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private Vampires in Equestria


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@@Bada3oom Box

Atlas stepped into the room with a frown. He sighed and stepped in farther. "Boom. We need to talk. I'm not going to kill you or anything. Just... Just stay out of the way. Don't smooth talk Seth either. I want this to end and forget about it and I'm sure you do too. We just continue on the vacation as normal" He leaned against the wall tired mentally. His bandages tugged on his leg. A bit tight. He'd loosen it later.

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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As Atlas emerged through the door, a flat look of dissatisfaction over took her expression. However after his stament had been announced, Badaboom couldn't help but let out a small chuckle. "You know? I do believe your right. We both do want this to end. I just see how that is to happen differently." She figured there was no point I trying to hide it from him.


"Close the door would ya? I'm not going to kill you or anything." B-Box's sarcastic request was accompanied by a devious smirk. "You being a scholar or whatever it is you are, might find this interesting." Boom pushed her book into Atlas's line of sight. It was old, tattered, and written in Vampiric. "Take a look, think you could do an appraisal? It's actually a very rare, ancient piece of art, if you could believe."


Badaboom blinked curiously at Atlas, waiting for him to reach for the literature, before speaking again. "I gotta question for ya. What is it that you have against me? I can't put my hoof on it, but I'm getting mixed feelings from somewhere up there." Boom motioned to her head. "It's clear you would love to take that knife of yours and end this nightmare here and now. Yet you show restraint? You also didn't seem to have a problem when Seth murdered that deer this morning, but when I grant a friend immortality, I'm seen as a monster?"

Edited by Bada3oom Box

Little Pony that happens to be Mine

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@@Bada3oom Box

Atlas didn't want to be in here long but curiosity go to him. 

"Let me see that book" He opened it. "Never seen this sort of writing... It's familiar though... Similar to wolven I believe. I might be able to get a few words if I walked wolven through old Griffon though" He looked at the book until she go to the part about death and her blatant vampirism. 

"You're right. I would like to get this over with like that... But I don't feel I have the authority to take another's life away. I've taken enough life away... And I shouldn't have taken any at all" Memories flashed in his head while at the same time his eyes flashed with guilt, fear, and regret. "What Seth did is beside the point. That was his instinct and that's just how his species lives. He does it to live. I have no problem with that. Gotta do what you have to to survive. I know that. But you... you took an innocent's mortality. Sidewinder may have just been dinner for you but to me that's another innocent pony" He sighed. "I'm guilty of the same crime... And I'm deeply guilty of it but that's not what we're here for. I really can't appraise this book. I know nothing about it. But if it's as rare as any of the olden Griffon texts then it can be worth upwards of couple million bits. if you can get the buyer to believe that vampires are real. Can you read any of it?" He was curious... And curiosity get's ponies into trouble. 

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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@@Firehearted, @@Bada3oom Box, @,


As she entered into the living room with Atlas behind she spotted BB and Seth entering together into the cabin, making her duck for cover behind a couch before either one of them could speak. Her plan to get Seth alone wasn't going as well as she hoped seeing that Boom was with him, and already sweet talking him into getting on her side. This isn't good but...she tried to calm herself, Seth is my friend...he wouldn't be disloyal...loyalty has always been his greatest tribute and he's never let me down before...Surely he will believe what I have to say when I get the chance? She shook her head trying to cast out any doubt she had as she continued to listen to the others in the room. Finally after a few shaking moments of hearing them talk all ponies and Seth headed up the stairs, leaving her what she thought was...alone.


She poked her head out from behind the couch, took a breath and slowly tip-hooved her way towards the stairs. But then...off the corner of her eye, she spotted Sidwinder staring out the window. She froze like a deer in the headlights knowing for sure, seeing her sneaking around the cabin wasn't part of the plan. But in that split second of fear, she saw it...that vampire flicker...the red tint in his eyes...Maybe he didn't realize that he was flickering his new sight...but she saw it for that one second. It was more then enough for her to move quickly. She focused her magic, and teleported to her bed room, making sure the door was shut but not locked.


Then in a heap of true panic...but as she planned it to be...she took a deep breath and whinnied as loud as she could.




Edited by Lightning Bliss

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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@@Lightning Bliss,@,  



Hearing the cry for help, Seth looked to the stairwell. He wanted answers from Sidewinder, but it sounded like Bliss needed him. "I'll be back in a bit." He called to the pony in the study. With a quick dash for the stairs, he passed Boom's room, seeing Atlas and Boom talking. He would have to talk to the adventure pony after this was over as well. Getting to Bliss's room, he forced the door open to see a terrified alicorn waiting for him


"Where's the rodent?" He asked, eyes darting for any sign of movement. Rabid animals only meant extra cation when killing them.

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Soon as the wolf darted into her room all the way, teeth barring, she slammed her door behind him, locking it tight.


"I'm sorry Seth," she calmed herself just enough to talk in a normal voice, it was scratchy from all the squealing she'd been doing previously. Coughing to clear her throat, she sighed and turned him, eyes full of hope and worry, "I had to get you in here without drawing Boom's attention...I know she's been talking to you..."


She sat down and curled up on the bed. "You know that vampires exist just as much as I do now, never forgetting what happened between the two of us..." She darted her eyes on him then, locking firmly, "whatever she has told you is a lie...You have got to believe me...Have you looked at Sidewinder lately? Did you see his neck?" Before she allowed him to answer, she continued, "look I know a vampire bite when I see one... When I found Sidewinder, it was this morning...I tripped over his body, it was dead cold...yet he rose up...like from the dead...I saw his neck...clear two puncture wounds on it. Atlas found two paris of pony tracks before mine when he went to investigate too. He believes that this was a vampire attack...and we clearly believe he was turned by Boom...Whatever she said to you...she's trying to sweet talk you into letting your guard down!"


She leapt off her bed then trotted to her wall, placing a large floppy ear on it, trying to listen in to what Boom and Atlas were talking about. "Atlas is being too bold...he's confronted her already about it...She suspects we know too...that's why she's trying to get you on her side. She's already turned Sidewinder...and I don't know what he's going to do..." She looked at her loyaltest friend she's ever known..."Seth...we have two vampires in the house...and we can't escape... you believe me don't you?"

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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"Hardly, besides the point." Badaboom responded to Atlas's reply based on the alpha grey wolf, Seth. "If anything I'm now even more confused on your position in this whole ordeal." She didn't press into that subject much though, instead she focused more on the mortality and innocence portion of the pegasai's retort. "Jus dinner? If that were true I could've simply killed Sidewinder rather than turning him, but then I'd be the thing your trying to make me out to be."


BB stopped for a moment letting Atlas sift through the book. "If it's his unwillingness that your concerned about you should ask him about it yourself. There's many ways to counteract what I did to him as well. One of which involves a cure that until recently I didn't know existed. Speak to Seth and or Lightning for more info on dat one."


Boom's face lit up a bit when Atlas mentioned the possible price of her book, but more so his question on reading it. "Well of course I can...for the most part." She got up and pressed over to his side, flakes of garlic clinging to the back of her hoodie, yet left unnoticed by her. Trying to be as least threatening as possible, she started flipping through the pages. "It's a unique read. It is the first book written by Vampires, but you see?" As she flipped the pages the writing got harder to understand. "It gets writen in older text the more you read through, all the way to the end." BB looked up to him. "Which in this case, is the beginning."

Edited by Bada3oom Box

Little Pony that happens to be Mine

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@@Bada3oom Box

Atlas almost forgot he was standing next to a vampire and was absorbed by his wanting for knowledge and curiosity. 

"Any idea where it was written? How old? Who did you get it from?" He took a look at the binding and type of paper. "If what you say is true than this was written of over many decades maybe even centuries. It takes a while for languages to change. By the binding it could be from late-Golden age, or the few hundred years before Princess Luna came back. That wouldn't make it that old though. Have you done any work on it? The paper varies. The earliest pages are made crudely. This kind of paper is used in some of the oldest documents. I'd guess from during the Reformation Period, the time of organisation after Discord fell from power. You're familiar with Discord? The embodiment of chaos. At the latest this earlier paper could be after the Reformation Period and before Starswirl the Bearded came to the scene. Which makes it as old as the oldest official documents. The newest potions paper is modern and the same time period as the bindings. The ink... If I'd test that I'd need to have access to a lab. The ink would be able to date this much better. But if all of this is authentic then you're sitting on a gold mine. What does it say? Just read what you can"

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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Badaboom Box allowed the Pegasai to ramble on until he got all his questions and comments out of the way. She was pleased with the amount of intrigue Atlas began to display. Knowing the basis of what his Cutie Mark, and special talent involved, she wasn't all to surprised that he certainly knew his history. Reflecting on his words Boom, had to be careful at this point. It was the Vampiric mare's intention to lower the winged pony's guard, and she seemed to be succeeding. However as she was now laying it all on the line, her mixed judgment on Atlas would have to be toyed with cautiously.


"No. I've got a vague idea now thanks to you. And I've always had it." BB answered the first set of questions. Leaving Atlas barely anytime to reflect on what that meant, she continued, shaking her head. "Nah, I haven't added anything to it. If that's what ya were askin'. I prefer to write lyrics, if nothing at all. But if you were implying have I done any work from it, then that'd be a yes. Considering it is pretty much a mixture of Vampire 101 as well as some legends and what not."


Ignoring the question based on the draconqeuus, Discord, Boom reached for her book back. Figuring that it'd be obvious to her company, that being a vampire she knew all about chaos. "Well, it be a rather thick book, and I can read the first several chapters without problem, an get most of the five or six chapters here." She turned through the papers. Though the book was literally ancient, the durability it still maintained was uncanny.


"I'd say right bout, this section." She stopped holding the book open on a page that had been marked with a black liquid. "Is as far as I can get accurately. Has something to do with a Vampiric Lord, rare eclipse in which case the Moon'll turn vibrantly red, a prophecy involving a Princess, and some other ancient Mumbo-Jumbo." Badaboom closed the book, yet held onto it looking at Atlas expectantly. She pondered which way he'll take this information, or was he serious about her reading just what she knew?

Little Pony that happens to be Mine

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@@Bada3oom Box

Atlas was having a field day and his guard was on the floor. The events of the morning were far out of his mind. "This lettering certainly varies from the newer text. A Vampiric Lord? Sounds like the stuff out of the ruins in the Everfree forest. I've got to right this down" He dashed from the room. He stopped at his own and grabbed the notebook and pen he had used to collect evidence. He ran back in and flipped to a fresh page. "This is a absolute gem of a find! This is amazing!" He was like a colt in a candy store. He didn't believe everything in the book but it was still good. "This book holds the tales of an almost unknown culture! This is incredible!" He had put his hooves on her shoulders and shook her a bit. "This could be the next Ponysetta Stone! Who knows how much history from unrecorded times could be kept in this book! That is should you share this find with the world... Even if you don't I'm just happy to how a look into it. The whole time he had been jotting down notes. "It's alright if you can't read all of it. That's the adventure of it!" He was absorbed int he research of this book. Nothing else mattered.

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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As Atlas sprinted from her room, Badaboom grew a crooked smile, she was a little taken back by just how drastically the Pegasus had flipped attitude towards her. If she was up to it, she could easily take him down here and now, in the open position he left himself. However she decided against it for now. Knowing that hopefully Seth was calming Lightning Bliss down a bit, or at least convincing her that Boom didn't prove a threat. If they should be worrying about any pony, it should be Sidewinder.


The freashly turned Pegasai would prove to be far more unpredictable than she. Boom let the thought pass her by, she had full trust in him, and after some further convincing towards Atlas, her fears of him ruining her plans would also be out the window. Badaboom couldn't help but revel in her handiwork, this was going smoothly.


"Feel free to borrow that for awhile, seems like you got a passion for discovery." BB offered the returned Atlas, holding the Vampiric book out to him. "Of course that doesn't mean I won't be here to answer any questions ya might have." The mare added laughing a bit at his gitty happiness, while he shook her anxiously.


Stepping back slightly she contemplated her options, one more dangerous move to tie up loose ends. "But seriously, I did want some alone time. You've been rather mean to me this morning and I may need some time to cool down. Don't wanna do something I'd regret." She pauses a moment gaining a serious expression, a red flicker ran through her eyes, to further prove just how serious. "Given what you know, and now have, I'd advise against doing anything you'd regret as well." Boom suddenly flipped on her headphones and bounced in place with a much kinder appearance. "Jus keep this chat, and my book between us, for now, aight?"


Badaboom shuffle trotted back to her bed, leaping onto it the same as previously, as to be on her back. She watched Atlas as to catch any other comment he may have, before going about on his way.

Edited by Bada3oom Box

Little Pony that happens to be Mine

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@@Lightning Bliss,


Putting his own ear to the wall, Seth listened in on the contents of the discussion of the two. If his hearing was correct, then the situation was much worse than he hoped. He looked to Bliss with a scared face, then turned to the wall as his mind began to proses the new information.


"Vampire lords... legions... a civilization that has been eradicated except... Bliss... You have my whole trust. Boom is a vampire, it's clear. But what scares me is how she came upon the curse... I was foolish enough to make my cures, but she... She... is she a blood relative of the old nation of vampires? But that would mean that she was given her powers... which... " He fazed out for a sec, staring at a wall. Slowly, he reached a paw to his fur and pulled out the vile.


"How was I one...?" He slowly asked. "What is the likelihood of a wolf creating the exact formula for a vampire curse. That's because I didn't, I just awoke it... All wolves had the curse berried deep within them...but we were too strong for it to unfold... Soon... it just died out... But how did an entire population of primitive wolves over a thousand years ago... The war..." Seth finished. His entire statement sounded like a lost professor's breakthrough. To Seth, it was.


"Bliss... I know what this is..." He said, slowly turning to the alicorn. He had an expression as if he had just seen the fabric of time it's self. He then slowly sat down on the floor, looking at his paws as his mind raced to tie all of this together.

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The quest for knowledge of and discovery was one of Atlas's weaknesses and he was falling for it harder than ever.

"You'll let me look at it more? Great!" He hadn't caught half of what she had said becasue he was paying more attention to the book. "Thanks a lot" He grabbed the book and was out the door. He dropped the book in hid bed and sat down. He began to sift through the book looking for anything. As he searched he noticed something. This wasn't a variation of old griffon or wolven. This language was a strange mix of all the world's languages. He wrote the fact along with the theory that it meant this vampire thing was everywhere. With this knowledge at heart he dug in.


He flipped open the first page. Fairly modern. Here and there it would outright say a word in English. He could pick out most of the bigger words using suffixes and prefixes from other languages. The mentioning of Celestia was common... Something about casting the vampires away. Killing them off? Maybe... A few mentions of covering evidence. The Lunar Guard was mentioned once fighting something. Princess Luna was brought up as well calling her a enlightened one and the guardian of the vampires. A battle took place between two groups of guards... And Luna was sent away... It continues to call Celestia the sun and Luna the moon. Toward the end of the chapter Nightmare Moon was mentioned and how her ponies waited for her return... Strange...


A break in text and a blank page showed for the next chapter. It goes on about the Vampiric Curse and how Vampires magically gained their venom out of necessity to preserve the species. However it also explains some differences between turned and natural vampires. Mainly clarifying that all the pony known information based on Vampires is actually based more on a Pony afflicted with Vampirism. Garlic, silver, crosses, wooden stakes in the chest, decapitation, ect are examples of how to kill/halt a turned pony. Actual vampires cannot be killed by traditional means. As he went it became slowly harder to understand the meanings with his base knowledge. In his head the a scratch developed. 


He flipped to another chapter. It appeared to be talking about abilities. The interesting part. By now he was having a hard time. Meanings became very hard to get and a good bit was guess work. From what he could pry from the book vampires have a full arsenal backing them. All round better senses, levitation, stronger wills, the works. Everything to make one better. Stronger. Smarter... Atlas caught himself fantasizing if he had these abilties. He could crush his enemies under his hoof. No longer would he have to worry about his bad leg or injuries. It would make his life much easier. He snapped himself out of it 

No Atlas! You do NOT want to be one of them. Never! But still... The thought lingered in the back of his mind. He would all the time in the world to learn, explore, make a name for himself... He got off out of his bed with his findings. He needed to ask Boom a few more questions.


He grabbed the book dropped it into his closet to hide it and left the room. But before Boom he needed to check on Bliss. Hopefully Seth was informed on the happenings.


@@Lightning Bliss,@@arkman575,  

He got to Bliss's room and let himself in.

"So, you sorted out? Everyone up to date on the situation?"

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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"Perfect." Badaboom Box stated plainly with a grin still on her face, unaware that her position had been compromised. Things couldn't be going better in her mind. Seth was on her side calming Blissy, Atlas was enveloped by her book which may give more information than initially planed, but still it kept the Pegasus out of her mane. Then of course there was Sidewinder, who has been creeping into her head more frequently then she initially thought. The stallion was just so forth coming of his metamorphosis, it was unheard of.


"Badaboom I'm the vampire MC Pony,

Hailing straight from the Everfree.

Things going so effortlessly,

Now there ain't no pony here to suspect me."


She let out a quick rhyme before getting into a blissful position of comfort on her bed. Though she wasn't going to sleep, the mare still closed her eyes, and envisioned the events to come.

Edited by Bada3oom Box

Little Pony that happens to be Mine

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@@Firehearted, @@arkman575,


"Seth...? What's going on? What do you mean?" She sat down next to her wolf comrade out of comfort for himself as well as for her own security...far as she was concerned, she was a trapped mouse in a cage...with a two tigers. Then quite abruptly, Atlas came into the door, asking how they were doing.


"Not good Atlas...Seth knows..." she glared at him firmly then before continuing, "and I know what you and Boom have been talking about... Why don't you just let her turn you before she gets to me and Seth? Since you love learning about vampires so much!" She snorted at him, her horn glowing out of instinct in a fight or flee sparkle of insinctual magic. "Here we are, trapped with two vampires in this god forsaken cabin, in the middle of a blizzard, and you are too caught up with a book on the very thing that is hunting us down!"


She started to hyperventilate again, not more giving into anger, but terror as she pressed herself up against Seth for better protection. "I'm so scared...I'm so scared Seth...I don't want to be Blight again...I don't want to die...I don't want to kill others...not again!"

Edited by Lightning Bliss

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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@@Lightning Bliss

Atlas just frowned. "I didn't know how fast you were to turn your trust. Just becasue I happen to be talking to her and gathering information doesn't mean I'm done... Eavesdropping's a bit rude" He scoffed at her comment on him turning. "I didn't know learning was akin to betrayal" He felt betrayed himself. He went back to his room grabbed his notes and came back. He careful ripped out his notes on the book and threw the rest into the room "There. All the stuff I found in my investigation this morning. You're on your own" Short and sweet. He was done here. He turned around and left the room.


@@Bada3oom Box

He was mad. He wasn't thinking rationally. That little Alicorn had just smashed the trust he had for her. It only took him breathing a word to Boom for her to assume he was her sworn enemy. What was she good for? His mind went back to thinking about the book. That power... All in his grasp... A angry look was stuck to his face after the accusation. Where was Boom? He went into her room still angry. 

"Boom... You've got me interested. What the drawbacks of vampirism. Oh, Lighting Bliss heard everything. She's onto you as is Seth. She just stabbed me int he back as well... Where was I? Yes, drawbacks?"

  • Brohoof 1

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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@@Firehearted,@@Lightning Bliss,  


Seth was barley fazed by both Bliss's reaction as well as Atlas's anger. He had been thoroughly thinking on what all this meant. As the events that occurred around him began to sink into his cluttered mind, he looked to Bliss. "Lightning, we might be on our own..." He said, seeing as Atlas was now threatened by them. "It will be ok. We just need to stick together an don't lose our cool. If we stay strong in mind, we can wait this out till we can leave. Not to sound bad... but...if we can't solve this... we might need to just abandon them. You can fly and I can easily traverse the snow. Bliss, I owe you my life so many times over, let me not be the reason for you to be lost to this."

  • Brohoof 1
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"I...wait please!" She called out to Atlas but it was already too late, the pegasus stormed out, flinging his notes into her room as he left. Did I assume too much...? She asked herself.


Of course you did, you are stupid after all... A dark memory stroked her conciousness, making her shake her head.


Gah...stop it Bliss...don't...don't let it get to you. She slammed her door shut, locking it at the same time then fluttered to her bed to sob while Seth spoke to her.


Great...just great, she thought to herself as he coaxed her best he could, you just insulted, probably even hurt... the only pony out of the others that was on your side...and you had to go and accuse him of betrayl? What where you thinking? She could hear her father's words echoing in the back of her mind, calling her a dumby for assuming so much like she usually did. You're an alicorn princess for Celesita sake! You're supposed to be careful when talking to others...you should know better then that... Now you've put everypony at risk by your own thick headed arrogance and fillish fears! "OH!" She cried into her pillow, sobbing loudly, not caring if Seth or any of the others heard. "I'm such a fool!" She curled up into a ball, pulling her cloak off the rack and hiding under it, praying that the storm would let up. "Wait till the storm passes...then...then just go...take Seth and go..." she sobbed quietly under her ears and wings, admist to the cape...feeling ashamed and wallowing in her own foolishness as Seth spoke to her, trying to calm her down.

  • Brohoof 1

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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Badaboom tapped her hind hooves together, patting her bed with one of her front, and waving her free one in the air to the rhythm. There wasn't a knock, but Boom felt a presence enter her room. Her lime eyes flashed back open, and locked onto Atlas who again welcomed himself in. Accompanied by a weak sigh she lowered her headphones switching them off yet again.


With a smirk of equal interest to his own, didn't hold up when he added the fact of her sherade going completely downhill. Badaboom cast her eyes to the floor truly upset. She'd have to step up her game a thousand times over, and quite possibly resort to measures that she always prefered to leave out. "Well your the last pony I'd expect this type of question to come from. Might I ask what possessed you into this particular inquiry?"


Boom could see that the Pegasai was upset himself, meaning that his intrest sparked purly out anger, or at least that was a possibility. She couldn't control the thought that he might just be giving a ploy of his own to get a little more insight on Vampires. However amount displayed aside, Atlas was willingly asking the benefits, or more so the downsides of being a Vampire seemingly for himself.


"Well most obvious draw back is everypony will hate you the moment you let it slip what you are, regardless of who you are." B-Box kept her disappointed expression. "Other than that...pretty much the need to feed at least once a year, but more frequently depending on how strong the urge influences you." Sitting up on the edge of her bed she tilted her head slightly waiting for an answer to her own question.

  • Brohoof 1

Little Pony that happens to be Mine

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@@Bada3oom Box

"Seems easy enough" He meets tons of ponies on his travels. One pony caught at the wrong place and wrong time in an inn once a year was no big deal and for the most part he kept his emotions in check. Mostly. He didn't have too bring up his vampirism. Easy to hide. You knew a werewolf who had been run out of more than one village. He'd just ask him how to deal with it. The rational part of his head was locked away while the part of him fueled by anger and revenge thought away. 


"The benefits seems to outweigh the drawbacks... My job would be much easier... How's the procedure. A bite and that's it? No ritual nonsense. If so I'm ready to commit" He hadn't thought it through at all. He was acting blindly out of anger. 


@@arkman575,@@Lightning Bliss,  

Not much could stop his resolve when angry. Nothing short of Lighting Bliss and Seth busting through the door would stop him.

  • Brohoof 1

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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BB let out a little giggle that evolved into a full on laugh, more of an inside joke really. "Oh yeah completely forgot about that...the third draw back is the process. In which case yes a bite is involved, as all your blood and life force are drained given to the Vampire responsible. Sorry it ain't funny, being as you you will have to die as the venom takes time to alter your body."


Boom gave yet another pause, allowing Atlas to think over the procedure. "But if your entirely serious about willingly becoming a member of our race. I got a friendly request. You'll have to give Sidewinder the honor. For me to turn you would be pointless. As I have stayed my bloodlust already, on a Pegasus too." Getting to her hooves she pressed over to her door. A kind, comforting smile accented by her calm next words. "Shall we?" She asked allowing him to take the lead.


B-Box was a little uncertain as to how Sidewinder would take the offer. He'd miss out on the undeniable thrill of the hunt, but then again he didn't originally seem like that type. Perhaps a willing sacrifice will ease the situation. Badaboom tossed these questions aside as they'd be answered straight from the horse's mouth soon enough.

  • Brohoof 1

Little Pony that happens to be Mine

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@@Lightning Bliss,


Seth finally broke from his logic, the turmoil of bliss breaking through. He slowly walked to Bliss's side, nudging her lightly with his nose as a dog to his master. "Bliss, it will be ok. Trust me, I will get you out of this. We just need to wait out the storm. I... will confront Boom. She owes us answers, and... i doubt she is willing to fight a wolf when that wolf feels threatened." He said with a light irritated tone.


@@Bada3oom Box, @@Firehearted,


Seth walked out of the room and down the hall. What he met in Boom's room made his blood boil. "Atlas, step aside. Boom, stand down!" He commanded, growling.

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Boom's cheerful demeanor went straight into nonexsistance the moment Seth walked through the entrance to her room. Growling as he spoke Boom flinched back a bit from the alpha wolfs display. She did however narrow her eyes to attempt to be intimidating herself. Knowing the canine had experience with Vampires in the past, she was almost certain he wouldn't try anything to rash.


"Stand down?" Badaboom repeated. "I can't walk down the hallway now? Oh wait that's right! You've been a naughty little pup now, haven't you? I mean really, spying?" Knowing full well that she was found out, she layed on the sarcasm, perhaps a little too heavily. She gave a false frown and looked away from Seth's burning eyes. "So sad that our friendship was so short lived, ya know?"


Putting her sights past the wolf to the study door she took a step forward. "Sorry, but I-we're alittle busy at the moment. Maybe we can chat tomorrow?" B-Box asked in a passing tone.

Edited by Bada3oom Box
  • Brohoof 2

Little Pony that happens to be Mine

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