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movies/tv Bleach and MLP power comparison (no rant)


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Since reading few fanfics a question was bogging my mind. I would like to hear your opinions on it.
What do you think about ponies power level (how would they fare in fight) compared to Bleach characters. To be more specific lets say Twilight Sparkle when she was battling tirek (for sake of place I will refer to her as ts) vs: Ichigo prior to his fight with Ulquiorra (ipu), released Ulquiorra (ru), "vasto lorde" ichigo (vli),Ichigo when he was battling Aizen after he learned final getsuga tensou (fgti).
I personally thought ts would be somewhere between ipu and ru. The people I discussed this with think that even ipu would be able to win what do you think?
I will provide some evidence why I think that later. First I want to see if anyone is interested in discussing this topic.I don't want to end up talking to my self (and I don't want to effect your opinions before you post them).
I know if you try to compare these battles using real world physics its quite problematic since they aren't consistent but we can try to do at least very rough comparison.
Please try to keep this civilized and not turn this into rant. (Providing some evidence to support your claim is big plus.) I really don't want to see something which you usually see in YouTube comments.
p.s. English isn't my first language so I'm sorry if some of the sentences are awkwardly written but this is the best I can do.(I should also say that this is my first post so there probably will be some formatting issues sorry.)

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I can see it now! Twilight would be Ichigo, and Big Mac would be Chad! The user above me makes a good point too. Fluttershy would totally be Orihime! 


Soul Reaper Ponies. I think that would be awesome!


Credit for the signature goes to Kyoshi

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I can see Fluttershy being helpless little Orihime. Haha!

Her fairy things being Breezies. 

That is actually very good. Expect that as far as personality goes Orihime ≪ Fluttershy. (My personal opinion.)

This also raises question would fluttershy stare work on Ichi or Ulq (or any other powerful bleach character). I would say no since it didn't work on Discord.


Now back to what I originally posted. There was no reply regarding my original post (power comparison) but since few people watched this and few even replied (thank you for replying) I will make post explaining my thoughts on this topic. I will use what one of the people wrote to me since he explained it in way more detail than I did.It will be direct copy of his reply to me (I have his permission to post it here) so it may seem little strange posting it without my questions but if I tried to edit it I would probably end up messing it up. (Refer to my 1st. post p.s. to know why.) Warning it is long.

I left out 1.) since it was dealing with terminology which isn't all that important (my opinion).

2a.) But why did you say that Tirek pushing Twilight through the bluff/butte was not a very impressive feat, worth less than 100 tons of TNT?

Well, let's take a look at my calculation process. Based on scaling from Twilight Sparkle's size (which was about 1.5 meters from her back hooves to the crown of her head when stretched out—you may not agree, but ultimately the results won't matter too much), Tirek's shoulders should be somewhere between 2.5 and 3 meters (MLP:FiM isn't particularly known for having the most consistent scaling...). Since he pushed Twilight Sparkle through the bluff/butte with a "flying shoulder charge", we'll use those estimates as the diameter of our tunnel. According to my scaling, the tunnel should be approximately 72 meters in depth, giving us a rock volume of 353.5–509 cubic meters.

Now that we've done the simple part, the trickier part comes up. The energy density needed to explosively fragment generic igneous rock so that no resulting piece is bigger than one meter in diameter is approximately 80 joules per cubic centimeter. The energy needed to crush generic igneous rock into pieces roughly 10 centimeters in diameter with a conventional tri-cone type of rock drill is approximately 120 joules per cubic centimeter. Finally, the energy needed to pulverize generic ingenous rock into fine powder is approximately 215 joules per cubic centimeter. We don't really know which of these values is the most accurate here due to lack of evidence, so we'll have to use them all and establish a range of values.

Blast Fragmentation = 28.28–40.72 gigajoules (6.76–9.73 tonnes of TNT)

Drill Crushing = 42.42–61.085 gigajoules (10.14–14.6 tonnes of TNT)

Pulverization = 76.01–109.44 gigajoules (18.17–26.16 tonnes of TNT)

As you can see, "less than 100 tonnes of TNT" is actually a generous approximation. And considering the tunnel wouldn't be a circular cylinder, since Tirek's head and shoulders aren't circular, the actual volume of rock destroyed could easily be lower, due to the tunnel being an elliptic cylinder.

2b.) But what if they didn't pulverize the rock, they vaporized it instead?

Well, as blatantly unlikely as that assumption is even without using math to prove it, I'll still calculate it. The energy needed to vaporize generic igneous rock is roughly 35,500 joules per cubic centimeter—rather, that's a value similar to the heat of vaporization for silicon, because it's so much easier to just use that value than try to find the values for different types of rock, and it's not too unrealistic given that various silicate minerals constitute approximately 90% of the composition of most rocks found within the Earth's crust. This gives us an vaporization energy requirement of 12.55–18.07 terajoules (3.0–4.32 kilotons of TNT). That's certainly much more impressive.

...However, it also logically gives us a temperature of somewhere around 3000 °C (5400 °F), near the boiling point of elemental silicon; this is a temperature higher than the official melting points of every single periodic element besides carbon, tungsten, rhenium, osmium, and tantalum, and higher than many elements' boiling points (including iron). Therefore this assumption is more than just a little absurd, given that if they were vaporizing the rock, they should have—for obvious reasons—melted a sizable portion of the bluff/butte while passing through it due to the heat generated. This was not observed to have happened, so it's fairly obvious that they didn't vaporize the rock.

3.) So why is Ichigo any stronger than that?

Well, one thing of note is that his final clash with Kenpachi in the Soul Society arc (which was pre-Bankai training) collapsed a dozen skyscrapers around them with just the overpressure blast waveproduced. Any one of should easily have taken over 100 megajoules (23.9+ kilograms of TNT) to topple, meaning that the energy of the impact itself would definitely be over a hundred times the cumulative value, 120 gigajoules (28.68 tonnes of TNT).

This is a physical attack from early on in the series, before he had accessed his Bankai or even the Getsuga Tenshou, and it's still higher than the highest estimated value for Twilight Sparkle's bluff/butte penetration feat.

4.) Well how about speed? How do you know she's not as fast or faster than Ichigo? She can teleport, so she's got an advantage because she can move instantaneously!

While it's true she can "teleport," Twilight's teleportation is actually not instantaneous. If you watch carefully, there is a pause of about a tenth of a second before she "pops", and then another pause(sometimes as long as a second) before she reappears. Now, these values represent pauses in the real world, and not the passage of time in-universe (which is subject to subjective temporal distortion, to allow us to see high-speed events). However, it is still clear that the "teleport" isn't truly instantaneous and does have a period of  "lag". But, if we look at this scene, we see that Twilight "jumps" before an explosion hits her library, and is caught by the blast wave when she pops back in maybe 100 meters away. High explosive compounds have detonation velocities between 4000–10,000 meters per second(Mach 11.76–29.39). The lapse of time between her jumping and the fireball hitting her treehouse is roughly the same as the duration between the impact and Twilight Sparkle's reappearance. That means the "teleportation" itself took anywhere between 20–50 milliseconds to complete the "jump", and thus has an approximate "velocity" of 2000–5000 meters per second (Mach 5.88–14.69), half that of the explosion's blast wave.

However, this is not Twilight Sparkle's actual movement speed, since "teleportation" does not count as movement. Her maximum flying speed (as "Super Magic Princess Twilight," mind you) should probably be close to Rainbow Dash's top speeds: which, for those who don't know, is about Mach 1, maybe a little higher.


No, the Sonic Rainboom is not Mach 5+
: the "mach cone" measurement theory is a complete load of bull, since Dash's speed measured during those periods 
(using distance over time, rather than a estimation garnered from a completely visual effect)
 is not even close to supersonic. In fact, there is a part of the scene where Dash is only moving slightly faster than twice the speed of the ponies 
falling due to gravity
, which if taken literally would either mean Dash was subsonic... or that the falling ponies were moving at over half the speed of sound—and that's only the requirement to make Dash be flying at Mach 1 in that scene; if you were going to claim she was Mach 5+, logically the ponies she's racing to catch would need to be falling at Mach 2.5, at least—which is an 
conclusion. The Sonic Rainboom canonically produces a sonic boom—ergo, it is 
 Mach 1+. 
Deal with it


Conversely, the fourth Hollow Ichigo battles (chapter 9/episode 4), named Shrieker, had the power to create familiar-type creatures he referred to as "Artillery" that explode on command. Ichigo dodged some of these explosions (which admittedly did not seem to be high explosive type, but rather more like a low explosive, and thus should have a much slower detonation velocity of up to Mach 1.2), potentially making him close to being supersonic even at that early a point in the story. Needless to say, Ichigo is firmly supersonic once he gets Shikai form, becomes hypersonic after completing Bankai training, and by the time he completed Dangai training, he was moving at around Mach 10+.

5.) What about magic? How can Ichigo defend against Twilight's massive arsenal of spells? Can't Twilight just paralyze Ichigo or turn him into a rock or something like that?

• For her spells to be effective, she has to be able to hit her target, and given that Ichigo is a whole lot faster than she is...

• Bleach has "Kidō", which is, basically, exactly the same as magic, for all intents and purposes. And since we don't see Ichigo being consistently and soundly defeated by anyone and everyone who uses Kidō, I don't see Twilight inexplicably being an exception to that trend.


I will just add this try to compare explosion that ts beam causes with ru Lanza del Relámpago.


I'm in no way trying to say that you can't make for example Celestia more powerful than Ulquiorra for the sake of fic. I'm only saying that I don't find it as being canonically correct (as far as one can talk about canon when dealing with crossovers).
Different opinions are welcomed. It would be nice if you provided some evidence supporting your claims. (It certainly doesn't need to be as long as the person I quoted wrote.)
If you want to post any bleach mlp crossover related post like the people above did feel free to it is welcomed. (I don't mind it isn't 100% related to my original post.)
(If you managed to read through both of my posts without being bored I'm impressed.)
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