he said. "I'll stay with you here while the doctors examine gear, go ahead"


He sat next to Viper and hugged her with his right arm

"Sleep tight, I won't bother you"

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"I hope they help Gear get back into shape, he was pretty torn....u..." Viper yawned and leaned her head against Chetnik. Her ears twitched a couple times as she tried to stay awake but hearing Chetnik caress her to sleep made her eyes eventually shut completely. Viper snuggled into Chetnik before she fell asleep. It was a pretty rough night and she was glad she going to get some sleep out of it.

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Chetnik takes off his coat and tucks Viper in with it. He snuggles up to her and takes the rakija bottle from under him to rub on his wound. It stings but stops infections. He takes a fresh strip of gauze and wraps it, also changing Viper's gauze slowly, not to wake her up. He tips his hat over his eyes, slowly falling asleep, waiting for the morning

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(Sorry guys, I had a thing this weekend and no time to post :blush: )


Gear woke up in the medical room, he looked at his legs, where they used to be, to see doctors examining and testing it. That night he got so many needles in him he couldn't count. When the doctors were done he asked them a question, "Can order me a pair of wing adapters from home, and my sister."

Seven, The most lucky number, that is my sign, that is sigil.

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Viper woke up after awhile to see herself curled up next to Chetnik. She slowly got up and placed the covers on Chetnik as she trotted on outside to look at the rising sun of the new day. When the rays of sunlight hit her coat she could see the dust and ash all over her but she shrugged it off. She enjoyed the rising sun. She sat down and glared off into the distance. Taking a deep breathe, Viper laid down and let the warmth of the sun re-energize her.

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