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ooc Planning a Doctor Who/MLP RP(Closed...for now)

The Cynical Lone Wolf

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Hi there I am starting a Doctor Who/MLP crossover roleplay and I am looking for a Doctor and one another companion lets first get some basic stuff down:

  • Time period: 5 years set before the main show
  • There will be an overall arching story to the roleplay
  • I will be playing cannon characters if the story needs them and the monsters/villains

Now to the rules:

  • The person playing can be as any Doctor,but must start out with that one,but no going back to previous Doctors. For ex: If someone starts with the 6th Doctor they cant go back and play the 4th.  There can be exceptions to that rule( i.e. Multi-Doctor story)
  • If you want a  Multi-Doctor story please PM me
  • If you have a story idea please PM me.
  • I want to this roleplay to be honest as possible without hurting each other feelings.
  • If someone did something that made you go "Huh, what?" or were confused by their post, please ask them to clarify in here or in a  PM
  • I will only accept OCs as companions,but no alicorn OCs sorry
  • The person playing The Doctor can play as their own version of The Doctor from the start if so wanted
  •  If a companion leaves and the person playing said companion has another OC they want to bring in,  do so I encourage it
  • If a person leaves this roleplay (either Doctor and/or companion) it will be put on halt until another person sign ups for the RP.
  • Only 1-2 companion(s) at a time
  • If said person leaves they need an "ending story" so they can leave properly leave without any holes in the RP's story
  • Can't play as The War Doctor (so ignore him in the picture below) and can't play as the new 12th Doctor because he hasn't started yet,but wait for the end of his 1st season to play as him.
  • NO Gallopfrey
  • These rules can be amended

Now here are the requirement for The Doctor

  • If persons wants to play as a classic Doctor: You  need watch at least one episode for each Doctor (1-7) , listen to a radio play, and/or watch 1 episode of your said classic Doctor
  • If person wants to play the 8th Doctor: You had to listen to  1 radio play involving him and/or listen to the first season or a season of the 8th Doctor.
  • If person wants to play as a modern Doctor: Pretty much nothing; watch a good handful of episodes and/or have a basic understanding of the 9th/10th/11th Doctor
  • If a person wants to play as their own Doctor: Just have a understanding of the show
  • Bonus: If the person read a comic series all the way through involving a modern/classic Doctor(s) and/or read a Doctor Who novel all the way from cover to back.

Here is a Doctor template if a persons want to start out as one:
img-2512581-1-the_doctor_by_lissy_strata The Monsters/Villains: Me
Cannon Characters/Other characters: Me
Classic Doctors (1-8; if needed): Me
XANA starting with the 9th Doctor
The Companion: LunaFlower226 as Luna Flower

RP thread


If there is any questions, ask

Edited by COBLoneWolf
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I've had this tab open since it started and you know what, since no-one else want's to take this marvelous opportunity to be the Doctor, I am going to step forward and claim him.


I have the majority of the classical series (what I can get on divid here in AUS), and have only missed that one easter special "Waters of Mars".

If you'll have me I'll start as the First Doctor.

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Yay we have enough people to start the roleplay now, but what about later on Luna can't be the only companion he has when the roleplay is farther in the future but I guess we'll deal with that when the time comes.

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Sorry about the wait, my computer decided it was a good time to be broken, again, and you didn't mention or quote me so I didn't receive any notification that way, but I'm here now! Yay! Let the madness begin... when we eventually get to 4 and 11 :)

I know 8, 8's a good doctor, wish he had a TV run though.



Do you want it First or Third person?

Edited by DarkDarsi
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Third if you don't mind I prefer third


I am sorrt, but I am letting you go for being The Doctor because The RP is grinned to halt because of your computer problems. Similarly,you being on so early won't do for me or the RP because the RP would go at snails passe.

If anything let me know via PM if problems do get fixed and I might consider you for The Doctor once for more.

Thanks for understanding

Edited by COBLoneWolf
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Okay, this sounds amazing since I love both shows. It would be pretty cool to play some kinda villain for the Doctor. Question though: is this him coming from the MLP Universe or him landing in it?

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