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open Against the Crown RP [dark/betrayal]


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Tempest nodded and smirked. "Don't think you aren't the only ponies with connections." He said, growing more confident by the second. "Like I said, there's a reason why I became a part of Luna's guard, and it sure as Tartarus wasn't to see Equestria become the hellhole it is now. If we're going to use the public against Celestia, we're going to need somepony for them to rally under, and I doubt they'll trust a few random ponies who scream about reform. Even if they do, Tia will shut us up faster than those accused in the Salem witch trials."

Edited by Nightfury01
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@Lady @Scribblegroove @Demirari @Marathon @Tricksters Pride @AnonBrony


Bone Breaker's quill fluttered up into the air drawing attention to him before dropping back down and continuing it's recording of the meeting. "I find myself in agreement with that little mare there," he gestured to Jade Heart, "a precession strike against Celestia followed by the installation of a puppet government that we control. The hard part would be eliminating the princess but it can't be impossible, we have resource that could find us the best assassins that bits could buy."


He clopped his heavy hoof down on the table, "the puppet would be easy enough to find; we could use the Blueblood family they claim to be relatives of the princess and would have a legitiment claim to the throne, they shouldn't be too hard to manipulate... Otherwise we could use the Mayor himself as our puppet, a great many ponies in the city already respect him."

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Tempest glared at Bone Breaker, and stood up. "Fools don't deserve to run this country." He growled. The bat pony then glanced at the raven. "I apologize, but it appears that this isn't the right group for me." With that, Tempest stood up and trotted out the door. He already had a plan in motion, and he had every intention to carry it out. As he exited the bar, the bat pony flew into the air, and in the general direction ofbthe everfree forest.

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Jade Heart.


"No, it would need to be a pony with the strength and skill to rule a nation without constant scrutiny and prompting from behind the scenes: one who understands Equestria, its enemies and its allies. A leader needs to have seen its darkest corners and its grandest halls - to know enough to stabilise the vacuum of power which will be created and to make decisions of their own when those of our collective might not be available. Neither of your candidates could claim as much."


She tutted.


"It is all good and well, to instate a puppet - but there cannot always be a manipulator to hand. We need someone sympathetic to our cause - a genuine leader who shares our ideals and can act on them in the correct way. I have a contact or two that I might suggest would suffice... given the time for me to to assess them properly at least."

Never quite forgotten.

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The two unicorns escorted Radiance into the alley and to the awaiting door, the kept only a step ahead of her incase she should stumble or need to use them for support. They made it through the door into a small entry room where Ice Breaker was waiting for them, the recruits and other ponies were already gone. She eyed Radiance with respect, "you actually made it here? You must really be able to hold your liquor normally. Once all this nasty business is over maybe we can start over, it's really rare I meet a hard working smart mare that can also fight and drink. I'd really like that you know? We might not be too different, I bet we could have been friends..." She tapped her hoof a little on the ground, "sorry to talk your ear off but we have to wait here till the poison knocks you out... Just a precaution, you know?"


(When Radiance passes out she will then awake in the cellar of the Angel's Share Tavern. A very comfortable bed has been moved down their and like Ice said Radiance is laying in it, though each of her legs has been secured to a steel frame bedpost by a metal cable around her armor. She will wake up face to face with the Raven's plague masked face. I hope this is acceptable, otherwise let me know I don't want to God mod your character.)

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@, @@Tricksters Pride, @@Demirari@@Torrent505,  


At Jade's motion towards Dorado he smiled and nodded. "Yes I agree with the lovely mare here. I would not like a plan that will not based on chance. If it has the chance to succeed... it also has a chance at failure. I like a more direct approach anyway." He paused for a moment. "If we are going to plan anything, we must first realize our goal. Our complete goal. And I'm guessing that just overthrowing Celestia isn't all what we came here wanting to do. No I bet we all want some from of power. Or gold. If we can get rid of Celestia and get a puppet government I'm sure we can all get a bit of more power and more gold too. As for a leader... my family were once the noble ponies of Maredrid. Even though there was a King, we practically ran the place. My family is also very wealthy and will be sympathetic to our cause. And of course you all will get a say in things too."

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@Lady @Scribblegroove @Demirari @Marathon @Tricksters Pride @AnonBrony


Bone Breaker shook his head, "I, of course, have someone who could fit that role as well, but it's hardly the point. The fact is if you want some like that, Sweetheart, then I'd say you're ready trying to deal to us with a crooked deck. Anyone who positions a genuine leader of quality has a greater advantage over the others and I'd rather not be caught in another of your 'flawless victories' after our business with Celestia is done and your left pulling a majority of the strings."


He looks over the others gathered at the table, "the only true way to run a puppet government is you pick an unaligned, smooth talking, fool then you coach the living hell out of him. You guide his hand so much and so often that your ideals become his ideals, his hand moves where you want it on it's own. He becomes the role he plays, but never dreams of more, never over steps his boundaries or thinks for himself; he thinks for us, he thinks what will best make us happy. He'll think of the majority of us before randomly risking himself with any single pony seeking him to betray us." He stared across the table at Jade, "it's not as hard as you might think, my family has done it before."

Edited by Torrent505
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Jade Heart.


"I'm trying to protect my city!" Jade retorted sharply. "What do I have to gain from any of this? I have everything I require to live quite comfortably regardless of the outcome - I must question your own motives though darling, to so passionatly want to place a dangerous foal in a position of power with such certainty."


She glanced aside at the others - hoping that somepony might take her side.


"Forgive me dear, but it almost sounds to me like you wish for a candidate whom will put your personal gain above all others: above that of our families and friends - above the defence of our borders and relations overseas... though surely I must be incorrect - nopony would want to see Equestria fall, only to be in governance of a desolate wasteland?"

Never quite forgotten.

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Merdyn had waited for a while to find a hook in their plans. A piece of the puzzle that he could fill in. Among the plans there were more misconceptions and disagreements. Ponies came up with more reasons to deny plans than making up a few themselves. He had a plan. A plan that would likely succeed. His only trouble was the likelihood of these ponies not trusting him, and the 'brutality' of his scheme. However, in conjunction with their own plans and ideas, they might come to a conclusion that all agreed with.


"I do not wish to insult anypony, but you speak of what we require in a plan, without actually coming up with the plan itself. We need subtlety, we need politcal influence, we need a puppet, we need desperation, we need sheer force. What don't we need?" He sighed and changed his seating, scratching his chin for a moment. "I have  plan. It is bold, and unrefined, and most of you will not agree, but I am certain that if I speak my mind each of you will become inspired and hopefully come up with a smarter scheme." He continued...


He coughed and put his hooves on the table. "I mean to combine each of your plans into one. After all, this is usually the greatest way to come up with a good idea. Taking the good parts of everything... I mean to make use of a puppet..." He gestured towards Bone Breaker. "I mean to look ahead and preserve..." He gestured towards Jade Heart. "I mean to make use of desperation in a suble way..." He said as he looked at Cryptical Code.


"And lastly, I mean to make use of my magic to ensure all of this... You were looking for a puppet. One that would think for itself, but have our ideals. Something that we can influence, but that has great enough stature to seem as somepony standing on her own. We need a spearpoint, the tip of an arrow, to pierce the thick layer of celestia enthusiasts, and convince them that we are 'the good side', that Celestia is truly 'the evil tyrant' like we want to portray her... Well my comrades, why not aim for the skies! Why look any further, than the one and only being that could test celestia's power in the first place!" He said with great drama in his voice. He became slightly enthralled with himself even. He had raised his vocie slightly throughout his monologue, but he lowered his voice now...


"I am talking of course, of Luna, Celestia's sister..." He paused shortly. "Now of course, there are many reasons to laugh at my plan here, but keep that aside for a moment. Think of what we could accomplish when we had Luna, alive and walking under our control. We would have a very powerful entity indeed, both in magical force as in diplomatical and political influence. We would have our puppet, who would also be a mascot. Something that attracts ponies to our side. If we are to cause chaos and despair in equestria, making it look like Celestia is to blame. Not things on terrorizing levels of course. No, slight nuisances and distress that build up slowly, and make ponies despise Celestia, but not throw the entire civilization into disastrous chaos... When we divide the population like that, they will become desperate... He paused for a moment, making sure that ponies hadn’t lost interest or were saying things between themselves.


He sat up a little straighter and grinned internally. “But then, we make use of the opposite of desperation... Hope. We offer them a way out. Somepony to protect them, and who they can trust from then on. Somepony powerful enough to rise against Celestia herself... Luna! The poor unrightfully banished sister, who has suffered under her tyranny just like all the other ponies!" He said with a mild hint of sarcasm in his voice. He was speeching quite badly now, but he was enjoying it.


"There are several reasons I could go over why Luna herself would be a good contestant, for instance the potential for deception and illusion, but I am sure each of you will immediately ask the quesiton: HOW... How will we contain her power, making her abide to our will, make our ideals her ideals... Well... I am glad to announce that through magic, I can offer a solution... After all, with my knowledge and my contacts, and hopefully some funding from your side, I should be able to accomplish the impossible.” He clearly snickered after that comment. He stopped there for a moment, thinking about what he said. His plans were in fact still vague. He wasn’t sure that he could summon Luna at all, let alone that he could keep her powers in check…


“I hope you see the potential of this plan. Throwing the land into mistrust and despise for Celestia, and then dealing the killing blow for her reputation by making everypony believe that her sister was unrightfully banished, and has now returned to set things straight again. And then we will have our puppet, a powerful one indeed… However, I realize that my plan is by far flawless. I dare even say it is farfetched, but it should give you some insight of how far we can actually go.” He explained, concluding his little speech about his plan. He then turned himself to Jade Heart.


“I do agree with Jade however. Even though we must have to commit some drastic crimes before we rise to power, we should not throw the land, the town, or it’s people into utter chaos. Celestia nor us will be able to control a situation like that. We must make it very clear that there are two sides, and which one of them is the most profitable for everypony… Then we truly dismantle all the influence that Celestia has on a political level. All she’ll have left is her alicorn power and the elements… And I have a plan for that as well…” He explained to her, and everypony around the table.


He tried to imply that he had some significant knowledge and power within anything magical. If they could make use of that, even if it were in plan he did not agree on, all of them would get a lot further. He slumped back into a comfortable position, slightly hunched back, waiting to see if some of them agreed… Though he expected most of them didn’t. He looked at Lady for a moment. Of all ponies, he hoped that she agreed with him the most… And Cryptical Code, though that was because of… other reasons.

Edited by Scribblegroove

How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Three percent of the population likes classical music, if only we could get it up to four percent we'd be back in business and all our problems would be over." How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Everybody loves classical music! They just haven't found out about it yet!" It's an entirely different world. It's what you make of it that counts.


I found an easy way to find out if you've inspired someone. If their eyes are shining, you know you're doing it!

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The world quickly became a fun house mirror to Radiance. The world swiveled and turned in a horrifying cacophony of motion. Her mind and muscles felt like bundles of soft gelatin that wobbled and bounced every step, becoming more loose and weak with every motion. After what seemed like ages, Radiance finally made it towards the little room she was being herded to. She heard Ice Breaker talking, she could barely stay up, let alone listen to the pony's ramblings. She was able to make out the gist of what Ice Breaker was saying by the odd word that was able to enter the gelatinous goop which was Radiance's mind.


Radiance forced herself to respond. A monumental task which required extreme concentration and an exhausting effort. Her mind refused to pick out words, and her tongue felt heavy as iron and awkward. Eventually she was able to form a somewhat coherent statement. She couldn't look in just one place, so Radiance just mumbled, "stranger... things have --- happened.     Enough. It  is... time."


Radiance forced her body to lower herself. Her muscles groaned and threatened to give out at every inch. She wobbled, and somewhat roughly got herself into a lying position. She put her head on the floor, and allowed her eyes to close slowly. Her mind immediately drifted off to the incoherentness of her usual night terrors. 


((That sounds like a fun, fair and logical progression of the story. I agree completely to that Torrent. But as GM, aren't you allowed to God mode my character?))

Edited by Golden Shield


This amazing signature was made by Azura, thanks my friend!

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Dorado listened through the mage's speech. Dorado liked it at first... until he talked about how Luna should be our puppet. The more he went on and on about it it just Dorado want to laugh. Luna? Nuestro títere!? Él quiere Luna! hahahahahaha! Quiere controlar ella con magia Hahahahahaha!" Dorado wanted to burst out laughing... but he he knew he had to control himself. "Surely you must be joking! That's very funny. Control Luna with magic! Hahaha-" He stopped himself before he got carried away. "That wouldn't work. We need somepony else to be the puppet."

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Tempest sighed, as he stopped a few feet from the border of Canterlot. "I might as well check up on her. We haven't talked since the guard dissolved, and she'll most likely have questions." He thought, as he flew back to Canterlot. The bat pony then closed his eyes, and sensed a familiar aura in the room of a nearby hotel. He quickly made his way to the room, and knocked. "Athena, it's me. Can I come in?"


Xena materialized next to Tempest, and smirked. "You're nervous, aren't you?" He asked. "It'll be ok. She'll probably be happy to see you."

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Merdyn raised a brow at Dorado laughing. He had expected some kind of mockery, but all out ridiculing him was something that he had suspected to be above those kind of provocations. "If you doubt my magical capability I assure you, in the situation that Luna finds herself in now, I will be able to have her under our control... Mind you, our. I cannot do it alone. If you doubt that Luna is not a good candidate for our 'puppet', please give some constructive feedback on my plan, don't just throw it out of the window. You are not contributing to our contemplation in the slightest." He hadn't expected anything better from Dorado. Yet another pony who was not creative enough to come up with proper plan himself, but arrogant and conceited enough to patronise Merdyn's plan.

How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Three percent of the population likes classical music, if only we could get it up to four percent we'd be back in business and all our problems would be over." How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Everybody loves classical music! They just haven't found out about it yet!" It's an entirely different world. It's what you make of it that counts.


I found an easy way to find out if you've inspired someone. If their eyes are shining, you know you're doing it!

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(Yeah I can God mod but I still don't like to, I'll do it when I feel it's appropriate but most of the time I like to leave it open for players to decide. Like I could have had Ice's kick instantly land and knock Radiance out but then we wouldn't have had the stand off and negotiating, which was much more fun. And in this case I didn't know if you had any plans to still try and bolt or to find away to stay awake.)


A voice without emotion or gender seemed to echo about in the darkness above Radiance, "I told you I wanted her awake before midnight, you don't have much time left Double Barrel..."


A familiar voice responded though it sounded tired and weak, "You also told me to keep t'ese two alive! Most of my attention has been on her but I'm not letting my poison kill more innocent guards, t'ey are still just hanging by a t'read."


"Then you should let them die, they are hardly innocent now. They can easily implicate you in this assault. And if rumors are to be believed Radiance is not very good at caring for or controlling soldiers directly under her command... And if these two can't be controlled they could be a threat to my operations."


Double Barrels voice had some fire behind it, "I never would have agreed to help you if I had known you where such a heartless bastard, yer supposed to be on t'e side to help t'e guard, to help me and all t'e others get vengeance for loved ones so carelessly lost. Yer a sham."


Through the fog in Radiance's mind she realized it wasn't dark where she was, her eyes where closed and though the lids still felt heavy she could at least open them now.


(Oh side question, did you still have your letter with you?)


@Lady @Demirari @Scribblegroove @Marathon @AnonBrony @Tricksters Pride


At the head of the table the Raven spoke up, "I would not shoot down your proposal Merdyn, but I must question if you have all the information on Luna that you would need. Her banishment to the moon was a spell from the elements of harmony themselves, it will be very power and not easily broken; as for Luna herself I have every indication that Celestia's accounts of their battle is true, Luna succumbed to Dark magic and transformed into something else before her sister went as far as to banish her. You are a very powerful and respected Mage but how do you plan to break a spell of the harmonies and to overpower a pony wielding both Alicorn and Dark magic in equal amounts? If your own plan involves dark magic I must advise against it, I need only point to our wine to remind what damage a unicorn under the influence of dark magic can do. I may look a creature to support such things but I am vehemently opposed to dark magics."


It shifted a little, it's feathers ruffling, uncomfortable with revealing things about itself. "Besides that, you would be able to assure a Luna restored to her old Alicorn self would side with us? It would be unfortunate for her to choose another path, she might be too strong of a puppet for us to pull her strings."


As if to break any tension in the moment the door opened and Double Barrel entered to serve drinks an of the ponies that had ordered them previously.


(There is a time displacement between what is happening with radiance and the ponies at the table)

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Merdyn snickered and looked at Dorado. “Now here is a pony I can work with. He asks the right questions, unlike you. I would take him as an example…” He said with a scoffing grin on his face.


He then turned to the Raven, who had ask questions fairly superficial, but still vital to what he has planned. “Like I said, I assure you that if I get the resources I need, I will certainly  be able to free Luna. To control her however, is something far more delicate. But of course, we shouldn’t be planning on setting her soul free immediately. Oh dear no! We should take our time for something like this. After all, we need to wait a while before revealing Luna to the crowd anyway. We need to prepare other things first. And in this time, we would have Luna right here with us, still as trapped as always... But then we could communicate with her. Influence her. Experiment on her… Even if we aren’t going to use her as our puppet, we would have a great use out of her. Making her spill secrets of her sister, perhaps helping us to dethrone her… I think we are beyond the point of the ‘why’ here though the possibilties are great. At any rate, I can free her soul, and then lock it in a place where we have a use for her, and where we can all communicate with her.”


He gestured with his hoof towards the group. “Now that I have said that, I realize that we all would have the opportunity to influence her, thus removing the problem of having me pulling most of the strings. You will be able to control her just as much as myself.” He explained, hoping to clarify most of the big doubts in his plan. As he said, it was unrefined and far from perfect, but they could always get somewhere with it…


“If you want more confirmation of my capabilities, and my methods, I could explain it to you right here, but you would most likely not understand, or  I could fetch my research notes and a few books, in which I can explain what my plan is. I could also give a list of all the things I would require, and who I require…” He looked around the table  at three figures. Cryptical Code, Jade Heart and Lady. “There are a few of you in this room who would be vital to my plan. I will explain my plans details if we agree that we should attempt to harness Luna’s power in the first place…”

How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Three percent of the population likes classical music, if only we could get it up to four percent we'd be back in business and all our problems would be over." How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Everybody loves classical music! They just haven't found out about it yet!" It's an entirely different world. It's what you make of it that counts.


I found an easy way to find out if you've inspired someone. If their eyes are shining, you know you're doing it!

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Cryptical Code listened to the mage's word carefully. Controlling an alicorn? That would be a challenging task; he doubted if a mere unicorn, even if the mage was suppose to be powerful, to control a being that bends the moon to her will. But, perhaps it could be possible. It could complete this group's goal easier, a Princess would carry legitimacy.


Resource, Cryptical Code was confident. While his force is currently small, he would certainly start amassing a larger force. Aiding the mage at this stage could be done, with difficulty depending on what the mage needs, but it'll certainly get easier, along with the aid of his connections. However, it'll be risky. To him, a pony proposing to control an alicorn would certainly be ambitious. And words the mage speaks… those words cannot be trusted.


A gamble, it certainly was a gamble. A gamble that Cryptical Code would play cautiously, "What type of resource? The amount?" He asked, his voice was bland, but hinted interest.


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Radiance was awoken by the sound of voices echoing through wherever she was. Her mind was foggy and slow to react and her muscles ached. She was shocked at how well she felt after the full effect of the poison. She forced herself to relax, to focus on the conversation and to take toll on her body. She was in poor condition that was for sure, but Radiance was sure that she could operate well. Forcing herself to ignore the pain and sluggishness, she started to apply logic.


Her legs seemed to be at an odd angle and uncomfortable. Hinting that she was tied up. "Well, this is either an act of dominance, perverse masochistic pleasure or he is genuinely afraid of what I might do. Doesn't matter which one, I can use them all against him." Radiance could only here two voices, so there was at least two ponies. One voice sounded like that of a harsh boss,what must be the leader, and the other sounded like... like Double Barrel? "Well, at least this conversation confirms what I had thought. He is a good stallion playing a dirty stallion's game. Respectable, but so easily used. Wait, this whole conversation could be a set up made to alter my opinion. The boss sounds like he... it? would not normally allow himself to be talked to in that manner. Unless Double Barrel has more power than I suspected. Stop it Radiance, you are over-analysing."    


Radiance knew her limitations and approximately what she was facing. It was time now to act, act without letting anypony know that she might have heard something they did not want heard. Radiance allowed her eyes to drift open as she forced herself to chuckle. In a voice just loud enough to be overheard by the conversing ponies, Radiance said "I must thank you, this meeting is by far the most interesting meeting I have had in years. I am, as you no don't already know, Radiance the elite strategist for the Royal Guard of Canterlot." Radiance did not even bother trying to move her legs or cast magic, she already knew that they would be of no use to her.


((What kind of strategist would let herself carry a piece of potentially damning information and a potential source of leverage into a place that it could be so easily stripped from her? No, Radiance had a much better plan for that letter. It is hidden away in a spot that has no meaning except to Radiance and one other. A spot nopony would ever think to look. A spot where a specific pony would go to if they were extremely disturbed. Extremely disturbed like how a certain falcon might be after seeing a certain yellow warning light and seeing Radiance disappear into a building, without hearing from her again shortly. Why do you ask?))


This amazing signature was made by Azura, thanks my friend!

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Athena awoke from a light sleep at somepony knocking at her door, usually Bat Ponies would sleep during the day and she would have been wide awake at this hour but she had been furiously interviewing for jobs lately and of course the interviews where during the daylight hours, even for night jobs! Because of that her hours where now strange and whenever she slept it was fitful and never too long.


She let out a rather dainty yawn which showed of here delicate but sharp fangs. She shifted about, she didn't sleep on a bed but on a reclining LazyColt chair, it let her sleep at least kind of upside down with here head on the hoof rest; at least ponies didn't judge it too much. She wriggled her way loose of her blanket and down the chair, sleepy getting to her feet.


"Tempest? Vhat time is it? Vhat's going on?" Her voice was full of sleep and she still felt exhausted from her interviews today... And she knew none of the interviews had gone well, most ponies hated her kind. But not Tempest, he was always nice and a good friend to her. A little of the pasts weeks stress faded at the thought of spending some time with him. She unlocked the door, "come in Tempest! Hold on I'll turn on a light for you", she went to go flip the light so her Pegasus friend could see."

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Tempest smiled, as he entered the apartment. "It's good to see you to, Athena." He said. "I wish this visit were on better terms, but nothing is that simple now." The bat pony then sighed. "Celestia has led Equestria into ruin, and one of the only ponies who can help stop all of this is Luna. Ither groups are also vying for control, but they'll only make things worse.I won't hate you if you say no, but I might as well ask anyway. Will you help me free Luna and return the country we once swore to protect to what it once was?"

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The room was a dank cellar, the basement of the Angel's Share Tavern, bottle racks full of ancient and not so ancient alcohols lined the walls. Spread about the room were the eight pony thugs that had confronted her in the street, the four recruits that had already stopped breathing were piled in a corner, Double Barrel stood near Radiance's bed the two recruits on either side of him and the three unicorn thugs seemed to be channeling magic into him, still he looked haggard and exhausted as if he hadn't slept in days, the Raven loomed at the foot of her bed like something out of a nightmare, Ice Breaker was there as well standing by the door looking anxious.


The Raven spoke, "well I'm glad my ponies didn't fail me so bad as to drag the wrong mare into this meeting. I have enjoyed it greatly myself," it's alter voice of course showed no humor, joy or even sarcasm, it remained merely neutral as the bird pony's lens covered eyes stared up over the bed at her. "Now can I let Double Barrel stop wasting his time and effort? We both know theses recruits need to die, they can reveal too much."


(I ask because the letters, as specified in them, destroy themselves at midnight. They have an ink that is magically treated, at midnight they ink will ignite and burn very hot, it is a magic fire that will burn away the paper and if the letter wasn't at least torn into pieces it could burn dangerously. So I hope it's not some place with anything else you consider important :P I thought it could be a good way to identify when the ponies at the table catch up with you, if they are still at the table (since the mayor threw his letter out to sit in the middle of the table) but now anybody read this can just assume when the letter on the table burn then it's minutes after you woke up.)

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The room came into focus around Radiance. It was obviously a ramshackle cellar stuffed with wine bottles. The one thing that drew Radiance's attention was a strange creature at the foot of her bed. It appeared to be some sort of horrific mockery of a raven that looked like it belonged in an Edgar Allan Poe story. "What the hell is this thing. Am I hallucinating from the poisoning?" Radiance's mind raced trying to form connections, trying to fit the pieces together. Nothing made sense. She had never seen anything like it before. Her face showed no shock, and she did not miss a beat.


"As I am sure you know, there are two ways to earn loyalty from a pony. The first is to earn it over many years of hard work to form a deep bond. The other is to buy it, the far easier method. In my position I can do both quite easily. The eye of a ranking official tends to mould the minds of green recruits far easier then soft clay. These two will remember nothing, by force or persuasion. They are of no threat to you."


"Do not let them die. There is the saying, an eye for an eye," Radiance nodded to the three unicorn thugs, "but neither of us wants that. I would have saved them myself, but you know. I would also offer my aide to Double Barrel. Double Barrel, can you keep them alive without bringing harm to yourself? However, such conversations should wait till we both understand each other. There is a reason you called upon me. What is your plan and how do I fit in?"  

Edited by Golden Shield


This amazing signature was made by Azura, thanks my friend!

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"Vhat? I... Tempest vhy are you a bat pony? It looks good on you." Athena smiled distracted, she was a little too tired to understand exactly what Tempest was trying to tell her. Her sensitive nose picked up the scent of fruit and alcohol, "have you been out drinking? You know I'd help you with anything Tempest, you're my best friend in this land, but you're not making any sense. Vhat's all this about Luna and other ponies?"


She moved over to the couch and LazyColt chair, "sit and slow down, I still have trouble with Equestrian sometimes. Now explain."



Double Barrel started to speak, "right now I'd say he's at at 50% chance of coming out of it, she's at a 65% chance. I can probably get t'em both up another five before I'm all burned out, but if y-" the Raven held up a feathered hoof and he shut up instantly. "In a moment Double, let us talk."


"I called upon you Radiance because I wanted you to work for me, but you're already working for me and you're already more interesting and useful than any of the ponies that walked into the room up there. We hadn't even met and already you've killed four recruits for me. Granted this will cause some set back but I can wait to see how you will bring down Celestia for me."

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Dorado wanted to shoot this unicorn with his crossbow. He probably would of done it too if it weren't for all the witnesses. He sat there in silence and thought for a moment. "Luna... it is not that Luna wouldn't be a good host... it is just that... how she is now... I would rather somepony else be our puppet than una diosa que es una perra loca. Your plan still involves chance and risk, and Ballesteros... do not like chance. Tambien... I do not feel comfortable with gathering up your friends and magic things. Personally I suggest we trying somepony easier to contact and control than an evil Diosa trapped on the moon. Sí? I suggest some other influential only in Canterlot. One who word we can twist for our benefit. Sadly I do not know many of the powerful ponies in Canterlot to make a good suggestion."

Edited by AnonBrony
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Radiance forced herself to ignore the obvious snide remarks of the crow pony. It was obviously just trying to aggravate Radiance. She was above that. Those comments did not even deserve a response. Turning her head to Double Barrel, Radiance said "good work Double Barrel. Just do your best, that is all I ask." Radiance shocked herself at how sincere her voice sounded.


Turning back to the crow, Radiance resumed in a more formal voice. "Let me rephrase that, perhaps I wasn't clear enough. You apparently know my strengths and what I am capable of. Yes, I have the power to do what you speak of. My question is, what can a pony like you do for me?"


This amazing signature was made by Azura, thanks my friend!

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@Lady @Demirari @Scribblegroove @Marathon @AnonBrony @Tricksters Pride


"Merdyn... I know that name..." Bone Breaker shifted in his seat looking curiously at the hooded figure, "we've met through the mayor, you're one of the archmages." He let out a heavy sigh and leaned back in his chair, "if an Archmage thinks he can pull of a spell like that then he probably can..."


Bone Breaker seemed to be stretching a little as the quill continued to write. "...but I think you showed too strong of a hand a bit too early. If you can do something like that, control something as strong as Luna then what's to stop you from turning that magic on us? You're more dangerous than anypony else with their schemes, so best to kill you now." He leaned forward his horn starting to glow.


There was a sharp intake of air and an obsidian dagger stylized like a feather appeared in the table before Bone Breaker. All of the Raven's feathers were ruffled making it look twice it's size, the stark white plague mask floating in a sea of black. It's voice still emotionless but raising in volume, "are you threatening my new friend at a table where I invited all of you to do business?! Do you think I would allow such actions before my very eyes?! Do you think that I do not protect those who are my friends?"


Bone Breaker kept his horn lit and glared back at their host, "I'm supposed to be one of those 'friends' too, you know what I represent. Are you threatening me? Cause I hope you recognize what powers I could bring down on your head. I'm here to make sure things turn out even for all parties, he's a threat to that. Eliminate him." He sounded confident, commanding but the hoofwriting on the parchment was visibly shaky.


The Raven's feathers were smoothing again, "anypony dares harm an ally of mine in my presence, I will kill them. I don't care who you represent, I will be justified, you are a mere peon and the powers above you can be placated. But amuse me more try to give me an order again..."


Bone Breaker remained stock still, beginning to look uncertain. The Raven continued, "... No? Good. Now Bone Breaker why would I side with you? All you've offered me assassinations and fools; Merdyn is offering me Luna and you yourself said he can probably accomplish his plan. He speaks of equal control to all here and you threaten and move aggressively. Who do you think I like better right now?"


Realization sparked in Bone Breaker's eyes and still he was frozen leaning forward with his horn still lit, his face looked more desperate than threatening. His eyes darted around the table for support, "some of you must understand, that plan is madness, his magic would leave us all at his mercy! Dorado you certainly must agree with me!"

Edited by Torrent505
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