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private Vampires in Equestria


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Slowly, Seth's eyes opened to yelling and the shuffling of hooves on wood. His body aced as he tried to stand. Looking around with a tired look, he noticed that it was at least mid day. 'Have I been asleep for that long...?' The wolf thought to himself as he stretched his sour body. The fire had long died out, so he was a bit cold. Everyone seemed to be gone, so Seth was free to himself as he tried to think why he had been so tired. Apparently he had neglected to take any rest for the past few days? No... wolves could last days without sleep if needed. Shaking his head of the matter, the wolf trotted off to the kitchen to see if there was anything he could have to eat. Passing through the kitchen, he noticed something out of the corner of his eye: a dear out in the snow.


Seeing the herbivore out there, waiting to be hunted, Seth's stomach growled in desire for the meat. He looked around through the window to see if anypony was within sight. Not wanting to scare anypony with the gory sight, he was glad to see nopony was there. Slowly, he opened the window, readying his advance.


With the dear distracted by some grass it was eating, Seth had a prime shot. Lunging his body out the open window, he silently advanced on the target. When the grass-eater looked up to see what made the sound, it was already too late. The wolf jumped atop the dear and forced it down, biting hard on it's neck with a paralyzing grip to the neck. With a wild expression on his face, remembering his old days of hunting as a young wolf, Seth took a hardy chunk of flesh out of the beast. With the blood staining his coat, he looked up with a satisfied smile... only to drop the meat in his mouth at the sight of three ponies standing outside.


"....Ommm....I...." He said,embarrassed to be caught in the act of a fresh catch. 


(I'm back everypony!)

  • Brohoof 1
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Badaboom didn't respond, but did twitch an ear to show that she was indeed listening to Atlas's 'one more thing.' However before the Pegasus was able to give a response though, Seth suddenly made an entrance by leaping from an open window taking down a deer at the base of the hill, where Boom, Atlas, and Lightning Bliss all stood.


Boom didn't pay it much notice, she doubted that the sudden act of instinctual violence from the alpha wolf would go heeded. As least in comparison to the attention she managed on herself. Though the mare managed a hidden smile, believing that for the moment at least, Seth spared her a portion of her interrogation. At least Lightning Bliss would be preoccupied, that much was certain.

  • Brohoof 1

Little Pony that happens to be Mine

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@, @@arkman575, @@Firehearted,


Bliss's mouth agaped like you'd see in a cartoon at the horrific sight of Seth on top of the graceful deer, ripping its throat open. A part of her just wanted to leave Atlas and Boom and take off into the sky where it'd be safe...but she knew that was a prey like reflex of her, herself, since Seth did share the common instincts of predator and she prey. She had a respect that he was a wolf and that wolves eat meat...After calming her nerves, and refocusing to the real threat at hand. She turned back on the earth and pegasus pony again, noticing that Atlas seemed to be intentionally making his leg bleed more to make it stain the snow. She frowned noticing what he was doing...and quickly took liberty while BB was distracted by Seth's entrance.


"Don't do anything stupid...just come with me back to the cabin now..." she whispered firmly into Atlas' ear, "I know that you know...I know it too...but we can't fight her out here like this...She's more dangerous then you know...we need a plan and you bleeding in the snow is not a plan...Come on." She pulled away from him and turned back t the cabin, while eyeing Seth at the distance. "Seth?" She called out to him, trying not to turn green from the sight, "when you're done... Can I talk to you please? Some issues...with our company has emerged..." She darted a quick glare towards BB, catching her just off the corner of her eye, before heading back and touching back on the porch, holding the door open for Atlas to follow her in. "Come on Atlas," she called at him pleadingly, "that leg isn't gonna heal itself! Well it can but... gah, just come on so I can bandage it up!"

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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@@Lightning Bliss,@,  

((He's staining the snow on purpose. It's just bleeding a lot))

Atlas stared a moment at Seth. Though a bit graphic it was still graceful. A hunter chases his prey. Will than expert pounce he kills it.

"Did you think I wanted my leg to bleed this much?" He whispered back. "Fine. If you think you're sure then let's go" He looked back up.

"Never mind, Boom. Just stay out of our hair. And if I get just a bit more of your... little hobby then I'll use plan A. If that doesn't work ten I'm sure the royal guard will be happy to hear about you and your actions. I need to go bandage my leg now" He began to walk off.

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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(I know he was, he was bleeding in the snow i figured, to trick boom into reacting)


Taking in a breath and letting it out in a fog of relief, she quickly levitated the door open and waited for Atlas to follow her in, then went straight for the kitchen in a flutter of wings. She threw open all the cabniet doors and shelves with her magic simaltaniously trying to find the medical kit.


"Ok..." she snorted at Atlas as she continued to search, levitating things out of the way as she hovered for the first aid kit, "So I'm guessing you now know what I was thinking... Vampire right?" She tilted her head down at him before continuing her search, "I'm not gonna go on a rant with you and say that I'm a vampire hunter or an expert in these things... I only had ONE experience with it...DARN IT WHERE IS THAT MED KIT!"


She whinnied around in a panic, both by the fact he was bleeding and she had just witnessed a tramatic hunting scene curtiousy of Seth outside. After a moment of frantic flying, a white box with a red cross on it came out with her levitation, making her sigh again and flutter back down to tend to his leg. She pulled out some bandages and clothes along with some ointment to help stop any infection.


"Anyways..." she calmed as she placed the ointment on, "oh...sorry if that stings a little...Ahem...anyways. I too was infected by the vampire curse...years ago...By..." She turned to look out the window, seeing Seth was still busy with his late breakfast, "by a dear friend of mine," she continued, "alot of friends were hurt...and killed by the results. And we had to seek help with the Crystal Empire rulers..." she attempted to stay calm as she explained. "Vampires are cunning, ruthless and...they have a strong drive for blood when they are hungry enough...If Boom is who I think she is..." She eyed u Atlas then, feeling guilty in what she was going to say next, "she would have torn you apart have you been alone...Or worse...she could have turned you as well...like Sidewinder."

Edited by Lightning Bliss

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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@@Lightning Bliss

"Yep. You were right. I thought werewolves were the only real mythic beast but... There is truth behind ever lie" Atlas flinched a bit. "I could have taken her. She's cocky. She tried to be a smart-flank till the end. After I pressed he basically said she was one. She's got a silver tongue. She knows how to talk... But I know how to see through that. I've dealt with tricky diplomats and con-ponies before" He let out a sigh. "I just don't know. In just the past two days my thoughts have been turned upside down. We've got two vampires in the house one of which is onto us. Then there's Sidewinder. got to feel bad for him. He's stuck like that... For once I'll b glad once I'm back in the field" 

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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"I won't lie to you," she spoke soon as he finished, wrapping some gauze around his leg gently, "I'm absolutely terrified right now. In the incident I experienced, at least three vampires were involved. One being my dearest friend, and two bunkmates. They were rogue young vampires with a thirst for 'sweet alicorn blood'." She cringed a bit thinking about how the two bunkmates, Doctor Volt and Night Wolf...blood hungry and merciless in their pursuit of her neck.


"However..." she continued as she tightened the gauze slightly her next phase of wrapping, "there was supposedly one way to cure them...according to one of my bunkmates... Alicorn magic, directly into the heart. Don't ask me why though," she felt thick headed then, "maybe cause of its potency or connection with the magic of harmony...I really don't know... But it managed to cure them...till I was infected."


After a third round of gauze to make sure the bandage wouldn't come loose, she tore it off with her teeth, then proceeded to tape up the bandage for added secruity. The last thing she wanted to do was trigger a blood rage by having his leg being exposed to two poltential vampires.


"After that," she went on, "I had to seek help with my friend to cure myself of the vampire disease. It had an unsual side effect with my personality...It some how triggered or created...a split personality, or another being with in me. I call her Blight, my darker self. But after I rid myself of the vampire curse, she faded back into my my mind where she belongs. That's what I dreamt of last night..." she paused then, "it was her...coming back into my dreams...I think it was a warning...that there are vampires loose once more..."


She stood up then, her front legs tremmbling in fear once more, "I don't want to stay here any longer...We should just get Seth, and get out of here while we still can. We could fly out, carry seth in a bag or something...But we have to get out of here Atlas!" She teared up suddenly, her fear building up more and more by the second.

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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@@Lightning Bliss

"Ha" He smiled weakly. "Split personality... I know how you felt. I've had stuff like that happen to me" He zoned out as memories came back. His flashed eyes with regret and fear. Not from the vampires but from his own past. He snapped himself out of it. "What? Yes. Yes, we need to get out. With stuff like this who knows what could happen" Lighting Bliss began to panic in front of him. "Hey! Calm down. Panicking helped no pony. We just stay calm, get our stuff, and leave. That's it. We can e done with this. You'll be fine. We need to go get Seth"  


(Suddenly Blizzard!)

Edited by Firehearted

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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"I just...I just..." she hyperventilated a bit when suddenly a blizzard picked up outside. "OH no..." she got up from tending his leg and stuck her head out the door just as she assumed Seth was finishing his meal. The artic winds encircled around her, whipping her mane all over the place. And the snow that came with it, smacked against her muzzle like little bees, stinging her eyes and nose. "GAH!, Seth get inside!" She hollard before slamming the door shut and shivering violently.


"This isn't good!" She wrappped her wings around herself as she paced around the room trying to contorl herself after Atlas' encrouagement, "we can't fly out in this! Believe me I tried before! Where did this storm come from??" She snorted as her hooves tapped on the floor, making an annoying sound aiding to her flustering, before finally sulking down and shivering behind her wings that barely aided in keeping her warm.


"Gggg-great..." she shivered, "jj-just great...now what...we going...to do...I won't...be...vampire....attacked...a-again!" She would be crying even more by now, but she was too distracted with her own shivering.

Edited by Lightning Bliss

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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Seeing everypony was moving inside, Seth's guilty sole subsided as he was left alone to his meal. After devouring most of the creatures internal organs, the wolf began to notice the snow building  around him. The temperature didn't exactly bother him, but the knowledge that a snowstorm was rising was worrying. Giving up his catch of the day, Seth trudged through the snow and made it to the cabin. Jumping through the window he used to get out, he shut it behind him and walked up to his room in order to grab a towel for his snow-drenched fur. As he walked through the cabin, he say the DJ and smiled.


"Hey, if I may request your services, can you help me bring in more logs for the fire? We will be needing it tonight." Seth asked, gesturing to the back door where the wood was waiting outside. Walking to it, he opened it and slowly made his way to the wood pile.

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The weather outside suddenly and without warning became rather frightful. Boom watched as Lightning Bliss and Atlas retreated towards the kitchen. A frown still plastered to her face, at all the judgment she'd received since this morning. Not that the others were wrong, but they didn't have any proof, besides the fact that she was outside at one point with Sidewinder.


At the thought of the turned Pegasus a weak smile eventually found a place on BB's face. It was too early for the sudden change and acceptance to be an influence of the vampiric venom coursing through his body. He was willingly allowing the metamorphosis to sink deeper in, an event she'd never witnessed. Her smile grew when she landed her sights on Sidewinder peacefully blocking out the world.


Letting out a melancholy sigh of disappointment at the sounds of Atlas and the alicorn rummaging through the kitchen. B-Box's attention was then grabbed by a surprisingly kind sounding request. It was from Seth, who casually marched up to her, asking to assist with the gathering of firewood.


Now? In the blizzard? Boom giggled in her head. How could she turn him down. She'd completely spaced the fact that the wolf hadn't been informed of recent events as of yet. "Yeah bro, ain't no sweat!" The mare called after the alpha following to the back door. "Glad to see someone here doesn't hate me...yet" Her tone then reverted back to being one of legitimate sadness, or at least, convincingly so.

Edited by DerpyVinyl

Little Pony that happens to be Mine

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As Seth pushed through he snow, he looked to the mare with a worrying look. "Why on earth would i hate you? The only thing you have done was play some loud tunes when I was resting. I actually forgot about that." Seth said with a comforting tone. Walking to the mare, he patted her on the fore shoulder and gave her a warm smile. "You seem like a kind mare who just wants to have fun. If the others are on your case, just look for me. I can't hate some pony with a free sole. Hell, my best friend has tried to kill me multiple times over." Noticing he was beginning to ramble, Seth halted his speech. Walking over to the wood, he tossed the first bundle of wood on his back, readying he next. "Let's get this wood loaded before the blizzard makes this even more difficult."

Edited by arkman575
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@@arkman575, @, @@Firehearted,


She could over hear Seth speaking to BB, completely unaware of the danger he was in...She found it odd though...Boom was obviously a vampire to her, with or without the proof, her own nostrails flaired at her whenever she was around. But she was acting like nothing was wrong in the slightest about it. Does she even care that she feeds on other ponies? She asked herself as she shivered, does she care that she takes the freedom of choice away from ponies when she turns them? Does she have any regrets? Mercy?


Her coat stood up as Seth asked BB to help him out with the firewood then, feeling like she was smooth talking her way to getting him on her side on the matter of things. One thing was for sure...Boom knew that she and Atlas knew...Now it was just a question of what Sidewinder was going to do. "I got to talk to Seth..." she told Atlas finally, "somehow... I got to get him alone, he'll understand when I tell him. I don't just make pony tales up out of the blue. He's got to believe me on the vampire situation...after all.." she turned her head to the pegasus, "he was the former vampire that turned me the last time..."

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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@@Lightning Bliss

He tried to picture the wolf as a blood sucking monster. Nope. Couldn't do it.

"I'll take your word with it. You're right though. Say there's a rat or something in your room. AS disgusting as that sounds it should get you two alone. He can hunt that right? Also, Sidewinder. Should we tell him or no? I don't want him to go into a rampage or anything" His voice had dropped down to a whisper by the time he was done.

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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"That's a good question," she replied back hesitently, "I couldn't help but notice... I mean... Is it just me or does he and Boom seem to talk alot with each other? I just notice she liked being with him when I first showed up. Maybe it was because she already picked him as a target...but is the feeling mutial with him...now that he's...sired by her?"


She stood up and paced around the kitchen for a moment, trying to figure out how to handle the situation. But it felt like she was treading on egg shells. There was a storm blowing outside, cutting their ways of escape...Two vampires in the cabin, and one of them obviously cunning in her hunting talents...and then you have a rookie vampire who's not yet settled into his fangs. "Thank Luna that at least Sidewinder isn't an aggressive soul...otherwise the vampire curse would have increased his thirst of anger and..." she gulped and placed a hoof on her neck protectively. "I'll try to get Seth's attention as soon as he enters the cabin. I'll be up in my room waiting. Soon as he comes, I'll give a good loud shriek and call for his aid to hunt down a rabid um...Not a rat..." she giggled a bit, "I have pet rats you know... I love them I think they are adorable!"


She bonked her horn against the counter then, trying to make herself focus as well as to ease the tension, "Heh anyways I gotta make it sound believable. I'll shriek that there's a rabid racoon in my room. That will get his attention." She headed towards the door that opened to the living room that aided to the stairs where all their personal rooms are. "I'll go now, but what will you do Atlas?" She paused at the door, her hoof tenderly pressed against it, looking at him with the deepest worry for his safety.

Edited by Lightning Bliss

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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Badaboom let out another convincing sigh, as Seth retorted the question back at her. Why in the world would he hate her? If this short conversation were to go her way, he wouldn't. She stopped moving when the wolf laid a comforting paw on her shoulder. Looking into his features with remarkably truthful eyes she blinked, before casting her eyes down.


"Well simply put...I have a strong almost certain feeling that..." Boom trailed off, putting on the act of disbelief. "That both Atlas and Blissy are convinced that I'm...a, vampire." She then returned her lime eyes to those of Seth's. "Niether of which said it so blaitently, but in combination with the garlic based lunch, and full on antagonism..." She stopped there, as to not come off at all hateful. She was gunna play this out as the good little mare Seth made her out to be. As the wolf gathered a bundle of logs she continued. "You apparently missed out a lot this morning." BB informed somewhat changing the subject as to fill in Seth on the mornings events,grabbing a bundle of logs herself.


Turning back to face the rear door of the cabin. "You see...Sidewinder was found this morning in the same place as we were last night with..well.. with unusual marks on his neck." Boom opened the door for the alpha. "Honestly," she took a moment to stair at Seth to show how hurt she was. "He was fine when I came back to the cabin, but to Atlas and your alicorn friend, that's all the evidence they need to...pull a knife on me." Boom's final statement sounded more like a metaphore, to hide the fact that she was literally held at knife point minutes before Seth had woken. She was indeed trying to put some blame on the two accusers, but more so take some heat off herself.

Edited by DerpyVinyl

Little Pony that happens to be Mine

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@@Lightning Bliss

"I'll wait around. I'm going to keep my knife on me the rest of the time we're up here. Come to think of it yeah. They do talk a bit. Probably just both of them now being vampires is all. If you need something just shout" Atlas sat down on the couch in the main room taking one of the few moments of relaxation he could.

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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Seth turned back as he placed a second stack of timber on his back. The snow was starting to become a bit much for the wolf. With an expression of disbaleaf, he looked at the mare with cunserns eyes, then looked away. "...I... I truly don't know what to say... I really can't believe that you are ... one of them. I have a bit of a history with the curse, I thought I wouldn't have to see its head rise again. Because of me... a pony lost his life." He said, looking down with shame as he walked in. Trotting with the wood on his back, Seth made his way through the cabin into the main room and dropped off the two bundles near the fireplace. As he did, he took a quick glance at Sidewinder. From a quick view, Seth couldn't see anything worth noting, but it was possible that the accusations were correct. However, it was one pony's word against another.


Nodding to both Sidewinder and Atlas, Seth went back to see BB. "I cannot believe that the curse is back. I won't. If anypony were to fall again... I couldn't bring myself to kill them. I... was once one of them." He finished with much dificulty. Pulling out his necklass from within his fur, the vial with the black liquid hung from it. "This is dormant vampire venom. I extracted it from myself shortly after being cured. This is to remind me of the terrors I cummited..."

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Badaboom pressed into the main room, ignoring Atlas entirely placing her own stack of firewood neatly on top of Seth's. "You don't have to say anything...as a matter of fact," this is when the mare shot a glance to Atlas, but only for a fraction of a second. "I'd prefer to hear nothing more on the subject. I was trying to have a good time on this vacation, but some are making that rather difficult."


Hearing her woods out loud BB instantly regreated them, yet still managed to cast the thought away. "I'm sorry, that was rude of me. Just havin' a rough day, ya know?" She asked rhetorically as Seth continued explaining his own vampiric experience. Special note was given to the vile claiming to be the venom of a vampire.


Dormant? B-Box repeated mentally, that obviously ment that if injected by any means, he could theoretically turn any pony at any time. She could obviously tell that the wolf would not transition as smoothly as Sidewinder, tone of voice made it clear just how traumatic the event was. No guess, that was also how Lightning Bliss felt.


Boom staired blankly at the vile for a few more moments. She as Seth had stated previously, really didn't know what to say at this point. She could have asked the alpha to elaborate on his experience to better judge how much he actually knew of vampires. However she closed that door already by dropping the subject, for now. "I-I'm sorry?" Was all she could mummble. "Must've been difficult..but hey! Least ya found a cure right?" She through out, in attempt to lighten the atmosphere.


Without having to look, Boom knew that Atlas was watching her carefully, taking notes of her actions and convincing words. "So now that you know the accusations, regarding myself and Sidewinder you might want to try and calm Lightning down. She's absolutely terrified by everything that's goin' on. I'm certain she'll appreciate it. As for myself. Think I'm gunna try an' relax a bit. My door is open to you, and Blissy if you can come to a separate conclusion." With these words Boom turned to the hallway leading to her room, giving Sidewinder a welcoming look as well, still ignoring Atlas. That one might cause a problem. she added silently before trotting from the room.

Little Pony that happens to be Mine

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As the mare departed, Seth called to her. "I'll see what I can do." He responded. With that, he tucked away the vile. Turing back to the fire, he untied the first bundle and tossed a few logs in with some small twigs for early kindling. With the old embers beginning to start the blaze, Seth smiled at his handiwork. However, his joy was interrupted by the winged pony's comment. Seeing as he was off to the study, Seth decided to find out if any of these accusations actually held water. He slowly approached the door to the study and knocked. "It's me, Seth. I would like to talk." He asked in the kindest tone possible.

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Within the safty of her own room, Badaboom levatated from the ground and floated gently over to her headphones that still rested on her BoomBox. Returning them to their rightful position over her ears, the vibration of the wubs caused her to bob in place whilst in mid-air. Making her way, rather gracefully, to her bed. BB's attention was grabbed by the rough looking book on her end table.


With her reading material in hoof, she fell onto her back, head against the wall. Nothing on the cover, just a plain black book. She took the time to sort through her thoughts. Wondering how Seth was going to take the situation, getting first word was important, especially with the history between he and Bliss. Now maybe, she'd get a little more pull in the direction of her innocence. Depending on how convincing she was, and how hysterical Lightning may be.


Boom knew Sidewinder was fully on her side, it still surprised her knowing that it was by his choice, and no manipulation. That was obviously her trump card. Her mind suddenly trailed to Atlas. She narrowed her eyes slightly, he was by far her biggest treat at the given moment. But even he gave an ultimatum, though not a very friendly one.

Edited by DerpyVinyl

Little Pony that happens to be Mine

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Atlas pondered what Seth had gone on about. He has quite a history...

That little... Atlas watched as she sweet talked Seth into making her look innocent. He got off his seat and shot her a glance. She left and walked off to her room. 


"Watch yourself, Seth" He called as Seth left for the study. "All is not as it seems" Now where is she going? Atlas walked after Boom once she was in her room. He needed to talk to her. He took a deep breath. He was about to walk into the lion or rather vampire's den. Knife on him? He looked down and sure enough it was there. He knocked hard.

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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Hearing a dull thud, but just barely, between the wubs. Badaboom looked to her door. She voiced her acknowledgement, allowing who ever been knocking to enter. Who's it gunna be? She pondered a moment, making herself look casually relaxed. Boom however pushed her book over slightly under a fold in her blanket. Though it upset her to switch her music off, Badaboom did so. Keeping her headphones over her ears, she waited.

Little Pony that happens to be Mine

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