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((Ignore this post. I got mad at Line for no reason and blew up in his face. I hope you guys can forgive me.

sorry, sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry.))

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@@Charcoal Embers,


I look up at my friend and smile. "About what?" I smile. I hope I had not done anything to make my only friend outside the stable mad. "I..I didn't do anything wrong, did I?"


I look at a drink and smile. "You don't suppose I could have one of those do you?" I smile as I look as the Cider. I had head about it, but had never experienced it myself.

Equestrian Empire Cast RP Character:
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I giggle at Libby's question as I lean on the slightly splintery wood surface of the island. No matter what Libby said it always turned out to be cute. I loved everything she said, for it was officially the cutest thing in the entire wasteland. But... that means that this is going to be all the harder to explain to her. But the question is... how am I going to explain this to her? She looks up to me a lot yes, but I don't want to break her heart either. So I will have to word this very carefully if I want to make sure that she didn't get too upset.


Before I start talking I turn to the bartender, who had been waiting for me to order. I simply smile at him and wave slightly. "Hey there sugarplum. Would you possibly mind getting my and my friend here a cup of cider. Please?" I ask him, batting my eye at him before he nodded and walked to the back to get the cider.


I giggle a bit before turning back to Libby and smile at her. "Oh, Libby. Pour, innocent Libby. You know, you are going to get yourself hurt out there if you don't change your ways a little bit."

Edited by Charcoal Embers
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@@Charcoal Embers,


I look up to my friend and sigh. "I...I know Prisha. From what I've seen this place is horrible. I know you have my safety in mind, but I guess I just try to find the goodness in people. I..I know that's going to get me killed..maybe. I..I just don't want to be heartless like Mr. Grumpy. I'd rather die than not have any compassion. I could not live like that."


I smile at her. "Maybe you could show me how to be a little tougher?"

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@@Skycoaster, @@notten1,


I simply smile at Libby and give her a hug. Being tough wasn't exactly my thing. So I don't really know how much I could help her with being tough, but I could definitely help her with acting in a way that could help her be less likely to get murdered. And really, it wouldn't be all that hard. All I had to do is give this adorable made a bit of sexy and stallions will be all over her, begging for a chance to be with her.


It was about then that the bartender comes back with the two cups of cider. I smile at him and give him a wink as I levitate my drink to me. "Thanks sugar. I really appreciate this." I say in a flirtatious way as the bartender blushed a bit and went back to work, stealing a glance at me every now and again. I turn back to Libby and was about to speak when I hear a thud. Then another, and another, and another. I look at where it is coming from before walking to the door and looking out of it to see the source of the thudding. It was Line. "Hey sugarplum. Something wrong?"

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@@Charcoal Embers, .


"You...You really think that...that's my calling? Being sex..sexy?" As I raises an eyebrow. "Well, it...it seems to work for you, but I don't know if I could." I said looking at the cider in front of me. I began to drink it. "This stuff tastes pretty good!" as I down the glass rather quickly. I look to the bartender and bat my eyelashes at him in an attempt to imitate Caprishia.


I look over to her and smile, hoping I was doing it right.

Edited by Skycoaster

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I then dragged myself into the bar, in depressed anger, and sat down next to Libby, who which I saw jump as she was looking and trying to be... I don't even know what to call it. To act seductive you need to do wa- Ok, stop that train, It's not going to happen Line, you're hopeless. "Give me the hardest liquor you have" I looked up from the old wood, which I've used to bartend in my early free days. This boss here is shit, and a perv. He tried to screw me after he found me sneaking shots. I literally just bucked him in the ribs and broke them. He will not have that pleasure. And I left, walking away with only a bag with my few belongings and myself. ThE boss screaming at me to never come back again. I say fuck him, I can take a fight, especially now. I look to my side at Libby and Caprisha. Dried tears, and red eyes, I answered with a hoarse throat, "You wanted a drink? And now I also have time to talk too. Now what do you want from me, I can talk to you, just... Just don't talk about Caiesm or I will do unspeakables..." I saw as I slammed my hoof into the wood, splintering it again. "Understand?"

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@@notten1, @@Charcoal Embers,


I looked over at the mare that had joined us from earlier, though she seemed upset and Mr. Grumpy was not with her and I sighed in releaf. I felt a bit safer, until she slammed her hoof on the bar. "....Um...are...you....ok?.....Where.......Mister....Grum...." as I realize who she was talking about and put my hoof to my mouth. "This is some good cider, You want some. I think I can get you some...Um hold on."


I look over to the bartender "Um...Kind sir, would you mind getting my...friend...here a glass of cider please?" as I bat my eyelashes at him and smile. "Prisha's been showing me the ropes!"

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First order of business for myself was finding a room at the small motel they had set up with my dismal paycheck. I guess they assumed the small trips were always so much easier when the prolonged ones proved the most dangerous...ridiculousTry having two overly dramatic mares likely on their periods annoying the shit out of you. I grumbled irately to myself as I made it to the motel, moving up into the small building before turning to the broken counter that looked as though it had been attempted to be repainted. "I'll take one of your rooms for a night or two, nothing too fancy," I affirmed gesturing towards the rack of keys behind the pinkish mare. She merely sighed and plopped the first one off with her tail without looking back and set it on the counter. "Doubt we got much that's fancy 'round here. That's 100 caps." I could easily tell she wasn't that wanting of conversation. Luckily, I wasn't either. Counting my caps as I placed them on the counter, I finally gave her the amount she wanted: almost half my earnings...fuck...At least I'd sleep better tonight. Such things were normally a privilege in the wastes. 


Leaving with the key I figured I'd possibly replicate for future use, I turned directly for the med clinic, or at least the shack that had the small waving wooden sign of the Appleloosa doctor. Sadly enough, I knew my capabilities were likely better than the pony's inside...but that wasn't why I was here. With a knock on the door, I heard a calm shuffling followed by an older stallion with a curvy white mustache, sizing me up as he opened the door. He was assessing how injured I was. "Stop looking at me like I'm a piece of meat ready to fall apart. I need chems for the road ahead, both healing related and for combat uses. As well, if you have any whiskey, yucca fruit, and mesquite pods...I'll take those too," I told him in the most official manner I could muster. "How much do ya have?" he asked in return, seeing that I knew my way around medicine...or at least chems for that matter. "150..." I answered, saddened by knowing it would really get me much. The medical pony simply nodded, leaving for a moment before returning with a somewhat decent sized barley sack that jingled to the sound of about a bit of everything. "That should 'bout get everything you were lookin' for. Lucky for you, I saw your caravan come into town a little while ago. Be sure to give the yellow lady my thanks. Her supplies always do our town good." 


He seemed very polite and thankful on the subject, me realizing that he had put extra in the sack for me. Kindness...heh, yeah that'd get him far...I nodded in feinted thanks before tossing him the rest of my caps with my levitation spell. With an abrupt turn, I made my way back to my motel room. I'd probably stay in there for two days as I had told the innkeeper mare...What did I have better to do than to get my mind of the pain that burnt inside my heart?...Hope they have a hotplate...

"You have to establish the horizon. You have to mark the white. A simple enough act, you might say, but any act that re-makes the world is heroic. Or so I've come to believe."

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@@Skycoaster, @@notten1,


I look at Line oddly as she walks into the bar and sits down, ordering a drink for herself and looking like she had just realized what the wasteland was really like. A cold heartless place that doesn't care about you. Anything nice you get is taken and thrown into a fire. That's why I don't get into relationships. She just looks like she lost one. Maybe she did. I wouldn't know. All I know is that the bartender just looked at her funny and continued washing a cup. I am curious to know what happened so I sat down next to Line and smiled at her with my drink still floating in my magic.


"Hey, what's up? What happened between you and... you said Caisem? Who is that exactly?" I ask her.

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This... This kind of sadness started to boil up again. My face looked up while eyes red from tears. The 'new' bartender saw me, started to act shifty. "What's with you, did your boss tell you about me?" He looked away, scared shifting to another pony waiting to get wasted. I looked to the side to Libby and Capisha, my head laid on my crossed forelegs. My mind wanted to get wasted, to forget. "I said!... I said... Don't talk about him..." I gave a small breath, closed my eyes for a second, then open again to Libby, "So... I didn't get to know ya back there, just... Just wanna say I'm sorry if I scared ya. I'm willin' to make amends." My mind jerked to the side, and erupted into an... Indoor yell to the Bartender, "where's my drink! I'm paying!" He then got scared and galloped to the backroom, lets just hope he gets the drinks. I then laid my head back down toward the two again, "sorry about that too, just hate this place..."

This... This kind of sadness started to boil up again. My face looked up while eyes red from tears. The 'new' bartender saw me, started to act shifty. "What's with you, did your boss tell you about me?" He looked away, scared shifting to another pony waiting to get wasted. I looked to the side to Libby and Charcoal, my head laid on my crossed forelegs. My mind wanted to get wasted, to forget. "I said!... I said... Don't talk about him..." I gave a small breath, closed my eyes for a second, then open again to Libby, "So... I didn't get to know ya back there, just... Just wanna say I'm sorry if I scared ya. I'm willin' to make amends." My mind jerked to the side, and erupted into an... Indoor yell to the Bartender, "where's my drink! I'm paying!" He then got scared and galloped to the backroom, lets just hope he gets the drinks. I then laid my head back down toward the two again, "sorry about that too, just hate this place..."

This... This kind of sadness started to boil up again. My face looked up while eyes red from tears. The 'new' bartender saw me, started to act shifty. "What's with you, did your boss tell you about me?" He looked away, scared shifting to another pony waiting to get wasted. I looked to the side to Libby and Charcoal, my head laid on my crossed forelegs. My mind wanted to get wasted, to forget. "I said!... I said... Don't talk about him..." I gave a small breath, closed my eyes for a second, then open again to Libby, "So... I didn't get to know ya back there, just... Just wanna say I'm sorry if I scared ya. I'm willin' to make amends." My mind jerked to the side, and erupted into an... Indoor yell to the Bartender, "where's my drink! I'm paying!" He then got scared and galloped to the backroom, lets just hope he gets the drinks. I then laid my head back downDowns toward the two again, "sorry about that too, just hate this place..."

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@@notten1, @@Charcoal Embers,


I watch the two mare's converse, though the mention of the name Caisem seems to enrage Mr. Grumpy's marefriend. "Um...well you and that stallion did scare me quite a bit back when we first met...but your a bit scary now." as I watch the bartender run into the back room.


"My name is Libby, and I think I heard Prisha call you Line?" I said as the cider began to take effect. "I'm from stable 115, and I'm here to fallow in the hoofsteps of unicorns that could actualy doooooooo maggggggggggggggggiccccccccccccccccc. Not just levitation, but MMMMMMMMMMMMMMAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGGIIIIIIIIIICCCCCCCCCCC!"


I smile and lean back on my stool, loosing my balance fro a moment. "Prishia there can teliport. I hope she can show me how. Maybe I can learn some of these spells," as I levate an old spell book dating back to the time of the second elements of harmony. "I found this hidden in the air shaft of my stable. Heyyyyyyy. You and Prishia want to read it with me?"

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@@Skycoaster, @@notten1,


Line was sure in a sour mood from this Caisem character. Whoever it was she was sure not happy with him. But I needed to pry this information out of her. Find out who this stallion is and what he did to her. Or she, don't really know yet. But either way I need to find out what happened. I was about to ask Line again about who he was when Line asked Libby about herself. She wasn't sure what her interest in her was, but Line at least seemed to be more social now. So that was a plus. I was about to ask Line again when Libby suddenly started shouting about magic or something. I rolled my eyes and facehoofed at her antics.


I slide my hoof off my face and try once more to talk to Line. "Hey Line, so about this pony named Caisem, why don't you tell me about him. Who he is. When you two met. And why you are so upset with him or her."

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This Libby mare was funny, and prematurely drunk. And just with cider, what. I heard her talk about Magic and stuff. There was also a book, and she was drunk. Well, lets see where this goes. I then got my hoof, and tapped it on her back and said in a caring, soft voice, "Stay that way, stay happy..." I then looked forward, going back to my position, this time looking forward. I then saw the waiter come to me, shaking as he poured 3 shots of whiskey. I then upped one shot right after he left. My happier mood, I've gotta admit I was pretty down, before, was crashed and turned into a deathful glare toward the face of Caprisha, her words filled with so much stubborn spirit. I couldn't take anymore pestering. I then putting the part me that seemed dying inside out, "Why don't you just drop the subject now before you get hurt, missy. I am not to be messed with now. Because you see, there is always somethings that shouldn't be told or spoken of at points. So why don't we just have our drinks, or you might get fuckin' shot if you talk about him again, got it?!" My posture then changed drastically from my sitting position, to standing up, magic ready on my rifle. I am tired of this.

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@@notten1, @@Skycoaster,


I was tempted to back off of her. She seemed really serious about not talking about this stallion. But I have to get this information. I just need to. With a smile on my face I take my hoof and wrap it around Line, bringing her closer and also pinning Line's gun to her back. I then nuzzle Line's neck a bit, taking in her dusty scent and wrapping my tail around her tail. "Come on Line, don't let this pony get you down. Whoever he is I am sure that he isn't that big of a deal. Come one. Tell me about him."


As I am talking to Line I use my magic to both grab my knife, just in case, and also begin making Libby have another cup of cider.

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@@Charcoal Embers, @@notten1,


By this time, I was about to begin my third glass of cider. In stead of levitating it though, I just stick my muzzle into the glass and begin to pick the glass up with my mouth and down it. I look over at the two mares and smile. 

"I...Ima going to go and get some.....things....Oh look It's Princess Luna..." *THUD* I hit the floor near the two. "Ima stay hear for a bit. You...You two have fun."

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What does that mare think I'm doing. I want a drink, maybe a talk, but not sex. I tore her off of me, took all Of her off of me. Using the butt of my rifle, forces her left foreleg in, making her fall, her things sliding on the floor. Looking down on her, saying in a voice that I've heard today from a... Forget it! I said, "I just want a drink... Maybe a talk, but I AM NOT in the mood for that. Don't fuck with me now, I'm in a bad mood." Moving back towards the seat again, caprisha and, the now drunk Libby on the floor. When I sat, downing another shot in the dusty post apocalyptic bar, still looking forward, magic still on the 3rd shot, talked to her again in a low, sad face, "I'm not to be tread on, so don't or I'll buck you..." My face then hit the splintering wood, not caring what happens to my head or the speachless ponies watching us. My tone suddenly changed by the sudden change of heart, not by forgetting... Him, but by being Sorry, remorse, Guilty Mind. My face on the old Oak wood, eyes closed said in a sad, sorry voice, "I... I'm sorry, just... Please don't talk about that, I just... Need to drink." I then slowly put my head up, and downed the last shot, laying my head back down again in my forelegs, trying to think of nothing...

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@@notten1, @@Skycoaster,


I found it odd that I found both myself and Libby laying on the floor. I haven't been rejected like that in a while. Being thrown onto the floor and being talked to that way. And not only that, she thought I was trying to have sex with her. What's up with that? I stand back up on my hooves and get back in my seat and brush myself off before looking up at Line and smile at her once more. "Hey, don't be like that honey. I wasn't meaning it like that. I was just trying to make you feel better." Caprisha said as she once again put her hoof around Line and nuzzled her. "I am not trying to get you into bed dear. I just want you to see that you don't need to be upset over one little pony. So come on now. Tell me what's wrong."

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My head felt weird, it wanted to Both hurt her and hug her and cry. Instead something slipped out, and I'm not saying me. The sonofabitch fat stallion stepped out of the back. He was fat, brown small strips of hair that looked combed over, his cutie mark being a cider mug and a single pre-war bit. As I said, he was a sonofabitch. He was my boss someday back. Caught me drinking on the job. It seemed like he was wobbling with his weight, hitting the bar counter sometimes. He then said in a snobby, pig like, deep voice, "Line Plucker... Aren't you banned here, remember?" I picked my head, and gave a sarcastic smile, "Well, hi to you too, Mug, how's your ribs." He then put his hoof on his ribs, yes I broke almost all his ribs. He said to me in a far deeper, darker voice, although still disgustingly like a pig, "You will pay, and I told you to get out, Line Plucker"

I then picked up my face, and smirked, "I am paying, you see my caps, I'll add a cap for each one of my Next drink. I know you like them caps, don't ya" He then darted his eyes from my purse to my eyes, then he said, "Well... You can stay if you keep up with your deal. i don't want you messing with my new bartender." He then walked over and looked at Caprisha who was... Nuzzling me. He said, "Why, what a beautiful Mare, do you want to see a real Stallions is like in bed." I then darted to the occasion, "Fuck off or I'll break more bones!" He then gave a sneer and walked off. I then looked to Caprisha, "Don't listen to the fucker, he'll rape you, drug you and sell you." I then started to tap my hindleg hooves on the wood, I then saw behind me... A stallion trying to drag Libby out while she was passed out, book still in hoof. I pointed my rifle at him, "put her back over here or I will hurt you bad, raper..." That stallion then did just that, although the earth pony Stallion said back in a angerful voice, "Fuck you, Bitch!" I calmly replied, "come back and see how that turns out!" He then huffed off, mad. I hope they understand what I just did for them. I then realized, a little better now that I got to release steam, which is rare. "hey, sorry about them. It's just, I don't feel right. I just don't wanna talk, let's just talk about other things... Please?"

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Princess Luna is best pony

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