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Stellar Hunt

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My Favourite Mane 6 Pony


How did you find MLP Forums?

How you became a fan of My Little Pony

My Favourite Mane 6 Pony: Fluttershy

How did you find MLP Forums?: Google searched for "Largest MLP Forum" and this was the first Forum to pop up.

How you became a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: I was at my friend's dorm room watching anime with him. After watching 2 different anime's, he opens a file on his computer and says, "You're going to love this. Trust me." So he starts playing the first episode of the first season of MLP:FIM. At first I was like, "Your joking right?" Then the theme song started playing and I was all, "This is going to be soo weird." He said to give it a few episodes. I watched the whole premiere and I decided to have him play another episode. After that I was like: "MOOORE!!!!" I was hooked!

So I am trying to find the largest and best MLP forum out there.  The last 2 I joined were not so good.  I loved the format and layout of both.  And they both looked nice and had great options to choose from.  But the first one went off line due to technical problems and never came back and the second one is deader than King Sombra.  I need a forum that will grant me more responses to my threads than just 15 strong.  I felt alone on those forums and it didn't feel like I was in a fandom but instead in a passing fad that only School teens are into.


Here is my introduction,  My OC name is Stellar Hunt.  I am a Military Brony in the USAF.  I'm 26 years old and obviously like MLP:FIM.  Currently I am not feeling the love I had for MLP say 2 months ago.  Don't know why though.  Maybe I am loosing faith in the fandom or I'm just running out of gas and need to stop at a fuel staion (mlp forum) to resupply my fire.  I love to read MLP fanfiction that is show accurate and listen to brony music.  I am very friendly and wish to do my part in the Brony community by making people feel welcomed and wanted.  I suffer from depression but I refuse to take any medication for it because I don't believe in it.  I have Jesus, family, and friends to help with that so don't worry about it :).  I hope I found the largest MLP forum but if you know of a bigger one, please let me know.  If this is the biggest, or the most active, or simply better than the biggest one I find, I will become mostly active on here.  Don't get me wrong though, I am not a "Hi, I'm Stellar Hunt.  It was nice knowing you.  Bye." type guy.  I'll stick around for now :). Who knows, maybe I will meet a new best friend on here!

  • Brohoof 3
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Hello and welcome,this is one of the largest forums around, and we have a very active userbase here. So you should be able to dreg up some decent conversations! And you should make friends in no time, as all types of people are here. I hope you enjoy your stay and brohoof /)

  • Brohoof 1
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Nice to meet you. :) I joined earlier today for similar reasons. I was looking for a place that would make me feel like part of the fandom and not just some clique. I'm happy to say I have not been let down once today, and I don't think you will be either.

  • Brohoof 1
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Thanks! :P  So far so good.  I don't particularly care for the look of the forum, but lets be honest, its about the bronies, not the site.  I can get all the looks I need from Tumblr and DeviantArt anytime!

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Welcome to the forums Stellar Hunt! 


One of my Oc's is called Stellar Nova. Stellar is a nice name. Anyway, hope you enjoy your time on the forums, and find the sort of activity you were hoping for


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