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On the subject of fluffy ponies

If you may or may not be aware of, there is a sub-group of bronies who have shaped this world of fluffy ponies. I believe it came from 4chan or /mlp/ (or are they the same? I don't know all that stuff there). Fluffy ponies are like basic level animals with very child-like speaking and thinking.   At first the art of these fluffy ponies were the most vile images imaginable. Physical abuse (beating), mental abuse (like putting food in front of a mommy and her babies then taking it away), bodily

Doctor XFizzle

Doctor XFizzle

Strange Occurrences

Something quite strange happened last night. I had thrown my dog outside because she barfed all over my room. About half an hour later, I went to go bring her back inside. When I called her, I did not hear the pitter-patter of little feet. Instead, I heard *whump... whump*, the long stride of a very large creature on the road. It wasn't a deer, nor a moose or an elk, because they are (obviously) quadrupeds. Their footsteps (hoofsteps?) would have sounded more like *whump-whump... whump-whump*. T



Losing Faith

Today I'd like to talk about something that's making me very sad. Some of you may remember my talk about Call of Duty, in which I mentioned that the series completely lacks any innovation from title to title, instead being content to rehash the same experience with some added features and gameplay hooks. Sadly, the same seems to be becoming more and more true of the New Super Mario Bros. series. Now, I've always held the Mario franchise in high regards, as all of its core games did a good job of



Thinking of making a gaming blog.

So, I'm a huge gaming nerd and I keep up with most of the big name titles that come up and I generally power through story lines pretty quick, so I could probably get a review for most games out pretty fast and be able to provide info on how to do certain things or answer random questions. I dunno. What do you guys think? Do you care about some guy's opinion on video games? (Most recently tore through Borderlands 2. If you're on the fence about buying it.... Do it.)

Shadow Chaser

Shadow Chaser

What is happening with me?

Did I write about sarcasm? I can't remember. If I did, I've gotta delete this. If you can confirm that I haven't written about sarcasm, please tell me so I can delete<<<this.   I'm so confused. So. Very. Confused.   I don't get sarcasm anymore. I mean, I get sarcasm. I know what sarcasm is. It's not like I don't know what sarcasm is. And I can do sarcasm. This ketchup is great! See? You know that's sarcasm. I can do sarcasm. No doubt about that. But when someone else is sarcastic,



"Normal People" will not like MLP FIM

There's a huge reason why a lot of people don't like My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.   You see there are lot's of people called "normal people" that hate fantasy/fiction things who are obsessed with things that are "real". So there's no point in even talking to them about MLP FIM. Not to say you should force anyone to like MLP FIM.   These people hate idealism, originality, and anything that may need to something which is not reality, which they don't understand straightaway means it: s




I just realized something kind of sad. My life consists of nothing more than waiting for packages. Everything I do online is basically just wasting time until my next package arrives. I'm pathetic...



A matter of the utmost importance!

Are you ready? Of course you're not ready!   Well here it comes...   What should I write about? I have no clue really. Yes, I just made an entire entry about how I don't have anything for further entries. Too legit to quit.   Also, some facts about my life. - I am hungry right now - I am bored right now - I am incredibly livid right now because I just got stonewalled on an important matter   Some simple facts so you can get to know me better.   Running out of closings for this signo



Such an odd feeling.

I'm starting to despise night time.   I am amazingly happy during the day, but once the sun sets, I begin to feel empty and sad.   Like, I am longing for something I lost.   I know exactly what I lost, but I know I will never get it back.   I tested to see if anyone would try to contact me today to just talk, like they said they would.   (They, being my friends)   My phone has been silent, save for the email notifications I get when I am brohoofed.   This makes me feel amazingly e



How far is too far?

So, I have heard of people doing some crazy things just to prove their point. If you believe in something strongly, of course your going to debate about it. But how far would you go to prove a point? Is that point worth losing friends and respect? And how far would you push it to get it understood?   I just recently lost a friend because of his retarded ways. He say a troll page and said it was very offensive to a lot of people. I said that I don't give a shit and I don't want any part in it.



iPad rant

I've had a first generation iPad for just over a year now, I was bought it for my 18th birthday, my younger brother managed to convince a few of my family members that I wanted one (which I didn't), don't get me wrong, I am grateful for my gift and if I could change it I wouldn't, it's just so damn slow.   I primarily use this thing for writing, web browsing and recently I've been using it for drawing, but I have noticed that it is rather slow, most noticeably when typing long sentences or loa



My confidence is skyrocketing, and my return to Critiquing.

Well, my good friend Samantha has been working extremely hard to get me out of my lonely shell, and become more confidence with myself. Today, I have showed real progress.   It all started in Art today. We were packing up to leave, and I had my headphones on my head without music going yet. Well, minutes before, we had hung up our recent artwork on the board for our teacher to grade. Well, this preppy asian girl walked up to the drawings with her male preppy friend, and they began to harshly



Photos I've taken!

So I thought I would put some pictures up that I have taken over the years, these are all around my place!   Sunset!       Cool color around the clouds!       Winter!       Awesome clouds!       Forest Fire!       Another sunset!       Pink sun, due to so much forest fire smoke!       Huge ass fire a couple years ago!       Moon!       So those are some photos! Hope you enjoyed!



Finally, a Cloudy Day!

I can finally get some good shots...   A foggy hill next to my house:   A panorama of my neighboorhood:   Only two months until I can use this mountain as God intended:   A barrel sitting behind my house:



Closet Brony?

I'm not sure as to if i should class myself a closet brony or not, i am openly a brony on the internet and the day following watching MLP i told all my friends and although they didn't really understand it i did ask them to check it out.   In fact the only people i have not told that i am a brony are my family. So what does everypony think? am i a closet brony?



Art Feature #13

Source: Clouds in the wind   Today I'm featuring a wallpaper done by Trixies #1 Assistant Leoc!   It is titled 'Clouds in the wind' and I love it, it all comes perfectly together, with Fluttershy's mane blowing in the wind, to the background of sky, a well done wallpaper!   Great job!



How do you feel after work, just what sort of work do you do?

Hey everypony.   I thought i'd pose the question juust where do oyu work and how does it leave you feeling afterwards?   Well I myself am a baker so most of the time I am quite Jaded. (hense my name) Being a baker is not all smiles and sweets like Pinkie Pie makes it seem (she's a pastry chef anyway). sometimes I'm up at 2am, 6am, 9am and it changes from day to day, week to week. I'm bucked when I have a 2am then a 9am and then a 2am following it, it gives me very little time to do anything

Jaded Avaricious

Jaded Avaricious

Max Veers is complete and utter scum

Just Google: my little pony Max Veers.   Has anyone heard of this vile scumbag Max Veers, who raped a underage girl?   And some so called "Bronies" are defending him?     The thing is, there's scum like this in almost everything. I'm, sure Serial Killers or rapists liked chocolate.   Sure the mass shooting in Colorado was done by a Batman Fan who thought he was The Joker.



Seriously? Cosecant? Really?

I'm not sure why you did this. I mean, come on! Christ. This is the worst.   Okay, let me tell you what I'm talking about. Now many of you will know sine, cosine, tangent. Fairly simple stuff. I mean, I get cosine and tangent. I mean, that makes sense. But where in the world did sine come from? If you know, leave me a hint. I've too lazy to bother with google.   But here's the real kicker. Secant is the reciprocal of cosine...come on now. What were you thinking! How....why? Trig is hard eno



C.Discord's DeviantART Pony Showcase: Entry 4

Be sure to check out my previous entries, too! -Entry 1 -Entry 2 -Entry 3   Whoo boy, haven't gotten one of these done in a while. As it is though, I've now amassed a whole legions' worth of new art on DeviantART, so I'm compelled to make another update. So, while Scootaluna rages over how I'm choosing to blog instead of roleplay our Scootalove story, here's C.Discord to bring more captioned pony artwork, to blow your socks off.   --   Royal Quality Time by WeirdoFish     "Fair sist



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