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open Ouran High School Host Club


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"Aww Hikaru, Kaoru, now I'm just cleaning, well the last thing is to put the curtain back up, but other then that it should be fine, but I'm to short to fix the curtain" Luna said walking over to the twins. "Here is Haruhi, I know that he was going to get something from his house to help clean" Luna said.

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the twins sighed "fine we'll help" then in a quieter tone "here comes Tamaki! snicker" the twins put up the curtain then walked over to Tamaki "hey sir! there was a mare in here a wile ago! you missed her but she wasn't from our school for sure. she had some papers from Ootori company! oh and wile you were gone we dressed Haruhi up in girl's clothes."

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After a lot of manipulating, Wendy managed to get someone to let her into the academy. She was now an official student in Ouran, but still had to tackle the homeless problem. She decided to seek out help from the host club, again, and went inside. The minute she went in she saw an unfamiliar pony, and to make things worse, one of the missing documents on the table.

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the twins left Tamaki to simmer for a wile. they saw the mare from earlier come in. they walked over and they each hooked one foreleg through hers and brought her to a seat where she sat looking stunned. "Know anything about missing Ootori group papers? hmm?" questioned Hikaru.

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"Umm... What papers...?" She said, shivering from anxiety in their arms after the sudden surprise. She didn't want to reveal that she stole information so valuable it could end the Ootori Group, then again if she didn't tell someone soon the company might collapse and be taken over by whoever the guy that mugged her works for.

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"Hey you guys I'm back, oh the place is clean wow" Haruhi said looking at the twins. "What are you guys doing to Wendy" Haruhi said.


"WENDY" Luna shouted then ran over there. "Hikaru, Kaoru what are you doing, you better not scare Wendy, oh and sorry for shouting" Luna said with a smile.

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"we just thought she should tell us where she put the papers she stole from Ootori group that's all." the twins exchanged glances. Hikaru looked at Haruhi "I'm surprised you didn't notice the so called letters from her mother were actually Ootori group documents. I thought you were a little more observant." they continued holding Wendy down in the chair.

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"Well that's not my falt, and you shouldn't be so rough to the poor mare, she might have a reason for doing what she did, no matter how bad it was of her to do so" Haruhi said not to happy with the twins.



"I'm just going to go home now" Luna said quietly leaveing and going down the street to her house.

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"Haruhi we know you are kindhearted but supporting a thief might be going a little overboard." Said the twins. " but if she's willing to Tell us where the papers are... We might consider going easy on her." Everyone looked at Wendy waiting for her answer. The clock seemed to get louder.

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Wendy felt completely cornered. She had no choice now, she was going to tell them.


"I was hired by a rival company to steal those documents. Apparently they contain information that could destroy the Ootori group enough so they could buy the company off them, but if they don't seem to have all of them since I dropped one here. After I thought I had all of them I tried to make a tradeoff which happened to take place near Haruhi's apartment. There I was beaten and left there without what I was promised."


She immediately started shaking after telling them. Anxiety moved throughout her entire body.

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"So which company was this? They don't have all the papers so it won't do them any good. so the police could go after them right? We have 1 page here to use as bait." The twins envisioned be comeing Heros after bringing the documents back. They sat there mumbling thank you speeches to an imaginary crowd.

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"Ok you two, that's enough of the imqganary crowd" Haruhi said.


"Well at least they are focused on something, so what are we going to do, Koyoa-sempi won't be to happy when he finds out what's going on" Luna said walking around the room, thinking what should they do.

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"Where is everyone anyways? (Note my question people who arn't posting????)" Hikaru looked around "come to think of it, what time is it?" The host club was closed. "WHA? Where has time gone? Haruhi we need to relocate to your house ok?" Dragging Wendy along Hikaru grabbed haruhi's arm with his other hoof and Tryed to pull her too.

Edited by Alicorn Fluttershy
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"What are you doing" Haruhi said a little confused at what's going on.


"I think we're going to your house now, I'm not sure, they finally figured out that nopony is here now, and sorry about this Wendy, I didn't think they would do that, so now what" Luna said trying to decised if she should go with them.

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Hikaru and Kaoru dragged Haruhi and Wendy down the stairs and into the court yard. their limo as usual was waiting for them at the entrance. they got both mares into the limo and said "driver! location 4 please!" they sped off down the street in the direction of Harhi's appartment.

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"Hey what's with the rush, why are you guys in such a hurry" Haruhi said. "What is wrong with you two, rushing out of the host club like that" Haruhi said.



"Ok then, I'll just walk home then, see you guys later, what's the point they can't hear me now" Luna said then slowly started walking home.

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"we just wanted to make sure Tamaki doesn't follow us." Hikaru flashed a devilish smile. the twins then said in unison, "We want the hero ceremony all to ourselves. Tamaki would surely want a part of it if it meant spending more time with you." they arrived at Haruhi's apartment "ah! we're here!" said Kaoru. "We'll call you when we need you," Hikaru told the driver. they exited the limo and walked towards Haruhi's door each twin towing one of the 2 mares along with them.

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"Yeah you guys left some pony though" Haruhi whispered. "I guess Tamaki-sempi would want some part in helping but he wouldn't know what he's doing though" Haruhi said.



"Hey I'm home, I'll just head to my room now" Luna said heading to her room, with nothing else to do.

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(OOC: I've been gone for two weeks due to my having to visit an area where bronies aren't accepted. Sorry but couldn't warn in time on this RP)


Wendy sat in the limo, shaking. "What are they going to do?" She thought. All of the worse case scenarios were going through her head. "What if they have the police waiting at the area they're taking me? Or what if they plan to wait for the limo driver to leave and then beat me?" She thought to herself. The pressure eventually completely overcame her and she fainted.

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"oh dear" said Kaoru then in unison with his brother "Haruhi, she's fainted. you have to deal with it." once they had draged her into the house they proped Wendy up against the wall and sat on either side of her. the twins looked at Haruhi in expectation. "well we don't know what to do!"

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"Why do I have to deal with it, it's your guys falt that she fainted, because you guys picked her up without telling her what's going on, really she could have been scared to death" Haruhi said.


Luna grabbed her mp3 and started lessoning to music trying to think if she write any songs today.

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"like we said we don't know what to do." the twins stated "soooooo its your job. and we need her awake to be interogated." the twins crossed their arms as if one was doing it in a mirror. "Haruhi you should know by now we don't know the first thing about first aid."

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"Ok ok I get it, but the thing is she fainted, so there's nothing much that we can do about this, and her head isn't hurt, so we just need to wait for her to wake up" Haruhi said looking at Wendy.


"I'm going out for a walk I'll be back" Luna said still lessoning to music then headed out the door.

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Wendy slowly awoke, but upon seeing the twins immediately freaked out. She then tried to run to the other corner of the room, but tripped and fell in an awkward position where her head took the the impact of the fall. It immediately knocked her out and she started to bleed badly.

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"Ok now this is different" Haruhi said quickly getting the first aid kit and coming back. "Ok we need to stop the bleeding" Haruhi said wrapping the bleeding area with a banged. "Ok this sould stop her from bleeding to death" Haruhi said.


Luna was still walking so she went to the park.

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