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Rambling, Gaming, combine the two, you've got gambling.

Entries in this blog

Thinking about the past 5 years

With the movie coming up, and from what I have seen of it so far, it feels like an epic celebration of what the show has become, how far it has gone. A big reason of that is because of this fandom, supporting it to the point of putting it into history. A fandom I joined over 5 years ago. I am feeling a bit emotional right now, but in a good way. If that makes sense. I am thinking a lot of these past 5 years. Time sure does fly by. I joined this fandom at a time when I was so depressed and l

Kyoshi Frost Wolf

Kyoshi Frost Wolf

Destiny 2 is a Joke (BDobbinsFTW video)

BDobbinsFTW made an excellent early impressions video for Destiny 2 that I highly suggest watching. It has strong language, but I believe it is quite appropriate. He shows this game for what it is on the PvE side of things.  

Kyoshi Frost Wolf

Kyoshi Frost Wolf

Most Overrated Games (#1): Telltale's The Walking Dead

I feel like starting a new blog series, one where I discuss games that I personally find to be very overrated. I will start that now! Telltale's The Walking Dead was released to extremely high critical acclaim back in 2012. It one several awards, including the prestigious Game of the Year award. Even I enjoyed it back then and I cried at the ending of season 1. Looking back, however, when I think of this entire series in retrospect, I feel a much different tone towards it. That being t

Kyoshi Frost Wolf

Kyoshi Frost Wolf

Am I hated?

I am not good at social interactions. Never was. I thought I was getting better when I was in school over time, but it seems all of that has gone away and my ability to properly socialize has gotten worse in time. I also suffer from depression, but lot's of people know that already. With these things, I have a terrible social life offline and lately, online too. I am starting to feel like most people hate me for whatever reason. Could be people think I am too depressing or maybe I pissed some pe

Kyoshi Frost Wolf

Kyoshi Frost Wolf

Wanting to clarify something

Anyone that knows me knows that I have issues, for sure, Mental issues. Sometimes I get really depressed, other times I get super stressed out, and sometimes I get super pissed off. Being someone that is autistic and has a crippling anxiety disorder, this stuff isn't too much of a surprise. Regardless, I know that I do come off as abrasive sometimes, or perhaps even more than that and if I have ever come off as an asshole to anyone here, I apologize, deeply. I mean no ill will towards anyone, I

Kyoshi Frost Wolf

Kyoshi Frost Wolf

Why Xbox E3 2017 was GREAT

The main E3 conference for Xbox has ended. You know what? I thought it was good. Damn good. It started off with the now named Xbox One X, and it seems like a cool machine, might pick it up. It apparently is quite small for a system of its type and that is impressive. Then, what was most of the show? Games. Game after game after game, it was awesome. Seeing all of these new titles was a treat and many of them looked so interesting.  The Ori sequel trailer for example, was beautiful and emoti

Kyoshi Frost Wolf

Kyoshi Frost Wolf

Why you should NOT buy Call of Duty WWII

*Disclaimer: While this blog is me stating why I think you should not buy this game, it is your money so feel free to do whatever. I can't stop you.   So Call of Duty WWII has been revealed to the public to apparent positive reception in initial impressions. The like to dislike ratio in the trailer is actually positive, which compared to last year's Infinite Warfare, that means something, I guess.   The thing is, I am not impressed. While the trailer to me was simply okay, nothin

Kyoshi Frost Wolf

Kyoshi Frost Wolf

Rambling(#11): Days that I miss

Last night I was thinking while going on a walk. During the past several years, me and my few offline friends loved to play video games together or perhaps go places. Playing stuff like Minecraft, Dynasty Warriors, or even Mario Kart 64. Those are times that I cherish. I got to thinking about it all though, about how it all sorta vanished. How we just don't do those things anymore it seems. I am not sure why. Perhaps everyone is just busy with their own life, which I can understand. Perhaps ther

Kyoshi Frost Wolf

Kyoshi Frost Wolf

Rambling(#10): Can't go a single day without 'that' feeling

It seems no matter what I do or think about, eventually the day will give me some type of reminder to why I don't like myself at all. Makes me wish that either my existence never happened or that I wasn't me at all. Either one would have solved a lot of problems not just for me, but for everyone else that has the misfortune of stepping into my life. While I try to live within my means, I don't think it will mean shit when the years go by and I cannot do anything right. Goes right back to me wis

Kyoshi Frost Wolf

Kyoshi Frost Wolf

Dark Souls 3: My first (and disappointed) impressions

So after beating Dark Souls 1 and 2, I finally got the third installment and started playing it recently. I have put 9 hours into it so far and from that I have gathered my first overall impressions.   What a disappointment, is the best way I can put it. What we have here is a game that is clearly trying to stitch Dark Souls with Bloodborne and we don't have good results from what I have played. The graphics are amazing and there are some subtle improvements like to the dodge roll, Estus Flask

Kyoshi Frost Wolf

Kyoshi Frost Wolf

The Nintendo Switch and why I don't like it

We got a lot of questions answered at the Switch presentation, but most of these answers do nothing to make me excited for the system. We have a price tag, $300, which is okay. That is the highest I would ever go with it though so it is a thin line. The hardware seems incredibly Wii U-esque, Nothing impressive. The overall presentation focused a lot on gimmicks rather than games. Yay, motion controls are back once again. Something tells me that this thing will once again be a third party disaste

Kyoshi Frost Wolf

Kyoshi Frost Wolf

What a terrible Thanksgiving this has been

Like clockwork. I was actually looking forward to Thanksgiving. Going to my mom's or something, having a nice meal, hanging out with family. nah, didn't fucking happen. I went to my grandma's, on my dad's side of the family, whom I hate almost everyone in, had some Turkey, some mashed potatoes, with no gravy or anything extra really because there wasn't any. Then I went on a walk around town. trying to be positive you know. Just looking at the simple joys. Then I go home and I ended up passing o

Kyoshi Frost Wolf

Kyoshi Frost Wolf

FNAF Sister Location is Absolute Garbage

I have a sort of a love/hate relationship with the FNAF series. While I think the story concept is cool and the games have some very creepy imagery, I find the gameplay to be immensely boring and repetitive and the story has no real flow to it and seems be determined by what garbage Game Theory spews out. Not to mention, the only real sense of horror that real happens is BOO JUMPSCARES, AKA the cheapest form of scaring someone of all time. This series, to me is insanely overrated and it was iron

Kyoshi Frost Wolf

Kyoshi Frost Wolf

My current views on Starlight Glimmer (don't worry, they are now mostly positive!)

WARNING! There are spoilers for the season 6 finale ahead so if you haven't seen it, don't read this blog!   Starlight Glimmer is a character that I initially hated, I have made that clear on the forums. I originally viewed her as being insanely overpowered for no reason, having a terrible backstory and just being a character that didn't deserve what she was getting, the Twilight pupil thing.   I will go ahead and say that I do still think that her backstory is meh and not detailed enough A

Kyoshi Frost Wolf

Kyoshi Frost Wolf

Rambling (#9): Crying into a void

Most of you know by now I suffer from severe depression, as well as self hatred and crippling anxiety. All of these are things I have mentioned many times already. Yet, I keep bringing them up. Probably because they are such a common thing now that I feel a need to get them off my chest at least a little. I am taking medication currently, which I think it sometimes helps, but other times it definitely doesn't. Some before have recommended therapy. I have actually tried that before, though not mu

Kyoshi Frost Wolf

Kyoshi Frost Wolf

Rambling (#8): Video Games Galore and My Weird Brain

Rambling time! The title sounds like a TV show honestly. XD It has been a little while since I have done one of these. Been scattered as all hell. I get scattered so easily. All it takes is for me to focus on one thing for too long and boom, I am all out of whack, so then I am not sure what to do. Been in the same situation this morning. Been posting here for a little while, seeing what's up. Now, I am not sure what to do, so I am making this blog. Couldn't hurt right? Even if my life just isn't

Kyoshi Frost Wolf

Kyoshi Frost Wolf

Rambling (#7): Discord, more games and feeling like bleh

A wild Kyoshi rambling blog has appeared! Punch it! KO, blog has fainted.   New blog, means more rambling. As you can see from the title, I now have Discord. Yup, the now legendary communication application that reduces frustration by...basically replacing Skype. XD So yeah, I have that now, wish they would release it on Windows Phones though. If you want to add me, my user name is Kyoshi Lonehearted. My tag is #7442. Really liking the app so far, it is clean, fast and very easy to use while a

Kyoshi Frost Wolf

Kyoshi Frost Wolf

Rambling (#6): Video game publishers are really pissing me off

I want to rant about something that has been bothering me lately: Video game publishers. Companies like Activision, EA, Ubisoft, those guys. The ones that pay for a lot of stuff and make most of the big business decisions. These are also the ones that are usually involved with fucking us over. Trying to ruin gaming bit by bit. I have already explained why Activision is the biggest piece of shit in the group, but they all are bad ot some extent. A perfect case in point for this is the Xbox One ba

Kyoshi Frost Wolf

Kyoshi Frost Wolf

Rambling (#5): I want Call of Duty Infinite Warfare to FAIL

The Call of Duty series is something I actually once loved. A lot. Call of Duty 2 was a huge deal at the start of that console gen, Call of Duty 4 revolutionized multiplayer gaming and Black Ops 2 is a game that I played for hours and hours on end, I couldn't get enough of it. Sure, the series has had some blunders here and there around that time, but despite being annual, the series was able to stay consistently decent.   Those days are gone though. Activision, the mother of all greedy compan

Kyoshi Frost Wolf

Kyoshi Frost Wolf

My dog has passed away

My dog, who's name was Dover, passed away today. I had him for 11 years. His health was deteriorating rapidly over the past month, and as such, I was trying as hard as I could to mentally prepare myself for his death. Despite that, it is still hitting me incredibly hard. Knowing that I will never see him again. Knowing that he is gone forever. I have already had a couple of moments just today where I went into my living room, expecting to see him on the couch like I always did every morning, but

Kyoshi Frost Wolf

Kyoshi Frost Wolf

Rambling (#4): Depression, more games, and pizza? Pizza!

Another rambling blog. Been a bit since I have done one of these. Oddly enough I ramble, yet for some reason, I need to have a starting point to even make one of these. I am odd. Really, things have been relatively the same overall. I am still doing my usual things such as games, videos, signatures sometimes, things you all know. I still try to go on walks but the weather here in Indiana has been dreadful. Extremely hot and humid, the humidity is what makes it horrid. Bleh. I am excited for the

Kyoshi Frost Wolf

Kyoshi Frost Wolf

Rambling (#3): Positivity, Ark, Simple yet awesome joys

You know, sometimes I feel down. All of you know this by now. Struggling with depression, hardcore anxiety and other things is indeed brutal. Past couple of days has been that in full. Been feeling really depressed for some reason. When I could climb out of it, I then worry about things and that cycle repeats. It is odd. Still, been trying to stay positive. Trying to think about things like I like, think about those little positives. Like games and such, been thinking about those and looking for

Kyoshi Frost Wolf

Kyoshi Frost Wolf

Xbox's future after E3 2016 doesn't worry me one bit

E3 is coming ot a close, and after Microsoft's stage conference, there has been soooo much damn negativity surging the internet. Microsoft revealed the new Xbox One S, which is an amazing deal for what you get, but so many people are saying Microsoft's vision has already killed the S with the Project Scorpio reveal, as well as concentrating entirely on both consoles AND PC. Micorosft wants to 'bridge the generations gap' and many people aren't on board with this.   You know what? I am a huge f

Kyoshi Frost Wolf

Kyoshi Frost Wolf

Rambling (#2): Overwatch, living check to check, futility

Oh look. Another pointless rambling blog by Kyoshi. Essentially this is just me shouting into an empty void. I know what I say means nothings, I know these blogs are one of many and they don't mean anything. I still do them though, Probably because I have nothing better to do with my time.   So I got my check. Wowee how wonderful. My check is already nearly gone though. For those that don't know already, I get disability. A simple monthly check that isn't worth jack shit. It can help me stock

Kyoshi Frost Wolf

Kyoshi Frost Wolf

Rambling (#1): Elite Dangerous, depression, and simple joys

Seems making something like this was a long time coming. I have decided to make a rambling series now. Something that is far more constructive than what I did before as is feels more like an archive and it will give me something to go directly to and get my thoughts out, rather than congest the statuses with my weird stuff. We'll see how this goes.   Elite Dangerous Horizons just came out, and I was sooo excited for it. I love space, Elite Dangerous was a game that lets me live a dream of flyi

Kyoshi Frost Wolf

Kyoshi Frost Wolf

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