Well it's been over a month since Muse's 6th studio album The 2nd Law was released. Here's my rundown of my track rankings.
Incomplete. Save Me
Incomplete. Liquid State
Incomplete. Explorers
Haven't really spent too much time listening to the songs Chris Wolstenholme (bassist) sings on this album. Didn't really get into Save Me. Liquid State is better than Save Me but it's okay. Chris' voice reminds me of Dave Grohl's a little bit, especially on Liquid State. These songs were written b
Okay now before you say "Ugh, a stupid 'I'm leaving letter'", listen.
I really need to spend less time here and more on my schoolwork, my parents are pretty pissed and some of my grades need some help. This is not a problem of not knowing but of not doing. I have a serious procrastination problem and there is nobody who will actually put in the time to help me so I need to take two weeks in the least to bring up my grades and work on my problem. I love being on here but I need to attend to my f
Found out i have 7 comic books dating back to the 1950s and range from Woody Woodpecker, Bugs Bunny, Yogi Bear, Jughead (What ever that is.), Tuff Ghosts, And Legion of Super-Heroes. Just thought id share the news.
Well, if you hadn't guessed by the title you must a little dim, I've made some progress with the currently unnamed Fic. I could do with a name, I just can't think of one...
Anyway, writing through a block with the help of a friend, I probably made a few mistakes.
I just really want to know people's reactions to this really, to know what to do next.
The basic plotline from here is: Two filly friends: Myst (earthen..It think..) and Stormy Skies (Pegasus) Go exploring, they get lost in the Ev
Sooo a friend of mine was going to get Halo 4 at the midnight release at a mall, but a guy at the mall parking lot was threatening to kill other people and himself, with some sort of sniper rifle, if he didn't get some drugs from the cops.
So they cancelled the midnight release along with shutting the whole mall down.
My friend was pissed and said he would go and kill the guy himself or get him to kill himself faster just to get Halo 4 at the midnight release.
Now why does shit like
I have just started playing Minecraft in a long time. I think I have gotten slightly obsessed with it again. I can't stop playing it, even at midnight. I think I might need some help to stop playing XP
Y'know, a concept such as video games is rarely used in the big-shot film industry. And, as a pure-full time gamer, that depresses me. But earlier around Spring this year, when I first saw the trailer for Wreck-It Ralph, I was instantly hooked. It combined two of my favorite things in the world, the wonderful team at Walt Disney Animation Studios and the immense world of video games. This was one of the best things to happen to me as a video game addict.
I knew that they were the right ones
Tonight I'm feeling romantic sitting all alone in my chair with my star wars action figures to comfort me (SARCASM). So why not start out with marriage, to drunk RD, and then on to some sharing and caring.
I've been thinking for awhile about conundrums regarding Stephen Hawking and his chair, and I have come to 6 possible conclusions, all startling, and some even a bit disturbing. I'm not sure which is correct, having never actually met the man.
1) Stephen Hawking is an all-powerful, supernatural being who runs the universe, but has been bound in human form.
This would explain how he always seems to know whats really happening in the universe. On January 8th, 1942, Dr. Frank Hawking and his w
Finally uploaded my Doom crossover MLP fic. Hope you guys enjoy it. You should be able to find it here:
Also, it would be helpful if someone bumped that topic. It's on the second page :/ You don't have to though.
Combat ATARI
Phoenix ATARI
Aladdin SNES
Pinocchio SNES CIB
Fantasia GENESIS
Dragon's Lair Sega CD
Macross comic in plastic wrap
Ramune drinks x3
Outside Con:
Monopoly GENESIS
iPod Armband holder
Also, I might make a forum post about the costume portions of C4Con, because it is way too awesome for a blog post! (Or I might change my mind...)
So, I was at Sensation White last night... only two words can describe it: Fucking. Awesome !
-Here are some of the pictures from last night, which I thought were good. Or at least decent.
Oh, and these pictures are shot from my phone. I wanted to bring my DSLR camera, but it was just too heavy to carry for like 8 hours while going crazy as well. Hope you'll enjoy the pictures anyways
Here are some official pictures from Sensation White http://www.sensation.
As I've said in my last status update, wouldn't it be interesting if we were the fictional characters? We would each have our own fanbase, fanart, fanfics, and all of that creative stuff. Serves as a interesting thing to think about, now obviously this is not true, but imagine if it was, oh the possibilities.
Pick a pony, now imagine that pony writing a fic about you, be it a dirty, depressing, adventurous, or any type really, if you could somehow know about it, what would your thoughts be?
Think about this... There could be as many different realities as there are different dreams. In some of those realities, someone has imagined a being or device that can travel between this realities whenever they want.
This means that someone or something could have broken into our reality and have already left. Wouldn't someone know that this happened somewhere or somehow. This is possible but it also may have not happened yet! There are Infinite amounts of other realities that could be st
name's slender.
but please, call me slender.
i don't like my other alias'....aliai?
anyways, i'm just here to talk about different such things to you guys who actually give a care.
....can i swear on this site...i hope so. there's some stuff i wanna get off my chest that requires some obscene language.
but for now....
I remember awhile back when my family decided to go to the movies, they all decided to see The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 1. Now I really don't like that series for multiple reasons so I had to choose another movie to see while they watch their movie.
To my dismay there was slim pickings at that time where all the movies were pretty boring looking. I asked for a ticket to see Paranormal Activity 3, not because I really care for the movie but its a flick my friends saw and enjoyed so I mi
Something weird has been happening lately. In the past month maybe my interest in things I used to love doing has been slowly dwindling. I've had periods like this before like say for a video game I no longer play but this seems to be on a larger scale.
The largest one I've noticed is my love for writing and reading. I used to love reading all kinds of My Little Pony fictions and would read them for hours, one after another, however recently I haven't really felt any urge to read them. They
i have a dog, and she is old, today i left to go do some errands and when i came back in the house (i forgot something), i found my dog trying to eat a almond joy...
i yelled at her, and she is hard of hearing, so she didn't hear me until i yelled, andshe jumped up in surprise and dropped the chocolate.
i cannot believe her. the chocolate was on the freaking table. she knows better!!
ugh i think she is trying to commit suicide srsly
Here's the original entry... http://mlpforums.com/blog/198/entry-1240-im-seriously-worried/
So we know what he ate know, and Archer is currently still at the vet.
He had eaten an elastic headband, a hair binder, and a chunk of a foam hair curler. He had surgery this morning, and I can have him back on Monday. Sisko is taking it pretty hard, he's still super emo