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open Against the Crown RP [dark/betrayal]


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Lady giggled softly. He thought that she was afraid of him? Oh no, it should be quite the opposite. Lady was simply telling Dorado that she would be meeting him tomorrow. Maybe she should tell him that? "Oh, Dorado? He's not coming." The changeling told him in a calm tone of voice. "I was telling him in his native language that I am meeting him tomorrow." She told him in a honest tone of voice. She began to have thoughts, she can tell from the taste of his emotions on her tongue that he had something important to say.


The changeling nodded, almost leading the way, she trotted a bit in front of him. Her mane bounced in a cute like fashion as her shoulders moved with her legs. Her lion-like tail swaying lightly among her movements, her burgundy coat glowing softly within the moonlight. Her pale blue eyes priced him as she looked straight at his covered face. "Lead the way, you asked for my private company." She told him as she gestured him to move. 

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Dorado was delighted when he saw Saw Lady exit the tavern... along with Merdyn... Dorado's delight then ended. Soon that turned into aggravation once she told him to meet him tomorrow instead of now. He thought he would be able to easily steal her from him. The fact that she wanted to be with him both confused and angered him. "Bueno..." Dorado mumbled to himself in an annoyed tone. He then trotted away but occasionally looked back at the two of them. He walked for a few minutes down the street to clear his when he remembered the hotel she mentioned in the meeting: 'The Pale Rose'. Dorado didn't have a place to stay yet, so he decided to rent a room in that hotel. He would go there, taking a while to actually find the place, and once inside he would rent a room. They ponies were a bit intimidated by a pony with armor and weapons renting a room in a civilian hotel. He would find his room and take off his armor and weaponry. "Lo que un día de locos." He sighed and looked out the window "Pronto voy a ganar el poder en esta ciudad el cual será el primer paso en mi familia la restauración de su derecho a gobernar."


(Is ready to do the skip of time unless some pony wishes to talk to him. I can probably get him to leave if that's the case)

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Radiance listened to the Raven, full of interest. Turns out, the Raven did have a plan after all and it was an interesting one. She couldn't stop herself from raising an eyebrow when he was able to summon her dagger to kill Double Barrel. "That, that is impossible. Out of the infinite possibilities of where I could be hiding my weapons, how could he find them? It makes no sense." Radiance allowed the Raven to finish. "That certainly is an interesting plan. Until we meet again?" Radiance glanced at Ice Breaker, trying to read her thoughts, "The only living pony other than me. Her death may not have simply supported his story, or perhaps much worse. I need to watch my step around her."






Anivia the falcon watched as a yellow light erupted from Radiance's light, and then she willingly disappeared with the pony thugs. She bit back the urge to screech, yellow meant danger. Remaining hidden, Anivia scanned the  field before her, an internal clock clicking away within her mind. She watched as some city guard ponies approached the pub, obviously looking for something suspicious. They were rejected and turned to walk away from the building. They had no warrant, they had no search. Anivia waited in the clearing for just as long as Radiance had taught her, she wasn't sure exactly how long that was, and then began to fly towards the castle.


She flew at top speed towards the castle training grounds, to the one pony Radiance knew could be trusted, the pony who needed no piece of a paper to search a building. A lone zebra sat in front of a fire pit with a dark steel blade, a cloth, a bottle of thick black liquid and a whetstone. A falcon flew through the night to land beside the zebra with a screech. The zebra, known as Dancer, slowly turned to face the bird. In a strong, foreign accent Dancer said "you are 'Adiance's bird are you not? No message. Is she in trouble, bird?" Anivia screeched. "I gather an army then?"  Anivia screeched while shaking her head. "You are right. Such a thing takes too long. I go unofficially." Dancer stood up, but before he had finished the motion, his blade was dipped into a bucked of water, dried on his flank and then sheathed at his side. He dumped the water bucket on the fire, extinguishing it. He took off his emblem of office and placed it on the ground with his other items. "Show me the way, bird." Anivia took off, and began flying towards the pub, this time slower so that a pony could keep up. Dancer followed at a fast gallop.


((Dancer has been accepted by Torrent. Sorry I have been really busy, and just really wanted to get this post in. I will post a character sheet for Dancer in the OOC section as soon as possible.)


This amazing signature was made by Azura, thanks my friend!

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The Raven gave one last look at Radiance, "what makes you think we'll actually ever meet again?... Though I will be in touch, believe that."


The door was slowly closing as the Raven reached up to start undoing straps on it's mask. It was looking at Ice Breaker there was a hissing release of air as the mask seemed to loosen on the edges, a male's voice that Radiance didn't recognize spoke crisp and joyful, "tonight was a good night. Such a good night." The door closed and Radiance was left bound in a room of fourteen dead ponies and one crippled unicorn mare.


(Feel free to continue with Dancer arriving at the tavern, either right at this moment or even just minutes earlier, as long as he doesn't interfere with what has already happened haha)

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Radiance just returned the look that The Raven gave her. "Because I say so, little birdie, because I say so. We will be meeting again." Radiance watched as Ice Breaker and The Raven left the room. Her mind instantly reflecting on the events of the evening, trying to piece together any patterns she might have missed. Any signs any clues.





Anivia lead Dancer to a tavern of sorts, called the Angel's Share. Dancer grimaced as he approached the building, "it smells of vomit and fire juice, bird. Good spirits come here to die, bird, I feel it. Is this where 'Adiance is?" Anivia screeched and swooped towards the building. "Thank you, bird. Stay here, stay hidden. I do not want to spill blood in front of one as beautiful as you." Anivia hissed and dove towards Dancer's face, before pulling up at the last second. She clearly wanted to help rescue Radiance. Anivia disappeared through some nearby trees, but Dancer could still feel her eyes on him.


Dancer approached the door and swung it open gently. He instantly felt out of place, the crowds, the laughter, dim lights and claustrophobia. He scanned the room for Radiance's conspicuous, jewel-studded armour. He did not see it in the room. "Nothing that needs doing is ever easy. Is tonight finally the night? I grow too old." Dancer walked towards a raised platform with chairs infront of it, and a pony behind it, with many bottles behind him. "He must hold the power here." He addressed the pony behind the counter, "I know that 'Adiance, commanding strategist of the Royal Guard, is somewhere in this building, and she is in danger. Lead me through this building, or I will lead myself. It is your choice, but I will search this building. If you have nothing to hide, and allow me to search, you have no reason to fear me. How do you respond?"    


This amazing signature was made by Azura, thanks my friend!

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Radiance just returned the look that The Raven gave her. "Because I say so, little birdie, because I say so. We will be meeting again." Radiance watched as Ice Breaker and The Raven left the room. Her mind instantly reflecting on the events of the evening, trying to piece together any patterns she might have missed. Any signs any clues.





Anivia lead Dancer to a tavern of sorts, called the Angel's Share. Dancer grimaced as he approached the building, "it smells of vomit and fire juice, bird. Good spirits come here to die, bird, I feel it. Is this where 'Adiance is?" Anivia screeched and swooped towards the building. "Thank you, bird. Stay here, stay hidden. I do not want to spill blood in front of one as beautiful as you." Anivia hissed and dove towards Dancer's face, before pulling up at the last second. She clearly wanted to help rescue Radiance. Anivia disappeared through some nearby trees, but Dancer could still feel her eyes on him.


Dancer approached the door and swung it open gently. He instantly felt out of place, the crowds, the laughter, dim lights and claustrophobia. He scanned the room for Radiance's conspicuous, jewel-studded armour. He did not see it in the room. "Nothing that needs doing is ever easy. Is tonight finally the night? I grow too old." Dancer walked towards a raised platform with chairs infront of it, and a pony behind it, with many bottles behind him. "He must hold the power here." He addressed the pony behind the counter, "I know that 'Adiance, commanding strategist of the Royal Guard, is somewhere in this building, and she is in danger. Lead me through this building, or I will lead myself. It is your choice, but I will search this building. If you have nothing to hide, and allow me to search, you have no reason to fear me. How do you respond?"    


This amazing signature was made by Azura, thanks my friend!

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Pine Barrel's eyes went wide but he kept his voice steady, "I, yeah I remember her. She was here but she left a while ago." It was the truth after all, he didn't need to mention the poison or the fact she was probably out dead in the streets for all he knew. "She spoke with my dad for a little while, he's in a meeting upstairs in his office." Only a little lie... His dad was in a meeting in the cellar but Pine had been told not to come down or let anyone down there. "You can look around and even go upstairs and talk to him if you want. I need to stay and tend the bar though" That would be fine, the only way to the corridor that held the cellar stairs was the hidden side door and the trap door on his side of the bar.


He waited for the Zebra to accept and the second he was out of sight Pine would rush down and warn his father. This was too important, he could ignore the warning of not disturbing them... If only this zebra would leave to search.

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Dancer peered into the pony's eyes as he was talking. Words are mere words, the eyes never lied. "I do not think you lie to Dancer, this is smart. I think you lead Dancer, to where you want him to go. This, this is not smart. Now Dancer makes new demands. You will show me to the underground floor, I think it is called the basement, and then I will search up. Once I am there, you may go back to tend the bar, as you say. Now, do not disrespect Dancer again."


((oh cool 100th post.))

Edited by Golden Shield


This amazing signature was made by Azura, thanks my friend!

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'Damn this zebra!' Pine thought to himself, but said, "I was trying to do this the nice way and be accommodating but if you're going to start ordering me around and trying to make me leave the bar untended I'll need to see a warrant to search. We already had the city guard checking in here earlier if anything suspicious, this is harassment! There are off duty guards here that will support my rights and plenty of civilians that won't let Celestia start breaking those rights whenever it suites her!" He put fire and passion into his words raising his voice until the whole bar could hear him and conversations stopped as ponies turned to look at the zebra apparently antagonizing the server that had been liquoring them up and doing his damnedest to befriend them all night.


It was a trick his father had taught him, if ever in a tight spot in a crowded place agitate the public, turn them to your side, usually the other pony will back down... He hoped this was the case.

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Dancer looked around in shock as the pony roused the attention of all the ponies in the tavern. He rose his voice to match. "If you want to play this game, we shall play this game. 'Adiance's bird, came to warn me that 'Adiance is in this building and that she is in danger. How quickly will the ponies in this room side with me when I find her in your basement. I bet my life that she is there, from how angry you became when I ask to look there. These soldiers, I recognize many of the faces. I have trained some, others have watched me train. They know who I am, they would know that I would not demand to search, if I was not sure she was here. I ask somepony in this room, perhaps one that I have trained, to speak for me. to support me and my claim. Please allow me to search, I would rather to see you free, than arrested for accessory to the crime. I fear for 'Adiance's life, there is no time for warrant. I will use force if you make me, but I do not wish to see bloodshed tonight. Guards, will you stand by me? I promise you that she is here and that she is in need of our help."  

Edited by Golden Shield


This amazing signature was made by Azura, thanks my friend!

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  • 2 weeks later...


Half the guard seemed to answer the Dancer's call even as the civilians made disgusted sounds and moved to oppose them. All sorts of mumbles circled the room, the anger becoming uncertainty and argument. The half of the guard that didn't show their agreement with the zebra simply chose to not be on either side, with words like 'off-duty' joining the rabble in the room.


Still Pine Barrel saw that there could potential be a serious brawl in the tavern, he didn't want anypony to get hurt. His eyes settled on a way to avoid conflict. He spoke loud enough for the room to focus on him, "Fine! If you're so certain I'll indulge you, but after you see how wrong you are, you and all those that feel you can take away good ponies rights on a feeling are to leave this bar and never comeback. You're kind is not welcome here."


He came around the bar, "the entrance to the cellar is outside, I'll take you. In the mean time I need somepony to man the bar. Normally I'd never agree to something like this but the Good Mayor of Canterlot is here tonight and I would trust him. If he can man the bar I'll show you." All eyes turned to the mayor and his aide, some ponies even cheered.


He spoke up, "I am merely an elderly earth stallion and my range of drinks is a bit rusty but with the help of my aide-" the front door to the tavern opened and Ice Breaker entered, "-and my secretary! We will most certainly accept and do our best!"


Pine Barrel smiled at the old stallion, he had been involved tonight, he would duck into the cellar and warn his father. They'd have enough time to go outside and down below without a problem interrupting the meeting. Pine did not see Ice lean in and whisper something in the mayors ear or the sad look the mayor gave Pine afterwards.

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Tempest smirked as he exited his house, and entered the everfree forest. "I'm done playing around. It's time to show the world my true power." He thought. The now grey bat pony knew that there was no other way, and he doubted Shadow Shield would accept his terms. As Tempest trotted deeper inti the forest, Xena's aura began to surround him and began to meld with his body, mixing with his own aura in the process.


(And this is where Tempest gets scary. He won't be holding back anymore.)

Edited by Majestic Nightfury
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Dancer stared at Pine Barrel with a perplexed look on his face, but in his peripherals, and in the crooked reflections of glass bottles, he could see the whole building. It made no sense, this pony was so willing to let him explore the building, but when he asked for the basement, he exploded and now he is willing to show him to the basement? But the basement was somehow outside? It made no sense to Dancer. All of a sudden, it dawned on him as his face flashed with pride. The one place in the building he did not want him to see, the only place, was behind that counter. Dancer did not know what was on the other side, only that it is worth seeing. He waited for the pony to finish speaking, and saw the one that was introduced as a secretary whisper something into the mayor's ear. They mayor looked sad then, Dancer didn't understand but made a mental note of it.


"See, was that so hard?" Dancer said to the pony he was previously talking to. "Now we are make progress. But you are dishonourable, I cannot trust you. Instead Dancer strike at the mistake you make." Within a split second, Dancer went from standing still, to leaping into the air. Slowly he lowered the front half of his body while in midair, until he landed on the counter on one hoof, the other three jutted out in different angles, for balance and also to strike at anypony that might get too near. His face was behind the counter now, looking down. In his peripherals, he could see most of the tavern above the bar as he scanned for motion.  From this position, he could easily see the trap door hidden behind the counter. "This must be it."


Just as suddenly as his first leap, he pushed off the counter with his one hoof, allowing his body to fall backwards. His face spun upwards near the counter, as he still scanned for any motion. He contorted his body into a misshaped V, and drew his sword from his sheath. He allowed himself to continually swing, until his torso was completely verticle, and stopped the motion. He landed on one back hoof behind the counter, next to the trap door. With his other back hoof, he tried to open the door with one swift motion. (Note: if there is a lock on the door, Dancer would have seen that in his first jump, and then would not have gone vertical in the next one. Instead he would do a flip, and strike at the thinnest portion of the lock with all the force he could gather. Then he would quickly stand back to see the bar around him.) 


((please don't go, oh there is a magic lock on the door that can't be cut -.- lol))


This amazing signature was made by Azura, thanks my friend!

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@Lady @Demirari @Scribblegroove @Marathon @AnonBrony @Tricksters Pride



Time skip


Tonights News: (remember that it is possible to influence the media and create your own propaganda. The news I present during time skips will represent the view of actions as the majority of Equestria will receive it. Currently heavily in the hooves of Celestia)


Headline: Rebel War?!


The terrorist actions of a splinter cell of royal guard loyal to the monstrous Nightmare Moon have escalated. The rebel faction entrenched in the Everfree Forest has until now been content with thievery and a thuggish pressure on nearby settlements but last night saw a violent turn as rebels actively assaulted a royal patrol trying to keep peace. This increased violence was timed with a devious attempt on the life of Celestia's master strategist for the Royal Guard. Details are still being closely guarded at this time but it can only be assumed that the rebel plots, ambitions and dangers are much deeper than previously thought. However the light of the Princess shall not be diminished! Public release shows the villains that face Equestria's finest failed on all fronts! No casualties were suffered in the Everfree assault and the master strategist Radiance eliminated an entire rebel cell with her own horn, as well as saving the life of a young recruit who is now in critical condition. The royal guard pledges to avenge the young mares condition and the Princesses assistant Stella Eclipse released a declaration of war on all who would threaten the peace of Equestria. Run for the borders all enemies of peace and justice for there is no dark pit in this fine country where Celestia's light cannot shine!


Second page: A Day to Last a Thousand Years


Don't let our declaration fool you, Celestia does not suffer the madness of her lesser sister and still wields both the power of night and day equally and fairly. However rumors circulate of a newly formed order to protect out fair Princess and see that her reign is a long and peaceful one. If word is to be believed the so called SunRise Inquisition now move among the common ponies of Equestria seeking to root out and bring to light the secret threats to Celestia and the citizens of Equestria. While a rare interview with the Princess resulted in the denial of such an organization and her assistant Stella Eclipse had no comment, it still remains to be seen if this group has any Royal authority, is merely good intending vigilantes or even exists at all. One thing is certain though, given recent events this reporter welcomes the possibility of these valiant investigators and wish them support and good luck in their hunting.

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Tempest watched the castle in the Everfree forest from the darkness of the shadows, and he was much different. Xena's aura had melded almost completely with his own, causing some... minor changes in his appearance. Xena's aura had solidified around him, causing eight new tails to grow from his body, and he had become slightly taller. His teeth had sharped almost by themselves, and his eyes glowed a dull red. "Time for a new rebellion to rise from the ashes of the old. I will destroy everything." Tempest said, his voice more guttural and sounded eerily like Xena"s."It's time for her to know of my return." With that, the pony-aura beast hybrid walked out of the shadows, and ran straight for the castle.

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@@Lady, (Mentioning you in case you miss this message)


Dorado woke up that morning from a somewhat restful night. He thought about a lot of things last night, but he still managed to fall asleep. Once he got out of bed he looked outside through the window. He watched the streets of Canterlot, in his half-awake state as ponies began their morning routine. There was a lot of uncertainty right now. He got himself involved in a scheme, that may or may not work, with a group of ponies, that may or may not cooperate, all headed by a pony he doesn't know or trust very well and that pony may or may not backstab them. Dorado sighed. He told himself that things will go well and that this was his opportunity to restore his families greatness and he wasn't about to let that opportunity slip him by. It was that moment when he remembered Lady. She said she was going to meet him in the morning, though she probably didn't know he stayed at the same hotel as her. He quickly donned on his casual attire, which was still somewhat regal, along with putting on his hat. He left his armor and other baggage in his room, except his smaller crossbow, which he fastened to his foreleg. Then he preceded to leave his room and search for Lady within the hotel.

Edited by AnonBrony
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(No there is a simple metal bolt lock on this side of the trap door that you cut through, but there is a large wooden dead bolt on the other side you can't see)


Pine managed to keep his calm despite the zebra's sudden display. When the crowd seemed to surge at what looked like an attack he held up a hoof to stop them from going at each others throats. His serious and indifferent face didn't stop his heart from sinking, his fathers friends were dangerous disturbing them like this could get the zebra killed maybe his father hurt as well depending on what they were doing... But it couldn't be helped now.


He gestured to the trapdoor that remained locked, "you could've just asked before you started destroying our property. This way's been sealed up cause the wood started to rot from spilled drinks." He was lying of course but thought it might sound plausible as he busied himself under the counter, "if you're in such a hurry we can go this way though." He found the slide bar and release the lock trying to be as loud as possible though it was probably hopeless. He opened the door for the Zebra and looked back toward the mayor and others, "could you still tend the bar for me sir? I don't have many people here I really can trust."


The mayor voice was solemn and somber, "of course son, it would be an honor. You know old Everlast he's a stallion for the citizens."


The young pegasus nodded and smiled at him before heading below, the tunnel would lead to meet the entrance to the back door's entryway and the door to the cellars stairs. He called out ahead of the zebra, "hey dad! Some guard wants to inspect our cellar!" He quickened his pace trying to gain ground on the zebra without being obvious.



The ponies on the walls of the Castle of Two Sisters spotted Tempest's charge immediately, they began the cry of "monster!" and bolt of magic lances started to rain down on him as the Pegasus guard's took to the skies. Seeing the initial shots would not fell him alarm bells sounded alerting the rest of the castle.




As Dorado searched the hotel he came across a young unicorn stallion with a coat the color of honey and wearing a black feathered cloak though it was not drawn up and his unkempt light blue mane was visible. He seemed to be staring rather intently at a hotel room door as if deciding whether to knock or not. When he realized Dorado was there he jumped in surprise, turning to look at him with bright curious eyes of dizzying shifting color. His voice seemed kind and melodious as he commented, "oh, The Golden One, good to see you."

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Xena smirked as he simply absorbed the magic into his body. You are all fools." He roared, as he slammed all of his currently formed tails into the wall. The resulting impact destroyed a large section of it, and opened a path to the inside. "Not even Celestia herself could truely defeat me. What could you possibly hope to accomplish?" With that, Xena turned his gaze to the air, and began to form a massive sphere of aura in front of him. When it grew to about his size, the aura beast launched the ball of energy straight into the air in attempt to take out some of the pegasi. It wasn't long before Xena turned his attention back to the ground, and began to make his way into the castle.

Edited by Majestic Nightfury
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Reading a rather large novel inside his personal library, Cryptical Code looked up momentarily, nodding at the approaching figure of his second-in-commend. Perhaps news of the progress of his agents, though that was highly doubtful considering the time when he had sent them on their mission. Unless, of course, they somehow struck gold this early on. Dismissing the thoughts, he greeted Spurious Latent. "Good day, what is it?"


"Many things I must ask," Spurious Latent responded as he stopped before Cryptical Code, "first, what is the sudden interest in expansion?" Shaking his head, Spurious Latent rested himself on a nearby chair. "If you are to keep it within the depths of your mind, that is fine, but to ease my mind, you must tell." Curiosity from his second-in-command, not unusual.


Letting a small smile at that, Cryptical Code closed his book and set it aside. It would be best to explain his fullest plan to his trusted as a curious mind is a danger. A plan of his as of right now, it must require absolute understanding from the second-in-command. "A plan that'll spread throughout Equestria... trust me old friend, it'll be a certain interest." And so he did, explain his plan.


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Dancer sheathed his sword when the pony finally complied with his wishes. He followed the pony down the trapdoor and into the tunnel, noticing that the wood was in fine condition. "Rot you say? And the pony wonders why he is mistrusted." He followed until the pony broke the silence. Dancer stopped, something wasn't right. He smelled the air and tasted a familiar scent, but it was extremely faint. He lowered his voice so that only the pony ahead of him could hear. "Spirits dance in the air. Danger is ahead. A sword never backs down, but there is no shame in you stopping, boy."


Dancer drew his sword, pointedly turning the tip away from the pony ahead of him, but ready to strike if he were to betray Dancer. He approached the end of the tunnel faster, until he reached the door. "The great honour may wait for me. I welcome them to try."


This amazing signature was made by Azura, thanks my friend!

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Pine kept pace with the Zebra reaching the door to the stairs at the same time as him. He rolled his eyes and looked at his sword, "will you put that away? You really are just itching for a fight aren't you? If I don't go with you you could get hurt just on the principle of being some strange pony breaking into a place you don't belong while ARMED. Besides you seem plenty happy to destroy our property I'm not leaving you alone with our most valuable liquors." He open the door and started down the stairs first.


His ears were straining, he didn't hear anything down there maybe his father and his 'friends' had finished their business or heard him and had left, he hoped something like that had happened. At the bottom of the stairs he hesitated at the door, and called out "Dad?". With no response he pushed it open, ears down sullen and embarrassed he started to say "sorry to interrupt I kn-". He didn't even see most of the room, his down cast eyes found his father first his body closest to the door the pool of his blood almost spread to it. "Dad!" He yelled, the Zebra forgotten the rest of the cellar unnoticed and ignored he was at his fathers side in an instant, horror and shock plain on his face.




The Pegasus hit by the aura blast seemed to be pushed and thrown aside by it but were unharmed. When the strange hybrid pony turned back to enter the castle he walked face first into a large and powerful barrier field which now covered the entire castle, it shocked him painfully as it blocked his path. The Pegasus in the air not over castle dived for the protective bubble slipping through unharmed, one pair dropped a satchel of explosive materials that would explode on impact at Tempest as they flew inside. Behind the force field all the unicorns lined the wall charging their horns together and taking aim as one, though they held the shot waiting for an order.

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Xena growled in pain when he felt the shock of the barrier. He was barely able to dodge out of the way of the explosives, and was panting when he regained his balance. "If you think that'll stop me, you have another thing coming." He roared, as a ball of highly condensed aura formed in front of him. The aura beast then swallowed the sphere who, causing his body to expand. "Here goes nothing." With that, Xena fired a beam of aura directly at the barrier.

Edited by Majestic Nightfury
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The blast slammed against the barrier and it flickered became solid and completely visible, it was the silver color of mercury, it began to bend inward where the blast pressed against it and shattered. The energy of the attack had been dispersed enough that it dissipated without further damage other than the furrows it carved in the ground in several places. The moment the barrier broke a yell came from atop the wall, "fire!" Now sixty unicorns strong the infantry unleashed they're spearing magic assault as one, around twenty of the Pegasus had drawn bows or spears and they let their weapons fly as well.

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Radiance heard the voice of the young bartender, the one that served her the wine if she remembered correctly. "Great, perfect way to end this evening, having to deal with a mourning young pony." She saw the bartender burst into the room and run directly to his father's side, "how easily he could have been killed by now, I doubt he even saw me here." Radiance heard hoofsteps, careful, weighed and fast. The hoofsteps of a pony poised for action. What was going to happen was going to happen, there was no use playing nice. She cleared her throat loudly, surely loud enough to draw the bartender's attention. "I warned you that you would need those bits for a nice tombstone if your father was to cross me. You ignored my promise."


Dancer entered the room cautiously, spinning to instantly scan the room for any motion or ponies. All he saw were dead ponies, an injured unicorn with a broken horn and Radiance. He gasped in shock as Radiance scolded the mourning pony, and shot her dirty look. He then nodded towards the room as if asking a question. To which Radiance replied, relieved seeing a friendly face, "relax they are all dead. now free me." Sighing, Dancer, flicked his head, sending his sword spinning through the air, landing straight down on the cord holding Radiance's foreleg, the one furthest from Pine. (Radiance would then cut her self free, if the cord snaps and the blade stays in the bed.)


Dancer walked towards Pine and attempted to gently but firmly place a hoof on his shoulder. "Lad, I weep for your loss. Know that your father was dealt the Great Honour and his spirit will live on in the Wild Lands. This place never will make bits again, the Guard will make it so. You have choice, follow in your father's hoofs and end like this or start new. I want to help you lad, but a Sword cannot offer much. If you go with me, I promise you hot meals three times a day and a roof. I would also teach you the way of the Sword, so that one day you may fight for your father's pride. And I would fight by you, if you remain true."


This amazing signature was made by Azura, thanks my friend!

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Xena smirked as he jumped out of the way of the blast, and sent a massive gust of air towards the incoming projectiles with his tails, sending them flying back. "This is where all of you die." He growled, as he charged into castle, taking out ponies with his claws and teeth as he went.

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