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ooc (Closed) Welcome to the Grand Galloping Gala! (Discussions/Planning)

Lightning Bliss

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Um ok? lol and your in welcome aboard have fun!


EDIT: Due to a recent post that I will let you slip by, I've also added a new rule to this RP. No filler please... this is a Pro-RP so bring your A-Game and be creative and stick to what the RP is. Thank you all.

Edited by Lightning Bliss
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Um ok? lol and your in welcome aboard have fun!


EDIT: Due to a recent post that I will let you slip by, I've also added a new rule to this RP. No filler please... this is a Pro-RP so bring your A-Game and be creative and stick to what the RP is. Thank you all.



Yeah, sorry. I'm not the best at lengthy introductions...

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Can I come I'm sorry I broke the rules before I didn't know and I want a second chance? Oh come on please just let me come I'll not hurt Luna this time. You know what I completely change my mind since I have to do it story mode and not a script it's pointless so go ahead remove me from the gala see if I care which I don't and you know what you are you are a Square and yellow.

Edited by PokeBolter
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If you read the rules then you should know that


1. You have to bring your OWN Orginal Character

2. It cannot be overpowered in anyway

3. No fillers this is a professional RP

4. Stick to the RP

5. Do NOT take control of other members OCs

6. Have fun


Please give a description of your OC so we know what your character looks like at least, and the backstory.


Also, just to give you a fair heads up... The way you posted was not at all what we would call role playing, it was text messaging format pratically. Read how others post and try to go with it from there. Also stick to the timeline, MLP FIM Season 4 is over, the gala is taking place after Season 4 events.


I'll give you one more chance and accept your request to join our RP. However if you post like that again I will have you removed. Thank you for your understanding, and have fun at the Gala!

Edited by Lightning Bliss
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Ok so..

1. I'm bringing PokeBolter which is my ponysoa so that's original, well Silver Belle is just my friend he's an r63 anyhow.

2. Fine I'll make PokeBolter accurate and not overthrowing a princess even though she was really super duper close to the balcony that anypony could tip her by just grabbing her hooves.

3. I'm not really sure what a filler is so I'm kind of scared about that part.

4. I already know that I'm at the gala, I'll try to make the plot line more reasonable.

5. I won't take control I'll only use PokeBolter from OC's and the ponies in Mlp:Fim also some r63 versions too

6. That's a joke everypony else is just going walking around seeing things that interests them, talking to themselves end of story that's just really lame. Now for my character so he's kind of small school aged 15 year old unicorn. He met Silver Belle when he was crusading with the CMC and now PokeBolter's friends with Silver Belle but not yet in the CMC. He doesn't have his mark though and he likes causing hardship for the ponies, however he's also part human which is his real diginity. The first part was actually something he made up he only knows the CMC exist by watching the show and seeing Sweetie Belle with them. He's also yellow with green eyes and a short yellow and orange mane. You're really good at making things seem boring good job now I don't even want to go to the gala anymore I thought you were going to create a fun role play surprise surprise guess not I don't really get a point I mean I can't even get a dialogue going. I think I know what you should've made your user name something like fun ruiner or the funtrasher or something close to that.

Edited by PokeBolter
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Since you don't seem enthusiastic about it, and your making rude comments here... I'm afraid I cannot accept your request to join our RP.


I'm sorry, this RP obviously doesn't suit to your 'tastes' so I suggest you move on. Thank you for playing some interest though at least.


Oh and please... if you got nothing nice to say, then don't say it at all. Otherwise you'll force me to get the admins involved. Let's be mature please. Thank you.




And will do dude! Looking forward to it!

  • Brohoof 1
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Awsome, nice OC. You're in!


Remember to stict to the rules, you can dress up (or not) but its the night of the Gala so it's always interesting to see what people do with their OCs when its a fancy party lol.


Anyways have fun! A few of our OCs are already at the gala, chilaxing in the ball room

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it was sopa


and im sorry sir but i must ask you to put your hooves behind your head and be arrested for being a pony



Uh oh, I'm all covered in free speech.


Better clean up with some SOPA~

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@@Ember Fire,


Luna is an alicorn...a Princess... the one who raises the moon, are you sure your a brony? lol


And ya your kinda talking to yourself *squee*


I did setup the fact that my friends are in the ball room and my OC is at the food table trying to find osmething to eat

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@@Ember Fire,


Well I'm alone at the table... so if you wanna talk there you go, im all alone for now unless someone else comes up lol.


For the recover, if you not looked at my OC's background


My OC Info - http://mlpforums.com...ing-bliss-r4350


She's a married mare ^_^

Ok looks like Ember Fire has been removed or banned form the MLPFs... and sadly I've replied to her post, so sorry I'll have to do my best to edit that out

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... What happened? Was she a troll or something?...

Okay, so, some clarification on Roac's choice of arms;


Blackjacks are nonlethal weapons-- kind of like a medieval version of a stun-gun. They're typically heavy, but small, and they're legal in most countries as a self-defense tool. Here's an example pic of what Roac's blackjack might look like;



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She reacted accordingly, besides who carries those around at a gala? When there are clearly guards around? LOL i would of been nervous too if i saw someone wack someone on the head with that thing! But it looks like thats cleared up XD

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