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About this blog

This is another blog due to school being the main source of material for my life blog. I will be keeping gaming journals and then posting them on here so you guys can read about my adventures.

Entries in this blog

Animal crossing

I wake up after a real long time playing this game. I get a ton of mail just some from mom residents and the h.r.a. I go to tom nooks sell him all the fish in my pocket from last time I played this game. Then I go to the museum for coffee nothing new said from brewster. I head down to the able sisters and talk to sable nothing new from her either. I go fishing for a real long time and get about 2 pockets full of fish and sell it all. I have an ok amount of bells now. I buy some new cloths at the



Guess what...Animal crossing!

What I accomplished-   I of course go to get a cup of coffee first ! He says coffee is all hey serves and I say that is fine but he says I am glad you like it. Ah of first conversation! Gosh darnet I cant visit any of my stores because it is night time I wanted to talk to sable ... I see that crazy redd is by town hall once again. I dig up a fossil next to the river I am gonna go and donate it. I find another fossil right next to the river if I find a third one I will have hit my most found f



More animal crossing

I come out to see that one of my flowers is wilting and that i have mail. One is from my mother and the other one is from the h.r.a. I water my wilting flower and notice that my house has a different roof so I go inside to check it out. I move my furniture and check my map and notice I have a new resident named Chevre! I go to the museum to get a cup of coffee before starting the day. I talk to him and all he says is coo. I then head of to the able sisters to talk to sable. I dig something up n



Still animal crossing

I go to my mailbox and it contains two letters. One from Purrl and one from the h.r.a. I got a modern wall from Purrl, and the letter from the h.r.a. was just a welcoming letter. I water some wilting flowers on my way to get coffee. Brewster says something new again! On my way to talk to sable I talk to Shrunk. I learn the emotion shyness. Sable also says something different! I get an all purple outfit and then leave. I go into tom nooks and get a purple roof for my new house expansion. I buy no



Animal crossing adventure

Asking for a title. (if you care..)   Animal crossing chapter one: First coming out of my house I notice I have a letter in my mailbox. I look at the letter and it is from Melba. It says " Right before I fall asleep, sometimes I think of you. I'll be waiting for your next visit!" I visited my friends town the other day that is why my peach tree is dieing due to rain an that is why I am getting letters from resident that are not from my town. I get my cup of coffee from Brewster. I talk to him



Animal crossing (lol need a better title)

The one that I posted today was for yesterday so this one is what happened today.... Enjoy   Animal crossing chapter one: After buying my fishing rod I began catching alot of fish. I have sold two pocket fulls of fish to tom nook and now have enough money to pay off my mortgage. I am not sure if I wan't to pay it off just yet since I wanna get all of the tools and some clothes. I would like to get a slingshot first since I have seen like 5 balloons so I wanna get that first if it is in tom noo



First game for the blog

Hello everypony Bronychan1214 here today in my new blog. Well I will be posting my entries in the journal onto here. So here goes the first entry. Enjoy!   Animal Crossing Chapter One: I have started to play animal crossing wild world. I have started over completely with a guide on how my character face will look. I have entered my town and have found my house witch has a blue roof. I have had my house placed next tom nook's store, the bale sister's, the museum and the town hall. I have begun



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