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private The Black Phoenixes: Decent into Madness

Jack Baker

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*Somewhere in the outskirts of Ponyville, 200 years into the future*


The mysterious stallion watched curiously on the holographic monitors as his "test subjects" ran around helpless inside the labyrinth that was his hideout and testing grounds. Exactly 100 feet below the surface and consisting of 10 floors that were extremely confusing to navigate, there was no way the test subjects could possibly escape, even if they had the ability to try.


Suddenly, he heard screaming coming from one of the monitors. Turning his attention towards it, he said "Computer, maximize image."


The machine did as he said, and he saw two of the subjects, bloody and a complete mess, gashes surrounding their bodies, barely recognizable. The one that was screaming, a pegasus, was pointing a bloody knife at the other subject. "STAY AWAY FROM ME!" she uttered, the knife trembling in her.


The other subject, a male unicorn, tried to reach out to her reassuringly. "No, you don't understand. I'm trying to help you. I think I found a way out! Just follow me, and once we're out, we'll find help, civilization, anything! Just--"


He was interrupted as the pegasus ran up to him and toppled him over, stabbing him in the chest repeatedly in a panicky manner. When she was finished, the look on her face changed, as if she snapped back into reality. She slowly looked down at the unicorn corpse. "What... what have I done... I thought you were... one of the monsters...," she said, starting to sob. 


The stallion watching sighed, as he spoke into an earpiece microphone. "Cleanup on floor 9."


"Roger that." He heard coming from the other end. The stallion focused his attention back towards the screen, as he saw two earth ponies in combat armor approach the sobbing mare slowly. She looked up.


"Please help me.... I need hel--" That was all she could see before one of the earth ponies took out an assault rifle and shot her dead. The other one quickly picked up both bodies lying in front of them.


"Should we save these bodies for revival, sir?"


"Negative," the stallion spoke into the earpiece. "They've been too damaged already. Dump 'em in the Everfree Forest, let the wolves fight over their remains."


The stallion sighed as he laid back in his computer chair, then grinned evilly. He knew on the surface world, he was wanted for all the "experiments" he had done, and that sooner or later, Celestia would send people to his hideout to try and capture.


He laughed at the thought. He didn't mind. He needed new test subjects anyway.




Raze sighed as he was walking in the Royal Guard barracks in Canterlot. It was a rainy evening, a very fitting choice of weather for what was going to happen. He looked at the orders that were given to him by Celestia, then sighed again.


"I wouldn't have made you the leader of this team if I didn't have faith in your leadership skills," He recalled Celestia's exact words to him as she gave Raze the orders.


"But you know me... I'm a bit reckless. I charge into things head-on sometimes, without even thinking..."


"All the more reason to make you leader of The Black Phoenixes."


"I've sent messages to your teammates already. In fact, they should be at the barracks right now."


He didn't know what she meant at the time, however it hardly mattered now. He was leader now, and he had to make sure he didn't fail at his job.


He took a right turn. My squad should be in an armory somewhere in here, he thought to himself.





@@Grapz224,@, @, @, @@Pripyat Pony,



The messages you've received have told you to wait in the Royal Guard barrack's special armory for further orders. When you arrive, the first thing you see are six custom battle suits standing right in front of you, along with custom weapons for the mission at hand.


((Here we go..))

Edited by Agent 47 (~TG~)
  • Brohoof 1

Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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Onyx's body flashed Lime green for a second, as he transformed into the Mech salespony. sighing, he pulled out from the cover of the bushes and headed inside of Canterlot, his cart clanging along the ground next to him. He always preferred walking between the towns, much easier to change without being noticed, and less likely to be attacked.


He had a very hard time getting the message. he had been on the road in the south, Appleloosa to be exact, when his Inbox rang. he had almost no Internet, however, and he had to wait to get to Ponyville before he could read it. after cutting the trip short, he barely managed to get here on time. Why did they have to build Canterlot in a Mountain?


He resisted the urge to fly to the Armoury. A Yellow earth pony, Flying? It would attract too much attention, and get him arrested for sure. He was so lost in his thoughts, he didn't see a pony ahead of him. bumping into them, he tripped, spilling some of the items from his overloaded cart.

'Great' He thought. 'Something just broke'.


Mumbling, he got up, unhooked his cart from his back, and went around back to pick his stuff up. Today was going to be a long day, it seemed.

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Fire Sharp was already in the Armoury, though she was tempted to walk out and find some coffee or tea to drink. She knew where it was, she had the entirety of Canterlot city and several other places stuck in her head, she'd been an officer long enough to know where the bloody break room was. 
Though She decided against it, she had no clue as to when the bloody meeting would start, and she didn't want to miss out on any information that it could give her. Celestia's letter had mentioned that her sniper skills were needed, and that Fire Sharp was to be pulled out of retirement just for this mission or something, Fire couldn't exactly remember, it was a 8 hour trip from her home in the mountains to Canterlot. 

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@@Grapz224, Deep in thought, Glory hadn't even noticed the pony behind her til he'd bumped into her. "Oh, I'm sorry!" she exclaimed as she used her magic to pick up the various items which had fallen from his cart. Her own items were securely packed into her saddlebags. Glory was a pegacorn, a rare result of a foal from a unicorn and a pegasus. Of course, her father was a chaos mage, which had no doubt contributed to her unique birth. Glory found things difficult as a winged unicorn; other ponies tended to treat her differently as a result. Some defered to her, believing Glory to be a Princess, others sneered. Glory found it easier to hide her wings beneath a cloak.


She was wearing such a cloak now, a black cloak which hid her wings and perfectly matched her mane and tail. Glory's black mane and tail were in contrast to her lavender coat and red eyes. She had received the message in her home at Cloudsdale and had flown down to ground straight away. She prefered to use her own wings for transport, not trusting other forms of transportation. Glory had chosen to enter Canterlot by hoof, so as not to attract attention. And now she had bumped into another pony.



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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@, @


"So... Celestia's telling me that I have to transfer my spirit energy... into this giant, titanium super-alloy-or-what-not, special, secret, probably unique and absolutely valuable... can."


Grumbling to himself, he paced- well, floated really- back and forth, whirling his scythe behind him as he went. It would be easy, she said to him. A nice, easy cool-down after the catastrophe of the last mission. His first one with those... metal things that shot lumps of lead and beams. Like his old cannon (before it was destroyed), but smaller and somehow more... clunky. He loved technology, but he wasn't one of the ghouls who stalked and fanboyed over the more technologically advanced dimensions. He always loved agility getting up close, collecting their souls for Mortus in an honorable purpose, steel against cold steel, but... in this...


So much for a cooldown. More like a warmup, he thought ruefully as he glanced away, looking for a way out other than through the exit. Seeing that there was none in the armory-bunker, he growled and looked over the equipment.


He sighed. There was nothing he could do about it but delay the inevitable. He might as well do it not in front of the others. He chose the best looking suit- if he would not be fast and agile, he would be striding into it with his 'gun' blazing, and to Mortus with anypony who missed out and started whining over the fact that he got the wrong suit. He looked it over and reached out a glowing hoof towards the armor...


only to be met by a barricade that sent a jolt his way and knocked it back.


A forcefield against spirit energy? What was this? Cursing under his breath, he resumed to floating back and forth, resigning to the fact that there was nothing he could do. He was bound to the princesses, anyways, and he couldn't leave until he had received orders. With his luck, it would be some obnoxious general or a self-righteous captain that would love to glory on how they got an Aspect of Death under their command and have him licking their boots. Meh.


As he kept pacing floating back and forth, he noticed a mare hanging out in a nearby corner. Deciding that social interaction was overrated, and wanting to avoid some stupid love-hate-love-hate thing that always happened at least once on EVERY SINGLE ONE of his little 'adventures', he decided, if this mare really wanted to talk, that she would talk first. And then he may or may not ignore her, but he would get there when he got there. At this point, he was primarily waiting for the mission leader to show himself...

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Optyx had finished the assembling of his suit, a protective suit with an integrated cloaking system. Optyx was use to being the pony behind enemy lines taking them out silently. Optyx was eager to start the mission, the sooner the beginning the sooner the end. Optyxwasnt feally find of having to be a team, but this mission required a variety of ponies with different skills.


Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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After a bit of exploring, Raze had finally the armory and scanned his hoof on the scanner. The door slid open, and once he entered he took a good look at his team.

A bit of an odd bunch,he thought. But whatever. He then saw someone he knew. Agririon. They had been on an assignment together once.


I didn't know Celestia hired him... But that was beside the point


He cleared his throat as he entered the room. "Alright, good evening ladies and gents," he said, glancing around to make sure they were paying attention. "Here's the situation. We got an aerial infantry carrier coming to pick us up in about an hour, so make sure you're ready by then. Prep your weapons, get to know each other, whatever. I'll update you on your mission once we're airborne."

He walked up to his suit of armor, marked "Ares", snatched it off of the display mannequin, retrieved his weapons, and went towards the exit, but stopped half-way. He noticed a couple of his team members were missing.


"One of you inform the two that are missing of what I said, alright. Oh, and I'm your leader, Raze."

He went on his way towards his private quarters, but turned around again. "And for Celestia's sake, put your frickin' armor on already," he said as the door shut.

@,@@Grapz224, @, @, @@Pripyat Pony

Edited by Agent 47 (~TG~)

Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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@@Pripyat Pony, @[member=Agent 47 (~TG~)]

"Oh, no, it's my fault. I should have seen you." Onyx replied in a voice that was not his own. It belonged to Spark, the pony this form was based on. Spark had been one of Onyx's best friends, and was one of the 4 ponies in all of Equestria that knew he was a changeling.


Onyx watched this pony curiously as the two of them picked up the stuff that had fallen. More specifically, he looked at her body. This was a common thing for him to do, observe other ponies. he could make more forms. more forms meant he could hide easier. This pony, however, was interesting. She had the Horn of a unicorn, and yet, her neck had that slight bend that all Pegasi had. Either she was an Alicorn, or she had a close relative that was a Pegasi. He passed it off as the latter, but if she turned out to be an Alicorn... a body like that could be useful...

(OOC: I finished typing that, re-read it... this sounds a bit perverted... I'm sorry!)


After they had re-packed all the stuff back into the cart, Onyx turned to the pony.

"Want to walk and talk? We seem to be heading in the same direction..." Onyx looked at his watch. "I'm actually late, but they can wait ten minutes. I'm heading to the Royal Armory. My name is Spark. Who might you be?"

Edited by Grapz224
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@@Grapz224, "Oh, I'm late, too," Glory replied. "I kinda stopped off a bit early. Don't like to attract attention, me. Felt it was easier to walk in on hoof." Even tho she knew well enough that her wings were hidden beneath her cloak, Glory still instinctively clamped them to her sides. She sighed inwardly. It was silly to be so self conscious of something which she couldn't change. But ponies could be so judgemental...


"My name's Glory," she added. "I must admit, I'm intriged by this mission. I wonder just what it's really all about. Still, we can find out once we get there."



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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@@Pripyat Pony, @,

"I suppose so... Anyway, I'm a traveling Electronics merchant. What they want me to do... who knows."


Onyx and Glory arrived at the Barracks not long after. Parking his cart in a small storage shed, Onyx went inside. It was nothing out of the ordinary, except for the six mech suits being displayed right before their eyes. Onyx, however, was more interested in this pony sitting nearby. He was wearing a skull helmet, and his body seemed to fade in and out of existence.

'Must be an Illusion.' Onyx thought. What was very interesting was the Scythe they had with them. As a merchant, Onyx kept an eye out for antiques that could fetch some money. He walked up to the pony.

"Hello. I assume you're here for the Mission as well? Pleased to meet you. My name is Spark. and who might you be?"


Now getting a closer look at this pony, his body did seem... off. 'This would be fun to fool with...' Onyx thought. 'I wonder if I could copy that "fading" effect... This is an interesting Group of ponies so far...'

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Fire lifted a brow when the stallion came by and told them to get their suits on. Raze, that's his name, Fire would have to remember that since he was leader. But still, Fire wasn't one for the mechanical suits, she had seen them been developed when she was still in service, but these looked a lot more snazzier than the prototypes she had seen in her younger days. 
She went looking for hers, looking for the label of sniper since she already knew that was her position in the team. She ignored the weird not there but there pony that was in the armoury, he reminded her of a kind of spirit, and she had the know how to stay away from the spirit kind. 
She found her suit easily enough, with the weapons that she would be using underneath the suit display. 

Though before she could get her suit on, two more ponies walked into the armoury, and one of them started talking to the spirit pony. 
@@Grapz224@,@@Pripyat Pony,
Fire decided to interrupt, the spirit pony was probably not going to tell them what Raze had said, and if pick up eta was within an hour she was sure that she wanted everyone ready by then.

"Oi mates, It be best if you get your gear on, we have an air pick up, eta an hour, so we don't have a lot of time to get ready and get to know each other. We get the rest of our briefing when we're up in the air. "

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Raze was their leader? He hadn't been with him since... well, since for a while, actually. It was the last time the demons had come around. The time that caused Shelevan to retreat to her home and when... Well, it didn't really matter. Or, it did, but he sure as Mortus wasn't going to remind Raze anything even remotely related to that. Last he checked, he still had that thing with him...


Agririon eyed the pony that approached him. He had a merchant feel about him. He was probably was more interested in the scythe than himself, but whatever. "I am Agririon. Aspect of- well, it doesn't really matter. No one believes me anyway the first time I say it." He shrugged. "I serve the princesses. And I have to transfer myself into that metal can over there- yes, the big, clunky one with the big gun- and hope that Celestia made it properly." His eyes realized something was off about him. A familiar feeling of off- ness, but still off. A... changeling? Yes, his soul said so too, and, with a quick glance with his wraith-sight, his theory proved correct. "You work with Lord Inquisitor Moon Crypt by any chance? You're the right kind for it."


He got up before he could answer and stretched, floating a few inches off the ground before looking at his armor. Specially made for him, by the looks if it. It was thick, it was bulky, and it appeared to be a complete coating- thereby removing the necessity to bring his wraithcloak with him inside. If he has some of the Inquisition folks around him, he wasn't sure whether he was more or less comfortable. He certainly wouldn't be able to get away with it if he went into a bloodrage and one of them got in his way. He'd have to control his anger, then. Oh, well.


Opening the visor and peering into it, it was indeed coated in the special fabric needed to contain his spirit essence in this world. How interesting. Celestia must have got it at that bargain price in Mortus a century ago, when they sold it to everyone for unfairly low prices. Huh. How intruiging. He stuck a hoof in the visor and slowly began to channel his energy into the metal can. The others would see him in a variety of ways, from merely disappearing into it to putting it on slowly over his wraithcloak, but he got into it- and without much fuss, either. Now he needed to get used to walking again and not floating. He took a couple steps forwards to get used to it before grinning. With the visor lowered, it was a better disguise for his true form. He could feel an energy matrix in the front of his armor, so he still had all of his spells. And he had a really big gun built into the side of his armor. He might be slow and clunky, but he was sure as heck not going to get blasted to bits when focused.


Turning back, he walked over and stood next to the pony he was talking to. "Where are you from?"

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@, @, @@Grapz224,


Glory looked at the mecha suit that had been assigned to her. "Priestess" it said inside; since she was the designated healer, it was obviously made for her. She felt a little uncomfortable about having to get into it in front of the other ponies, for then she would have no choice but to reveal her wings, and she feared what the others would say. Still, there was no use in pretending things now. The leader, Raze, had ordered them to put on their suits and the mission was about to start.


Glory removed her saddlebags first, then, more hesitantly, her enveloping cloak. She didn't look at the other ponies as she got into her suit. She really hoped that nopony would comment or worse, think that she was an alicorn. Glory was always embarrassed when ponies made that assumption, for her magic was unicorn standard not alicorn standard, and her flight pegasus standard. She didn't think of herself as anything special; her talent of prophecy was sometimes more of a burden than a gift. She would sometimes see visions from the past, present or even the future, and it came usually when she was under great emotional stress.

  • Brohoof 1



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






Want an Equestria Girls version, a pixel pony, or an Equalised version of your OC? Go here for links to shops here: https://mlpforums.com/blog/2506/entry-16610-details-of-my-shops/


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Optyx stood in the corner awaiting for further details to be released on the mission, he didn't want to converse too much with his so called team. Nonetheless, he was here to play his part and so he would, play it better then anyone ever called. Stealth was his speciality and he certainly did it very well. Optyx was nothing but anxious, anxious to start the mission, and he had to admit, he was interested in trying out his equipment.

  • Brohoof 1


Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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@@Pripyat Pony, @,

'Wow, this group is very... serious.' Onyx thought to himself as the pony in the corner urged him to get his armor on. But oh well.

"To answer your questions, Agririon, I don't know who this 'Lord Inquisitor Moon Crypt' is... but I come from Baltimare." It was after he said this that Glory and Agririon got into there suits. Onyx was surprised at this. Agriron seemed to fade into his suit, and Glory had wings! He had to try transforming into these two ponies, and it couldn't wait any longer! He quickly came up with an excuse.


"Since I, for one, have no idea how dangerous this is, I'll go grab some Healing Kits from my cart. I should have a few..." Onyx left, making sure the door shut behind him. walking to his cart, he mentally mapped the two ponies in his head, Once he got there, he took off his cloak. He had to concentrate. glowing a soft green, he started with Glory.


First, his body grew slightly, to the height of a Pegasus, then re-colored itself as a calming Lavender. He felt as wings sprouted from his back, growing feathers until they couldn't hold another one. He felt as Spark's hair receded into his skull, which was re-forming itself to have a horn, and grow out again as a pure-black mane, growing until it matched Glory's perfectly. At this point all that was left was the voice. He concentrated hard on the few words she had spoken to him, while his throat started to itch. He started sweating. The first time is always the hardest. He kept thinking about her voice, until he felt the magic stop. He took a deep breath, and felt around in this new body.


The first thing he noticed was the lack of height. Alicorns generally had height to them, after all, he had transformed into the princess before as a prank, but this was not the body of an Alicorn. the wings didn't have that extra muscle or the slicked back feeling, they just felt like a pegasi's wings. The horn, as well, was not pointed or seemed any bigger than a normal Unicorns. "What...?" Onyx thought out loud to himself. It sounded just like Glory. at least THAT had worked..."Maybe she's not an alicorn..." He thought again. "She can't be... but, she is! She's a Pegacorn! Well that makes much more sense!" Onyx was pleased. Pegacorns were legendary to Changelings. So few Pegacorns were ever born, that you had to be VERY lucky to get the body of one!


"Well... now to try Agririon..."

He focused now on a new body, that of Agririon. He felt his body shrink down to pony size again, and felt Glory's wings shrink back into his back. This pony's form was difficult to remember... and soon he found himself blocked by a magical barrier. He was torn mid-transformation, and thus was thrown into his Changling form. "What the..." Onyx said, quickly changing into Spark, should anypony hear him. He had never, EVER been magically blocked when transforming. Even Dragons had been easy to transform into. But this pony was something new... something unexpected...


Realizing how much time he had spent doing all this transforming, he grabbed a hoof-full of Heath Kits, and headed back into the Barracks, where he stepped in quietly and put on the last suit of armor.


(OOC: DAMN that took long to type up! if you don't mind me, I'm going to make sure I didn't mess up my wrist too badly.)

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1 hour later




Raze looked in the mirror, his armor already equipped, with an assault rifle, pistol, and combat knife right next to him.


He really didn't expect Agririon to be there. He hadn't seen him since...well, when she died. He sighed a bit when he thought about it, but quickly regained his composure. He put the helmet on, and when he did, a voice in the helmet spoke.


"Life-signs detected. Beginning startup protocol." Random bars began filling up and messages quickly flashed in his face. Then he heard a beep.


"Startup complete." 


After that was over, Raze quickly picked up his things, and went back to the armory. The door opened, and Raze stepped in.


"Alright, carrier's here, let's move it!" he shouted to his squad members.


@@Grapz224,@@Pripyat Pony,@,@,@,

Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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Within the very small hour that Fire Had, she was able to get into her suit and actually get a good handling of her weapons. Her sniper rifle was perfect for her, though she had trouble with the Helmet zooming in and out whenever she lifted the rifle scope to her eye. The helmet was detachable though, but of course she didn't figure that out until she had gotten pretty shitty at the helmet's automatic zoom and almost tried to rip the damn thing off with the magic she had. 
She now hated the thing, it wasn't letting her do her job properly, and it was making her slightly sick from all the zooming in and out. 

Though by the time it was time to go Fire Sharp had everything sorted, all her weapons clipped to her suit and somehow made everything stream lined, and she clipped her helmet onto her suit too. 
Fire did the normal trot march that all officers were taught to do, it was standard military procedure, yet doing the trot actually made it easier to move in the suit. 
"Raze Sir, is air pick up in the normal area?"
Fire wanted to make sure, if so then she could get there on her own and wouldn't have needed to wait for the stragglers that was the rest of her team. 

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@@@Grapz224@@Pripyat Pony,


Agririon looked set to answer but he was interrupted by Raze, who informed them that it was time to go. "Excellent. Let's get this show on the road." He trotted over to the door only to slam into the doorframe. "Bah. New dimensions." He did a quick bit of math in his head before sliding through the door- very squished, but able. "I certainly hope we don't have tiny doors where we are going. It's going to get irritating barreling through walls."


Turning to the others, he noticed that the pony known as Glory had both wings and a horn. He paused here for a second- was he in the presence of royalty? Is this a mission that was given to them to escort some long-lost relative home? No, he thought, he didn't have that royal 'aura' of sorts. She was probably a rare pony born with both- perhaps a mutation of some sort, or mere dumb luck. He would ask her about it later. For now, he just focused on moving in a forward direction towards the launch pad, moving at a steady trot.

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Raze looked at her while walking towards the launchpad. "Okay, first, no formalities; my name will do just fine." He smiled slightly. "I'm not a captain of the Royal Guard, just a private contractor. And to answer your question: yeah, it is, we'll get there soon enough."

Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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"Alright then, Raze. I'm getting an old helmet of mine from the normal armoury, the one I have now makes me sick and I can't use it. I'll be at the pick up when you ponies are."

Fire didn't wait for permission, he wasn't a soldier now was he? If anything she was probably the only ranked pony in their group, though that didn't put her off. What did though was her helmet, she needed her old one that was more of a prototype/normal helmet. 
She went down the next corridor, went into the first door on the left, went into the door on the right in the hallway she popped into, and then was in the old armoury for the veterans. 
The place was more like a museum, filled with the old armour of ponies that did service in her days, and as she trotted by the old armour and weapons she could recognize names of the ponies she knew. Quickly she found her set, and picked up her old helmet, then placed it on her head with her magic. It booted up to life, and the familiarity of it felt much comfortable then the one she had been given. The Helmet didn't exactly fit with the suit, well it did with the whole air seal thing, but the colours weren't matching. The suit she was wearing was silvery, while her helmet was a camouflaging green colour. 
Though she had her helmet now, so she headed for the air pick up, though instead of going the way she came she continued on down the hallway, went to the right door, then to the right door again in the new hallway, then went to the left, then right once again, and then ended up in the pick up area. 


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Raze saw what his teammate had picked out. "Interesting choice of color scheme," he said quietly to himself. Then he led the rest of his teammates over to the air carrier, which had enough seats to fit about twenty soldiers. After a couple minutes, it took off, heading towards their destination.


It was at that point Raze stood up. "Alright, let's get to business." He took off a coin-sized circular disc on the wrist of his suit, pushed the middle of it, and flipped it in the air. It stopped turning, and floated by itself to the middle of the deck, where everyone could see it. It then projected a holographic screen, which began filling up with information about their mission.


"Subject's name is unknown, however a common name people use to refer to him is 'The Neurologist'," Raze said as he informed everyone about their mission with the info showing up on the screen. "Not much is known about this guy. Subject is believed to be male, about early 30's, with a grey colored coat. The intel we're given tells us that his base of operations is in an old bunker somewhere near the Everfree Forest." A picture showed up on the screen of the bunker's entrance, which was a wide, metal door. "Apparently, he is kidnapping random citizens of Ponyville off the streets, taking them to this bunker, and performing some kind of an experiment, we don't know what, other than the fact that it's brain related. So here's the mission. Infiltrate the bunker, find the S.O.B, and either capture or kill him. Celestia has also personally asked that if we find anyone down there that's unharmed to rescue them as well. Now the bunker is heavily guarded; apparently this guy hired anyone that knows how to shoot a gun to protect his ass while he does whatever the hell he's doing. Intel also tells us that he installed sentry turrets in various parts of the bunker, so watch out for those too."



"Long story short? Get in there, find the guy, pop a cap in him or bag his ass, find any hostages, get out."


Raze held out his hoof, and the floating  disc shut off and flew back to the circular slot on his arm.


"Any questions?"


@,@, @, @@Grapz224, @@Pripyat Pony,  

Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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  On 2014-05-01 at 8:22 PM, Agent 47 (~TG~) said:

Raze saw what his teammate had picked out. "Interesting choice of color scheme," he said quietly to himself. Then he led the rest of his teammates over to the air carrier, which had enough seats to fit about twenty soldiers. After a couple minutes, it took off, heading towards their destination.


It was at that point Raze stood up. "Alright, let's get to business." He took off a coin-sized circular disc on the wrist of his suit, pushed the middle of it, and flipped it in the air. It stopped turning, and floated by itself to the middle of the deck, where everyone could see it. It then projected a holographic screen, which began filling up with information about their mission.


"Subject's name is unknown, however a common name people use to refer to him is 'The Neurologist'," Raze said as he informed everyone about their mission with the info showing up on the screen. "Not much is known about this guy. Subject is believed to be male, about early 30's, with a grey colored coat. The intel we're given tells us that his base of operations is in an old bunker somewhere near the Everfree Forest." A picture showed up on the screen of the bunker's entrance, which was a wide, metal door. "Apparently, he is kidnapping random citizens of Ponyville off the streets, taking them to this bunker, and performing some kind of an experiment, we don't know what, other than the fact that it's brain related. So here's the mission. Infiltrate the bunker, find the S.O.B, and either capture or kill him. Celestia has also personally asked that if we find anyone down there that's unharmed to rescue them as well. Now the bunker is heavily guarded; apparently this guy hired anyone that knows how to shoot a gun to protect his ass while he does whatever the hell he's doing. Intel also tells us that he installed sentry turrets in various parts of the bunker, so watch out for those too."



"Long story short? Get in there, find the guy, pop a cap in him or bag his ass, find any hostages, get out."


Raze held out his hoof, and the floating  disc shut off and flew back to the circular slot on his arm.


"Any questions?"


@,@, @, @@Grapz224, @@Pripyat Pony,


Optyx sat in his seat awaiting his comrades to answer the commanding officer, the mission sounded simple enough, as simple as any other hit mission Optyx had done before except this time a bit more intense. Optyx would do his part and sabotage whatever to get his teammates in and out without casualties.


Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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Onyx started laughing. This was too funny. "That's it?" he said. "We get called for a 'special' mission and it's to kill a pony who uses Machines and Mercenaries to hide himself? Well, this will be fun."


Onyx had an Idea. he knew he'd have to reveal he was a changeling sooner or later. Might as well announce it with style.

"Sir, with all due respect, I could do this myself. After all..."

When he said "After all" Onyx's body began to glow. his target was right in front of him, so the transformation process was easy. Without even a noticeable stutter in his words, he finished his sentence.


"...I'm you."

Onyx now stood before the group, a perfect copy of Raze. the words 'I'm you' had come out in Raze's voice. he had one final thing to say to their Leader.


"Any Questions?"

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 Raze was a bit shocked, but only for a second. Then he began to laugh slightly.


"What? You expect me to be surprised? Take a look around you. We got a frickin pony wraith and a unicorn with wings. And now you think I'm gonna start shaking in my boots because you reveal you're a changeling? I know what they look like. I fought one a couple of years ago. But you get a gold star for effort. Now, take your seat, Ditto, before I throw a pokeball at you."

  • Brohoof 1

Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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Onyx was still disguised as Raze. He was getting slightly annoyed. THIS was their leader?

"No need for the insults, sir, but if you've fought my kind before, you know what we can do. You know the way we fight. So, as a commander, use it. If we capture one of the mercenaries, I could disguise as him, Sneak into their base, and hack their security systems without them even knowing. Oh, and I should mention I'm wanted by my own people. Let's just say I pissed em off, shall we? Even if we have a wraith, what's he going to do? Torture all of them one at a time? Yay. gold medal for you. We got a Pegacorn. That's nice and all, but a Pegasus and a Unicorn are easily the same power, if not more powerful. You get a changeling who knows what he's doing, and now your dancing with the devil. Because I am wanted, only a few ponies in all of equestria even know I am a changeling. I reveal it to you for use in the mission, and you insult me. What, would you have preferred the Earth Pony Merchant? He's a civilian, sir. I am a trained soldier, be it Pony, Dragon, Griffon, or Manticore, I have a lot more forms than the average changeling."


He sat back down in his chair, and continued to look over the coding for the hacking Mechanism. He knew he would have to know his suit inside and out to use it with perfection.

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