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I Don't Really Know That Much, Do I?

Alright, sorry I had to finish yesterday TODAY, I didn't have time after dinner... Anyway,   So, I stayed on MLP Forums all afternoon, until my dad called me up for pizza. It was bacon cheeseburger. After lunch, my dad made me do all my late homework, which took me an hour or so, since I don't know diddly squat about division. <_<     After that, I had more internet time, and that's when I started this blog, and had to leave off for dinner. We went to a brewpub, and I had a really g



The small things

It's such a marvel to have such small things occur to someone, and they eventually build up into what I am feeling right now. Let's see, I can explain much more by telling you guys what happened.   Pretty much, after my girlfriend and I broke up (codename: Doppleganger), I was an emotional wreck. In the month of June, I met a girl by the name of Lexa. We both had serious problems, but we felt so much better just by talking to one another. We became very close, and I eventually started to fall



100+ Years of the Voice Coil

I find it quite astonishing that display technology went from a high voltage electron gun fired at Phosphorus on the back of a think glass vacuum tube to independant crystals moving in front of polarized film to individual lights on what is a glorified potentiometer. Yet, the humble speaker hasn't funademtally changed since its inception. It's still a piece of material connected to a coil of copper wire with current passing through it around a stationary magnet. The materials that make a speaker

A Blithering Div

A Blithering Div

Let the Self-Hate Begin! (Or, How I Finally Finished Something)

Well, while I'm here, I might as well whine and moan about how I keep myself from ever getting anything done.   So, in case my signature and About Me does not stress it enough, I'm writing a story. It's gonna be a bit longer than something I'd normally write...as in, a planned four volumes all tying into one main plot. Wanna read? Click the image in my siggy. But I didn't come here to advertise. I came here to pour my writing process thoughts onto paper. Er, screen.   It took me a couple of

Standard User

Standard User

Confusion, Insanity and Writing Blogs.

After an hour of confusion on what to write for a blog, I had an epiphany on what to write. Insanity and how it affects writing blogs. *Switches to Duncan's Voice* Why does insanity make blogs hard to write? To answer that, i'd like to ask another question, how does insanity affect humans? From my experience being semi to fully insane, it makes you act random and do actions you have no reason to do and have not sent a command to the brain to do. You are basically Pinkie Pie. And depending on




Congrats to Cloud Chaser, who got my 10,000 brohoof!   Posted Cloud Chaser on 01 September 2012 - 12:47 AM It's almost impossible that they would end MLP:FiM, a successful show that's making them a lot of money. My heart would shatter if FiM ended before it reached Season 6.   We planned that she would post in the General Chat Thread, but it didn't quite work out, and I decided to "end it" now. Still, it's a record (I think)!



Some Stuff About Me.

I guess I should start out my blog by telling you a bit more about myself than you would ever want to know.   Hi. I have a step sister, a half brother, and step sister's half brother. (I'm not kidding!) If you can't tell by what I just said, my mom has been married three times. That means my parents are divorced. Don't go around feeling bad for me. My life has been like this for as long as I can remember, and this has always been considered "normal" for me. I get to see both my parents, and l



Internet Anonymity. A Blessing or a Curse?

Note 1: I was going to write a reason for the options in the polls, but I'll leave that up to you. Note 2: I was not going to mention how I'm going to more regular, but then I realized that's a cry for attention, but I felt like writing that humorous comment (in my opinion) as a note,but I felt that the initial mention of being more regular was still a cry for attention, but then I thought that this analysis of my thought process unnecessarily takes up so much space and I thought that was funny




True story, you must read this! Tomorrow (Sunday), I will give out my 10,000 brohoof! TRUE STORY! So, if you want to see it, just be ready!!



Steam etiquette

Something I have been noticing lately, people who invite me to a game without prior conversation, without bothering to ask if I have the time, or if I was in the mood to play. This happens more often then I want to, pop up with a invite to a game.   It's kind of rude when you just invite without asking, ask first, then when I say yes, send me an invite.Not this, it's annoying. Because I often don't have time.   No, I am not going to shut down Steam for it. I have time to maybe chat, not play

Killian Jones

Killian Jones


I just wanted to apologize to those in the General Chat Thread a week ago when I posted a certain picture...   If you were disturbed byu it, I am truly sorry.   And to the mod who so quickly responded, good job. You guys act fast.   Of course, I won't let this happen again. It was a stupid lapse of judgement on my part.   Again, sorry.



Will redo NOVA later, start on HAMMERHEAD possible today

Well, looks like procrastination got to me again. I've decided to redo the NOVA because, TBH, it didn't look all that great to me. I'll redo it another, but in the meanwhile, I'm probably gonna make the HAMMERHEAD real soon, possibly today, even . I already got the basic design sketched out, now is to actually create the whole thing .



A wonderful day in Little Horse Town.

How about I tell you about my trip to Little Horse Town? I was going there to meet my friend, Salmon Pastry. I think she was throwing some kind of birthday party for her pet crocodile, Toothless. Anyways, she had invited all her friends. There was Scarcity, Dawn Brilliance, Celeryjack, Apprehensive Flitter, and of course myself, Fast Color Spectrum. It was a wonderful party and after it was over, we all had a wonderful group hug. And then I proceeded to fly back home to my wonderful home in Ashg



Tumblr and stuff

Most people see tumblr as a shit place to post stupid pictures about emo shit like being loved or alone and shit. Well, at least to me. If they wanted that, they should just get an instagram or whatever.   I like Tumblr because it gives me a place to post some random stories I come up with. And I hate people who only blog pictures and nothing else. Whats the point in just posting useless pictures that 100 other people posted already? Why not put meaning in your blogs like stuff with words?  



Hanging With Maddy :D

tonight i hung out with my friend Maddy. it was a great time tonight. i...i kind of niticed she smelled good tonight. like she had put on perfume. which i liked a lot like...a lot. she is extremely nice and actually very pretty so the fact that she wore perfume maybe just for me made me very happy. we had alot of fun. we played some video games and then went down to watch some MLP. it...it was really great. i had a wonderful. and i think ill maybe clean up when she comes over on Sunday. hopeful




There's a bit of a stigma attached to the thought of anarchism. Even for me, the first thought that comes to mind is men killing each other in the streets, cars exploding, and cities burning to the ground.   What is anarchism? I like this definition: "The belief that all existing governmental authority should be abolished and replaced by free cooperation among individuals."   Ask yourself why we need government and see what answers you can come up with. I'd assume things like... people

Titan Rising

Titan Rising

Stupid people at school

Ok today in school some moron in my biology class kept touching my hair saying it was soft and like the total moron my teacher is sitting in her chair being brain dead and doesn't do anything so next time he touched my hair (This may seem extreme). When the bottled up hate inside me was about to explode imagine a nuke with a fuse the size of a firecracker i swear i was about to shove this pencil so far up your a$$ engrave my name into his memory. I was never expecting something like this to co

Fallen Angel

Fallen Angel

The Most Awkward

The most awkward situation you can be in is tripping over a blind person's walking, feely stick thing. You can't say "excuse me" because they can't see you, and you can't really say "sorry" either. And the worst part is that this happens to me all the time, because three blind brothers all go to my school. Being in a crowded hallway is the icing on the awkward cake.

Discovery Dream

Discovery Dream

Short 10-Min Mix

Here's a short 10-min mix I felt like making.   http://www8.zippyshare.com/v/63404698/file.html   Tracklist:   Frontliner ft. John Harris - Halos Code Black - Lethal Industry (Bootleg) Adrenalize - Secrets of Time Audiofreq - Dance 2 Music



I Am Absolutely Exauhsted

hey guys me again with another what is going to be a part one to my day so far. and i am probabally only awake right now because im sitting up. god damn im a tired. as i said in my last post ii worked all last night and then today i had my school day. absolutely nothing happened but straight work all day. after that i went to my aunts again for another 3 hours. i may hang out with maddie later which is going to be fun as it always is. hopefully i dont fall asleep and i hope everything goes well



An Announcement with a Possible Record...

By now, most of you will know that getting brohoofs from me isn't special. At times, it may even be annoying. But soon, I have realized that I will have given out over 10,000 brohoofs.   That's right. You didn't misread that. I will have given out over 10,000 brohoofs. So, we should have some celebration and/or art contest and/or something else... And the winner if we do that will get my 10,000 brohoof...   We should send this to Feld0 even...   Anyway, yeah... pretty big news... ish...



Smuggler's and Customs

Once, I was a smuggler. And I had to get 20,000 pounds of hashish through the customs. I chose to hide it on me somewhere. But where? "I know!" I said. I'll shove it in my butt. After that I tried to leave the restroom but suddenly the door opened! "HEY! What are you doing?" the Gendarmerie yelled. They searched me. They looked in my pockets, they looked in my shoes. Down my shirt then down my pants. They even looked UNDER my ass, but they never thought to look IN my ass now did they? So they le



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