I discovered the epicness of Minecraft last night. Now I want it.
The only problem is I either can't buy it (for my laptop) and I don't want to spend another $6.99 like I did for Need for Speed: Most Wanted for Minecraft for my iPad...
So much sadness.
I'm trying to figure out what to do now...
Well, all day yesterday and most of the day before yesterday I've been involved in certain legal matters.
Now, I don't trust many of you....in fact I'm sure most of you are planning to kill me and I only trust maybe one person and I think that person knows who he might be......so I won't say how the meetings went ( )
In the lawyer's office first thing that happened was a receptionist freaked out on me when I walked into the building with my revolver. Now my revolver was holstered but v
world: meep world
mode: survival
today i just made this world and i bulit a house from a mountain. right now its got my small entrance room with a crafting table, furnace, and a chest. My 2nd room is a mini indoor wheat farm.Since i don't want to waste my bone meal, im just waiting for ma wheat to be fully grown.?Anyways, later on i went outside and it was nighttime and i went to go kill some spiders and get the string to make wool for a bed. 3 creepers also blew me up and killed me.?it was at
Where I live, we've had a weird fall. It is November, as you know, and where I am it's been pretty warm, like 40s-60s. But in the middle of this span, the temperature dropped down to 0-10 for one weekend. We had THREE minor tornados that weekend.
Anyway, it was warm, got cold for a bit. Then it got warm again. So my tree, we named it Picasso, lost all its leaves when it got cold, 'cause it thought it was winter. But the weather actually CONFUSED Picasso, because now its budding, like its sp
world: clynon city
mode: creative
today i was working on i cruise ship i call minecran cruise line.so far ive made 2 guest rooms, 1 entrance and gift shop, and an art gallery. and while i was making my way to the sky by making higher walls. i started flying up and something i made caught my attention and it freaked me out cause i thought i saw a steve/herobrine.I was pretty relieved to realize that it was this random wool snake i made.?
Uh, this is a bit weird for me, considering I really don't know what to about when I made this blog... Uh...
I guess I can describe myself a little.
I'm 16, and I grew up in the states.
My fav ponies are actually Rainbow Dash and Octavia.
I only have a few items of pony merch: A blind bag pony (Lily Blossom) and a Octavia shirt.
My hobbies include roleplaying as ponies and playing some video games here and there.
I'm the front ensemble captain in my marching band.
Uh... That's a
Because I just started playing Borderlands 2!
Now every mp3-compatible device I carry has this song on repeat whahaha
Singing it aloud makes me feel BOSS too!
Welcome back or for a first of round two of Twilights feel good music selections. Not much to say as this is simply part 2 so let's have at er!
Wanna go somewhere?
It doesn't matter, this was too good to pass up!
(You may be asking yourself, "Why is he wearing that goofy hat on top of another hat?" I'm just as clueless as you are, bro.)
ive decided to nickname my pokemon in pokemon black and see what it is like. my tepig is named felix and my pansage is named cookie. i just started this game so i only have 2 pokemon on my team. anyways, i really have no idea why i named my pansage cookie, i just thought it sounded cute.And i named my tepig felix because i saw the movie wreck it ralph, and my fav character, fix it felix, i decided to name tepig felix, its cute and, yeah.... you know, fix it felix, amd tepig.... never mind. thank
world: sarcus island
mode: survival
ive been digging 2 block holes all the way down to bedrock and so far ive made 3 of them. ive been doing this so i can find some diamond, but god dangit ive found every ore: coal, iron, lapis lazuli,even redstone and gold. but no matter what i cant find any dang diamond. if you guys have any tips to finding diamond or obsidian easily, write it in the comments below. thanks!
Since a few of you wished to see my musket, I thought 'briliant Idea!' I also have a few pictures of my pistol.
Here is my 1853 Enfield @Dimitri, If it takes a while to clean your musket, use windex instead of water. Sounds crazy but it actually works!
If you can read it, it says "1853 Enfield"
Here's my 1862 pocket pistol. Not a big fan of them. They take about 5-10 minutes to load and about 5 seconds at the least to shoot.
Here's a view looking down the sights.
world: clynon city
mode: creative
ive just updated minecraft and they have some awesome stuff including seeds which i think are pumpkin,nether core,paintings, grass blocks,glowstone,and melons. i made my last room in my house a mini gallery, and i also made a mini pumpkin farm, as well as i made an art gallery and i also did my best to use all the paintings i could in the gallery. well, thanks for readin ma blog!
I am such a big fan of Kingdom Hearts even though I've never played the game before(I might get Dream Drop Distance for the 3DS this Christmas though)! My fave characters are Sora,Roxas,Axel,Riku,Terra,Ventus,Zexion,Xemnas(because of what his name can anagram into),and Aqua. If you're a Kingdom Hearts fan, who's your favorite character(s)?
Well, given my less than amazing forum revist, I wanted to do something for a section of the forum.
Seeing how Yu-gi-oh is finding its popularity once more, I wanted to setup a group for a popular website, which is an online version of the card game. The url is :
We already have a small group going, but we're looking for more members to setup in the skype group.
What I am planning on doing for the group:
Weekend Tournaments
Prizes of Some sort
Well, along with my absence, I have discovered an old love of mine.
The card game, Yu-gi-oh. I played this non stop when I was a kid (By myself of course), as I had no one to play with.
Well, at my school, the nerdy kids actually managed to bring it back. Now just about everyone in our town is buying Yu-gi-oh cards like crazy, and nerding out.
Well, I found a website where you can duel online, and I was wondering if there were any other Yu-gi-oh fans out there who wanted to set up ga
Prayer is Powerful. Just as your heart pumps blood through your body to keep your body alive, so does prayer and worship pump the Holy Spirit's presence into your soul. For if the heart stops pumping, how can the body survive? The heart is pumping the blood 24/7. The heart never stops, it always continues on. If you let that heartbeat die, it is possible to jump start it again. But if it is out too long, the body becomes cold and vulnerable to the elements. Such vulnerability can blind our faith
It's not as boring as it sounds. (Or maybe it is, I'll leave that decision up to you.)
You see this?
To you, it may just look like a super sexy 'do messy, unkempt mop of filth. But to me, it means so much more. *Oh cripes, he's getting sentimental about his hair. What's next? Confessing his love for that longbow in the corner?* To me, it represents a fifteen-year battle with my parents. I've always liked long hair. I think it looks good on me. My parents, however, seem to loathe
So, I'm a fan of My Little Pony. I'm here so clearly it's no secret. And I don't feel the need to hide it from my family because it's just a cartoon, so who really cares. Well, I operate on the forums in my spare time. I write MLP fanfics, also, in my spare time. And I play the new MLP Gameloft app game thing, in my spare time. Basically, anything MLP related, I do it in my spare time because I have other more important things to do.
Well, this week, the week of Thanksgiving, I'm at ho