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This is a blog where I just post my thoughts and opinions in general, where those thoughts would be too long for a status update.

Entries in this blog

Just how big are kilo-, mega-, giga-, and tera-?

I was watching a video hosted by Jeremy Clarkson earlier called “Inventions That Changed the World: The Computer.” It got me thinking about just how amazing these machines have actually become. We started with machines capable of computing a couple numbers at a time to the Colossus which used a series of 1,800 valves to perform computing functions all the way up to ENIAC with 17,000 tubes to the microprocessors of today, which have moved past those archaic valves and tubes to hundreds of million




Be creative! Outside is the place to be! Read a book! Exersice a while! Do something useful or helpful!     There are always ways to conquer boredom.



Rough draft for my OC Stargazer

I spent the last few hours typing this from scratch. It's a rough draft and I plan to go through a few edits before I'm done with him.   It's only taken my a year and a half to do this   Anyway it starts now   Stargazer – Male – 20 years old – Pegasus   APPREARANCE   Average build. Dark blue coat, dark brown mane with lighter brown highlights.   CUTIE MARK   A telescope pointed at a single star that symbolizes his love of astronomy.   CHARACTER TRAITS   Withdrawn – Not that th



Mother gets accused of scalding two-year old daughter with bleach and water

Source Article: Mother accused of burning her 2-year-old with scalding water, industrial strength bleach   This is a pattern I keep seeing: The people who deserve the absolute least to reproduce are the best at doing it while the people who deserve to be parents more than anybody have the worst chances of it. I mean, my biological parents had five children. We were so poor at one point, our whole family of four in early 2000 slept in a 1990 Mercury Topaz. We were homeless while my mother was p



Dear people who comment about older rock music "THIS IS WHAT REAL MUSIC IS!"

I remember a conversation I had with my great-grandmother a few months ago...you have to keep in mind that old people aren't just made old. There was a time when even they were young and into the pop culture of their own times. My great-grandmother is going to be 91 years old in a couple of weeks. She was born in 1923. When she was my age, the biggest performers were Woody Guthrie, Gene Autry, and Hank Williams. in the 1940s, when she was in her 20s, the biggest genre in music was country. As ti



Oklahoma: The Bipolar State

This picture was taken at 4:53 pm     And this one was taken at 5:22     In hardly half an hour, it went from hardly being able to see across the road to a picture perfect evening. Welcome to Oklahoma!   And it's December. While other people are getting snow, we're getting rain, hail, and tornadoes.



A McDonald's in Switzerland has some pretty naughty stuff on the TV's

Source Article from The New York Post: Customers accidentally get a side of porn at McDonald’s   I heard about this on the radio show I listen to in the mornings at work. You guys know how when you go into a McDonald's they have the TVs turned to something? Around here, it's usually news. CNN, NBC, yadda yadda...Well a few days ago, a McDonald's in Switzerland had been on the sports channel when suddenly     On the TV screens it shows the pornography of women!   Now they said on the rad



The Pirate Bay has been raided!

I'm actually pretty surprised I haven't seen this all over the place everywhere I go yet...   This is probably going to be an unpopular opinion but here I go anyway.   I read in the news today that The Pirate Bay has been seized by police. This is part of an article by TorrentFreak     This is sort of stirring up a bit of controversy. But I have agree with Rich in this video here.     Now I'm no angel. I was pretty stupid when I was a teenager and I didn't know exactly how big so



Update: I dropped out of school today.

I know in my last entry I said I was going to tough out the semester, but I did the math.   To keep my B in Advanced Business statistics, I need a 76.4 on the final exam To raise my C to a B in Marketing Strategy, I need to score a 124.2 on the final exam   I finally told my parents I had a C in grad school. It really went over better than I thought it would. I did make my mom promise not to destroy me, though. Instead of being angry with me (like she has done in the past), she instead offe



I'm dropping out of grad school.

Just like the title says, I’m dropping out of graduate school. I can’t handle it anymore. I am under a lot of pressure, and it’s causing me a lot more anguish than I need in my life. So here are my reasons for doing so:   1. I already have a Bachelor’s Degree. Right now I’m pursuing a Master’s in Business Administration, and it’s a lot harder than I thought it would be, especially now that I have a job. Yes, an MBA would allow me to go much further than my BBA will, but I’m pretty happy where



What I want to see in Season 5

I don't normally do things like this...I was pretty hyped for Season 4, though, and I did have high hopes for it. I was not disappointed. The crew certainly has a lot to live up to. But in general, I don't spend a lot of time thinking about what I want out of something new (like an upcoming video game sequel or a new season) except exactly what it should be: something new.   Today, I was just thinking about it. And I've determined what I want out of Season 5.   Did you ever notice something



I can't sleep so I have to ask...Why are people so fickle?

I can’t sleep tonight. I just have a lot on my mind. Primarily, I miss my friend. It’s kinda complicated but it goes a little something like this.   A few years ago, I meet this girl in New Mexico. We didn’t get the opportunity to talk much but we added each other on Facebook. About a couple months later, we start chatting and it turns out we have a lot in common. So we hit it off as pretty good friends for a while. Then about a year later, we fall out of touch. I try to talk to her but my tex



Favorite band is favorite (and other music talk)

I just realized earlier when I was listening to a song that I really like Metallica's music. Maybe a little too much.   Then I looked at my CD collection...     I have SIX of their albums. Okay maybe I like their music a little too much At least St. Anger is one I probably won't be buying. But when you have six of a certain band's albums, it's probably safe to say that they're probably your favorite group lol   Smashing Pumpkins is a close second. Except that their greatest albums



My thoughts on the 8th generation of consoles

Just a little disclaimer - I'm not bashing consoles. If you have a console, then that's fine. Have it. If it's your preferred choice. Really, I think what you get is a matter of preference. Contrary to popular belief in the PC gaming community, consoles do have advantages. That said, let's move on.   I’m really not too impressed with anyone’s offerings in terms of consoles. The one that comes closest to impressing me is the PS4, and I’m still sort of…eh…about it. Have I become jaded to the nex



A mixed feelings blog post from someone who is unhappy at the moment

A word to you if you made the mistake of reading this blog post: don't count on other people to make you happy. The only person you need in this life is yourself. If you can't be happy by yourself, you won't ever be happy with other people. And if you already do that, good. Don't ever count on someone else to keep it that way. You'll just get burned.   I'm still recovering from my breakup a little over a week ago, and that ties into this all. In fact, it's the only reason I'm unhappy right now



A short letter to all of you people who have problems sleeping in...from an insomniac

This isn't advice for waking up earlier. Because why would you want that? No. This is a blog because I hate my body right now. And I am going to piss and moan. If you don't like pissing and moaning, then you've been warned.   Tomorrow was supposed to go perfectly! I was going to go to bed early, wake up early, have my morning cup of coffee, go for an early morning stroll, watch the news, re-iron my clothes, cook breakfast...I was gonna do all this by 8 am because I was going to wake up at 5 a



I had the weirdest series of dreams last night (#3 is probably the best)

Last night, I woke up a few times in the middle of the night for various reasons. Also, last night was a very active night for me in terms of dreaming. Note that plenty of this is blurry as it’s hard for me to remember most of this, but it’s all in there (kind of).   Dream #1: My Ex Can't Leave Me Alone The first dream involves my girlfriend and me. We’re sitting at a restaurant. I’m having steak, and she’s having a white peach drink (which is a very sweet fruity beverage with a shot of vodka



About that girl who slept on her phone and it caught on fire

I guess this is a picture of the phone in question. And in case you haven't heard of it yet, link!     Now I'm not going to say I'm not guilty of doing this myself. It was actually probably about last year that I stopped doing this.   It stemmed from me being protective of my phone. When I was a teenager, I would want to use my phone later than I should have been. I started putting it under my pillows when my parents would come into my room and check my messages and see how long I was up



I just need to whine for a moment...

Seriously, I don't give a shit if nobody reads this or whatever. I have got to vent this.   A little background: Accounting is a profession that's supposed to be growing. Getting the degree isn't easy. It's not super difficult. I mean, there are harder degrees out there. But once you have it, people go nuts for folks who have accounting degrees. I am a Bachelor of Accounting. Since mid-March, I've been applying for jobs here and there to very little success. By that, I mean nobody has intervie



Hunting for sport is wasteful

Look, having grown up in the southern United States, I'm all for hunting. Especially if it's for food.   For me, hunting for food is almost always acceptable. This happens in the wild very often, and I firmly believe that if you want to shoot a deer and process the meat to feed yourself or your family, you should be able to go right ahead. Where I think it isn't okay to shoot or otherwise kill an animal for food is if the animal is endangered, regardless of whether you were aware of the animal



What if I told you that the United States is only about 50 miles away from Asia?

It's something I think about from time to time...about how the US is so far away from Asia. Let's face it. The Pacific Ocean is VAST! But here's something I didn't really think about until I was studying some maps.   The United States is technically only 50 miles away from Asia!     Now I know that Wikipedia isn't always the best source for information, but seriously...how inaccurate could the map be? Anyway, the article said that there'd be two bridges, each about 25 miles long and a thi



A 22 month old killed after being left in a hot car

I did a blog entry on this subject earlier this year.   Then yesterday, I saw an article on Facebook about a 22 month old toddler being locked in a car for 8 hours who subsequently died.   According to the father of the child, he was supposed to take his son to daycare; however, he forgot the child was in the car and went to work instead. He left work that afternoon and noticed the child was in the back of the car. He pulled over and performed CPR in an attempt to resuscitate the child, bu



iPhone 6 and other phone stuffs.

I'm subscribed to Marques Brownlee on YouTube. I'm into tech and whatnot and I like the stuff he talks about. This video is a little old but in it, he has a dummy iPhone 6.     Now, I just want to say that it's not things like battery life, display resolution (which still isn't 1080p, but I guess you don't really need anything much higher than 720p on a display this small, but that's a discussion for later), screen size, clock speed, RAM, etc. that won't have me sold on this one.   It



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