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open Against the Crown RP [dark/betrayal]


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Radiance stared at the bartender, and refused to break eye contact. "I am not surprised, I was expecting that response. Theoretically even if you could best me in battle, which is a ludicrous notion, do you really expect me to be so foolish? Do you not think that I have many powerful friends? Reliable, trustworthy friends that know exactly where I am. They of course pose you no threat and know not what is going on. However, if something were to happen to me, if they were to grow suspicious, or if they were to stumble upon a certain letter, they will not stay peaceful long. The question is, do you really want the whole might of the Royal Guard showing up at your door?"  


Radiance became distracted as the mayor and his aid entered the pub and proceeded to walk directly towards her. This was certainly not good. She forced her face to change expression to something mirroring concern and confusion. She replied to the mayor's frantic questions with "I cannot say that I am not offended Goodheart. What could possibly be causing you so much distress? I know the Royal Guard recruits can cause quite a ruckus, but I can hardly imagine them doing something so consequential. Please mayor, I am confused and you appear positively distraught. Come sit and join me, I have just ordered some fine spiced wine. Let us share a quick glass, and I am sure I can put your mind to ease. Then perhaps it is time for some rest." 


This amazing signature was made by Azura, thanks my friend!

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Tempest opened his eyes, and noticed the new ponies from the relative safety of the darkness. "Well, it seems I'm not the only pony who received a letter." He said, before stepping into the light. "To those who care, my name is Tempest Sol." The bat pony the sat at the table, and waited for whoever wanted them all here to arrive. "I suppose none of you sent the letter?"


Xena stood up, and sat beside Tempest. He glanced at each pony carefully, and shrugged. "Ki don't think any of them will be a threat." He said, knowing the he couldn't be seen or heard by anypony aside from Tempest.

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"Interesting," Cryptical Code half-commented before speaking, "well, I suppose I'll introduce myself. I am Cryptical Code. My occupation is a businesspony." Then at that, he stayed quiet. That was all he was planning to say for now, and that was at its best, that. With the businesspony being truth and a lie at the same time. After all to him, telling ponies that you work as an assassin and have a team of specialist wasn't the best of ideas, if it was an idea to anypony for that matter. 


Then he responded to the pony which had asked a question, "No, I don't believe so, but who knows really." To him it could be anypony in this room, and that to him unsettled him, which did not show in his voice or his stature. It could be the pyromancer, it could be that mage, it could be anypony. Information he lacked on all of them, a dangerous thing.

Edited by Demirari


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@Tricksters Pride


The bartender looked to the mare, happy for the excuse to not face the two rather more well known and high ranking visitors in his bar, "well t'a mare seems to know her drinks, except t'a devil's cut whiskey is a Tartarus whiskey. Tartarus drinks are very illegal in Equestria not even every well known, but I hear t'a guard used to sneak t'em in to share. I seen you watchin' t'a others arrive, you a guard miss mare?" His horn began to glow in a slightly threatening manner.

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Patience merely smirked at the aggressive stance and said. "Awww and you seemed like such a nice one too, where i a guard i'd already have descriptions and i'd be stupid to ask wouldn't i?... Buuut, purely to ease your conscience of course, how about i buy an special bottle for the both of us then neither i nor you can tattle to the aforementioned guards."

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@Tricksters Pride


The bartender merely smirked, "end of t'a hall and yer whiskey will be delivered once t'a meetin' starts."



The mayor merely raised a shaggy white eyebrow at Radiance, "I am old Radiance but I am not senile. Do not play games with me, that letters contents and you in this place speaking to Mr. barrel here as the letter suggests would not be mere coincidence. If you will not answer me I'll get my own answers."


He spun back to the bartender interrupting his conversation, "Double Barrel I see you're tending bar tonight with your son Pine, it looks like he's doing a fine job. You have an older son Oak, I believe yes? How is he?"


The bartender was taken aback, he hadn't expected the mayor to know him by name, "I-I... Oak joined t'a guard, he was felled when it turned on itself." He gave Radiance a scornful look.


Mayor Everlast seemed to sag a little at that, as if he had taken a blow, "ah, terrible business that. I'll be sure to grace his grave with a flower next time I visit my wife's tomb. Is that how you've gotten yourself in this sticky letter non-sense?" He gestured to the letter again.


Double Barrel looked away and said nothing.


"Ah, I see." He turned to look back at Radiance, "so whatever business this is, it is not a joke. Very well direct me to this devil's cut."


Double Barrel pointed down the hallway, "end of the hall."


The ancient pony nodded, looked to his aid, "tally forth Bones, we are already late and it will be best to know who all these hooligans are so when their plans fail we do not burn with them."


He headed toward the hallway now ignoring Radiance. To his aid he muttered, "let Ice know this place is to be under watch, and put a flower on both Barrel's son and wife's grave; he seems the sentimental sort. Also buy him to work for us, however much it takes, I don't know how long he's been holding these meetings in my city but I want this establishment firmly under my hoof by weeks end."

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Tempest shrugged slightly, as he nodded. "Yes, well it obviously wasn't me, so extricates me from the equation." He said, as he slowly studied the aura of the ponies who had arrived, in order to recognize them almost instantly. "Anyway, it's nice to meet you, Cryptic. I hope we both achieve want we desire to receive from this little uprising." The bat pony then smirked at the nickname, as he sensed an almost to familiar aura.


(@ Torrent505: It would make sense for Tempest to know the mayor of Canterlot, but I'll take it out if you want.)

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Radiance smiled as the mayor walked to the secret meeting place. She would have to pay the mayor a visit sometime depending on how this played out. She had evidence condemning her to treason, and she merely had a coincidence. Blackmail is such a powerful thing.


The older barkeeper was clearly ignoring her. Radiance did not take being ignored well. She summoned a piece of paper, a quill and ink. She wrote on it:  I am willing to wait, but not for long. Do not tempt my patience. Tell your friend that if I walk out that door, you will never see me again. I am a powerful ally and an even worse enemy. And one last thing, bring me my wine. Radiance folded the letter, and levitated it towards the old barkeep, positioning it right in front of his face, forcing him to notice it. 

Edited by Golden Shield


This amazing signature was made by Azura, thanks my friend!

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*'Oak's dead too?.....'* After listening to the higher ups talk it out Patience removed a bag from her side and pushed it over to the bartender while speaking with an awkward tone. "Sorry to hear about Oak... He was a good stallion even if he was a bit of a card shark. Sorry to meet ya Barrel i'm Patience, keep the change." And after that she slipped past the distasteful mare and followed the mayor in at a tasteful distance, probably best to keep away from him too... He was always too nice.


Once she got into the room she slipped past the mayors aid with a muttered "Excuse me..." and made her way over to a corner that was tastefully distanced from the others. Making herself comfortable against the wall as she waited for her drink. *'... That drink isn't going to get here fast enough is it.....'*

Edited by Tricksters Pride
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The bartender merely shook his head and laughed then went and spoke to his son, the Pegasus nodded several times before disappearing through a side door while the father actually started to tend the bar himself.


Moments later the son approached Radiance with a bottle and glass, "my father says the bottle is on the house. That dead mares don't need to pay for their last drink. He also wanted me to explain what's going to happen to you so he can say he tried to convince but you couldn't understand logic at a... Colt could." He blushed a little at that not liking that stallion like himself was being referred to as a colt, but he continued speaking as he began to pour her wine. "The angel's share gets it's name from alcohol that evaporates into the air, but alcohol isn't all that's in the air here, though most ponies just assume it's smoke... The trap wasn't waiting for you in the devils room it was sprung the moment you decided to follow the letter here."


"My father is fond of saying," he stopped filling her glass and gave a imitation, "anypony invited to t'at room is a sinner and t'a devil makes deals with sinners; t'a angels are t'a ones t'at kill them." He put the bottle down on the table, "enjoy your free wine miss."


@Demirari @Scribblegroove @Marathon @Tricksters Pride


The mayor stormed into the room as a righteous fury, head held high and looking accusingly around the room, "who is responsible for this travesty!" The large white unicorn aid floated the letter to the center of the table, "I demand to know, who would dare to try and draw the mayor of this city into high treason!"

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Justice rounded a corner and the angels share tavern came into view, the lights of the tavern lit up the street outside and as justice came up to the tavern he took a deep breath and licked his lips as he walked in. Most of the ponies inside gave him odd looks justice wasn't sure why, it was most likely the bit of dry blood that covered his muzzle, he walked over to the bar and spoke to the older looking bartender.


"Excuse me good sir may I have a glass of the devils cut"


The blood on his muzzle shined in the light of the tavern and his left eye twitched a little as he waited for a response.

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Tempest rolled his eyes, as he watched the mayor of Canterlot. "A wise philosopher once said that a kingdom and it's people had a social contract. The ruler would treat the people fairly and justly, while the people worked for the ruler and their country, or something similar to that idea. When that contract was broken by either party, the other side has the right to therefore punish the violators of said contract in a swift and appropriate manner. I'm not the one who sent that letter, but I can tell you that Tia has broken that contract on more that one bloody occasion, and even to her own sister." He said, his rage growing with each word. He was careful to keep it in check, however, lest his power show itself.

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"Una taberna? Siempre una taberna no es así?" Dorado walked up to the smelly old tavern with confidence; a smirk on his face. He couldn't help but think of the possible future. That his family could rule this country... and it all starts here. Of course there will have to be a ton of backstabbing, literally, but if it meant even more gold and power, Dorado was up for it. He pushed open the doors, acting mysteriously, wearing his gilded armor and his favorite hat that looks like something a musketeer would wear. As he walked towards the barkeep, hat tilted down, smirk still on his face, he couldn't help to take a glance at all the patrons in the bar, mainly looking out for any beautiful mares he can impress after this is over. Once he reached the counter where the bartender stood he untitled his hat and look him straight in the eye for a moment. "Name is El Dorado, and I will be having some Devil's Cut. Heard it is muy delicioso. Oh and I will have some ale too." He said tossing a couple bits on the counter for the ale.

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Typical, sending a son to do an errand that he does not want to do. "Listen kid, you seem like a sensible pony. Your going down a rough line. Never do what I just did, seek an audience with somepony you have no confidence in. If I were afraid to die, I would have never stepped in this pub to begin with. I will pay for that wine." Radiance reached inside a special compartment of her armour, and drew out a small bag of bits. "Keep the change. If your father comes after me, you may need it for a nice tombstone."


Radiance left the bottle of wine behind and walked up to the small group of Royal Guard recruits. She levitated a cup and smashed it against the table to silence them. "How would you ponies like to make an easy bit?"

Edited by Golden Shield


This amazing signature was made by Azura, thanks my friend!

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"You believe the head would be fine?" An agent mused in the rented building as he tinkered with a crossbow. His fellow agent just grunted as the two continued with cleaning their weaponry. While Cryptical Code did say he'll be fine, the two were going to insure he'll be fine. A good agent/guard should be there to make sure maximum security.


Cryptical Code looked up to see who barges in and the reason why. And with the mayor yelling treason and letter, he simply looked down again. The mayor can keep yelling for all Cryptical Code cared. The others would probably deal with the issue. And he'll just walk out if things get more worst than what the situation seemed to raised itself to.


Then a small thought went across his mind. What if the mayor set this all up, and this was a test. That could be a possibility, and one could never be too sure of politicians. Then his thoughts included the other ponies coming in, and with this amount, the less the security is. Cryptical Code adjusted his tie with his magic as he pondered while still paying half-attention to the situation.


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The mayor raised a bushy eyebrow, "oh I never said anything about my opinions of dear princess Celestia. Nor would I outside MY office, I want to know how what I have said in my office ended up in a damn letter," he pointed at the letter on the table. He seemed to pause letting himself calm down and to appear as his more grandfatherly kind self, "so all of you are traitors... Or are at least seeking to be?" He looked about the room, "Not the worst bunch, I was expecting a gallery of fools but if they were able to gain my attention as well as Radiance's I should have guessed our host is rather serious."



The bartender looked at the unstable looking stallion before him and just nodded, he could tell this was not really a pony he wanted to talk to. But he was able to find his voice, "you have a little somet'in' on yer muzzle son. T'a devil's cut is down t'at hall and through it's back wall." He put a wet rag down incase the Stallion wanted to use it.




Double Barrel just snorted, "I've heard t'a devil's cut burns a bit too much for most ponies taste, t'a tale should help. Head down t'at hall t'ere, t'a back wall isn't really going to stop you. T'a ale be with you shortly."



The recruits looked up and jerked sloppily into attention obviously staring at her armor and recognizing her as having rank. One of them, a Pegasus stallion stumbled words out with only a slight slur, "Ma'am? I mean sir? I mean... Um, is this official we're off duty, we were told we're allowed to go to the taverns."


One of the others, a unicorn mare, leaned forward, "did you say something about making bits sir?"

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Tempest rolled his eyes. "To be honest, Celestia gave up her right to rule when she banished Luna to the moon." He thought. "I swear I will do everything in my power to stop Celestia." The bat pony then sat back down.


Xena sighed, and curled into a ball at Tempest's feet. He found politics of the material world to be quite uninteresting.

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Justice took the wet rag and gave his muzzle a quick wipe getting rid of the blood stain, he then put the rag down and proceeded to walk down the not before saying a little something to the old bar keeper.


"I expect a bottle of the finest vodka you have to be brought out to me and if it isn't, the you might get a cut up by the devil tonight, and he might make a drink out of your blood"


Justice walked threw the wall and ended up in a room with other ponies.

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Lila perked up at the sound of Luna's banishment. So she wasn't the only one who was upset about that. "I for one just want Luna returned; she was my favorite of the two to begin with. I've always wanted to have tea with her." Lila announced, looking at Tempest. "On the other hand I could care less about what happens to Celestia. She could be thrown into a volcano if that's what you all would have be done with her." 

"And with a sigh, she closed the old dusty book and set it gently back on its self. Wishing for a better day to come tomorrow. So that today can be forgotten and lost in the memories of that book..."

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/cadence-r2169 -Cadence (Little Hop)

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/lila-fireheart-r2356 -Lila Fireheart: The queen of FallenMoon
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/flash-note-r5473 -Flash Note: Silent, sweet, and explosive....


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@Everypony in the meeting room


Dorado smiled at the barkeep and bowed his head slightly. "Gracias, señor." Dorado trotted over to the hallway once again taking a glance at everyone in the tavern. He stared at the back wall for a moment and walked through and to his surprise he was in a room full of ponies, but most importantly he was in the same room and the Mayor of Canterlot. Dorado wondered if he was the one who contacted him and if all the ponies there were also contacted but in any case, Dorado prepared himself for his introduction...


"Saludos Everypony!" Dorado shouted the ponies in the room. "Sorry for my interruption of this meeting but I am... EL DOOORADO!" He spoke in a very haughty and arrogant tone trying to make himself sound high and mighty. He then turned to look at the Mayor. He bowed his head with false respect. "My apologies for my lateness Don Goodheart Everlast. I was busy. So if I may ask what were you all discussing. I hope I did not miss anything important. " He then scanned the room of ponies. He noticed a couple pretty mares but one that caught his eye was dark coated one with the purple mane and stunning green eyes. They don't all seem like your standard rich pony. Dorado was beginning to question how difficult this will be.

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Cryptical Code looked up before looking done. A loud one, and an arrogant one at that… he hated these types of ponies. Making no more further movement, he looked down at the table. How long has it been since he entered. Ten minutes? Thirty? A hour? Shame on him for not carrying a watch and horrible that the letter had no indication of what time this meeting should be starting.


Now, the two that spoke up against Princess Celestia. With the recent events, there would be some upsets around the country. These ponies would be valuable assets from what he had gathered from simply being here. Making some mental notes and future plans, he glanced at the inhabitants again.


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Tempest glanced at Lila, and smirked. He felt happy that he might have a potential ally. The bat pony then turned his attention to Dorado. "This could be amusing." He thought to himself. "There isn't a point in screaming. The room carries sound just fine." He said.


Xena's eyes opened, and he glared at the new pony. He then went back to sitting next to Tempest.

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"Let us say it is unofficial. I have no warrant to command you, but I have use for you recruits. This is a good time to get in the good books of one of your superiors. Seeing that, I am willing to compensate you for your efforts." Radiance glanced at the mare, weighing options. She wanted no ties to this place. "I am only seeking aid from those in uniform. Now if you recruits would be so kind to follow me, we shall begin. It shan't take long."


Radiance shifted positions, feeling her leather purse glide across her neck. She hoped she wouldn't need its contents, but the barkeeper's confidence was unsettling. She just hoped its contents, and the couple simple spells she was able to teach herself, would be enough if her suspicions became true. Radiance suspected she had been poisoned in some way, although she couldn't guess how. 

Edited by Golden Shield


This amazing signature was made by Azura, thanks my friend!

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@Scribblegroove @Demirari @Marathon @Tricksters Pride @AnonBrony


Mayor Everlast furrowed his fuzzy brows at these new comers, especially the El Dorado, "What?" He seemed to realize what the stallion was implying, "don't apologize to me Señor Dorado, I didn't organize this little soirée!" Realizing he obviously wasn't going to get any simple answers he moved away from the door to a seat. "Does anypony know how many blast members of this get together are going to show up? The letter said the host would arrive last."



The recruits looked about between themselves, all six either gave nods of approval or shrugs of indifference and then started get up from their table. The mare was the steadiest of them, "okay what do you need us to do? Where are we going?"


The stallion from before chimed in, "it's not far you said right? It won't take long and it's not far, right?"

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Radiance could not mask her disgust for such a lazy stallion. "No, not long. Too busy drinking your life away?" Radiance eyed the mare. She reminded Radiance a little of herself, not too much but a little. I have to remember to ask her name. "I need you to accompany me, we are travelling to the castle. I will give further instructions when there. It most likely won't take much longer than an hour. Now follow me."


Radiance turned her body and headed towards the door. She signalled to the recruits to hurry up and make their decision. Radiance was eager to be rid of this place.  


This amazing signature was made by Azura, thanks my friend!

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