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private Vampires in Equestria


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OOC: http://mlpforums.com/topic/98801-vampires-in-equestria-small-rp-closed/#entry2663876


Icewater Cabin

Northern Mountians




Seth Eclipse was in the head position of a dogsled team on the way to his his retreat cabin for the winter. He would have gone alone, but he met up with a pack of diamond dogs that were practicing for the Equestrian winter games. In need of a member to practice with, the alpha wolf filled the missing spot for their run.


As they approached the cabin he had signed to lodge for the winter, Seth signaled to the team that he was at his destination. They slowed up and came to a halt outside the wooden building. The wolf unharnessed his gear and stowed it away on the sled and took out his dufflebags.


"Thanks for the run" He called the team as they departed for their continues practice. Seth walked up to the door, seeing a note with six keys on it. Looking over the list, he didn't recognize any others that were going to lodge with him except for one. "Lightning Bliss... It will be good to see the mare again." he said to himself. Seth grabbed his key and clipped it to his necklace that already held his dog tags. He unlocked the door and tucked the chain back into his fur. Seeing that he was the first here, Seth found it right to scout through the cabin and see what there was. In his search he found,


- 6 bedrooms (labeled with their owners names)

- A large den with a fireplace surrounded by chairs and a large couch

- A study with ample supply of books

- A large kitchen (stocked for three weeks)

- Queen size beds

- Restroom facilities per room

- store room for any large gear

- dining hall


Seth made his way to his room and began to unpack his bags. As he did so, he came across a picture he always carried with him: one of him an his brother, Dawn. Placing it on the nightstand, he sat on his bed and recalled the memories of his lost kin.

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Badaboom stepped down from a carriage, dark brown, green accented saddle-bags stuffed to the maximum capacity off to either of her sides. Politely she waved to the stallions that had given her the lift to The Icewater Cabin, the place where she'd be spending her Winter away from Ponyville. Her parents were kind enough to pay for her stay at the private getaway.


A gust of frigid air accompanied by a flury of fresh snowflakes lifted the lime bangs of B.B.'s mane. She made her way towards the entrance of the rather impressive building. Could you even call this place a cabin? Definitely a lodge. B-Box thought to herself casting her eyes off to the sides to take in the Northern scenery. Coming to the door, a smug smile came over her face.


Raising up onto her hind hooves Badaboom whipped out her BoomBox from seemingly nowhere, resting it on her right shoulder, before switching it on. It was set to a relatively quite volume compared to the usual. Not obnoxious, yet definitely attention grabbing. Bucking open the door, the young mare took a pose. With her free hoof out front, the rest of her body leaned lazily to one side.


It didn't take more than a moment for embarrassment to start sinking in. As there was no pony there. Setting down her music player while dropping back onto all fours. B.B. chuckled a bit nervously turning down the volume considerably. Sillyly rotating to grab the key with her name on it from the door, before casually reclosing it. After hanging up the two keys that happened to fall from their hooks during her entrance.

Edited by DerpyVinyl
  • Brohoof 1

Little Pony that happens to be Mine

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Atlas walked to the steps of the massive cabin. His saddle bags had hardly anything in them besides toiletries and some deep winter clothes that he probably wouldn't even use. Then again his saddle bags were huge. They could hold him enough supplies to last him for a week in Everfree. The place looked expensive as he began to open the door and it definitely was. It had cost him months of bits from selling artifacts to the Canterlot History Museum but it would be worth it. 


He pushed open the door to only get blasted by, though lower than before, loud music. 

"You one of the other guests?" Atlas asked over the wubs of the music. He grabbed his key off the rack and plopped his bags down next to him.

"Name's Atlas by the way" Oh Celestia, please tell me she won't play that the while time... I miss the Royal Griffon Ocherstra already... And I hate the Royal Griffon Orchestra!

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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"Uh, yeah. Sorry entrance gone wrong, heheh..." B.B. laughed, examining the white pegasus that came in from behind her. The look on his face, and by the way he spoke, made it clear that he definately took note of her musical intrests.Yet the mare did nothing further with her BoomBox. It was out with the volume "dulled" truthfully it was barely background noise to her at this point. Yet still she could tell, that it may be best to put it away, and there was only one way she'd do that...


"Atlas huh? Bet ya travel a lot,

What brings ya to this spot?

That map on your butt? Or just dumb luck?

Anyway, your askin' 'bout me,

Ironically, I'm as obvious as you be,

What you get, is what you see,

How is it you don't, already know me?

Badaboom Box, the MC Pony!!

Uh, heheh..straight from...PV..


But seriously..." B.B. took a moment trailing off from breaking it down, to pull her BoomBox behind her making it seem to simply disappear, sound and all. "Just call me Boom, you'll be hearing it a lot." She returned introductions with a pleasant smile.

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Little Pony that happens to be Mine

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At the blast of the music, Seth fell from his bed and griped his ears in pain. "Wolven hell!" He called out, only relaxing when the music let up. The greywolf stood up from the floor and advanced to the doorway where he was met by the other ponies that were going to share the cabin.


"Well, seams you two are the first to make it. Seth. Seth Eclipse." He said with a slight nod. At hearing the knock on the door, He turned to open it.@,



"Welcome." He greeted the pony. "Now, we are missing only two other guests." He said.

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Lightwing was flying through the northern mountains,to reach a cabin on the mountaind.She had a natural resilence to cold,so she didn't had any problems with flying under the colder temperatures.

"Why does this seem so familiar....Maybe is my imagination...."

She continued flying through the mountains,and then she saw a cabin.Even with the cold winds that made hard to see far,that cabin could be easily seen.

She flew to the door,and then she saw 2 keys on the door,and one of them was with her name

"Urgh....It's so familiar...Maybe the cold is affecting me after all"

She hurried to open the door with the key,and quickly closed it after entering.Inside,there were 3 ponies,and a....wolf(?)


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The smaller then average golden wyvern continued flying over the frosty hills and forest with his small white passenger sitting quietly in her saddle as she held on. Bliss was grateful that she invested in the goggles a few months ago when she did, the whip lash was easily tolerated now then before when she used to ride Night Lights across the country to get to diplomatic meetings. But this time was different...as it was a new, rather young dragon flying her out to her current destination. Not for a meeting to her relief, but a restful happy vacation to herself.


"How are you doing up there Princess?" Called the young, yet deem voice of Gold Gem, "the wind not too rough? I can slow down and glide if you'd like?"


"No I'm fine!" She called back to him gratefully, "my cloak is keeping me warm. I'm actually enjoying the cold crisp air! Are we there yet?"


"Just about," he called back to her as he made his way over another hillside, spotting the forest where his matriarch Prya had instructed him, The Icewater Cabin's location. "Are you excited to finally get this time off Princess?" He asked to break off formal conversation.


"You know Gem, you don't have to call me Princess, call me Bliss! But yes, I'm really looking forward to it. It was great for my husband Night Lights to surprise me with this little getaway." She smiled thinking back when her dragon husband surprised her with an introduction to Golden Gem, and that he was given the honor to deliver her to a lovely winter cabin resort for a nice "Get Away" from all the diplomatic stresses. Curtousy of his own mother too, all ready and paid for...she merely had to hop on Gem's back and be flown out there.


"I'm so happy to hear so," he smiled, his face beaming with honor and joy, for he being a youngling by dragon standards, was more then happy to take on the task of delieverying the alicorn of Peace to her vacation spot. He spotted the cabin not more then a mile away when he heard the mare call back out ot him.


"Stop here Gem! Please! I can fly the rest on my own, I really don't want to startle any other vacationers who might be there!" She waited for him to slow, then unbuckled herself along with her saddle bags and placed them on her back, then fluttered off his back while he hovered in place. She could tell he looked a bit disappointed, he obviously really wanted to show himself off to the others that might be at the cabin. "Hey come on Gem... I am grateful for you taking me out here, it's just you know how ponies can be..."


"I know... I know... forgive me, it was something I was looking forward to, but I understand." He nodded, and smiled seeing she was chuckling.


"Oh for one so big it's hard to imagine your just a young dragon," she gave him a hug on his muzzle making him blush, "safe trip back to your home Gem. And thanks again!" She waved goodbye to him, then headed off, flying at a casual pace, enjoying the cool breeze of the tundra. After a few minutes of flying, she landed softly on the snow outside the cabin door, and took it in. It was a very large cabin, much more then the last one she remembered staying at...at the last incident... Shaking off the bad thoughts of it though, and only beaming with eagerness, she trotted up to the door and levitated her key off, when she could clearly hear voices coming from already inside the cabin. She placed her hood back over her horn, not wanting to get any unwanted royal attention...when she heard the familiar voice say out - "Well, seams you two are the first to make it. Seth. Seth Eclipse."


Her eyes went wide, and she quickly levitated the door open, spotting four pegasus ponies, one with a boom box, and another looking more sheek, while the other looking clearly tired and dirty and a familiar pegasus mare she couldn't put her hoof on just yet. She was far too distracted by her a happier surprise...the gray wolf.


@@arkman575, @, @, @, @Lightwing


"Seth Eclipse!" She whinnied and fluttered up to him, before stopping herself, and tackled hugged him to the ground. "OLD FRIEND! It's been far too long!"


She held him close and nuzzling his soft fur, ignoring the other ponies in the room for the moment, abosrbing the thought that she was gonna vacation with a long friend she'd not seen in months

Edited by Lightning Bliss

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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@@Lightning Bliss,


Seth was taken by surprise by the sudden leap of Lightning Bliss. He returned the hug after realizing it was Bliss who tackled him. "Bliss!" He yelled out. "It's been too long! How have you been? Where is Night?" He asked, exited that the alicorn was here. Seth knew from the list that she was residing here, but it was just too fun to see the mare in person.


After a few seconds, he stood from the hug. "Well, it seems we all are here. Wanna pack away our stuff and then maybe get a fire started?" Seth suggested. He looked to the others, seeing they had the same idea. One caught his eye, the white mare...

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Atlas gave a blank look as he was bombarded with questions from the pony. He decided to ignore the comment on his cutie mark.

"I...er..." He paused. "Yes I travel a lot, I'm here for a vacation, and why don't you know about me? I only supply most of the artifacts for the Canterlot Museums" He Boom really wouldn't know about it but eh.

"Name's Atlas. Good to meet you Seth. I assume we're all staying here for the next couple weeks?"

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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@@arkman575, @,


"Ahem yes," she blushed a bit having introduced herself kinda inappropriately. "Hello Atlas, my name is Lightning Bliss...um don't mind the horn and wings, just call me Blissy!"


She smiled and began to head towards the stairs to her room before answering, "Oh Seth, Nights isn't here, he didn't drop me off, but another friend of his did. It was a surprise present for me at a chance to get away, at this cabin of all places! Kinda...familiar setting don't you think?" She frowned a bit at the setting before turning to a familiar mare.




"Lightwing?" Her jaw dropped, "is that really you? Gods it's been long! I've not seen you since the Ponvyille Tavern! Oh darn it," she realized her bags were getting heavy on her back, "horse apples! Hold on gentlecolts and mares, let me put my bags away real fast!" She quickly trotted up the stairs levitating her key out and headed for her room already prepped ready with her name on it. She unlocked the wooden opening and entered into a lovely backwoods styled room. Complete with a large bed with red cotton sheets, a window open to the winter tundra outside, and her own personal bathroom. "Ahh...a warm bath will be just the thing I need after that cold flight."


She packed her things into the nearby wooden draw set, then placed her bags next to the bedframe then fluttered down stairs, standing extra close to Seth, more then happy to be bonding with her wolf friend again.

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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Boom stood off to the side as a gray wolf came to greet the duo of first arrivals, being her and Atlas. It was a bit unsettling at first as B.B. had never met a wolf before. Well excluding a few rouge Timberwolves that loomed outside her home in the Ever free Forest. She however quickly took control of her anxieties as the wolf introduced himself as, Seth, before moving to the door of the cabin to welcome in another pegusus.


The newest arrival looked like he really needed a wash, nearly every inch of him was soiled with dirt, excluding his eyes where he was obviously sporting the goggles around his neck. Though no name was given yet he kindly acknowledged the others in the room, shortly before yet another pegasai walked in from behind him. The white Pegasus also didn't give a name, but rather, a gental hello.


Badaboom looked over the group thus far. With only one to go she began thinking that she'd be the only Earth Pony amongst the strangers. Leaving her ground-bound with Seth. And sure enough the last of the guests came through. Boom took special yet obvious not of both the mare's horn and wings, an alicorn?


As the alicorn pounced on to Seth, it was quite apparent that they have known each other, for awhile it seemed like too. B-Box put her attention back onto Atlas, who returned most of her original questions. He mentioned something about artifacts and the Canterlot Museum, as if he were a big shot for them. Which was believe able but the look on Boom's face made it clear that she wasn't one to pay special notes to such things, as her passion was made painfully obvious to the Pegasus.


"Aight, fair enough." Boom stated plainly waving a hoof off to the side to pass the conversation. "Well I'ma gunna take up on what the wolf said, and go unpack. Be back shortly." She continued, before trudging with her overstuffed bags, out of the main room towards the nearest hallway in search of her room. Calling from down the hall once more. "Oh yeah, and call me Boom, for those who missed out!"

Edited by DerpyVinyl

Little Pony that happens to be Mine

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Upon finding her room, with little problem, as her name was already hanging from it, Boom almost bumped into the Pegasus that arrived after Atlas. "Hey Dusty, lookin' sharp." She complimented, though it kinda came out unintentionally sarcastic, as she disappeared into her room, mear moments following.


Set up was nice. B-Box dropped her bags to the floor with a large thud. The bed was obviously the first accomidation that caught her attention, it was at least three times the size of hers at home. Sleep was definitely something she usually took for granted, as she barely did to begin with. Maybe here she'd get some real rest.


Scattering her many items around the room, B.B. lined the shelves with music tapes and CDs, cluttered the closet with hoodies of different color, crowded the end table with more tapes, and a book. Lastly she places her BoomBox on top of the empty dresser, leaving the convenient personal bathroom untouched, for now.


Pulling her wireless headphones from her neck to her ears. Badaboom flipped a switch on her music player, and suddenly her body was vibrating from the tremendous wubs surging directly into her skull. Yet still she was able to trot casually back into the hall. Her headphones did well to muffle the sounds of her own made tracks, being as they'd be barely audible to any pony that'd be standing next to her.

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Little Pony that happens to be Mine

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She watched as Boom, Sidewinder and Atlas made their way up to their rooms, wondering if she introduced herself properly enough, but was relieved they weren't making a big deal out of the fact she was an alicorn. She sighed with relief, feeling like she really was going to enjoy this vacation after all, free from unwanted distractions.


"So we need some firewood for the fire?" She asked happily before pulling her hood back over her head and fluffing out her cape to help keep her warm, though the magic tended to do that well for her, "I'll get some, I'm sure there's loaves of it in the back." She smiled happily to Seth and trotted out, levitating the door open, then shut behind her.


She stepped on into the snow, her hooves seemed to glisten or twinkle from the reflection of the flaky powder as she trotted. The winds seemed to have picked up a bit, though she didn't mind. To Bliss the cold was a chance to snuggle up to loved ones in front of an open fire, which is just what she was going to help build. She trotted around the cabin, getting a full idea of just how big it was, before she found a close old oak tree stump, with an axe stuck in the middle of it. Not far from the stomp, lined and stacked up against the cabin wall, was piles of already chopped lumber. She smiled and began levitating three to five logs to her back, when the beam of light bounced off the axe, catching her attention again.


"Hmm...I wonder if I can chop some wood... I've seen stallions do it before..." her childlike thrist to try new things outweight her maturness. She placed the logs down on the snow, and levitated a fresh log that hadn't been split and placed it on the stomp, then grabbed the axe on its handle with her hooves. Rather then levitating it out, she really wanted to see if her strength could handle it on its own. She yanked on the axe, trying to pull it out...it barely budged an inch. "Wow...stuck in there good aren't you?" She pulled even harder...it moved another small inch. "Ok you...You are coming out of that stomp...whether...you..." pulls, "like it..." pulls more, "OR NOT!" She pulled hard as she could, till she heard the sound of cracking wood...followed by being thrown backwards onto her back into the snow, with the axe in her hooves.


She stared up at the sky, her back legs sticking up humoursly in the air. "Well...this is silly..." she grinned at herself wondering if other ponies saw her little scheming.

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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Seth returned to his room as the others seemed to be doing. He turned to his bags and pulled out a few necessities: a knife from his days back in the armed forces, a copy of the treaty of peace he had helped create, a picture of a group of ponies and himself (the herd), and a small vile. Placing each item on the dresser, he took the vile of a black liquid and walked out of the room and down the stares to where he waited for the others. Seeing Bliss go out for firewood, the wolf decided to tag along.

Seth smiled when he came across @Lightning Bliss flopped over on the snow. Seeing she still had the axe in her hooves, he walked over and tried to help the mare up. Taking the axe and placing it at the stump's side, he took Bliss's hoof and helped her on to all fours.

"Well, are you not used to the cold weather or the art of chopping wood?" He asked, smiling to the snow-covered alicorn.
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She stood there a moment, her hair covering her face from the heaping fall she did, before blowing it out of her face and gave Seth a friendly smile. "Hope you didn't see that little display of mine?" She grinned and rubbed her head, "I was just curious to see if I could chop some wood...I guess it's not as easy as it looks..." she blushed in embrassement and try to hide it by lifting the blocks of logs back onto her back.


"Ok ok, so I'm not cut out for a woodspony, I just wanted to try it for the sake of it. You know? Enjoy the winter outwoods experience? I'm on vacation after all, might as well try to live it up!" She grinned and started heading back to the cabin with Seth in toe.

Edited by Lightning Bliss
  • Brohoof 1

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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Returning to the main entrance, in step to the beat, Badaboom noticed that two ponies were still in the room. The mare was called Nightwing or something, B-box remembered the alicorn called out to her. She didn't put much thought into it, besides the fact that maybe Seth, Lightning Bliss, and her came here as a group. The possibility didn't seem too farfetched, this was a vacation spot after all.


Boom noticed the other Pegasus sitting alone in one of the rather comfortable looking chairs next to the unlit fireplace. Jamming her way slowly over, B-Box suddenly wrapped a hoof around the strangers shoulder. "Not gunna help get it started?" She asked motioning to the lack of flames before letting go, and taking a pace or two backwards. Bobbing in place she looked over to the doorway then smiled, before walking to one of the empty chairs next to his. "That's cool. Me neith', maybe if it was outside I'd dig a fire circle..."


Claiming the seat with her rear hooves hanging over the arm rest and her back against the opposite. B.B. placed a hoof on the back of the chair, extending her free one in a friendly manner. "Didn't catch yer name?" She instigated, headphones still bumpin' away into her ears.

Edited by DerpyVinyl

Little Pony that happens to be Mine

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The Pegasus was a little fumbbly on his words, so it was a challenge for Boom to accurately read his lips. She figured that for the most part she got it down. He definitely didn't seem entirly confident with himself, but maybe it was just the setting. The thought of staying under the same roof as a wolf still put B.B. a little uneasy. "Skywinder, got it!"


Badaboom smiled, examining Sidewinder's expression, not giving him a chance to correct her before replying to his mentioning of her talent. "It has to do with, art. I make my own beats with unnecessarily necessary bass lines, and I also tend tah free style hip-hop lyrics when I get wound up, ya know? Not quite sure if your the type to handle it," she finished her statement by lifting one side of her headphones from her ear.


The entire room was filled with a pulse that equaled the direct wub from a subwoofer, but only for a moment before B-Box placed the earpiece back in position on the side of her head. Her smile grew, and looked almost silly at this point. "Anyways it's nice tah meet ya, Sidewinder. Let's hear a little 'bout you." Boom insisted relaxing a bit, her eyes ready to "listen" to the Pegasus's response.

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Atlas excused himself from the group to get to his room. He picked his bag up and found the room that fit the key. Giving the heavy door a good push it creaked open.

A nice queen bed. A nightstand. Good decor. Not a bedroom in a baron's castle but better than sleeping out in the cold. He threw his bag onto the bed then flopped on it himself. It was warm and comfortable. He felt himself beginning to slip off to sleep and snapped himself out of it. It wasn't that late and he hadn't exactly made himself clear to the others. He jumped of the bed and made his way back to the main room where everyone was talking.


This was going to be a good vacation and he needed it. He couldn't be farther from reality.

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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@@Lightning Bliss


Before walking back into the cabin, Seth grabbed a bundle of pre-cut lumber and tossed it onto his back. After doing so, he walked along side Bliss, giving her a light smile.


"So if I might ask, what is the diplomat princess doing way out here... especially after last time we were here." Seth asked, looking to the mare.

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