Ok, I've been wanting to write a massive fan-fic for a while. Like I want it to be a very descriptive history of Equestria type thing, following one family through the years. I don't know if I should even begin to attempt it. What do you think? Has this been done before?
Yep, it's true. I use to be emo.
Angsty teenage syndrome.
I hope when you look at this we can all laugh together. (:
It's always amazing to see how much we change over the years.
I have about 3 fan-fics of which I wouldn't mind writing. Of course I'm not what one could call a great writer, merely an amateur. But none the less, I don't see why I can't exercise my writing skills. Just don't know which fanfic(s) to start. I'll just start one of 'em if someone asks me to.
1. A fan-fic about my OC, Golden Age. He is placed in the midst of one of the 'Changing Wars'.
2. Twilight is working on a time travel spell, and Pinkie being Pinkie, messes it up and they both are tra
Supposedly this is an unused song this guy found on the disc. What do you guys think it could've been used for? I believe it ties with the idea that Super Sonic would have been playable in the regular stages. If only I had the original disc...
The cold hates daisies,
Why shouldn't it?
After all,
It is the daisies fault.
It's the daisies' fault the ground runs white,
The mud turns dry,
The rivers don't flow,
The birds can't sing,
The daisies do it.
Why shouldn't they be hated?
It's the daisies who hide the sun,
They whip the wind till it howls so cold,
They bite the cheeks and noses,
They sing their soft tunes that make the animals sleep,
They horde the things we need.
Why shouldn't they be hated?
It's the dai
You want to know what sucks? Waking up at 4:30 AM to make a flight that is at 9:20 in a town barely half an hour away. I'm a growing boy, I need my sleep.
So now I'm sitting by the window in the airport, impatiently awaiting the plane that will take me to New Mexico and the National Junior Olympics race. (Plane just went overhead just as the intercom went on. Lol no one is understanding you, dude.) Got my short shorts, my RD tattoo (represent, yo), and comforted by the knowledge that I will
I'm aware that my blog posts tend to be less of a personal nature and more about rants than anything, this is not one of those posts, today I shall tell you about the events of yesterday, it was a rather eventful day, so I shall put the events in order.
As I do every Uni day, I got up and ready, sat on my motorbike and set off, however I didn't arrive at uni on my motorbike, or on time for that matter, as I set off down my road I hit a patch of ice and ended up sliding down the road, not a g
I've been raised to be sanitary. My parents made sure I cleaned, and that things like frosting or sauce shouldn't be on my face, arms, or anywhere but my mouth.
I was never allowed to play outside. I never played in mud, and I now avoid it.
Due to this, I play a sport I rarely play.
Now, imagine me hopping from patch of grass to patch of grass to avoid mud. Imagine me dealing with it playing soccer.
Measure that with an embarrassment meter, and see how much of
Well since this is my first blog entry i'd like to say thanks for the warm welcome to this great place. I have not regretted joining. I've already met quite a wonderful ponies here and i'm no newbie to posting boards. so for really the first time i feel welcomed here.
The first posting board I joined was one for Buffy the vampire Slayer way back when. it was a rather large board created by the TV station on which it aired. (warner brothers) And then when the show ended its run there the majo
so we have this Christmas spirit week going on this week. I forgot what today was, but when I got there in the morning, 2 girls had their hair sticking straight up. At first, I thought she was Marie Antonette, but then I realized she was portraying a girl from Whoville.
Oh dear oh dear, you are much too silly for I!
Please don't come near me anymore, you are much too silly for I!
Heh, ha-heh hoo!
Your smile so wide, your eyes so big, you are much too silly for I!
Hahaha heh-hoh!
Your nose so pointy, your fingers so short, you are much too silly for I!
Your teeth so sharp, your nails so long, you are much too silly for I!
Hahahaha heh-heh hoo!
Your tongue so forked, your eyes full of longing, you are much to
Jesus Christ, it's finally DONE!!
Have you ever heard of a book called "Night" by Elie Wiesel? It's a great book, one that I highly recommend. Or at least, it would have been a great book, had I not been doing a book report on it.
Book reports are, in theory, supposed to enrich your understanding of the book, thus boosting your enjoyment and comprehension of it. However, they seem to do the exact opposite. You can't enjoy the book, because you're too busy searching for the answers to spe
So I'm sure you've seen posts on youtube, or other sites of people saying something using names of songs, or possibly even something else. I made one in a few minutes, and put it up for the heck of it. Here it is:
I am LOST IN THE ECHO...BURNING IN THE SKIES all around me.. I've GIVEN UP, IN PIECES. I've become FAINT, with NO MORE SORROW. Now I'm just WAITING FOR THE END...to go SOMEWHERE I BELONG. I'll bring everything FROM THE INSIDE, and LEAVE OUT ALL THE REST. And now I'm ready, to cros
So, I thought I'd give the new design a go in After Effects to see how it'd look with some effects. Added and edited a few things on the design as well.
What do y'all think ? :3
This is my website I made (and might continue to make) for a Web Development class. While a glance at the source code my make some of you facepalm, remember that I was on a very tight schedule to get this finished, so I had to use simpler/stupider/crappy methods to do a few things where I'd have rather done something much different, but didn't have time to learn how to do it right. There were also a few minor yet stubborn bugs that I eventually just said "fuck it" to and left there. Unintentiona
So, it's 7:17AM here in Texas. I feel a bit drowsy, but overall I feel that today should be a good day!
I've actually gotten a job since my last entry. :3 I work at a pizza place called Papa Murphy's. The people there are so fun to be around! I have yet to have a day where I dread going to work with these people, if anything it's the other way around. I like going to work, BECAUSE of the people I work with! Is that weird?
There's something i'd like to say to everypony here on the forums, Goodbye. I'm going to be leaving for awhile. Till further notice, I'll be away from the forums. If any of you wish to contact me please do so at one of following.
Skype: saltyadam
Deviantart: saltyadam
Youtube: AppleTreeBrony
I'll be back one day! Don't you worry!
(Also, a note to RedTheBrony, Contact me through my youtube through the Personal Messager)
Well, I have been gone from the site for a month or so now, so I'd might as well confirm it: I've basically left the community. Fun time while it lasted, now it's time to move on. Good luck to all that remain. You can keep in touch with me on https://twitter.com/TheAshbad and https://www.facebook.com/theashbad .
Now then, there's a really awkward girl I know.
She's probably my best friend in school, but she tends to playfully act violent.
Just things like smacking or kicking me- but it really hasn't hurt that much.
But now she took it too far today and jabbed me with a pencil. Now, that sh hurts.
Course we already made up, but I'm sure she'll do something similar soon.
I want to stop her before she does anything dumb like today.
I don't really want to lecture her, too. Besides, telling her t
Ke$ha's latest album, Warrior, dropped a few days ago (her second studio album and the first release of new material since the release of Cannibal in 2010) and I'm here to inspect each track!
1. Warrior - 7/10
The record starts off with a song that I can see topping the Billboard 100, or at least the Top 3. The hook is addictive and catchy, although the beat and technical effects feel very cliche and generic. This is typical Ke$ha, although there's something missing from this track that I
What's your fave anime? If you would like to see them as ponies post the anime and I will try to make it a entry as soon as posible. Thanks for posting
Well yesterday I was training my pokemon and they reached level 38 now.i battled the kimono girls and they're really hard. You have to battle 5 of them without resting your pokemon! So the 1st one had an umbreon, which wasn't too hard, I took it out with my weepinbell. Then I battled the 2nd kimono girl, that had an espeon I fainted with my feraligatr and his shadow claw.3rd .sent out flareon, which I obviously took out with feraligatr and his hydro cannon, the most powerful water type move. Nex