This is my first Blog Post, but let's not dwell on that. I just got the "Mass Effect Trilogy" today, I LOVE this series, I played the first Mass Effect in like 2008, loved it and loved the series ever since. I originally had "Mass Effect", never played "Mass Effect 2" or "Mass Effect 3". Not having played the 2nd or 3rd games there will be some surprises in there for me... kinda excited Here's the cover:
So....Awesome.... P.S. Shepard kinda looks weird in my opinion, but that's why they h
From 1982 to 1994, Bob Ross produced thirty-one television series based on alla prima, a method that allows painters to paint wet paint on top of each other, particularly thin paint over thicker oil paint. At the start of each show, the canvas will look blank or dull, mostly a white canvas (a black canvas at times). Less than thirty minutes later, Ross paints a beautiful masterpiece. But for him, there needed to be a start. This is the review for the biography of Bob Ross, called Bob Ross: The H
So, I got an award that I didn't want (it was for science, if you're wondering). Which is great you might say, but really, it's not. I mean, I doubt my employer will care about a certificate that I got in Year 11. But it gets worse (or better if you like laughing at mild annoyances). I now have to get up at 8am in the morning to go to school ( I had planned to skip it) to get a photo taken.
Life is a cruel, heartless bitch.
Also, that was sarcasm. Just in case that wasn't clear. I mean,
Hi there! I'm Twilight Circuits. It has come to my attention that your negative polarity caused by the inability to understand cause and effect, positive and negative, Love and Hate, especially love, has inspired me to bring you this special message! What message? Well, because you do not understand that i use video's as a way of my instruction, you are therefore, unaware that i must use a video to convey this message. Now, there actually is something special about this message. You actually hav
Festival music
"All we talk about is peace;
No one talks about justice;
Heaven for one, hell for another;
How many fingers are on the trigger?"
You know, this song has a really good point, everybody talks about how there should be peace and no wars, but there's something a lot more important than that, justice.
He sings about people that live in their hopes and dreams, and people that live in their plots and schemes; People that live to question but never get answers, and
but I just had to :3
I didn't get a kid's meal, I think, since I was 11 years old, and today I went to McDonalds and asked for one, and paid with my own money! reason? the toys.
It's been years since I saw interesting toys in the kid's meal (and actually never cared anymore), but they got these really cute pokemon black n white toys, I said to myself, I must have them, even if I'm not a HUGE pokefan, and I pretty much don't know about any of these pokemon, I feel like I must collect them al
I have great news! You see, because of what i know about the law of attraction. I can give special recognition whenever, to whomever, I want! Now, you might be wondering why would I write this now and not only that; who is it? Well, the great thing about this blog, is that i can link anywhere outside of this page i want! Which means even though time has passed the topic relevant to the link might be a thread on the forums might no longer talked about, it give me chance to teach a valuable lesson
There is something that has been of interest to be for a couple of months now. That is drawing. I would actually like to learn to draw. At least, better then I do now.
Right now, I can draw...ok. I don't think it's crap compared to what you could see, but it's just meh.
There are also these techniques I've heard about, like shading.
So anyone can help me, can you please? Maybe a good tutorial? As long as it's not an art class like in school.
Please and thank you.
At my school, the definition of "cool" is taking an eraser and rubbing it against your skin and see long you can go on without saying "ouch". But seriously, how the frickin' HECK does it make one cool to have a scar and say,"Oh look! I got it from rubbing a Pink Pearl eraser on my arm for 15 minutes!"?
Well hello again! This has been a fun journey so far hasn't it! Here for your first time again? Well, there's good news and not so good news. The good news is that if your here cause you like metal, then your in luck! If you don't like metal music... I'm sorry. It was brought to my attention that although ponies are enjoying the video's so far, whether they were made by me or not, there wasn't enough metal music and some ponies were feeling left out! That's terrible! No pony should ever feel lik
Moving, so damn moving
(Longer entry than usual, because this song is so damn moving)
This song... this... this song is just unbelievable, first off, it's from the best Reggae band I've ever heard, HaTikva Shesh, second, it has a wonderful athenic beat, and thirdly, it has ther most inspiring lyrics I ever heard, I swear to god, there is no other song I heard with a better message.
So, to cut the fangasming, it's appropriatly named "2602", as in the year 2602 in the future.
World: clynon city
Mode: creative
Today this morning I was working on a gigantic and awesome castle. It's not finished not, but it should be ready in a while. I was putting a ceiling on the castle with stone slabs. I put 3 trees on the roof as well as I made the bedroom
Thanks for reading my blog!
Finally, after weeks of prepertion and editing and shrinking down and blah, blah, blah...
Ok, so it's not MY guide, per se... I just got all of the information I could off of and edited it into a nice little document, put a cover page and a few pages of tables of contents, and printed it out. Took 54 pages... but hey, now I can start my tulpa! I just wanted to get all of the info on paper so I could read it without a computer in my face. I plan
There was a question and it went along like this:
From the graph:
a)i) Pick the top speed:
ii) When it happened:
iii) The position at the time:
And the answer that I got (and so did the teacher) was 8.5ms-1. The answer from the graph.
But the thing was, that the graph was from a table of values (given to you) and from those values the top speed could be worked out to be (distance and time was given) 11.5ms-1.
Now, a person wrote 11.5. Which was technically wrong. I mean, it di
Was going to wait till tomorrow, but ended up having to go.
They had like 5 TVs up in-front of the store, having the game on. There had to of been over a hundred people lol.
God I love this song so much. It's from the Israeli age of rock, the 80's-90's, basically, there is this singer Danny Sanderson, and he pretty much single-handedly brought rock to Israel. My parents loved his band, and I love his band, no Israeli that respects himself could ever dislike his band
Anyways, it's about this girl meeting an alien, he takes her on a trip on his spaceship. Pretty much it.
The title speaks for itself. I really like the game TF2 and I really like Heavy. I find him funny, tough, and all in all awesome. Now, if you will excuse me, om nom nom...
First day of high school swim team practice was today. You'd think that, after suffering through it for two seasons already, I would know that the first practice always sucks.
Always sucks.
But the little Kolth in my head was saying "Nope, this'll be fun! Truuust me." I should have remembered that this was the same little Kolth whose brilliant Spring Break idea left me without pants in eastern Canada with a crate of rubber chickens, but he's a silver-tongued devil.
Long s
Did you know that I read my own blog over and over? I'll bet you didn't see that coming! You see, the reason I do that is to ensure that a particular point or lesson comes across clearly. Which means, that if your reading this right now, you might be missing a valid key point in my material. Now for those of you that are here for the first time, are in luck because you can start from the very beginning and get everything all in one go. However, for those of you that have been with me up to here
world: sand land
mode: survival
i was playing minecraft and it was nightime, and 1 creeper i was hitting with my hand near my house, and the creeper blew up part of my house! i fixed it though. my house is made entirely out of sand, and i live in a desert, so it was easy to fix up. thats why my world is called sand land. anyway, later on i was killing a spider outsid to get string to make wool to make a bed, and right after i killed it, another spider came out of nowhere and it scared the livi
hi all you minecraft fans! i don't have the minecraft computer game, but i do have the full version of the pocket edition on my Ipad. im gonna tell about the fun stuff that happens when i play minecraft on the blog entries, including what the world is called, and whether it is a survival mode or creative mode.
example of one of my worlds below
world: sand land
mode: survival
thanks for reading my blog!
I can't dance to save my life. When did I come to this revelation? I've know it forever....
Dance Clubs.....Ha....sure love going to those. Especially when I can only do old fashion dances. I can waltz, and swing, and slow dance wonderfully in my opinion.
Yet when I enter a techno-pop kind of club that's when I start to hate people....more than usual.
Every dance I know is either sophisticated or really, really old. That doesn't fit in well...especially in 2012 in a dance club.
Entry number four! Who would have though this would get that big? I did. Oh I knew this was coming! Remember that part I mentioned about inevitability? No? Might want to go back check up on that one chief. Now it's been mentioned to me or at least asked; What are you, writing a novel? HA! You're funny. No. I am not. As an anti-matter of fact, I'm writing about the law of attraction in a certain way. Why am I doing it in this way? Oh that 's easy! I discovered that by taking advantage of somethin