I couldn't really think of a good title -_- *sigh* There's no easy way of saying this, but lately, I have not been feeling myself. I've been contemplating on talking about this for a while, but after being inspired by Jeric's recent blog, I feel it is time for me to really open up and tell you what is wrong with me.
First off, and I'm going to be pretty frank here, but behind my upbeat sounding username and cheerful avatars and signatures lies a somewhat ugly truth: I am not happy. I haven'
Hello everyone. Woohoo here with another entry of Musical Manslaughter, because you can't spell 'slaughter' without 'laughter' and these songs are jokes.
Now with my previous entries, I tore apart individual songs. For this entry, I'm doing something different... I mean way different. I'm going to list the ten things in music that I hate. I may love music but there are some things in music that make my face go full on Yellow Diamond. Trying to find only ten things was a bit difficult. Also
*blows away dust* Whoa, I guess it's been a while since I've done of these... Anyways, hey everypony, Woohoo here with another Musical Manslaughter, because you can't spell 'slaughter' without 'laughter' and these songs are jokes.
Now I know it's been a long time since done one of these. It's mostly because I haven't found any songs that really make me angry. Then December arrived... and you know what means?
Yep, it's that time of the year. For the most part, I like the holi
The night I've been waiting for all year. The night I finally see Metallica live!
This is me. My hair's already messy from Avenged Sevenfold
The band performing the song "Atlas Rise!" from their latest album, Hardwired to Self Destruct. The stage is massive with a giant stylized M and A at each end.
"The Memory Remains", this concert will be a great memory.
Before performing "Moth into Flame," James Hetfield has to make sure his microphone is working,
What's up, everypony? Woohoo here and welcome back to Musical Manslaughter, because you can't spell slaughter without laughter and these songs are jokes.
This entry will be a little different from the last ones. With the previous entries, I tore apart songs from artists that I either dislike or don't care about. For this entry, I'm tearing into a song from an artist I actually like. Normally I talk about the artist after I present the song I'm reviewing, but like I said earlier, this entry
What's up, everypony? Woohoo here and welcome back to Musical Manslaughter, because you can't spell 'slaughter' without 'laughter' and these songs are jokes.
Hope you all enjoyed your Fourth of July, because there's no better way to celebrate our independence than gorging ourselves with hot dogs, guzzling down beer, and blowing up fireworks. Anyway, on to the blog. So with the previous entries, I tore apart a couple of popular songs from the current decade. Now there are plenty of songs fr
What's up everypony, Woohoo here and welcome back to Musical Manslaughter, because you can't spell 'slaughter' without 'laughter' and these songs are jokes.
Well, here I am once again, thankfully not torn into pieces. I was expected to be eviscerated by the Swifties here on the forums after I posted my entry on "Shake it Off." I guess there aren't as many Swifties here or maybe the novelty of the song has finally worn off. Anyhoo, on my last blog, I said the next song I would tear into woul
What's up, everypony? Woohoo here with my atrocious intro writing abilities. Anyways, welcome to the first entry of Musical Manslaughter, because you can't spell 'slaughter' without 'laughter' and these songs are jokes.
While I was planning MMS, I was thinking, "how should I kick off the series?" or "what song should I do first?" It didn't take me long to choose one. There is a song... a certain song... A certain song that infuriates me to unspeakable levels. It makes my blood pressure skyr
*blows dust away* It's been how long since I did a blog? Two months? That's not too bad. Wait, who am I talking too? I suck at writing intros...
Greetings, everypony, your friendly neighborhood Woohoo here. For a while now, I've been thinking about using my blog on a more regular basis. Up until now, the only regular thing I do here on my blog is "Woohoo Rewatches: MLP Seasons," which is way too infrequent if you ask me. After weeks of thinking of ideas (mostly thinking up of a title), I f
Wow, it's been a while since I've posted a blog. At least here I have something interesting to talk about. Anyways, onto the topic of this blog. Last weekend, I accomplished something I thought I'd never do... go to a concert. For the longest time, I've avoided going to concerts, mostly because of the loud noise and my hatred of being in crowds (mostly due to Asperger's). This year, I decided to give in and try since Rush, my favorite band of all time, announced in late January they were touring
As the year 2014 is winding down, I'll do a recap of it. It's like nobody else is doing it. Anyways, this year actually has been pretty good for me, both on the forums and real life. I feel I actually accomplished more this year than any past year of my life. Sure, I've had my low points this year, but they were relatively minor.
Last Year's Resolutions
Get a paying job: ✓I now have a job working as a busboy in a Courtyard Marriott hotel.
Lose some weight: ✓ Last year, I weighed about 176
I'm totally copying ghostfacekiller39 and Daring
Ready? No? Too bad.
I am 22 years old.
I live in Bellevue, Washington, a city of about 130,000.
I have Asperger's Syndrome (sounds like ass burgers)
I have never been employed
My political views are... fuck politics!
I'm an agnostic/atheist.
I drink Coca Cola, though I drink Pepsi if they only serve it at whatever restaurant I go to.
My favorite food is pizza.
I don't know my sexuality but I'm pretty sure I'm straight.
My fa
Here I go again...
Using only song names from ONE ARTIST, cleverly answer these questions. Pass it on. Try not to repeat a song title. It's a lot harder than you think!
Pick your Artist: AC/DC
Are you a male or female: Love Hungry Man
Describe yourself: High Voltage
How do you feel: Thunderstruck
Describe where you currently live: Hell Ain't a Bad Place to Be
If you could go anywhere, where would you go: Safe in New York City
What is your occupation: Ballbreaker
Using only song names from ONE ARTIST, cleverly answer these questions. Pass it on. Try not to repeat a song title. It's a lot harder than you think!
Pick your Artist: Rush
Are you a male or female: Digital Man
Describe yourself: Finding My Way
How do you feel: In The Mood
Describe where you currently live: Lakeside Park
If you could go anywhere, where would you go: The Fountain of Lamneth
What is your occupation: Working Man
Your favorite form of transportation:
BASIC: Name: Chris Nickname(s): I don't have any Gender: Male Age: 21 Birthday: December 17, 1991
LIKES / DISLIKES: Favorite Color(s): Black, blue Least Favorite Color: I don't really have one. Favorite Food: Burgers, pizza, bacon, pancakes, waffles, chicken. Least Favorite Food: Mayonnaise Favorite Band/Artist: Rush, Metallica, Iron Maiden, AC/DC, The Beatles etc. Least Favorite Band/Artist: Basically most pop artists now. Favorite Type of Movie: Animated, action, comedy. Least Favorite Ty