This problem is, I can't view the leaked video, even though I have the platinum membership. I mean, this gives me free access to everything, right? I mean, nothing new comes out of the membership and really, it looks like a scam, but you wouldn't do that, right?
Source: Season 3 episode 1 LEAKED
So, today is day I write my first blog. To be honest I guess I'll just use this to relieve stress. Anyway I guess the first thing I'll write about is why I hate my school. I go to a grammar school which is supposed to have the top 20% students in the UK but to be honest I feel like I'm surrounded by idiots. They hate me for whatever I do. For example today when I was in philosophical studies we were asked to discuss how we can prove that god exists/does not exist so someone said we can't and I a
I can't wait for season 3. So does anypony have a Time Machine or a Cryogenic Freezer I could borrow to send me into the future?
Time Machine user, I hate you! You no go to future, then go back in time bringing back DVDs from the future and share episodes beyond season three with us on Youtube and stuff?!
Instead of trying to throw this news out to everyone individually, I'm simply going to create a blog, and redirect everyone to it ^^
Also, nice Luna banner, excellent job, Dreamwalker.
Yesterday was going to be perfect, the kind of day of which I dreamed since I was small. But instead of moderating, spending time in Skype chatting, something horrible attacked my body worst of all. If any of you are aware what a kidney stone is, then I probably don't need to say much more. But for those w
It's been a week. A whole bloody week. I haven't gone to school in a week. And I just want to go back. I just want to sit at my desk and just study. I don't even particularly care how I do it. Book or teacher, either way works. I just need a good environment, which happens to be the school's library.
I mean, I have to go through 6 more days of this. 6 more days. I can't go for that long. I've got nothing to do. I'm just stuck here, with no one to talk to about anything that I find interestin
Don't know what Sensation White is ? Or just curious about how it's made ?
Well, check out this small documentary of the making of Sensation White: Source of Light
(There are subs on the vid, when they speak dutch, so no need to worry 'bout those )
Cell Phones have been toting cameras for nearly a decade now if not longer. The technology gets smaller and better and so we see an increase in the uber awesomezorz mega pixels and yet not one cell camera that I've seen has handled any lighting condition outside of flouresent or natural with any form of quality. Every picture is rather dark, a bit washed out (or sepia toned) and usually grainy. Why? Digital cameras aren't new. I understand that the actual sensor in a cellphone camera isn't big b
There's some crap I wanted to talk about, but the topics weren't big enough to make them each their own separate blog entry, so I grouped them all together. Here we go.
#1: This Forum.
In the four, maybe five months that I've been here, this forum has really become important to me. It's great to be able to discuss things with like-minded individuals. It's also very refreshing to see a forum on which fights don't break out every fifth of a femtosecond.
#2: My Brother.
My brother is
In the back of my mind, I've always wanted to start a Detroit sports blog but I was lazy. My laziness upgraded to thoughtful procrastination the past week, and now it recovered to reach minimal action status. This blog will be used to share my thoughts and opinions (and venting and whining most likely) on Detroit sports as well as some University of Michigan and the occasional hot topic from other areas of sports. I'm being thoughtful to my Facebook friends so they will no longer be inundated by
Look at this:
Then look at this:
My intellectual property has been stolen! It is explicitly stated in the fine print that all blog entries in blog "Teatime Tirades" is property of Whiteshade LLC, and may not be reproduced or mimicked without the express written consent of Whiteshade LLC. This is an outrage! Cease and desist at once, or face legal ramifications!
Before this wednesday, I need an Idea on a new topic to discuss. It can be anything future related that you have heard of or seen in a movie or something. Lemme know what you want to hear about so that I can do research and formulate my thesis!
so i this is my first blog and i really don't now what to do so ill just talk about random stuff each day cause well i have nothing else to do but make music, read, listen to music, then read some more cause well im not proud about saying this but i have no life the only life i really have is in books and on the internet is ill many be talking about stuff just random stuff and i may ask a random question every now and then
Octerror Fest 2012
You're invited!
Trick Or Treating, Missions, and Roleplays!
Trick Or Treat and gain special prizes, access the secret Haunted House, and customize yourself! With Missions, what happens when Halloween decides to take over the world and pits you against the clock? Or, what about when you're locked inside a party and forced to find your way out?! All while witches and ghosts are lurking around!
Okay I dont have alot of time so here it is. I need someone with Heart gold to trade with me. I have a vulpix I will trade for a Growlithe, Gorwlithe is my fav pokemon so if someone would give me their friend code I could Meet you and tarde Vulpix, for Growlithe. If you want something other than a Vulpix please say so but dont make it an insane request please.
Thank you VERY much if you can help me I have been wanting a Growlithe for a VERY long time!!
Lol... It's sunday morning and my mum wants to watch a movie. I have no idea what movie to pick. Could someone give me some suggestions?
Preferrably a horror movie, action-packed movie, or MAYBE superhero movie.
If anyone suggests Finding Nemo 3D I will obliterate you with my bass cannon :3
Kthxbai, Plox reply if you haz mewvie sugjeschun
i'm starting to do stuff i even can't remember i did. lol. i think it's because of my lack of sleep. and sometimes i tend to think that stuff is stuff, when its not stuff. and then i realize it in retrospect. but it sounded really smart when i said it. lol and i wrote some guy on the forums's name as a status update. and 5 mins afterwards i scroll down to look on the statusupdates and i'm like wtf.
i hope everyone is having a splendid day.
lol lol
lol lolololol lol lel
Ok, for anyone who is kind enough to read this, I need some help.
My grandparents have this Windows 7 computer. Right now, it has Internet Explorer on the computer. Whenever I try to download something, it says I need to buy WinZip. I looked around and apparently Internet Explorer just can't download stuff.
So I try to install Google Chrome. While it did install, I can't open it.
When I try Firefox, it says it’s downloading, and once it's downloaded, it doesn't even take me to the
It's my new favorite pastime (Other than the internet, of course.) For those of you who don't know (Which is probably all of you), Powerbocking is the sport which utilizes jumping stilts. The name is derived from the inventor of jumping stilts, Alexander Bock. Jumping stilts are stilts that let you jump up to six feet high, run at twenty miles an hour, and take strides up to nine feet. This is the most fun I've had in a long time. The feeling of being able to jump that high is indescribable. It'