Well I was scrolling through various forums until I found one particular thread that was posted yesterday, with no comments and barely any views.
This user who invested hours of work and devotion into this music they had made, had not one brohoof or comment on the thread he posted the day before. It makes me a little sad to find when people work hard on projects and try to share it with their friends and fellow bronies on this website, only to get no attention whatsoever.
All I'm saying
Here it is, I sit again
Still thinking, still wonderin'
As I oh so often do
But today anew
I start to see
The smaller things
Like birds that're singing
The whisper of the breeze
Fromm all around, these things, they come
And it is now I think
About the present and future, not forgetting the past
I think also about what I can do
About what I will
It is in these times that I chill, perhaps relax
And think upon
The things I've done
Here I am, I sit today
Oh so far, so far away
Here it is that I think aback
To my younger days, my simpler ones
You all know them
Before those days, I always wonder
What is it
That I could have done better?
I wonder so long, and oh so often
About these things
It's quite horrific, really
Some things are bad
And some are sad
But I'll always remember
The ones that were better
Times like these
When I again grow bored
Where I retreat within
Whilst climbing through
Near desperately searching
For something to do
When there's nothing to help me
When I have nothing to lose
It's these words I search for
But then, of course
The unwanted arises
These pictures I see
The things I remember
Always dreading
And always regretting
Within my mind
All around me
I see
Those with talent
Some without
They all say the same;
Have faith in oneself
But I question this
How can one have faith
When there's nowhere to put it?
The lights
They shine
In this hall of warmth
As time goes by
I begin to grow bored
As my attention, it fails me
I begin to block out
And as I ignore the area around me
The walls, they grow
The thoughts, they flow
Then, once tortured again
My mind goes numb
well I was gona make a rant about how Comics are returning to the horrid nineties but DeadPool #2 being good and that constant poping up of this topic here i am.
INTRO check
ok before i copy paste my response from another topic i will get it out now that yes i was one of those ignorant haters who complained about the start of the last round up, sure it was only about the use of the word Derpy i'm a ignorant hater who is up on political correctness all the same aren't eye despite being
I don't understand why some people feel the need to be such ignorant assholes and insult people just for liking something they don't like.
For example, I was watching this video here:
and I saw a comment from a hater:
This also applies to other things besides MLP. I can't go on a freakin' video of a band I like without seeing a comment from some asshole saying like "this band is gay" or "this band sucks." I mean, I have no problem with someone not liking something i
Well today I was bored out of my mind in math and began to day dream and think about stuff, one of them being the impact that these forums have made on me.
It seems strange to me, but I can't seem to imagine NOT logging onto this website everyday and talking to all of you and posting things and role playing and all the other amazing things that these forums have brought me. Not to mention some of my best friends I met on here.
It's been nearly four months now since I became a brony and j
So as you might know, or not know, I made a website called "Pony Roleplay" which was a website that offered MLP Themed roleplaying. It is closed for now though.
It didn't pan out as I expected it to happen and this is why, and the things that will change in the new iteration ( more about that later ):
I had no direction
Halfway trough the second iteration of the website ( which added a few new features and changed the database relations ) I had a greater ( and frankly better idea
Polish. An important thing in games. But how does one actually define it? I found myself having this problem earlier.
I mean, polish is a thing. It is variable. There is no single definition of "polish" when it comes to gaming.
So, I find myself stumbling over words to define it. Polish is an important thing to gaming. It can make the difference between a game being "just good" and a fantastic, memorable experience. It manifests itself in many ways. Some games polish comes from its visua
I slip into to its warm embrace.
I chuckle, a bit of my soul leaping from my lips as I do.
Warm embrace. I mutter to myself, shaking my head.
The night closes in and the wind whispers across the water. My hair falls behind me and dances.
My cold heart not even chilled by the cruel fangs of the air as it bites at me, trying to gnaw away at my shirt.
My mug has long lost it's breathe, too weak to stay awake in this weather.
I plead that smooth feeling to roll over me, to make this
I just came up with this idea. If I get 100 brohoofs or comments on this, I'll run through my local McDonald's and scream: "TWILIGHT SPARKLE IS BEST PONY, MUTHAFUCKAS!!!!" (With a mask or other disguise, of course, since I work there. It'd be a bit awkward coming in to work the next day...)
I'll make sure to take a video of it.
(Oh, and I'm not trying to whore out for a bunch of brohoofs. I couldn't care less about increasing my brohoof count, I just want to do something crazy like this.
Like a boss, I just put an epic MLP tattoo on. My friend made me. It is all her fault.
All her, Yup. And mine too. hehe.
She has a Twilight Sparkle cutie mark one on her arm, someone called it the Russian red star.
But now to more impotent news, Bronyclub (The club which Simply-Rainbow and I are forming at our school) was approved by the vice principal. I was so happy and nervous during the interview. Now we only need our teacher supervisor to approve or disapprove.
Hey guys! Check out something I have begun work on/started testing and screwing around with!
I think it sounds awesome, but the instruments could be better quality. :/ Too bad I don't have any much better than this. The drums in my opinion are AMAZING though!
EDIT: Well crap, soundcloud seems to have borked up my drums... Ah well, they still sound alright.
Well if you have read Rainbow Dash and Sonic #'s 1 and 2 you may have seen this comming. what if RD and Sonic well...(most of you are going to freak out when i say this) were a couple. know I know what was i thinking but, hay I have a pic for I gotta say somthing. (no i did not make this pic)
I say it's about time these 3 fellahs get their cutie marks... what do ya say? I am totally ready for more cutie mark crusading!!! YA!!! Let's fight the fight! Um...yeah sorry. Anyways...most people already have their predictions for what their cutie marks will be and well it's kinda obvious too. Scootaloo is great at riding his scooter (uh... scooter is in her name) and Sweetiebell is bound to have a cutie mark that has something to do with singing... remember how she sang that "Hush now, Qui
Apparently you can't put more than 2 media clips on a blog. So I will continue with this.
John Brown's March: After transposing this from a fiddle, it has become one of my favorite tunes.
Funeral March/Merry Men Home from the Grave: A sad funeral march (there's many of them) followed by Merry Men,which would be played after the funeral to I guess end the event on a happy note, t'would be bad for morale! Merry Men is a real breath taker!
Here are some more songs I recorded for the public's viewing! (Hmm, that sounds too posh :/)
Rogue's March: This was used to drum disorderly soldiers out of the army, or when punishment/executions were to take place. Don't ye just love the old days!?
Hell on the Wabash: A famous Union fife and drum song, and ironically, I didn't learn until recently.