This will probably seem crazy but I swear to Lenin, Marx and God about what I saw last night outside my house, I need help identifying whether I'm just going insane or not..It seems like I'm going insane, but I am certain that I am not.
Okay so last night I was sitting at my computer desk drinking some vodka (One every other day, I'm cutting back.....don't judge me) when I heard a noise coming from outside. I glanced outside the window and saw the silhouette of a large creature. At first I
It's been a while since I last blogged... How's it going, everyone? :3
I'm usually a very, very shy guy. I lack confidence and I'm always worried about what others will think of me after every single word I say. Because of that, I hardly go out with friends. In fact, I hardly have any true friends with who I can spend most of the time together. This has been bothering me for years now, but I feel like I'm slowly fighting back my oh-so-strong shyness. Today was a bright example of
Let me make one thing perfectly clear: We weren't trying AT ALL with this video. We were just goofing around, and suddenly it became a movie. I put basically zero effort into the editing process, so there's some crappy edits and the like.
We're planning on making this into a series. The next video we have lined up will be "Cuddles: The Revenge", or "Cuddle Gear Rising" or some other lame movie/video game reference.
So without further ado, here's Rise of the Planet of the Cuddles (BTW,
So, as I said in the previous entry, I will be posting both today's and yesterday's entry in one.
Yesterday's Competition went surprisingly well. We tried our hardest, and it showed up in the scores. Yes, we got fourth overall in our class of five, but we got a superior rating, which is the highest possible.
The only problem I had with yesterday's competition was the lines at the concession stand. I stood in line for over an hour just to get a $3 sandwich and a $2 drink. Totally not wort
So, My school district's exam season is starting up, with two state tests in November and an ACT scheduled for sometime in December. This means my school/social life is going to slow to everything, but a halt. Since reality is going to be a bit more...for lack of a better word, Boring for a while I'll be living in these forums for a while. See you around!
P.S Here's a picture of Pinkie to make you smile today.
*In a dream. But please, don't let the shameless false advertising in the title stop me from sharing this totally loony story with you.
It's so ridiculous I have to type it out before going back to sleep, or I'll forget it or stop believing I ever had it. It also must be related in full detail, making it a bit too long for the "What Are Your Dreams" thread but ideal for a blog, so here it is.
I was over at a relative's house. My aunt and uncle's place , to be precise. It
So, lately, I've been playing Cubemen, a tower defense game available on Steam, that I actually bought a long time ago but picked it up again recently.
Quite a simple game, really. Cube-based graphics that are simple and do the job well, self-explanatory controls. There's quite a bit of game there for what you pay ( 5$ USD when not on sale), and it will keep you occupied for a while. Being a tower defense game, use of your brain is required, though as long as you use common sense when placin
I didn't post an entry last night, mainly because I couldn't. We had done the School Pep Rally/Parade yesterday, and it went really well. But then, when we went to the football game later that night, things started to go awry. Towards the end of the marching band post-game performance, (which I was in), I started to feel sick, and my vision got slightly blurry.
When we finished, and had gone off to the side to hear the directors comments, I had leaned over to catch my breath, only to find th
(Let me be clear, I'm not trying to sell a product to you with this post. I just wanted to share how much I love Air Trekkers.)
So I've been wanting to upgrade my jumping stilts ever since I got 'em. Sure, they work well enough, but this particular model was intended for tiny little imps (children) and as such, I couldn't reach the appropriate jumping height necessary for flips and the like. So today, I went to order some a new pair. had a clearance sale on last year's model
Hello everybody i was just wondering if any of you have used the music software Acid Studios 8 i am going to get it sometime this weekend and would like to know if its any good i was going to get FL studios but after spending 700 bucks on my new gaming computer that ain't gonna happen. I was originally going to upload a new song i made but i think i will with hold on that for now cause with this new software i am hoping to well do this .
And then i will total destroy my ears as i blast classica
Got the post-post (as in, after I had already posted it) review of the first chapter of OTSW. Mostly silly grammatical and fluency errors, with the occasional omitted word when I felt like it. But thanks to Shield Generator, those should be all fixed. That chapter looks so shiny and smexy now. Just goes to show what happens when you have a friend-type relationship with your English teacher rather than a teacher/student relationship: they joke too much in class and don't teach enough!
So yes,
Ah yes, I remember the days when you wanted to watch a movie and perhaps you did not own said movie. Well before Netflix neatly streamed thousands of flicks on to your television screen and you did not feel like paying full price for a movie you had to drive out to your local movie rental shop.
Within the last few years I've been tossed around to at least 3 different shops, each one having to close up shop to make way for the digital revolution. I guess its just typical of an ever changing m
I must say, that I'm pretty satisfied with this years DJ Mag Top 100. Last year was just ridiculous...
Anyways... here's the Top 100:
Lots of amazing hardstyle dj's on the top 100 list this year. And lots of other DJ's in other genres I follow :3
A new Star Wars Blog for all the ponies out there. I will be posting all the cool Star Wars video game reviews, action figure photos, Pony + Star Wars occurrences and other. If you haven't seen the awesome Ponies do Starwars video check it out!
Hey guys. I made a gif signature in photoshop, and it is animated when i hit the play button in the program. I made each frame set to "Do not dispose" as I am supposed to. I set the frame delay to 0.5 seconds, and I set the continuation to Forever.
Now, the point..
When I upload it to photobucket, it does not animate.
When I put the image on my signature, it still does not animate but I can still see the image.
Could someone PLEASE help me with this situation and tell me how to fix it? Th
I came across this passage on the subject of listening, and would very much like to share, for all interested.
"When I ask you to listen to me,
And you start giving me advice,
you have not done what I asked,
When I ask that you listen to me,
And you begin to tell me why I shouldn't feel that way,
You are trampling on my feelings,
When I ask you to listen to me,
And you feel you have to do something to solve my problems,
You have failed me, strange as that may seem.
Listen: All that
Seriously. Guys suck. Dating suck. Not dating sucks. It all sucks.
Now I am fifteen years old and I have never dated before. That isn't "cute" as one of my friends, not a "cute" situation. It doesn't mean I am "innocent" either. I do not understand how my friends who have dated since they were twelve can understand what my situation is like. Honestly it sucks. But seriously I try not to let it be a big deal.
Now no boy has ever confessed his love or his crush, asked me out or kissed me. Nor ha
So, as the entry title suggests, today was rather long for me. I started out waking up a bit earlier than normal so that I could print something for one of my friends. I finish doing that, and get to school, only to find out they weren't there. So that's a bummer. But I had an appointment to give blood at 8:30, so I got some time out of class, at least.
It was my second time donating blood, and it turned out better than the first. (I kinda almost fainted my first time xD) Of course, afterwa
Alright as it is nearing November, I have decided to write a blog about this.
The National Novel Writing Month(NaNoWriMo) is fast approaching November 1st to be exact. What is the NaNoWriMo. I shall tell you.
National Novel Writing Month is basically an approch to novel writing. Particiapants are tasked with writing a 50,000 word novel, beginning on November 1st and ending at 11:59:59 PM on November 30th. So how does it work.
1) You start by making an account here. http://www.nanowr
... I highly encourage you to read this article written by PixelKitties. It perfectly sums up what I have felt about this fandom for the last few months and I couldn't possibly word it any better.
For those who are apathetic towards clicking links, the content of the article is contained within the spoilers below.